// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview
* Class to communicate with the Host components via Native Messaging.
'use strict';
/** @suppress {duplicate} */
var remoting = remoting || {};
* @constructor
remoting.HostNativeMessaging = function() {
* @type {number}
* @private
this.nextId_ = 0;
* @type {Object.<number, remoting.HostNativeMessaging.PendingReply>}
* @private
this.pendingReplies_ = {};
/** @type {?chrome.extension.Port} @private */
this.port_ = null;
/** @type {string} @private */
this.version_ = '';
/** @type {Array.<remoting.HostController.Feature>} @private */
this.supportedFeatures_ = [];
* Type used for entries of |pendingReplies_| list.
* @param {string} type Type of the originating request.
* @param {?function(...):void} onDone The callback, if any, to be triggered
* on response. The actual parameters depend on the original request type.
* @param {function(remoting.Error):void} onError The callback to be triggered
* on error.
* @constructor
remoting.HostNativeMessaging.PendingReply = function(type, onDone, onError) {
this.type = type;
this.onDone = onDone;
this.onError = onError;
* Sets up connection to the Native Messaging host process and exchanges
* 'hello' messages. If Native Messaging is not available or the host
* process is not installed, this returns false to the callback.
* @param {function(): void} onDone Called after successful initialization.
* @param {function(remoting.Error): void} onError Called if initialization
* failed.
* @return {void} Nothing.
remoting.HostNativeMessaging.prototype.initialize = function(onDone, onError) {
if (!chrome.runtime.connectNative) {
console.log('Native Messaging API not available');
// NativeMessaging API exists on Chrome 26.xxx but fails to notify
// onDisconnect in the case where the Host components are not installed. Need
// to blacklist these versions of Chrome.
var majorVersion = navigator.appVersion.match('Chrome/(\\d+)\.')[1];
if (!majorVersion || majorVersion <= 26) {
console.log('Native Messaging not supported on this version of Chrome');
try {
this.port_ = chrome.runtime.connectNative(
this.postMessage_({type: 'hello'}, onDone,
onError.bind(null, remoting.Error.UNEXPECTED));
} catch (err) {
console.log('Native Messaging initialization failed: ',
/** @type {*} */ (err));
* Verifies that |object| is of type |type|, logging an error if not.
* @param {string} name Name of the object, to be included in the error log.
* @param {*} object Object to test.
* @param {string} type Expected type of the object.
* @return {boolean} Result of test.
function checkType_(name, object, type) {
if (typeof(object) !== type) {
console.error('NativeMessaging: "' + name + '" expected to be of type "' +
type + '", got: ' + object);
return false;
return true;
* Returns |result| as an AsyncResult. If |result| is not valid, returns null
* and logs an error.
* @param {*} result
* @return {remoting.HostController.AsyncResult?} Converted result.
function asAsyncResult_(result) {
if (!checkType_('result', result, 'string')) {
return null;
if (!remoting.HostController.AsyncResult.hasOwnProperty(result)) {
console.error('NativeMessaging: unexpected result code: ', result);
return null;
return remoting.HostController.AsyncResult[result];
* Returns |result| as a HostController.State. If |result| is not valid,
* returns null and logs an error.
* @param {*} result
* @return {remoting.HostController.State?} Converted result.
function asHostState_(result) {
if (!checkType_('result', result, 'string')) {
return null;
if (!remoting.HostController.State.hasOwnProperty(result)) {
console.error('NativeMessaging: unexpected result code: ', result);
return null;
return remoting.HostController.State[result];
* @param {remoting.HostController.Feature} feature The feature to test for.
* @return {boolean} True if the implementation supports the named feature.
remoting.HostNativeMessaging.prototype.hasFeature = function(feature) {
return this.supportedFeatures_.indexOf(feature) >= 0;
* Attaches a new ID to the supplied message, and posts it to the Native
* Messaging port, adding |onDone| to the list of pending replies.
* |message| should have its 'type' field set, and any other fields set
* depending on the message type.
* @param {{type: string}} message The message to post.
* @param {?function(...):void} onDone The callback, if any, to be triggered
* on response.
* @param {function(remoting.Error):void} onError The callback to be triggered
* on error.
* @return {void} Nothing.
* @private
remoting.HostNativeMessaging.prototype.postMessage_ =
function(message, onDone, onError) {
var id = this.nextId_++;
message['id'] = id;
this.pendingReplies_[id] = new remoting.HostNativeMessaging.PendingReply(
message.type + 'Response', onDone, onError);
* Handler for incoming Native Messages.
* @param {Object} message The received message.
* @return {void} Nothing.
* @private
remoting.HostNativeMessaging.prototype.onIncomingMessage_ = function(message) {
/** @type {number} */
var id = message['id'];
if (typeof(id) != 'number') {
console.error('NativeMessaging: missing or non-numeric id');
var reply = this.pendingReplies_[id];
if (!reply) {
console.error('NativeMessaging: unexpected id: ', id);
delete this.pendingReplies_[id];
var onDone = reply.onDone;
var onError = reply.onError;
/** @type {string} */
var type = message['type'];
if (!checkType_('type', type, 'string')) {
if (type != reply.type) {
console.error('NativeMessaging: expected reply type: ', reply.type,
', got: ', type);
switch (type) {
case 'helloResponse':
/** @type {string} */
var version = message['version'];
if (checkType_('version', version, 'string')) {
this.version_ = version;
if (message['supportedFeatures'] instanceof Array) {
this.supportedFeatures_ = message['supportedFeatures'];
} else {
// Old versions of the native messaging host do not return this list.
// Those versions don't support any new feature.
this.supportedFeatures_ = [];
} else {
case 'getHostNameResponse':
/** @type {*} */
var hostname = message['hostname'];
if (checkType_('hostname', hostname, 'string')) {
} else {
case 'getPinHashResponse':
/** @type {*} */
var hash = message['hash'];
if (checkType_('hash', hash, 'string')) {
} else {
case 'generateKeyPairResponse':
/** @type {*} */
var privateKey = message['privateKey'];
/** @type {*} */
var publicKey = message['publicKey'];
if (checkType_('privateKey', privateKey, 'string') &&
checkType_('publicKey', publicKey, 'string')) {
onDone(privateKey, publicKey);
} else {
case 'updateDaemonConfigResponse':
var result = asAsyncResult_(message['result']);
if (result != null) {
} else {
case 'getDaemonConfigResponse':
/** @type {*} */
var config = message['config'];
if (checkType_('config', config, 'object')) {
} else {
case 'getUsageStatsConsentResponse':
/** @type {*} */
var supported = message['supported'];
/** @type {*} */
var allowed = message['allowed'];
/** @type {*} */
var setByPolicy = message['setByPolicy'];
if (checkType_('supported', supported, 'boolean') &&
checkType_('allowed', allowed, 'boolean') &&
checkType_('setByPolicy', setByPolicy, 'boolean')) {
onDone(supported, allowed, setByPolicy);
} else {
case 'startDaemonResponse':
case 'stopDaemonResponse':
var result = asAsyncResult_(message['result']);
if (result != null) {
} else {
case 'getDaemonStateResponse':
var state = asHostState_(message['state']);
if (state != null) {
} else {
case 'getPairedClientsResponse':
var pairedClients = remoting.PairedClient.convertToPairedClientArray(
if (pairedClients != null) {
} else {
case 'clearPairedClientsResponse':
case 'deletePairedClientResponse':
/** @type {boolean} */
var success = message['result'];
if (checkType_('success', success, 'boolean')) {
} else {
case 'getHostClientIdResponse':
/** @type {string} */
var clientId = message['clientId'];
if (checkType_('clientId', clientId, 'string')) {
} else {
case 'getCredentialsFromAuthCodeResponse':
/** @type {string} */
var userEmail = message['userEmail'];
/** @type {string} */
var refreshToken = message['refreshToken'];
if (checkType_('userEmail', userEmail, 'string') && userEmail &&
checkType_('refreshToken', refreshToken, 'string') && refreshToken) {
onDone(userEmail, refreshToken);
} else {
console.error('Unexpected native message: ', message);
* @return {void} Nothing.
* @private
remoting.HostNativeMessaging.prototype.onDisconnect_ = function() {
console.error('Native Message port disconnected');
// Notify the error-handlers of any requests that are still outstanding.
for (var id in this.pendingReplies_) {
this.pendingReplies_[/** @type {number} */(id)].onError(
this.pendingReplies_ = {};
* @param {function(string):void} onDone Callback to be called with the
* local hostname.
* @param {function(remoting.Error):void} onError The callback to be triggered
* on error.
* @return {void} Nothing.
remoting.HostNativeMessaging.prototype.getHostName =
function(onDone, onError) {
this.postMessage_({type: 'getHostName'}, onDone, onError);
* Calculates PIN hash value to be stored in the config, passing the resulting
* hash value base64-encoded to the callback.
* @param {string} hostId The host ID.
* @param {string} pin The PIN.
* @param {function(string):void} onDone Callback.
* @param {function(remoting.Error):void} onError The callback to be triggered
* on error.
* @return {void} Nothing.
remoting.HostNativeMessaging.prototype.getPinHash =
function(hostId, pin, onDone, onError) {
type: 'getPinHash',
hostId: hostId,
pin: pin
}, onDone, onError);
* Generates new key pair to use for the host. The specified callback is called
* when the key is generated. The key is returned in format understood by the
* host (PublicKeyInfo structure encoded with ASN.1 DER, and then BASE64).
* @param {function(string, string):void} onDone Callback.
* @param {function(remoting.Error):void} onError The callback to be triggered
* on error.
* @return {void} Nothing.
remoting.HostNativeMessaging.prototype.generateKeyPair =
function(onDone, onError) {
this.postMessage_({type: 'generateKeyPair'}, onDone, onError);
* Updates host config with the values specified in |config|. All
* fields that are not specified in |config| remain
* unchanged. Following parameters cannot be changed using this
* function: host_id, xmpp_login. Error is returned if |config|
* includes these parameters. Changes take effect before the callback
* is called.
* @param {Object} config The new config parameters.
* @param {function(remoting.HostController.AsyncResult):void} onDone
* Callback to be called when finished.
* @param {function(remoting.Error):void} onError The callback to be triggered
* on error.
* @return {void} Nothing.
remoting.HostNativeMessaging.prototype.updateDaemonConfig =
function(config, onDone, onError) {
type: 'updateDaemonConfig',
config: config
}, onDone, onError);
* Loads daemon config. The config is passed as a JSON formatted string to the
* callback.
* @param {function(Object):void} onDone Callback.
* @param {function(remoting.Error):void} onError The callback to be triggered
* on error.
* @return {void} Nothing.
remoting.HostNativeMessaging.prototype.getDaemonConfig =
function(onDone, onError) {
this.postMessage_({type: 'getDaemonConfig'}, onDone, onError);
* Retrieves daemon version. The version is returned as a dotted decimal string
* of the form major.minor.build.patch.
* @return {string} The daemon version, or the empty string if not available.
remoting.HostNativeMessaging.prototype.getDaemonVersion = function() {
// Return the cached version from the 'hello' exchange.
return this.version_;
* Get the user's consent to crash reporting. The consent flags are passed to
* the callback as booleans: supported, allowed, set-by-policy.
* @param {function(boolean, boolean, boolean):void} onDone Callback.
* @param {function(remoting.Error):void} onError The callback to be triggered
* on error.
* @return {void} Nothing.
remoting.HostNativeMessaging.prototype.getUsageStatsConsent =
function(onDone, onError) {
this.postMessage_({type: 'getUsageStatsConsent'}, onDone, onError);
* Starts the daemon process with the specified configuration.
* @param {Object} config Host configuration.
* @param {boolean} consent Consent to report crash dumps.
* @param {function(remoting.HostController.AsyncResult):void} onDone
* Callback.
* @param {function(remoting.Error):void} onError The callback to be triggered
* on error.
* @return {void} Nothing.
remoting.HostNativeMessaging.prototype.startDaemon =
function(config, consent, onDone, onError) {
type: 'startDaemon',
config: config,
consent: consent
}, onDone, onError);
* Stops the daemon process.
* @param {function(remoting.HostController.AsyncResult):void} onDone
* Callback.
* @param {function(remoting.Error):void} onError The callback to be triggered
* on error.
* @return {void} Nothing.
remoting.HostNativeMessaging.prototype.stopDaemon =
function(onDone, onError) {
this.postMessage_({type: 'stopDaemon'}, onDone, onError);
* Gets the installed/running state of the Host process.
* @param {function(remoting.HostController.State):void} onDone Callback.
* @param {function(remoting.Error):void} onError The callback to be triggered
* on error.
* @return {void} Nothing.
remoting.HostNativeMessaging.prototype.getDaemonState =
function(onDone, onError) {
this.postMessage_({type: 'getDaemonState'}, onDone, onError);
* Retrieves the list of paired clients.
* @param {function(Array.<remoting.PairedClient>):void} onDone Callback to be
* called with the result.
* @param {function(remoting.Error):void} onError Callback to be triggered
* on error.
remoting.HostNativeMessaging.prototype.getPairedClients =
function(onDone, onError) {
this.postMessage_({type: 'getPairedClients'}, onDone, onError);
* Clears all paired clients from the registry.
* @param {function(boolean):void} onDone Callback to be called when finished.
* @param {function(remoting.Error):void} onError Callback to be triggered
* on error.
remoting.HostNativeMessaging.prototype.clearPairedClients =
function(onDone, onError) {
this.postMessage_({type: 'clearPairedClients'}, onDone, onError);
* Deletes a paired client referenced by client id.
* @param {string} client Client to delete.
* @param {function(boolean):void} onDone Callback to be called when finished.
* @param {function(remoting.Error):void} onError Callback to be triggered
* on error.
remoting.HostNativeMessaging.prototype.deletePairedClient =
function(client, onDone, onError) {
type: 'deletePairedClient',
clientId: client
}, onDone, onError);
* Gets the API keys to obtain/use service account credentials.
* @param {function(string):void} onDone Callback.
* @param {function(remoting.Error):void} onError The callback to be triggered
* on error.
* @return {void} Nothing.
remoting.HostNativeMessaging.prototype.getHostClientId =
function(onDone, onError) {
this.postMessage_({type: 'getHostClientId'}, onDone, onError);
* @param {string} authorizationCode OAuth authorization code.
* @param {function(string, string):void} onDone Callback.
* @param {function(remoting.Error):void} onError The callback to be triggered
* on error.
* @return {void} Nothing.
remoting.HostNativeMessaging.prototype.getCredentialsFromAuthCode =
function(authorizationCode, onDone, onError) {
type: 'getCredentialsFromAuthCode',
authorizationCode: authorizationCode
}, onDone, onError);