// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
'use strict';
* @fileoverview Utility objects and functions for Google Now extension.
* Most important entities here:
* (1) 'wrapper' is a module used to add error handling and other services to
* callbacks for HTML and Chrome functions and Chrome event listeners.
* Chrome invokes extension code through event listeners. Once entered via
* an event listener, the extension may call a Chrome/HTML API method
* passing a callback (and so forth), and that callback must occur later,
* otherwise, we generate an error. Chrome may unload event pages waiting
* for an event. When the event fires, Chrome will reload the event page. We
* don't require event listeners to fire because they are generally not
* predictable (like a location change event).
* (2) Task Manager (built with buildTaskManager() call) provides controlling
* mutually excluding chains of callbacks called tasks. Task Manager uses
* WrapperPlugins to add instrumentation code to 'wrapper' to determine
* when a task completes.
// TODO(vadimt): Use server name in the manifest.
* Notification server URL.
var NOTIFICATION_CARDS_URL = 'https://www.googleapis.com/chromenow/v1';
var DEBUG_MODE = localStorage['debug_mode'];
* Initializes for debug or release modes of operation.
function initializeDebug() {
localStorage['server_url'] || NOTIFICATION_CARDS_URL;
* Location Card Storage.
if (localStorage['locationCardsShown'] === undefined)
localStorage['locationCardsShown'] = 0;
* Builds an error object with a message that may be sent to the server.
* @param {string} message Error message. This message may be sent to the
* server.
* @return {Error} Error object.
function buildErrorWithMessageForServer(message) {
var error = new Error(message);
error.canSendMessageToServer = true;
return error;
* Checks for internal errors.
* @param {boolean} condition Condition that must be true.
* @param {string} message Diagnostic message for the case when the condition is
* false.
function verify(condition, message) {
if (!condition)
throw buildErrorWithMessageForServer('ASSERT: ' + message);
* Builds a request to the notification server.
* @param {string} method Request method.
* @param {string} handlerName Server handler to send the request to.
* @param {string=} contentType Value for the Content-type header.
* @return {XMLHttpRequest} Server request.
function buildServerRequest(method, handlerName, contentType) {
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.responseType = 'text';
request.open(method, NOTIFICATION_CARDS_URL + '/' + handlerName, true);
if (contentType)
request.setRequestHeader('Content-type', contentType);
return request;
* Sends an error report to the server.
* @param {Error} error Error to send.
function sendErrorReport(error) {
// Don't remove 'error.stack.replace' below!
var filteredStack = error.canSendMessageToServer ?
error.stack : error.stack.replace(/.*\n/, '(message removed)\n');
var file;
var line;
var topFrameLineMatch = filteredStack.match(/\n at .*\n/);
var topFrame = topFrameLineMatch && topFrameLineMatch[0];
if (topFrame) {
// Examples of a frame:
// 1. '\n at someFunction (chrome-extension://
// pafkbggdmjlpgkdkcbjmhmfcdpncadgh/background.js:915:15)\n'
// 2. '\n at chrome-extension://pafkbggdmjlpgkdkcbjmhmfcdpncadgh/
// utility.js:269:18\n'
// 3. '\n at Function.target.(anonymous function) (extensions::
// SafeBuiltins:19:14)\n'
// 4. '\n at Event.dispatchToListener (event_bindings:382:22)\n'
var errorLocation;
// Find the the parentheses at the end of the line, if any.
var parenthesesMatch = topFrame.match(/\(.*\)\n/);
if (parenthesesMatch && parenthesesMatch[0]) {
errorLocation =
parenthesesMatch[0].substring(1, parenthesesMatch[0].length - 2);
} else {
errorLocation = topFrame;
var topFrameElements = errorLocation.split(':');
// topFrameElements is an array that ends like:
// [N-3] //pafkbggdmjlpgkdkcbjmhmfcdpncadgh/utility.js
// [N-2] 308
// [N-1] 19
if (topFrameElements.length >= 3) {
file = topFrameElements[topFrameElements.length - 3];
line = topFrameElements[topFrameElements.length - 2];
var errorText = error.name;
if (error.canSendMessageToServer)
errorText = errorText + ': ' + error.message;
var errorObject = {
message: errorText,
file: file,
line: line,
trace: filteredStack
var request = buildServerRequest('POST', 'jserrors', 'application/json');
request.onloadend = function(event) {
console.log('sendErrorReport status: ' + request.status);
chrome.identity.getAuthToken({interactive: false}, function(token) {
if (token) {
request.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + token);
// Limiting 1 error report per background page load.
var errorReported = false;
* Reports an error to the server and the user, as appropriate.
* @param {Error} error Error to report.
function reportError(error) {
var message = 'Critical error:\n' + error.stack;
if (!errorReported) {
errorReported = true;
chrome.metricsPrivate.getIsCrashReportingEnabled(function(isEnabled) {
if (isEnabled)
// Partial mirror of chrome.* for all instrumented functions.
var instrumented = {};
* Wrapper plugin. These plugins extend instrumentation added by
* wrapper.wrapCallback by adding code that executes before and after the call
* to the original callback provided by the extension.
* @typedef {{
* prologue: function (),
* epilogue: function ()
* }}
var WrapperPlugin;
* Wrapper for callbacks. Used to add error handling and other services to
* callbacks for HTML and Chrome functions and events.
var wrapper = (function() {
* Factory for wrapper plugins. If specified, it's used to generate an
* instance of WrapperPlugin each time we wrap a callback (which corresponds
* to addListener call for Chrome events, and to every API call that specifies
* a callback). WrapperPlugin's lifetime ends when the callback for which it
* was generated, exits. It's possible to have several instances of
* WrapperPlugin at the same time.
* An instance of WrapperPlugin can have state that can be shared by its
* constructor, prologue() and epilogue(). Also WrapperPlugins can change
* state of other objects, for example, to do refcounting.
* @type {?function(): WrapperPlugin}
var wrapperPluginFactory = null;
* Registers a wrapper plugin factory.
* @param {function(): WrapperPlugin} factory Wrapper plugin factory.
function registerWrapperPluginFactory(factory) {
if (wrapperPluginFactory) {
'registerWrapperPluginFactory: factory is already registered.'));
wrapperPluginFactory = factory;
* True if currently executed code runs in a callback or event handler that
* was instrumented by wrapper.wrapCallback() call.
* @type {boolean}
var isInWrappedCallback = false;
* Required callbacks that are not yet called. Includes both task and non-task
* callbacks. This is a map from unique callback id to the stack at the moment
* when the callback was wrapped. This stack identifies the callback.
* Used only for diagnostics.
* @type {Object.<number, string>}
var pendingCallbacks = {};
* Unique ID of the next callback.
* @type {number}
var nextCallbackId = 0;
* Gets diagnostic string with the status of the wrapper.
* @return {string} Diagnostic string.
function debugGetStateString() {
return 'pendingCallbacks @' + Date.now() + ' = ' +
* Checks that we run in a wrapped callback.
function checkInWrappedCallback() {
if (!isInWrappedCallback) {
'Not in instrumented callback'));
* Adds error processing to an API callback.
* @param {Function} callback Callback to instrument.
* @param {boolean=} opt_isEventListener True if the callback is a listener to
* a Chrome API event.
* @return {Function} Instrumented callback.
function wrapCallback(callback, opt_isEventListener) {
var callbackId = nextCallbackId++;
if (!opt_isEventListener) {
pendingCallbacks[callbackId] = new Error().stack + ' @' + Date.now();
// wrapperPluginFactory may be null before task manager is built, and in
// tests.
var wrapperPluginInstance = wrapperPluginFactory && wrapperPluginFactory();
return function() {
// This is the wrapper for the callback.
try {
verify(!isInWrappedCallback, 'Re-entering instrumented callback');
isInWrappedCallback = true;
if (!opt_isEventListener)
delete pendingCallbacks[callbackId];
if (wrapperPluginInstance)
// Call the original callback.
callback.apply(null, arguments);
if (wrapperPluginInstance)
'Instrumented callback is not instrumented upon exit');
isInWrappedCallback = false;
} catch (error) {
* Returns an instrumented function.
* @param {!Array.<string>} functionIdentifierParts Path to the chrome.*
* function.
* @param {string} functionName Name of the chrome API function.
* @param {number} callbackParameter Index of the callback parameter to this
* API function.
* @return {Function} An instrumented function.
function createInstrumentedFunction(
callbackParameter) {
return function() {
// This is the wrapper for the API function. Pass the wrapped callback to
// the original function.
var callback = arguments[callbackParameter];
if (typeof callback != 'function') {
'Argument ' + callbackParameter + ' of ' +
functionIdentifierParts.join('.') + '.' + functionName +
' is not a function'));
arguments[callbackParameter] = wrapCallback(
callback, functionName == 'addListener');
var chromeContainer = chrome;
functionIdentifierParts.forEach(function(fragment) {
chromeContainer = chromeContainer[fragment];
return chromeContainer[functionName].
apply(chromeContainer, arguments);
* Instruments an API function to add error processing to its user
* code-provided callback.
* @param {string} functionIdentifier Full identifier of the function without
* the 'chrome.' portion.
* @param {number} callbackParameter Index of the callback parameter to this
* API function.
function instrumentChromeApiFunction(functionIdentifier, callbackParameter) {
var functionIdentifierParts = functionIdentifier.split('.');
var functionName = functionIdentifierParts.pop();
var chromeContainer = chrome;
var instrumentedContainer = instrumented;
functionIdentifierParts.forEach(function(fragment) {
chromeContainer = chromeContainer[fragment];
if (!chromeContainer) {
'Cannot instrument ' + functionIdentifier));
if (!(fragment in instrumentedContainer))
instrumentedContainer[fragment] = {};
instrumentedContainer = instrumentedContainer[fragment];
var targetFunction = chromeContainer[functionName];
if (!targetFunction) {
'Cannot instrument ' + functionIdentifier));
instrumentedContainer[functionName] = createInstrumentedFunction(
instrumentChromeApiFunction('runtime.onSuspend.addListener', 0);
instrumented.runtime.onSuspend.addListener(function() {
var stringifiedPendingCallbacks = JSON.stringify(pendingCallbacks);
stringifiedPendingCallbacks == '{}',
'Pending callbacks when unloading event page @' + Date.now() + ':' +
return {
wrapCallback: wrapCallback,
instrumentChromeApiFunction: instrumentChromeApiFunction,
registerWrapperPluginFactory: registerWrapperPluginFactory,
checkInWrappedCallback: checkInWrappedCallback,
debugGetStateString: debugGetStateString
wrapper.instrumentChromeApiFunction('alarms.get', 1);
wrapper.instrumentChromeApiFunction('alarms.onAlarm.addListener', 0);
wrapper.instrumentChromeApiFunction('identity.getAuthToken', 1);
wrapper.instrumentChromeApiFunction('identity.onSignInChanged.addListener', 0);
wrapper.instrumentChromeApiFunction('identity.removeCachedAuthToken', 1);
wrapper.instrumentChromeApiFunction('webstorePrivate.getBrowserLogin', 0);
* Builds the object to manage tasks (mutually exclusive chains of events).
* @param {function(string, string): boolean} areConflicting Function that
* checks if a new task can't be added to a task queue that contains an
* existing task.
* @return {Object} Task manager interface.
function buildTaskManager(areConflicting) {
* Queue of scheduled tasks. The first element, if present, corresponds to the
* currently running task.
* @type {Array.<Object.<string, function()>>}
var queue = [];
* Count of unfinished callbacks of the current task.
* @type {number}
var taskPendingCallbackCount = 0;
* True if currently executed code is a part of a task.
* @type {boolean}
var isInTask = false;
* Starts the first queued task.
function startFirst() {
verify(queue.length >= 1, 'startFirst: queue is empty');
verify(!isInTask, 'startFirst: already in task');
isInTask = true;
// Start the oldest queued task, but don't remove it from the queue.
taskPendingCallbackCount == 0,
'tasks.startFirst: still have pending task callbacks: ' +
taskPendingCallbackCount +
', queue = ' + JSON.stringify(queue) + ', ' +
var entry = queue[0];
console.log('Starting task ' + entry.name);
verify(isInTask, 'startFirst: not in task at exit');
isInTask = false;
if (taskPendingCallbackCount == 0)
* Checks if a new task can be added to the task queue.
* @param {string} taskName Name of the new task.
* @return {boolean} Whether the new task can be added.
function canQueue(taskName) {
for (var i = 0; i < queue.length; ++i) {
if (areConflicting(taskName, queue[i].name)) {
console.log('Conflict: new=' + taskName +
', scheduled=' + queue[i].name);
return false;
return true;
* Adds a new task. If another task is not running, runs the task immediately.
* If any task in the queue is not compatible with the task, ignores the new
* task. Otherwise, stores the task for future execution.
* @param {string} taskName Name of the task.
* @param {function()} task Function to run.
function add(taskName, task) {
console.log('Adding task ' + taskName);
if (!canQueue(taskName))
queue.push({name: taskName, task: task});
if (queue.length == 1) {
* Completes the current task and starts the next queued task if available.
function finish() {
verify(queue.length >= 1,
'tasks.finish: The task queue is empty');
console.log('Finishing task ' + queue[0].name);
if (queue.length >= 1)
instrumented.runtime.onSuspend.addListener(function() {
queue.length == 0,
'Incomplete task when unloading event page,' +
' queue = ' + JSON.stringify(queue) + ', ' +
* Wrapper plugin for tasks.
* @constructor
function TasksWrapperPlugin() {
this.isTaskCallback = isInTask;
if (this.isTaskCallback)
TasksWrapperPlugin.prototype = {
* Plugin code to be executed before invoking the original callback.
prologue: function() {
if (this.isTaskCallback) {
verify(!isInTask, 'TasksWrapperPlugin.prologue: already in task');
isInTask = true;
* Plugin code to be executed after invoking the original callback.
epilogue: function() {
if (this.isTaskCallback) {
verify(isInTask, 'TasksWrapperPlugin.epilogue: not in task at exit');
isInTask = false;
if (--taskPendingCallbackCount == 0)
wrapper.registerWrapperPluginFactory(function() {
return new TasksWrapperPlugin();
return {
add: add
* Builds an object to manage retrying activities with exponential backoff.
* @param {string} name Name of this attempt manager.
* @param {function()} attempt Activity that the manager retries until it
* calls 'stop' method.
* @param {number} initialDelaySeconds Default first delay until first retry.
* @param {number} maximumDelaySeconds Maximum delay between retries.
* @return {Object} Attempt manager interface.
function buildAttemptManager(
name, attempt, initialDelaySeconds, maximumDelaySeconds) {
var alarmName = 'attempt-scheduler-' + name;
var currentDelayStorageKey = 'current-delay-' + name;
* Creates an alarm for the next attempt. The alarm is repeating for the case
* when the next attempt crashes before registering next alarm.
* @param {number} delaySeconds Delay until next retry.
function createAlarm(delaySeconds) {
var alarmInfo = {
delayInMinutes: delaySeconds / 60,
periodInMinutes: maximumDelaySeconds / 60
chrome.alarms.create(alarmName, alarmInfo);
* Indicates if this attempt manager has started.
* @param {function(boolean)} callback The function's boolean parameter is
* true if the attempt manager has started, false otherwise.
function isRunning(callback) {
instrumented.alarms.get(alarmName, function(alarmInfo) {
* Schedules next attempt.
* @param {number=} opt_previousDelaySeconds Previous delay in a sequence of
* retry attempts, if specified. Not specified for scheduling first retry
* in the exponential sequence.
function scheduleNextAttempt(opt_previousDelaySeconds) {
var base = opt_previousDelaySeconds ? opt_previousDelaySeconds * 2 :
var newRetryDelaySeconds =
Math.min(base * (1 + 0.2 * Math.random()), maximumDelaySeconds);
var items = {};
items[currentDelayStorageKey] = newRetryDelaySeconds;
* Starts repeated attempts.
* @param {number=} opt_firstDelaySeconds Time until the first attempt, if
* specified. Otherwise, initialDelaySeconds will be used for the first
* attempt.
function start(opt_firstDelaySeconds) {
if (opt_firstDelaySeconds) {
} else {
* Stops repeated attempts.
function stop() {
* Plans for the next attempt.
* @param {function()} callback Completion callback. It will be invoked after
* the planning is done.
function planForNext(callback) {
instrumented.storage.local.get(currentDelayStorageKey, function(items) {
if (!items) {
items = {};
items[currentDelayStorageKey] = maximumDelaySeconds;
console.log('planForNext-get-storage ' + JSON.stringify(items));
instrumented.alarms.onAlarm.addListener(function(alarm) {
if (alarm.name == alarmName)
isRunning(function(running) {
if (running)
return {
start: start,
planForNext: planForNext,
stop: stop,
isRunning: isRunning
// TODO(robliao): Use signed-in state change watch API when it's available.
* Wraps chrome.identity to provide limited listening support for
* the sign in state by polling periodically for the auth token.
* @return {Object} The Authentication Manager interface.
function buildAuthenticationManager() {
var alarmName = 'sign-in-alarm';
* Gets an OAuth2 access token.
* @param {function(string=)} callback Called on completion.
* The string contains the token. It's undefined if there was an error.
function getAuthToken(callback) {
instrumented.identity.getAuthToken({interactive: false}, function(token) {
token = chrome.runtime.lastError ? undefined : token;
* Determines whether there is an account attached to the profile.
* @param {function(boolean)} callback Called on completion.
function isSignedIn(callback) {
instrumented.webstorePrivate.getBrowserLogin(function(accountInfo) {
* Removes the specified cached token.
* @param {string} token Authentication Token to remove from the cache.
* @param {function()} callback Called on completion.
function removeToken(token, callback) {
instrumented.identity.removeCachedAuthToken({token: token}, function() {
// Let Chrome now about a possible problem with the token.
getAuthToken(function() {});
var listeners = [];
* Registers a listener that gets called back when the signed in state
* is found to be changed.
* @param {function()} callback Called when the answer to isSignedIn changes.
function addListener(callback) {
* Checks if the last signed in state matches the current one.
* If it doesn't, it notifies the listeners of the change.
function checkAndNotifyListeners() {
isSignedIn(function(signedIn) {
instrumented.storage.local.get('lastSignedInState', function(items) {
items = items || {};
if (items.lastSignedInState != signedIn) {
{lastSignedInState: signedIn});
listeners.forEach(function(callback) {
instrumented.identity.onSignInChanged.addListener(function() {
instrumented.alarms.onAlarm.addListener(function(alarm) {
if (alarm.name == alarmName)
// Poll for the sign in state every hour.
// One hour is just an arbitrary amount of time chosen.
chrome.alarms.create(alarmName, {periodInMinutes: 60});
return {
addListener: addListener,
getAuthToken: getAuthToken,
isSignedIn: isSignedIn,
removeToken: removeToken