// Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Brian Wellington (bwelling@xbill.org)
package org.xbill.DNS;
* Constants relating to the credibility of cached data, which is based on
* the data's source. The constants NORMAL and ANY should be used by most
* callers.
* @see Cache
* @see Section
* @author Brian Wellington
public final class Credibility {
Credibility() {}
/** A hint or cache file on disk. */
public static final int HINT = 0;
/** The additional section of a response. */
public static final int ADDITIONAL = 1;
/** The additional section of a response. */
public static final int GLUE = 2;
/** The authority section of a nonauthoritative response. */
public static final int NONAUTH_AUTHORITY = 3;
/** The answer section of a nonauthoritative response. */
public static final int NONAUTH_ANSWER = 3;
/** The authority section of an authoritative response. */
public static final int AUTH_AUTHORITY = 4;
/** The answer section of a authoritative response. */
public static final int AUTH_ANSWER = 4;
/** A zone. */
public static final int ZONE = 5;
/** Credible data. */
public static final int NORMAL = 3;
/** Data not required to be credible. */
public static final int ANY = 1;