// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/speech/tts_extension_loader_chromeos.h"
#include "chrome/browser/speech/tts_platform.h"
// Chrome OS doesn't have native TTS, instead it includes a built-in
// component extension that provides speech synthesis. This class includes
// an implementation of LoadBuiltInTtsExtension and dummy implementations of
// everything else.
class TtsPlatformImplChromeOs
: public TtsPlatformImpl {
// TtsPlatformImpl overrides:
virtual bool PlatformImplAvailable() OVERRIDE {
return false;
virtual bool LoadBuiltInTtsExtension(Profile* profile) OVERRIDE {
return TtsExtensionLoaderChromeOs::GetInstance(profile)->LoadTtsExtension();
virtual bool Speak(
int utterance_id,
const std::string& utterance,
const std::string& lang,
const VoiceData& voice,
const UtteranceContinuousParameters& params) OVERRIDE {
return false;
virtual bool StopSpeaking() OVERRIDE {
return false;
virtual void Pause() OVERRIDE {}
virtual void Resume() OVERRIDE {}
virtual bool IsSpeaking() OVERRIDE {
return false;
virtual void GetVoices(std::vector<VoiceData>* out_voices) OVERRIDE {
// Get the single instance of this class.
static TtsPlatformImplChromeOs* GetInstance();
TtsPlatformImplChromeOs() {}
virtual ~TtsPlatformImplChromeOs() {}
friend struct DefaultSingletonTraits<TtsPlatformImplChromeOs>;
// static
TtsPlatformImpl* TtsPlatformImpl::GetInstance() {
return TtsPlatformImplChromeOs::GetInstance();
// static
TtsPlatformImplChromeOs::GetInstance() {
return Singleton<TtsPlatformImplChromeOs>::get();