// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/browser_distribution.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/shell_util.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/util_constants.h"
class CommandLine;
namespace installer {
class ChannelInfo;
class MasterPreferences;
class Product;
class ProductOperations;
// Represents an installation of a specific product which has a one-to-one
// relation to a BrowserDistribution. A product has registry settings, related
// installation/uninstallation actions and exactly one Package that represents
// the files on disk. The Package may be shared with other Product instances,
// so only the last Product to be uninstalled should remove the package.
// Right now there are no classes that derive from Product, but in
// the future, as we move away from global functions and towards a data driven
// installation, each distribution could derive from this class and provide
// distribution specific functionality.
class Product {
explicit Product(BrowserDistribution* distribution);
void InitializeFromPreferences(const MasterPreferences& prefs);
void InitializeFromUninstallCommand(const CommandLine& uninstall_command);
BrowserDistribution* distribution() const {
return distribution_;
bool is_type(BrowserDistribution::Type type) const {
return distribution_->GetType() == type;
bool is_chrome() const {
return distribution_->GetType() == BrowserDistribution::CHROME_BROWSER;
bool is_chrome_frame() const {
return distribution_->GetType() == BrowserDistribution::CHROME_FRAME;
bool is_chrome_app_host() const {
return distribution_->GetType() == BrowserDistribution::CHROME_APP_HOST;
bool is_chrome_binaries() const {
return distribution_->GetType() == BrowserDistribution::CHROME_BINARIES;
bool HasOption(const std::wstring& option) const {
return options_.find(option) != options_.end();
// Returns true if the set of options is mutated by this operation.
bool SetOption(const std::wstring& option, bool set) {
if (set)
return options_.insert(option).second;
return options_.erase(option) != 0;
// Returns the path(s) to the directory that holds the user data (primary
// and, if applicable to |dist|, alternate). This is always inside a user's
// local application data folder (e.g., "AppData\Local or "Local
// Settings\Application Data" in %USERPROFILE%). Note that these are the
// defaults and do not take into account that they can be overriden with a
// command line parameter. |paths| may be empty on return, but is guaranteed
// not to contain empty paths otherwise. If more than one path is returned,
// they are guaranteed to be siblings.
void GetUserDataPaths(std::vector<base::FilePath>* paths) const;
// Launches Chrome without waiting for it to exit.
bool LaunchChrome(const base::FilePath& application_path) const;
// Launches Chrome with given command line, waits for Chrome indefinitely
// (until it terminates), and gets the process exit code if available.
// The function returns true as long as Chrome is successfully launched.
// The status of Chrome at the return of the function is given by exit_code.
// NOTE: The 'options' CommandLine object should only contain parameters.
// The program part will be ignored.
bool LaunchChromeAndWait(const base::FilePath& application_path,
const CommandLine& options,
int32* exit_code) const;
// Sets the boolean MSI marker for this installation if set is true or clears
// it otherwise. The MSI marker is stored in the registry under the
// ClientState key.
bool SetMsiMarker(bool system_install, bool set) const;
// Returns true if setup should create an entry in the Add/Remove list
// of installed applications.
bool ShouldCreateUninstallEntry() const;
// See ProductOperations::AddKeyFiles.
void AddKeyFiles(std::vector<base::FilePath>* key_files) const;
// See ProductOperations::AddComDllList.
void AddComDllList(std::vector<base::FilePath>* com_dll_list) const;
// See ProductOperations::AppendProductFlags.
void AppendProductFlags(CommandLine* command_line) const;
// See ProductOperations::AppendRenameFlags.
void AppendRenameFlags(CommandLine* command_line) const;
// See Productoperations::SetChannelFlags.
bool SetChannelFlags(bool set, ChannelInfo* channel_info) const;
// See ProductOperations::AddDefaultShortcutProperties.
void AddDefaultShortcutProperties(
const base::FilePath& target_exe,
ShellUtil::ShortcutProperties* properties) const;
void LaunchUserExperiment(const base::FilePath& setup_path,
InstallStatus status,
bool system_level) const;
enum CacheStateFlags {
MSI_STATE = 0x01
BrowserDistribution* distribution_;
scoped_ptr<ProductOperations> operations_;
std::set<std::wstring> options_;
} // namespace installer