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// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file declares a class that contains various method related to branding.


#include <string>

#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/version.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/util_constants.h"

#if defined(OS_WIN)
#include <windows.h>  // NOLINT

class BrowserDistribution {
  enum Type {

  enum ShortcutType {

  enum Subfolder {

  enum DefaultBrowserControlPolicy {

  virtual ~BrowserDistribution() {}

  static BrowserDistribution* GetDistribution();

  static BrowserDistribution* GetSpecificDistribution(Type type);

  Type GetType() const { return type_; }

  virtual void DoPostUninstallOperations(const Version& version,
                                         const base::FilePath& local_data_path,
                                         const string16& distribution_data);

  // Returns the GUID to be used when registering for Active Setup.
  virtual string16 GetActiveSetupGuid();

  virtual string16 GetAppGuid();

  // Returns the unsuffixed application name of this program.
  // This is the base of the name registered with Default Programs on Windows.
  // IMPORTANT: This should only be called by the installer which needs to make
  // decisions on the suffixing of the upcoming install, not by external callers
  // at run-time.
  virtual string16 GetBaseAppName();

  // Returns the localized display name of this distribution.
  virtual string16 GetDisplayName();

  // Returns the localized name of the shortcut identified by |shortcut_type|
  // for this distribution.
  virtual string16 GetShortcutName(ShortcutType shortcut_type);

  // Returns the index of the icon for the product identified by
  // |shortcut_type|, inside the file specified by GetIconFilename().
  virtual int GetIconIndex(ShortcutType shortcut_type);

  // Returns the executable filename (not path) that contains the product icon.
  virtual string16 GetIconFilename();

  // Returns the localized name of the subfolder in the Start Menu identified by
  // |subfolder_type| that this distribution should create shortcuts in. For
  // SUBFOLDER_CHROME this returns GetShortcutName(SHORTCUT_CHROME).
  virtual string16 GetStartMenuShortcutSubfolder(Subfolder subfolder_type);

  // Returns the unsuffixed appid of this program.
  // The AppUserModelId is a property of Windows programs.
  // IMPORTANT: This should only be called by ShellUtil::GetAppId as the appid
  // should be suffixed in all scenarios.
  virtual string16 GetBaseAppId();

  // Returns the Browser ProgId prefix (e.g. ChromeHTML, ChromiumHTM, etc...).
  // The full id is of the form |prefix|.|suffix| and is limited to a maximum
  // length of 39 characters including null-terminator.  See
  // http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/aa911706.aspx for details.  We define
  // |suffix| as a fixed-length 26-character alphanumeric identifier, therefore
  // the return value of this function must have a maximum length of
  // 39 - 1(null-term) - 26(|suffix|) - 1(dot separator) = 11 characters.
  virtual string16 GetBrowserProgIdPrefix();

  // Returns the Browser ProgId description.
  virtual string16 GetBrowserProgIdDesc();

  virtual string16 GetInstallSubDir();

  virtual string16 GetPublisherName();

  virtual string16 GetAppDescription();

  virtual string16 GetLongAppDescription();

  virtual std::string GetSafeBrowsingName();

  virtual string16 GetStateKey();

  virtual string16 GetStateMediumKey();

  virtual std::string GetNetworkStatsServer() const;

  virtual std::string GetHttpPipeliningTestServer() const;

#if defined(OS_WIN)
  virtual string16 GetDistributionData(HKEY root_key);

  virtual string16 GetUninstallLinkName();

  virtual string16 GetUninstallRegPath();

  virtual string16 GetVersionKey();

  // Returns an enum specifying the different ways in which this distribution
  // is allowed to be set as default.
  virtual DefaultBrowserControlPolicy GetDefaultBrowserControlPolicy();

  virtual bool CanCreateDesktopShortcuts();

  virtual bool GetChromeChannel(string16* channel);

  // Returns true if this distribution includes a DelegateExecute verb handler,
  // and provides the CommandExecuteImpl class UUID if |handler_class_uuid| is
  // non-NULL.
  virtual bool GetCommandExecuteImplClsid(string16* handler_class_uuid);

  // Returns true if this distribution uses app_host.exe to run platform apps.
  virtual bool AppHostIsSupported();

  virtual void UpdateInstallStatus(bool system_install,
      installer::ArchiveType archive_type,
      installer::InstallStatus install_status);

  // Returns true if this distribution should set the Omaha experiment_labels
  // registry value.
  virtual bool ShouldSetExperimentLabels();

  virtual bool HasUserExperiments();

  explicit BrowserDistribution(Type type);

  template<class DistributionClass>
  static BrowserDistribution* GetOrCreateBrowserDistribution(
      BrowserDistribution** dist);

  const Type type_;

