// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Definition of PreamblePatcher
#include <windows.h>
// compatibility shim
#include "base/logging.h"
#define ASSERT(cond, msg) DCHECK(cond)
#define ASSERT1(cond) DCHECK(cond)
// Maximum size of the preamble stub. We overwrite at least the first 5
// bytes of the function. Considering the worst case scenario, we need 4
// bytes + the max instruction size + 5 more bytes for our jump back to
// the original code. With that in mind, 32 is a good number :)
namespace sidestep {
// Possible results of patching/unpatching
enum SideStepError {
#define SIDESTEP_TO_HRESULT(error) \
// Implements a patching mechanism that overwrites the first few bytes of
// a function preamble with a jump to our hook function, which is then
// able to call the original function via a specially-made preamble-stub
// that imitates the action of the original preamble.
// NOTE: This patching mechanism should currently only be used for
// non-production code, e.g. unit tests, because it is not threadsafe.
// See the TODO in preamble_patcher_with_stub.cc for instructions on what
// we need to do before using it in production code; it's fairly simple
// but unnecessary for now since we only intend to use it in unit tests.
// To patch a function, use either of the typesafe Patch() methods. You
// can unpatch a function using Unpatch().
// Typical usage goes something like this:
// @code
// typedef int (*MyTypesafeFuncPtr)(int x);
// MyTypesafeFuncPtr original_func_stub;
// int MyTypesafeFunc(int x) { return x + 1; }
// int HookMyTypesafeFunc(int x) { return 1 + original_func_stub(x); }
// void MyPatchInitializingFunction() {
// original_func_stub = PreamblePatcher::Patch(
// MyTypesafeFunc, HookMyTypesafeFunc);
// if (!original_func_stub) {
// // ... error handling ...
// }
// // ... continue - you have patched the function successfully ...
// }
// @endcode
// Note that there are a number of ways that this method of patching can
// fail. The most common are:
// - If there is a jump (jxx) instruction in the first 5 bytes of
// the function being patched, we cannot patch it because in the
// current implementation we do not know how to rewrite relative
// jumps after relocating them to the preamble-stub. Note that
// if you really really need to patch a function like this, it
// would be possible to add this functionality (but at some cost).
// - If there is a return (ret) instruction in the first 5 bytes
// we cannot patch the function because it may not be long enough
// for the jmp instruction we use to inject our patch.
// - If there is another thread currently executing within the bytes
// that are copied to the preamble stub, it will crash in an undefined
// way.
// If you get any other error than the above, you're either pointing the
// patcher at an invalid instruction (e.g. into the middle of a multi-
// byte instruction, or not at memory containing executable instructions)
// or, there may be a bug in the disassembler we use to find
// instruction boundaries.
// NOTE: In optimized builds, when you have very trivial functions that
// the compiler can reason do not have side effects, the compiler may
// reuse the result of calling the function with a given parameter, which
// may mean if you patch the function in between your patch will never get
// invoked. See preamble_patcher_test.cc for an example.
class PreamblePatcher {
// This is a typesafe version of RawPatch(), identical in all other
// ways than it takes a template parameter indicating the type of the
// function being patched.
// @param T The type of the function you are patching. Usually
// you will establish this type using a typedef, as in the following
// example:
// @code
// typedef BOOL (WINAPI *MessageBoxPtr)(HWND, LPCTSTR, LPCTSTR, UINT);
// MessageBoxPtr original = NULL;
// PreamblePatcher::Patch(MessageBox, Hook_MessageBox, &original);
// @endcode
template <class T>
static SideStepError Patch(T target_function,
T replacement_function,
T* original_function_stub) {
// NOTE: casting from a function to a pointer is contra the C++
// spec. It's not safe on IA64, but is on i386. We use
// a C-style cast here to emphasize this is not legal C++.
return RawPatch((void*)(target_function),
// Patches a named function imported from the named module using
// preamble patching. Uses RawPatch() to do the actual patching
// work.
// @param T The type of the function you are patching. Must
// exactly match the function you specify using module_name and
// function_name.
// @param module_name The name of the module from which the function
// is being imported. Note that the patch will fail if this module
// has not already been loaded into the current process.
// @param function_name The name of the function you wish to patch.
// @param replacement_function Your replacement function which
// will be called whenever code tries to call the original function.
// @param original_function_stub Pointer to memory that should receive a
// pointer that can be used (e.g. in the replacement function) to call the
// original function, or NULL to indicate failure.
// @return One of the EnSideStepError error codes; only SIDESTEP_SUCCESS
// indicates success.
template <class T>
static SideStepError Patch(LPCTSTR module_name,
LPCSTR function_name,
T replacement_function,
T* original_function_stub) {
ASSERT1(module_name && function_name);
if (!module_name || !function_name) {
"You must specify a module name and function name.");
HMODULE module = ::GetModuleHandle(module_name);
ASSERT1(module != NULL);
if (!module) {
ASSERT(false, "Invalid module name.");
FARPROC existing_function = ::GetProcAddress(module, function_name);
if (!existing_function) {
// NOTE: casting from a function to a pointer is contra the C++
// spec. It's not safe on IA64, but is on i386. We use
// a C-style cast here to emphasize this is not legal C++.
return RawPatch((void*)existing_function, (void*)replacement_function,
// Patches a function by overwriting its first few bytes with
// a jump to a different function. This is the "worker" function
// for each of the typesafe Patch() functions. In most cases,
// it is preferable to use the Patch() functions rather than
// this one as they do more checking at compile time.
// @param target_function A pointer to the function that should be
// patched.
// @param replacement_function A pointer to the function that should
// replace the target function. The replacement function must have
// exactly the same calling convention and parameters as the original
// function.
// @param original_function_stub Pointer to memory that should receive a
// pointer that can be used (e.g. in the replacement function) to call the
// original function, or NULL to indicate failure.
// @param original_function_stub Pointer to memory that should receive a
// pointer that can be used (e.g. in the replacement function) to call the
// original function, or NULL to indicate failure.
// @return One of the EnSideStepError error codes; only SIDESTEP_SUCCESS
// indicates success.
// @note The preamble-stub (the memory pointed to by
// *original_function_stub) is allocated on the heap, and (in
// production binaries) never destroyed, resulting in a memory leak. This
// will be the case until we implement safe unpatching of a method.
// However, it is quite difficult to unpatch a method (because other
// threads in the process may be using it) so we are leaving it for now.
// See however UnsafeUnpatch, which can be used for binaries where you
// know only one thread is running, e.g. unit tests.
static SideStepError RawPatch(void* target_function,
void* replacement_function,
void** original_function_stub);
// Unpatches target_function and deletes the stub that previously could be
// used to call the original version of the function.
// DELETES the stub that is passed to the function.
// @param target_function Pointer to the target function which was
// previously patched, i.e. a pointer which value should match the value
// of the symbol prior to patching it.
// @param replacement_function Pointer to the function target_function
// was patched to.
// @param original_function_stub Pointer to the stub returned when
// patching, that could be used to call the original version of the
// patched function. This function will also delete the stub, which after
// unpatching is useless.
// If your original call was
// origptr = Patch(VirtualAlloc, MyVirtualAlloc)
// then to undo it you would call
// Unpatch(VirtualAlloc, MyVirtualAlloc, origptr);
// @return One of the EnSideStepError error codes; only SIDESTEP_SUCCESS
// indicates success.
static SideStepError Unpatch(void* target_function,
void* replacement_function,
void* original_function_stub);
// Patches a function by overwriting its first few bytes with
// a jump to a different function. This is similar to the RawPatch
// function except that it uses the stub allocated by the caller
// instead of allocating it.
// We call VirtualProtect to make the
// target function writable at least for the duration of the call.
// @param target_function A pointer to the function that should be
// patched.
// @param replacement_function A pointer to the function that should
// replace the target function. The replacement function must have
// exactly the same calling convention and parameters as the original
// function.
// @param preamble_stub A pointer to a buffer where the preamble stub
// should be copied. The size of the buffer should be sufficient to
// hold the preamble bytes.
// @param stub_size Size in bytes of the buffer allocated for the
// preamble_stub
// @param bytes_needed Pointer to a variable that receives the minimum
// number of bytes required for the stub. Can be set to NULL if you're
// not interested.
// @return An error code indicating the result of patching.
static SideStepError RawPatchWithStubAndProtections(void* target_function,
void *replacement_function,
unsigned char* preamble_stub,
unsigned long stub_size,
unsigned long* bytes_needed);
// A helper function used by RawPatchWithStubAndProtections -- it does
// everything but the VirtualProtect wsork. Defined in
// preamble_patcher_with_stub.cc.
static SideStepError RawPatchWithStub(void* target_function,
void *replacement_function,
unsigned char* preamble_stub,
unsigned long stub_size,
unsigned long* bytes_needed);
}; // namespace sidestep