// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/threading/non_thread_safe.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/public/renderer/render_view_observer.h"
#include "content/renderer/media/media_stream_client.h"
#include "content/renderer/media/media_stream_dispatcher_eventhandler.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebMediaStream.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebMediaStreamSource.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebVector.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebUserMediaClient.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebUserMediaRequest.h"
#include "third_party/libjingle/source/talk/app/webrtc/mediastreaminterface.h"
namespace content {
class MediaStreamAudioRenderer;
class MediaStreamDependencyFactory;
class MediaStreamDispatcher;
class MediaStreamSourceExtraData;
class WebRtcAudioRenderer;
class WebRtcLocalAudioRenderer;
// MediaStreamImpl is a delegate for the Media Stream API messages used by
// WebKit. It ties together WebKit, native PeerConnection in libjingle and
// MediaStreamManager (via MediaStreamDispatcher and MediaStreamDispatcherHost)
// in the browser process. It must be created, called and destroyed on the
// render thread.
// MediaStreamImpl have weak pointers to a MediaStreamDispatcher.
class CONTENT_EXPORT MediaStreamImpl
: public RenderViewObserver,
NON_EXPORTED_BASE(public blink::WebUserMediaClient),
NON_EXPORTED_BASE(public MediaStreamClient),
public MediaStreamDispatcherEventHandler,
public base::SupportsWeakPtr<MediaStreamImpl>,
NON_EXPORTED_BASE(public base::NonThreadSafe) {
RenderView* render_view,
MediaStreamDispatcher* media_stream_dispatcher,
MediaStreamDependencyFactory* dependency_factory);
virtual ~MediaStreamImpl();
// blink::WebUserMediaClient implementation
virtual void requestUserMedia(
const blink::WebUserMediaRequest& user_media_request) OVERRIDE;
virtual void cancelUserMediaRequest(
const blink::WebUserMediaRequest& user_media_request) OVERRIDE;
// MediaStreamClient implementation.
virtual bool IsMediaStream(const GURL& url) OVERRIDE;
virtual scoped_refptr<VideoFrameProvider> GetVideoFrameProvider(
const GURL& url,
const base::Closure& error_cb,
const VideoFrameProvider::RepaintCB& repaint_cb) OVERRIDE;
virtual scoped_refptr<MediaStreamAudioRenderer>
GetAudioRenderer(const GURL& url) OVERRIDE;
// MediaStreamDispatcherEventHandler implementation.
virtual void OnStreamGenerated(
int request_id,
const std::string& label,
const StreamDeviceInfoArray& audio_array,
const StreamDeviceInfoArray& video_array) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnStreamGenerationFailed(int request_id) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnDeviceStopped(const std::string& label,
const StreamDeviceInfo& device_info) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnDevicesEnumerated(
int request_id,
const StreamDeviceInfoArray& device_array) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnDeviceOpened(
int request_id,
const std::string& label,
const StreamDeviceInfo& device_info) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnDeviceOpenFailed(int request_id) OVERRIDE;
// RenderViewObserver OVERRIDE
virtual void FrameDetached(blink::WebFrame* frame) OVERRIDE;
virtual void FrameWillClose(blink::WebFrame* frame) OVERRIDE;
void OnLocalSourceStop(const blink::WebMediaStreamSource& source);
void OnLocalMediaStreamStop(const std::string& label);
// Callback function triggered when all native (libjingle) versions of the
// underlying media sources have been created and started.
// |web_stream| is a raw pointer to the web_stream in
// UserMediaRequests::web_stream for which the underlying sources have been
// created.
void OnCreateNativeSourcesComplete(
blink::WebMediaStream* web_stream,
bool request_succeeded);
// This function is virtual for test purposes. A test can override this to
// test requesting local media streams. The function notifies WebKit that the
// |request| have completed and generated the MediaStream |stream|.
virtual void CompleteGetUserMediaRequest(
const blink::WebMediaStream& stream,
blink::WebUserMediaRequest* request_info,
bool request_succeeded);
// Returns the WebKit representation of a MediaStream given an URL.
// This is virtual for test purposes.
virtual blink::WebMediaStream GetMediaStream(const GURL& url);
// Structure for storing information about a WebKit request to create a
// MediaStream.
struct UserMediaRequestInfo {
UserMediaRequestInfo(int request_id,
blink::WebFrame* frame,
const blink::WebUserMediaRequest& request,
bool enable_automatic_output_device_selection);
int request_id;
// True if MediaStreamDispatcher has generated the stream, see
// OnStreamGenerated.
bool generated;
const bool enable_automatic_output_device_selection;
blink::WebFrame* frame; // WebFrame that requested the MediaStream.
blink::WebMediaStream web_stream;
blink::WebUserMediaRequest request;
std::vector<blink::WebMediaStreamSource> sources;
typedef ScopedVector<UserMediaRequestInfo> UserMediaRequests;
struct LocalStreamSource {
LocalStreamSource(blink::WebFrame* frame,
const blink::WebMediaStreamSource& source)
: frame(frame), source(source) {
// |frame| is the WebFrame that requested |source|. NULL in unit tests.
// TODO(perkj): Change so that |frame| is not NULL in unit tests.
blink::WebFrame* frame;
blink::WebMediaStreamSource source;
typedef std::vector<LocalStreamSource> LocalStreamSources;
// Creates a WebKit representation of stream sources based on
// |devices| from the MediaStreamDispatcher.
void CreateWebKitSourceVector(
const std::string& label,
const StreamDeviceInfoArray& devices,
blink::WebMediaStreamSource::Type type,
blink::WebFrame* frame,
blink::WebVector<blink::WebMediaStreamSource>& webkit_sources);
UserMediaRequestInfo* FindUserMediaRequestInfo(int request_id);
UserMediaRequestInfo* FindUserMediaRequestInfo(
blink::WebMediaStream* web_stream);
UserMediaRequestInfo* FindUserMediaRequestInfo(
const blink::WebUserMediaRequest& request);
UserMediaRequestInfo* FindUserMediaRequestInfo(const std::string& label);
void DeleteUserMediaRequestInfo(UserMediaRequestInfo* request);
// Returns the source that use a device with |device.session_id|
// and |device.device.id|. NULL if such source doesn't exist.
const blink::WebMediaStreamSource* FindLocalSource(
const StreamDeviceInfo& device) const;
// Returns true if |source| exists in |user_media_requests_|
bool FindSourceInRequests(const blink::WebMediaStreamSource& source) const;
void StopLocalSource(const blink::WebMediaStreamSource& source,
bool notify_dispatcher);
// Stops all local sources that don't exist in exist in
// |user_media_requests_|.
void StopUnreferencedSources(bool notify_dispatcher);
scoped_refptr<WebRtcAudioRenderer> CreateRemoteAudioRenderer(
webrtc::MediaStreamInterface* stream);
scoped_refptr<WebRtcLocalAudioRenderer> CreateLocalAudioRenderer(
const blink::WebMediaStreamTrack& audio_track);
// Returns a valid session id if a single capture device is currently open
// (and then the matching session_id), otherwise -1.
// This is used to pass on a session id to a webrtc audio renderer (either
// local or remote), so that audio will be rendered to a matching output
// device, should one exist.
// Note that if there are more than one open capture devices the function
// will not be able to pick an appropriate device and return false.
bool GetAuthorizedDeviceInfoForAudioRenderer(
int* session_id, int* output_sample_rate, int* output_buffer_size);
// Weak ref to a MediaStreamDependencyFactory, owned by the RenderThread.
// It's valid for the lifetime of RenderThread.
MediaStreamDependencyFactory* dependency_factory_;
// media_stream_dispatcher_ is a weak reference, owned by RenderView. It's
// valid for the lifetime of RenderView.
MediaStreamDispatcher* media_stream_dispatcher_;
UserMediaRequests user_media_requests_;
LocalStreamSources local_sources_;
} // namespace content