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// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "content/shell/common/shell_switches.h"

namespace switches {

// Allow access to external pages during layout tests.
const char kAllowExternalPages[] = "allow-external-pages";

// Check whether all system dependencies for running layout tests are met.
const char kCheckLayoutTestSysDeps[] = "check-layout-test-sys-deps";

// Tells Content Shell that it's running as a content_browsertest.
const char kContentBrowserTest[] = "browser-test";

// Makes Content Shell use the given path for its data directory.
const char kContentShellDataPath[] = "data-path";

// The directory breakpad should store minidumps in.
const char kCrashDumpsDir[] = "crash-dumps-dir";

// Request pages to be dumped as text once they finished loading.
const char kDumpRenderTree[] = "dump-render-tree";

// Enable accelerated 2D canvas.
const char kEnableAccelerated2DCanvas[] = "enable-accelerated-2d-canvas";

// Encode binary layout test results (images, audio) using base64.
const char kEncodeBinary[] = "encode-binary";

// Exposes the window.internals object to JavaScript for interactive development
// and debugging of layout tests that rely on it.
const char kExposeInternalsForTesting[]     = "expose-internals-for-testing";

// This makes us disable some web-platform runtime features so that we test
// content_shell as if it was a stable release. It is only followed when
// kDumpRenderTree is set. For the features' level, see
// http://dev.chromium.org/blink/runtime-enabled-features.
const char kStableReleaseMode[] = "stable-release-mode";

}  // namespace switches