// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/network_time/network_time_tracker.h"
#include "chrome/browser/upgrade_detector.h"
template <typename T> struct DefaultSingletonTraits;
class UpgradeDetectorImpl : public UpgradeDetector {
virtual ~UpgradeDetectorImpl();
// Returns the singleton instance.
static UpgradeDetectorImpl* GetInstance();
friend struct DefaultSingletonTraits<UpgradeDetectorImpl>;
// Start the timer that will call |CheckForUpgrade()|.
void StartTimerForUpgradeCheck();
// Launches a task on the file thread to check if we have the latest version.
void CheckForUpgrade();
// Sends out a notification and starts a one shot timer to wait until
// notifying the user.
void UpgradeDetected(UpgradeAvailable upgrade_available);
// Returns true after calling UpgradeDetected if current install is outdated.
bool DetectOutdatedInstall();
// The function that sends out a notification (after a certain time has
// elapsed) that lets the rest of the UI know we should start notifying the
// user that a new version is available.
void NotifyOnUpgrade();
// Called on the FILE thread to detect an upgrade. Calls back UpgradeDetected
// on the UI thread if so. Although it looks weird, this needs to be a static
// method receiving a WeakPtr<> to this object so that we can interrupt
// the UpgradeDetected callback before it runs. Having this method non-static
// and using |this| directly wouldn't be thread safe. And keeping it as a
// non-class function would prevent it from calling UpgradeDetected.
static void DetectUpgradeTask(
base::WeakPtr<UpgradeDetectorImpl> upgrade_detector);
// We periodically check to see if Chrome has been upgraded.
base::RepeatingTimer<UpgradeDetectorImpl> detect_upgrade_timer_;
// After we detect an upgrade we start a recurring timer to see if enough time
// has passed and we should start notifying the user.
base::RepeatingTimer<UpgradeDetectorImpl> upgrade_notification_timer_;
// We use this factory to create callback tasks for UpgradeDetected. We pass
// the task to the actual upgrade detection code, which is in
// DetectUpgradeTask.
base::WeakPtrFactory<UpgradeDetectorImpl> weak_factory_;
// True if this build is a dev or canary channel build.
bool is_unstable_channel_;
// The date the binaries were built.
base::Time build_date_;
// Tracker for getting network time.
NetworkTimeTracker network_time_tracker_;