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// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <string>

#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/public/common/page_transition_types.h"

namespace content {

// NavigationState is the portion of DocumentState that is affected by
// in-document navigation.
// TODO(simonjam): Move this to HistoryItem's ExtraData.
class CONTENT_EXPORT NavigationState {
  virtual ~NavigationState();

  static NavigationState* CreateBrowserInitiated(
      int32 pending_page_id,
      int pending_history_list_offset,
      bool history_list_was_cleared,
      content::PageTransition transition_type) {
    return new NavigationState(transition_type,

  static NavigationState* CreateContentInitiated() {
    return new NavigationState(
        content::PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK, true, -1, -1, false);

  // Contains the page_id for this navigation or -1 if there is none yet.
  int32 pending_page_id() const { return pending_page_id_; }

  // If pending_page_id() is not -1, then this contains the corresponding
  // offset of the page in the back/forward history list.
  int pending_history_list_offset() const {
    return pending_history_list_offset_;

  // If pending_page_id() is not -1, then this returns true if the session
  // history was cleared during this navigation.
  bool history_list_was_cleared() const {
    return history_list_was_cleared_;

  // If is_content_initiated() is false, whether this navigation should replace
  // the current entry in the back/forward history list. Otherwise, use
  // replacesCurrentHistoryItem() on the WebDataSource.
  // TODO(davidben): It would be good to unify these and have only one source
  // for the two cases. We can plumb this through WebFrame::loadRequest to set
  // lockBackForwardList on the FrameLoadRequest. However, this breaks process
  // swaps because FrameLoader::loadWithNavigationAction treats loads before a
  // FrameLoader has committedFirstRealDocumentLoad as a replacement. (Added for
  // http://crbug.com/178380).
  bool should_replace_current_entry() const {
    return should_replace_current_entry_;
  void set_should_replace_current_entry(bool value) {
    should_replace_current_entry_ = value;

  // Contains the transition type that the browser specified when it
  // initiated the load.
  content::PageTransition transition_type() const { return transition_type_; }
  void set_transition_type(content::PageTransition type) {
    transition_type_ = type;

  // True if we have already processed the "DidCommitLoad" event for this
  // request.  Used by session history.
  bool request_committed() const { return request_committed_; }
  void set_request_committed(bool value) { request_committed_ = value; }

  // True if this navigation was not initiated via WebFrame::LoadRequest.
  bool is_content_initiated() const { return is_content_initiated_; }

  // True iff the frame's navigation was within the same page.
  void set_was_within_same_page(bool value) { was_within_same_page_ = value; }
  bool was_within_same_page() const { return was_within_same_page_; }

  // transferred_request_child_id and transferred_request_request_id identify
  // a request that has been created before the navigation is being transferred
  // to a new renderer. This is used to recycle the old request once the new
  // renderer tries to pick up the navigation of the old one.
  void set_transferred_request_child_id(int value) {
    transferred_request_child_id_ = value;
  int transferred_request_child_id() const {
    return transferred_request_child_id_;
  void set_transferred_request_request_id(int value) {
    transferred_request_request_id_ = value;
  int transferred_request_request_id() const {
    return transferred_request_request_id_;
  void set_allow_download(bool value) {
    allow_download_ = value;
  bool allow_download() const {
    return allow_download_;

  void set_extra_headers(const std::string& extra_headers) {
    extra_headers_ = extra_headers;
  const std::string& extra_headers() { return extra_headers_; }

  NavigationState(content::PageTransition transition_type,
                  bool is_content_initiated,
                  int32 pending_page_id,
                  int pending_history_list_offset,
                  bool history_list_was_cleared);

  content::PageTransition transition_type_;
  bool request_committed_;
  bool is_content_initiated_;
  int32 pending_page_id_;
  int pending_history_list_offset_;
  bool history_list_was_cleared_;
  bool should_replace_current_entry_;

  bool was_within_same_page_;
  int transferred_request_child_id_;
  int transferred_request_request_id_;
  bool allow_download_;
  std::string extra_headers_;


}  // namespace content