// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "chrome/common/search_types.h"
class SearchModelObserver;
// Represents whether a page supports Instant.
enum InstantSupportState {
// An observable model for UI components that care about search model state
// changes.
class SearchModel {
struct State {
State(const SearchMode& mode,
InstantSupportState instant_support,
bool voice_search_supported);
bool operator==(const State& rhs) const;
// The display mode of UI elements such as the toolbar, the tab strip, etc.
SearchMode mode;
// Does the current page support Instant?
InstantSupportState instant_support;
// Does the current page support voice search?
bool voice_search_supported;
// Change the state. Change notifications are sent to observers.
void SetState(const State& state);
// Get the current state.
const State& state() const { return state_; }
// Change the mode. Change notifications are sent to observers.
void SetMode(const SearchMode& mode);
// Get the active mode.
const SearchMode& mode() const { return state_.mode; }
// Sets the page instant support state. Change notifications are sent to
// observers.
void SetInstantSupportState(InstantSupportState instant_support);
// Gets the instant support state of the page.
InstantSupportState instant_support() const {
return state_.instant_support;
// Sets the page voice search support state. Change notifications are sent to
// observers.
void SetVoiceSearchSupported(bool supported);
// Gets the voice search support state of the page.
bool voice_search_supported() const { return state_.voice_search_supported; }
// Add and remove observers.
void AddObserver(SearchModelObserver* observer);
void RemoveObserver(SearchModelObserver* observer);
// Current state of model.
State state_;
// Observers.
ObserverList<SearchModelObserver> observers_;