// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "third_party/libjingle/source/talk/media/base/videocapturer.h"
namespace content {
class MediaStreamDependencyFactory;
class MediaStreamRegistryInterface;
class PPB_ImageData_Impl;
// Interface used by the effects pepper plugin to output the processed frame
// to the video track.
class CONTENT_EXPORT FrameWriterInterface {
// The ownership of the |image_data| deosn't transfer. So the implementation
// of this interface should make a copy of the |image_data| before return.
virtual void PutFrame(PPB_ImageData_Impl* image_data,
int64 time_stamp_ns) = 0;
virtual ~FrameWriterInterface() {}
// PpFrameWriter implements cricket::VideoCapturer so that it can be used in
// the native video track's video source. It also implements
// FrameWriterInterface, which will be used by the effects pepper plugin to
// inject the processed frame.
class CONTENT_EXPORT PpFrameWriter
: public NON_EXPORTED_BASE(cricket::VideoCapturer),
public FrameWriterInterface {
virtual ~PpFrameWriter();
// cricket::VideoCapturer implementation.
// These methods are accessed from a libJingle worker thread.
virtual cricket::CaptureState Start(
const cricket::VideoFormat& capture_format) OVERRIDE;
virtual void Stop() OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsRunning() OVERRIDE;
virtual bool GetPreferredFourccs(std::vector<uint32>* fourccs) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool GetBestCaptureFormat(const cricket::VideoFormat& desired,
cricket::VideoFormat* best_format) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsScreencast() const OVERRIDE;
// FrameWriterInterface implementation.
// This method will be called by the Pepper host from render thread.
virtual void PutFrame(PPB_ImageData_Impl* image_data,
int64 time_stamp_ns) OVERRIDE;
bool started_;
// |lock_| is used to protect |started_| which will be accessed from different
// threads - libjingle worker thread and render thread.
base::Lock lock_;
// VideoDestinationHandler is a glue class between the webrtc MediaStream and
// the effects pepper plugin host.
class CONTENT_EXPORT VideoDestinationHandler {
// Instantiates and adds a new video track to the MediaStream specified by
// |url|. Returns a handler for delivering frames to the new video track as
// |frame_writer|.
// If |factory| is NULL the MediaStreamDependencyFactory owned by
// RenderThreadImpl::current() will be used.
// If |registry| is NULL the global blink::WebMediaStreamRegistry will be
// used to look up the media stream.
// The caller of the function takes the ownership of |frame_writer|.
// Returns true on success and false on failure.
static bool Open(MediaStreamDependencyFactory* factory,
MediaStreamRegistryInterface* registry,
const std::string& url,
FrameWriterInterface** frame_writer);
} // namespace content