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// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <string>

#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/test/chromedriver/basic_types.h"

namespace base {
class DictionaryValue;
class ListValue;
class Value;

struct Session;
class Status;
class WebView;

base::DictionaryValue* CreateElement(const std::string& element_id);

base::Value* CreateValueFrom(const WebPoint& point);

// |root_element_id| could be null when no root element is given.
Status FindElement(
    int interval_ms,
    bool only_one,
    const std::string* root_element_id,
    Session* session,
    WebView* web_view,
    const base::DictionaryValue& params,
    scoped_ptr<base::Value>* value);

Status GetActiveElement(
    Session* session,
    WebView* web_view,
    scoped_ptr<base::Value>* value);

Status IsElementFocused(
    Session* session,
    WebView* web_view,
    const std::string& element_id,
    bool* is_focused);

Status GetElementAttribute(
    Session* session,
    WebView* web_view,
    const std::string& element_id,
    const std::string& attribute_name,
    scoped_ptr<base::Value>* value);

Status IsElementAttributeEqualToIgnoreCase(
    Session* session,
    WebView* web_view,
    const std::string& element_id,
    const std::string& attribute_name,
    const std::string& attribute_value,
    bool* is_equal);

Status GetElementClickableLocation(
    Session* session,
    WebView* web_view,
    const std::string& element_id,
    WebPoint* location);

Status GetElementEffectiveStyle(
    Session* session,
    WebView* web_view,
    const std::string& element_id,
    const std::string& property_name,
    std::string* property_value);

Status GetElementRegion(
    Session* session,
    WebView* web_view,
    const std::string& element_id,
    WebRect* rect);

Status GetElementTagName(
    Session* session,
    WebView* web_view,
    const std::string& element_id,
    std::string* name);

Status GetElementSize(
    Session* session,
    WebView* web_view,
    const std::string& element_id,
    WebSize* size);

Status IsElementDisplayed(
    Session* session,
    WebView* web_view,
    const std::string& element_id,
    bool ignore_opacity,
    bool* is_displayed);

Status IsElementEnabled(
    Session* session,
    WebView* web_view,
    const std::string& element_id,
    bool* is_enabled);

Status IsOptionElementSelected(
    Session* session,
    WebView* web_view,
    const std::string& element_id,
    bool* is_selected);

Status IsOptionElementTogglable(
    Session* session,
    WebView* web_view,
    const std::string& element_id,
    bool* is_togglable);

Status SetOptionElementSelected(
    Session* session,
    WebView* web_view,
    const std::string& element_id,
    bool selected);

Status ToggleOptionElement(
    Session* session,
    WebView* web_view,
    const std::string& element_id);

Status ScrollElementIntoView(
    Session* session,
    WebView* web_view,
    const std::string& element_id,
    WebPoint* location);

// |element_id| refers to the element which is to be scrolled into view.
// |clickable_element_id| refers to the element needing clickable verification.
// They are usually the same, but can be different. This is useful when an image
// uses map/area. The image is scrolled, but check clickable against the area.
// If |clickable_element_id| is "", no verification will be performed.
Status ScrollElementRegionIntoView(
    Session* session,
    WebView* web_view,
    const std::string& element_id,
    const WebRect& region,
    bool center,
    const std::string& clickable_element_id,
    WebPoint* location);