# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import bisect
import re
_ARGUMENT_TYPE_PATTERN = re.compile('\([^()]*\)(\s*const)?')
_TEMPLATE_ARGUMENT_PATTERN = re.compile('<[^<>]*>')
_LEADING_TYPE_PATTERN = re.compile('^.*\s+(\w+::)')
class ParsingException(Exception):
def __str__(self):
return repr(self.args[0])
class AddressMapping(object):
def __init__(self):
self._symbol_map = {}
def append(self, start, entry):
self._symbol_map[start] = entry
def find(self, address):
return self._symbol_map.get(address)
class RangeAddressMapping(AddressMapping):
def __init__(self):
super(RangeAddressMapping, self).__init__()
self._sorted_start_list = []
self._is_sorted = True
def append(self, start, entry):
if self._sorted_start_list:
if self._sorted_start_list[-1] > start:
self._is_sorted = False
elif self._sorted_start_list[-1] == start:
self._symbol_map[start] = entry
def find(self, address):
if not self._sorted_start_list:
return None
if not self._is_sorted:
self._is_sorted = True
found_index = bisect.bisect_left(self._sorted_start_list, address)
found_start_address = self._sorted_start_list[found_index - 1]
return self._symbol_map[found_start_address]
class Procedure(object):
"""A class for a procedure symbol and an address range for the symbol."""
def __init__(self, start, end, name):
self.start = start
self.end = end
self.name = name
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self.start == other.start and
self.end == other.end and
self.name == other.name)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __str__(self):
return '%x-%x: %s' % (self.start, self.end, self.name)
class ElfSection(object):
"""A class for an elf section header."""
def __init__(
self, number, name, stype, address, offset, size, es, flg, lk, inf, al):
self.number = number
self.name = name
self.stype = stype
self.address = address
self.offset = offset
self.size = size
self.es = es
self.flg = flg
self.lk = lk
self.inf = inf
self.al = al
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self.number == other.number and
self.name == other.name and
self.stype == other.stype and
self.address == other.address and
self.offset == other.offset and
self.size == other.size and
self.es == other.es and
self.flg == other.flg and
self.lk == other.lk and
self.inf == other.inf and
self.al == other.al)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __str__(self):
return '%x+%x(%x) %s' % (self.address, self.size, self.offset, self.name)
class StaticSymbolsInFile(object):
"""Represents static symbol information in a binary file."""
def __init__(self, my_name):
self.my_name = my_name
self._elf_sections = []
self._procedures = RangeAddressMapping()
self._sourcefiles = RangeAddressMapping()
self._typeinfos = AddressMapping()
def _append_elf_section(self, elf_section):
def _append_procedure(self, start, procedure):
self._procedures.append(start, procedure)
def _append_sourcefile(self, start, sourcefile):
self._sourcefiles.append(start, sourcefile)
def _append_typeinfo(self, start, typeinfo):
self._typeinfos.append(start, typeinfo)
def _find_symbol_by_runtime_address(self, address, vma, target):
if not (vma.begin <= address < vma.end):
return None
if vma.name != self.my_name:
return None
file_offset = address - (vma.begin - vma.offset)
elf_address = None
for section in self._elf_sections:
if section.offset <= file_offset < (section.offset + section.size):
elf_address = section.address + file_offset - section.offset
if not elf_address:
return None
return target.find(elf_address)
def find_procedure_by_runtime_address(self, address, vma):
return self._find_symbol_by_runtime_address(address, vma, self._procedures)
def find_sourcefile_by_runtime_address(self, address, vma):
return self._find_symbol_by_runtime_address(address, vma, self._sourcefiles)
def find_typeinfo_by_runtime_address(self, address, vma):
return self._find_symbol_by_runtime_address(address, vma, self._typeinfos)
def load_readelf_ew(self, f):
found_header = False
for line in f:
if line.rstrip() == 'Section Headers:':
found_header = True
if not found_header:
return None
for line in f:
line = line.rstrip()
matched = _READELF_SECTION_HEADER_PATTER.match(line)
if matched:
int(matched.group(1), 10), # number
matched.group(2), # name
matched.group(3), # stype
int(matched.group(4), 16), # address
int(matched.group(5), 16), # offset
int(matched.group(6), 16), # size
matched.group(7), # es
matched.group(8), # flg
matched.group(9), # lk
matched.group(10), # inf
matched.group(11) # al
if line in ('Key to Flags:', 'Program Headers:'):
def load_readelf_debug_decodedline_file(self, input_file):
for line in input_file:
splitted = line.rstrip().split(None, 2)
self._append_sourcefile(int(splitted[0], 16), splitted[1])
def _parse_nm_bsd_line(line):
if line[8] == ' ':
return line[0:8], line[9], line[11:]
elif line[16] == ' ':
return line[0:16], line[17], line[19:]
raise ParsingException('Invalid nm output.')
def _get_short_function_name(function):
while True:
function, number = _ARGUMENT_TYPE_PATTERN.subn('', function)
if not number:
while True:
function, number = _TEMPLATE_ARGUMENT_PATTERN.subn('', function)
if not number:
return _LEADING_TYPE_PATTERN.sub('\g<1>', function)
def load_nm_bsd(self, f, mangled=False):
last_start = 0
routine = ''
for line in f:
line = line.rstrip()
sym_value, sym_type, sym_name = self._parse_nm_bsd_line(line)
if sym_value[0] == ' ':
start_val = int(sym_value, 16)
if (sym_type in ('r', 'R', 'D', 'U', 'd', 'V') and
(not mangled and sym_name.startswith('typeinfo'))):
self._append_typeinfo(start_val, sym_name)
# It's possible for two symbols to share the same address, if
# one is a zero-length variable (like __start_google_malloc) or
# one symbol is a weak alias to another (like __libc_malloc).
# In such cases, we want to ignore all values except for the
# actual symbol, which in nm-speak has type "T". The logic
# below does this, though it's a bit tricky: what happens when
# we have a series of lines with the same address, is the first
# one gets queued up to be processed. However, it won't
# *actually* be processed until later, when we read a line with
# a different address. That means that as long as we're reading
# lines with the same address, we have a chance to replace that
# item in the queue, which we do whenever we see a 'T' entry --
# that is, a line with type 'T'. If we never see a 'T' entry,
# we'll just go ahead and process the first entry (which never
# got touched in the queue), and ignore the others.
if start_val == last_start and (sym_type == 't' or sym_type == 'T'):
# We are the 'T' symbol at this address, replace previous symbol.
routine = sym_name
elif start_val == last_start:
# We're not the 'T' symbol at this address, so ignore us.
# Tag this routine with the starting address in case the image
# has multiple occurrences of this routine. We use a syntax
# that resembles template paramters that are automatically
# stripped out by ShortFunctionName()
sym_name += "<%016x>" % start_val
if not mangled:
routine = self._get_short_function_name(routine)
last_start, Procedure(last_start, start_val, routine))
last_start = start_val
routine = sym_name
if not mangled:
routine = self._get_short_function_name(routine)
last_start, Procedure(last_start, last_start, routine))