#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import glob
import logging
import os
import time
import pyauto_functional # must be imported before pyauto
import pyauto
class SecureShellTest(pyauto.PyUITest):
"""Tests for Secure Shell app.
Uses app from chrome/test/data/extensions/secure_shell/.
The test uses stable app by default.
Set the env var SECURE_SHELL_USE_DEV=1 to make it use the dev one.
assert pyauto.PyUITest.IsChromeOS(), 'Works on ChromeOS only'
def setUp(self):
"""Install secure shell app at startup."""
# Pick app from data dir.
app_dir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(
self.DataDir()), 'extensions', 'secure_shell')
channel = 'dev' if os.getenv('SECURE_SHELL_USE_DEV') else 'stable'
files = glob.glob(os.path.join(app_dir, 'SecureShell-%s-*.crx' % channel))
assert files, 'Secure Shell %s app missing in %s' % (channel, app_dir)
app_path = files[0]
# Install app.
logging.debug('Using Secure shell app %s' % app_path)
self._app_id = self.InstallExtension(app_path, from_webstore=True)
def testInstall(self):
"""Install Secure Shell."""
# Installation already done in setUp. Just verify.
ssh_info = [x for x in self.GetExtensionsInfo()
if x['id'] == self._app_id][0]
# Uninstall.
self.assertFalse([x for x in self.GetExtensionsInfo()
if x['id'] == self._app_id],
msg='Could not uninstall.')
def testLaunch(self):
"""Launch Secure Shell and verify basic connect/exit flow.
This basic flow also verifies that NaCl works since secure shell is based
on it.
self.assertEqual(1, self.GetTabCount())
then = time.time()
login_ui_frame = (
'/descendant::iframe[contains(@src, "nassh_connect_dialog.html")]')
# Wait for connection dialog iframe to load.
self.WaitForDomNode(login_ui_frame, tab_index=1,
msg='Secure shell login dialog did not show up')
self.WaitForDomNode('id("field-description")', tab_index=1,
expected_value='username@hostname', # partial match
msg='Did not find secure shell username dialog')
now = time.time()
self.assertEqual(2, self.GetTabCount(), msg='Did not launch')
logging.info('Launched Secure Shell in %.2f secs' % (now - then))
# Fill in chronos@localhost using webdriver.
driver = self.NewWebDriver()
driver.switch_to_window(driver.window_handles[-1]) # last tab
user = 'chronos@localhost'
driver.find_element_by_id('field-description').send_keys(user + '\n')
# Verify yes/no prompt
self.WaitForHtermText('continue connecting \(yes/no\)\?', tab_index=1,
msg='Did not get the yes/no prompt')
welcome_text = self.GetHtermRowsText(0, 8, tab_index=1)
self.assertTrue('Welcome to Secure Shell' in welcome_text,
msg='Did not get correct welcome message')
# Type 'yes' and enter password
self.SendKeysToHterm('yes\\n', tab_index=1)
self.WaitForHtermText('Password:', tab_index=1,
msg='Did not get password prompt')
self.SendKeysToHterm('test0000\\n', tab_index=1)
self.WaitForHtermText('chronos@localhost $', tab_index=1,
msg='Did not get shell login prompt')
# Type 'exit' and close the tab
self.SendKeysToHterm('exit\\n', tab_index=1)
# Check for only 'code 0' since that is what indicates that we exited
# successfully. Checking for more stringage causes flakes since the exit
# string does change at times.
self.WaitForHtermText('code 0', tab_index=1,
msg='Did not get correct exit message')
if __name__ == '__main__':