# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import random
import unittest
from metrics.rendering_stats import RenderingStats
from telemetry.core.timeline import model
class MockTimer(object):
"""A mock timer class which can generate random durations.
An instance of this class is used as a global timer to generate random
durations for stats and consistent timestamps for all mock trace events.
The unit of time is milliseconds.
def __init__(self):
self.milliseconds = 0
def Get(self):
return self.milliseconds
def Advance(self, low=0, high=1):
delta = random.uniform(low, high)
self.milliseconds += delta
return delta
class ReferenceRenderingStats(object):
""" Stores expected data for comparison with actual RenderingStats """
def __init__(self):
self.frame_timestamps = []
self.frame_times = []
self.paint_time = []
self.painted_pixel_count = []
self.record_time = []
self.recorded_pixel_count = []
self.rasterize_time = []
self.rasterized_pixel_count = []
def AddMainThreadRenderingStats(mock_timer, thread, first_frame,
ref_stats = None):
""" Adds a random main thread rendering stats event.
thread: The timeline model thread to which the event will be added.
first_frame: Is this the first frame within the bounds of an action?
ref_stats: A ReferenceRenderingStats object to record expected values.
# Create randonm data and timestap for main thread rendering stats.
data = { 'frame_count': 0,
'paint_time': 0.0,
'painted_pixel_count': 0,
'record_time': mock_timer.Advance(2, 4) / 1000.0,
'recorded_pixel_count': 3000*3000 }
timestamp = mock_timer.Get()
# Add a slice with the event data to the given thread.
'benchmark', 'BenchmarkInstrumentation::MainThreadRenderingStats',
timestamp, duration=0.0, thread_timestamp=None, thread_duration=None,
args={'data': data})
if not ref_stats:
# Add timestamp only if a frame was output
if data['frame_count'] == 1:
if not first_frame:
# Add frame_time if this is not the first frame in within the bounds of an
# action.
prev_timestamp = ref_stats.frame_timestamps[-1]
ref_stats.frame_times.append(round(timestamp - prev_timestamp, 2))
ref_stats.paint_time.append(data['paint_time'] * 1000.0)
ref_stats.record_time.append(data['record_time'] * 1000.0)
def AddImplThreadRenderingStats(mock_timer, thread, first_frame,
ref_stats = None):
""" Adds a random impl thread rendering stats event.
thread: The timeline model thread to which the event will be added.
first_frame: Is this the first frame within the bounds of an action?
ref_stats: A ReferenceRenderingStats object to record expected values.
# Create randonm data and timestap for impl thread rendering stats.
data = { 'frame_count': 1,
'rasterize_time': mock_timer.Advance(5, 10) / 1000.0,
'rasterized_pixel_count': 1280*720 }
timestamp = mock_timer.Get()
# Add a slice with the event data to the given thread.
'benchmark', 'BenchmarkInstrumentation::ImplThreadRenderingStats',
timestamp, duration=0.0, thread_timestamp=None, thread_duration=None,
args={'data': data})
if not ref_stats:
# Add timestamp only if a frame was output
if data['frame_count'] == 1:
if not first_frame:
# Add frame_time if this is not the first frame in within the bounds of an
# action.
prev_timestamp = ref_stats.frame_timestamps[-1]
ref_stats.frame_times.append(round(timestamp - prev_timestamp, 2))
ref_stats.rasterize_time.append(data['rasterize_time'] * 1000.0)
class RenderingStatsUnitTest(unittest.TestCase):
def testFromTimeline(self):
timeline = model.TimelineModel()
# Create a browser process and a renderer process, and a main thread and
# impl thread for each.
browser = timeline.GetOrCreateProcess(pid = 1)
browser_main = browser.GetOrCreateThread(tid = 11)
browser_compositor = browser.GetOrCreateThread(tid = 12)
renderer = timeline.GetOrCreateProcess(pid = 2)
renderer_main = renderer.GetOrCreateThread(tid = 21)
renderer_compositor = renderer.GetOrCreateThread(tid = 22)
timer = MockTimer()
ref_stats = ReferenceRenderingStats()
# Create 10 main and impl rendering stats events for Action A.
renderer_main.BeginSlice('webkit.console', 'ActionA', timer.Get(), '')
for i in xrange(0, 10):
first = (i == 0)
AddMainThreadRenderingStats(timer, renderer_main, first, ref_stats)
AddImplThreadRenderingStats(timer, renderer_compositor, first, ref_stats)
AddMainThreadRenderingStats(timer, browser_main, first, None)
AddImplThreadRenderingStats(timer, browser_compositor, first, None)
# Create 5 main and impl rendering stats events not within any action.
for i in xrange(0, 5):
first = (i == 0)
AddMainThreadRenderingStats(timer, renderer_main, first, None)
AddImplThreadRenderingStats(timer, renderer_compositor, first, None)
AddMainThreadRenderingStats(timer, browser_main, first, None)
AddImplThreadRenderingStats(timer, browser_compositor, first, None)
# Create 10 main and impl rendering stats events for Action B.
renderer_main.BeginSlice('webkit.console', 'ActionB', timer.Get(), '')
for i in xrange(0, 10):
first = (i == 0)
AddMainThreadRenderingStats(timer, renderer_main, first, ref_stats)
AddImplThreadRenderingStats(timer, renderer_compositor, first, ref_stats)
AddMainThreadRenderingStats(timer, browser_main, first, None)
AddImplThreadRenderingStats(timer, browser_compositor, first, None)
# Create 10 main and impl rendering stats events for Action A.
renderer_main.BeginSlice('webkit.console', 'ActionA', timer.Get(), '')
for i in xrange(0, 10):
first = (i == 0)
AddMainThreadRenderingStats(timer, renderer_main, first, ref_stats)
AddImplThreadRenderingStats(timer, renderer_compositor, first, ref_stats)
AddMainThreadRenderingStats(timer, browser_main, first, None)
AddImplThreadRenderingStats(timer, browser_compositor, first, None)
timeline_markers = timeline.FindTimelineMarkers(
['ActionA', 'ActionB', 'ActionA'])
stats = RenderingStats(renderer, timeline_markers)
# Compare rendering stats to reference.
self.assertEquals(stats.frame_timestamps, ref_stats.frame_timestamps)
self.assertEquals(stats.frame_times, ref_stats.frame_times)
self.assertEquals(stats.rasterize_time, ref_stats.rasterize_time)
self.assertEquals(stats.paint_time, ref_stats.paint_time)
self.assertEquals(stats.painted_pixel_count, ref_stats.painted_pixel_count)
self.assertEquals(stats.record_time, ref_stats.record_time)