// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview
* Functions related to controlling the modal UI state of the app. UI states
* are expressed as HTML attributes with a dotted hierarchy. For example, the
* string 'host.shared' will match any elements with an associated attribute
* of 'host' or 'host.shared', showing those elements and hiding all others.
* Elements with no associated attribute are ignored.
'use strict';
/** @suppress {duplicate} */
var remoting = remoting || {};
/** @enum {string} */
// TODO(jamiewalch): Move 'in-session' to a separate web-page so that the
// 'home' state applies to all elements and can be removed.
remoting.AppMode = {
HOME: 'home',
TOKEN_REFRESH_FAILED: 'home.token-refresh-failed',
HOST: 'home.host',
HOST_WAITING_FOR_CODE: 'home.host.waiting-for-code',
HOST_WAITING_FOR_CONNECTION: 'home.host.waiting-for-connection',
HOST_SHARED: 'home.host.shared',
HOST_SHARE_FAILED: 'home.host.share-failed',
HOST_SHARE_FINISHED: 'home.host.share-finished',
CLIENT: 'home.client',
CLIENT_UNCONNECTED: 'home.client.unconnected',
CLIENT_PIN_PROMPT: 'home.client.pin-prompt',
CLIENT_THIRD_PARTY_AUTH: 'home.client.third-party-auth',
CLIENT_CONNECTING: 'home.client.connecting',
CLIENT_CONNECT_FAILED_IT2ME: 'home.client.connect-failed.it2me',
CLIENT_CONNECT_FAILED_ME2ME: 'home.client.connect-failed.me2me',
CLIENT_SESSION_FINISHED_IT2ME: 'home.client.session-finished.it2me',
CLIENT_SESSION_FINISHED_ME2ME: 'home.client.session-finished.me2me',
CLIENT_HOST_NEEDS_UPGRADE: 'home.client.host-needs-upgrade',
HISTORY: 'home.history',
CONFIRM_HOST_DELETE: 'home.confirm-host-delete',
HOST_SETUP: 'home.host-setup',
HOST_SETUP_INSTALL: 'home.host-setup.install',
HOST_SETUP_INSTALL_PENDING: 'home.host-setup.install-pending',
HOST_SETUP_ASK_PIN: 'home.host-setup.ask-pin',
HOST_SETUP_PROCESSING: 'home.host-setup.processing',
HOST_SETUP_DONE: 'home.host-setup.done',
HOST_SETUP_ERROR: 'home.host-setup.error',
HOME_MANAGE_PAIRINGS: 'home.manage-pairings',
IN_SESSION: 'in-session'
/** @const */
remoting.kIT2MeVisitedStorageKey = 'it2me-visited';
/** @const */
remoting.kMe2MeVisitedStorageKey = 'me2me-visited';
* @param {Element} element The element to check.
* @param {string} attrName The attribute on the element to check.
* @param {Array.<string>} modes The modes to check for.
* @return {boolean} True if any mode in |modes| is found within the attribute.
remoting.hasModeAttribute = function(element, attrName, modes) {
var attr = element.getAttribute(attrName);
for (var i = 0; i < modes.length; ++i) {
if (attr.match(new RegExp('(\\s|^)' + modes[i] + '(\\s|$)')) != null) {
return true;
return false;
* Update the DOM by showing or hiding elements based on whether or not they
* have an attribute matching the specified name.
* @param {string} mode The value against which to match the attribute.
* @param {string} attr The attribute name to match.
* @return {void} Nothing.
remoting.updateModalUi = function(mode, attr) {
var modes = mode.split('.');
for (var i = 1; i < modes.length; ++i)
modes[i] = modes[i - 1] + '.' + modes[i];
var elements = document.querySelectorAll('[' + attr + ']');
// Hide elements first so that we don't end up trying to show two modal
// dialogs at once (which would break keyboard-navigation confinement).
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i) {
var element = /** @type {Element} */ elements[i];
if (!remoting.hasModeAttribute(element, attr, modes)) {
element.hidden = true;
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i) {
var element = /** @type {Element} */ elements[i];
if (remoting.hasModeAttribute(element, attr, modes)) {
element.hidden = false;
var autofocusNode = element.querySelector('[autofocus]');
if (autofocusNode) {
* @type {remoting.AppMode} The current app mode
remoting.currentMode = remoting.AppMode.HOME;
* Change the app's modal state to |mode|, determined by the data-ui-mode
* attribute.
* @param {remoting.AppMode} mode The new modal state.
remoting.setMode = function(mode) {
remoting.updateModalUi(mode, 'data-ui-mode');
console.log('App mode: ' + mode);
remoting.currentMode = mode;
if (mode == remoting.AppMode.IN_SESSION) {
document.removeEventListener('keydown', remoting.ConnectionStats.onKeydown,
if ('hidden' in document) {
remoting.onVisibilityChanged, false);
} else {
remoting.onVisibilityChanged, false);
} else {
document.addEventListener('keydown', remoting.ConnectionStats.onKeydown,
remoting.onVisibilityChanged, false);
remoting.onVisibilityChanged, false);
// TODO(jamiewalch): crbug.com/252796: Remove this once crbug.com/240772
// is fixed.
var htmlNode = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ (document.body.parentNode);
* Get the major mode that the app is running in.
* @return {string} The app's current major mode.
remoting.getMajorMode = function() {
return remoting.currentMode.split('.')[0];
* Helper function for showing or hiding the infographic UI based on
* whether or not the user has already dismissed it.
* @param {string} mode
* @param {!Object} items
remoting.showOrHideCallback = function(mode, items) {
// Get the first element of a dictionary or array, without needing to know
// the key.
/** @type {string} */
var key = Object.keys(items)[0];
var visited = !!items[key];
document.getElementById(mode + '-first-run').hidden = visited;
document.getElementById(mode + '-content').hidden = !visited;
remoting.showOrHideIT2MeUi = function() {
remoting.showOrHideCallback.bind(null, 'it2me'));
remoting.showOrHideMe2MeUi = function() {
remoting.showOrHideCallback.bind(null, 'me2me'));
remoting.showIT2MeUiAndSave = function() {
var items = {};
items[remoting.kIT2MeVisitedStorageKey] = true;
remoting.showOrHideCallback('it2me', [true]);
remoting.showMe2MeUiAndSave = function() {
var items = {};
items[remoting.kMe2MeVisitedStorageKey] = true;
remoting.showOrHideCallback('me2me', [true]);
remoting.resetInfographics = function() {
remoting.showOrHideCallback('it2me', [false]);
remoting.showOrHideCallback('me2me', [false]);
* Initialize all modal dialogs (class kd-modaldialog), adding event handlers
* to confine keyboard navigation to child controls of the dialog when it is
* shown and restore keyboard navigation when it is hidden.
remoting.initModalDialogs = function() {
var dialogs = document.querySelectorAll('.kd-modaldialog');
var observer = new MutationObserver(confineOrRestoreFocus_);
var options = {
subtree: false,
attributes: true
for (var i = 0; i < dialogs.length; ++i) {
observer.observe(dialogs[i], options);
* @param {Array.<MutationRecord>} mutations The set of mutations affecting
* an observed node.
function confineOrRestoreFocus_(mutations) {
// The list of mutations can include duplicates, so reduce it to a canonical
// show/hide list.
/** @type {Array.<Element>} */
var shown = [];
/** @type {Array.<Element>} */
var hidden = [];
for (var i = 0; i < mutations.length; ++i) {
var mutation = mutations[i];
if (mutation.type == 'attributes' &&
mutation.attributeName == 'hidden') {
var node = mutation.target;
if (node.hidden && hidden.indexOf(node) == -1) {
} else if (!node.hidden && shown.indexOf(node) == -1) {
var kSavedAttributeName = 'data-saved-tab-index';
// If any dialogs have been dismissed, restore all the tabIndex attributes.
if (hidden.length != 0) {
var elements = document.querySelectorAll('[' + kSavedAttributeName + ']');
for (var i = 0 ; i < elements.length; ++i) {
var element = /** @type {Element} */ elements[i];
element.tabIndex = element.getAttribute(kSavedAttributeName);
// If any dialogs have been shown, confine keyboard navigation to the first
// one. We don't have nested modal dialogs, so this will suffice for now.
if (shown.length != 0) {
var selector = '[tabIndex],a,area,button,input,select,textarea';
var disable = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
var except = shown[0].querySelectorAll(selector);
for (var i = 0; i < disable.length; ++i) {
var element = /** @type {Element} */ disable[i];
var removeFromKeyboardNavigation = true;
for (var j = 0; j < except.length; ++j) { // No indexOf on NodeList
if (element == except[j]) {
removeFromKeyboardNavigation = false;
if (removeFromKeyboardNavigation) {
element.setAttribute(kSavedAttributeName, element.tabIndex);
element.tabIndex = -1;