// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Handles the visible notification (or balloons).
#include <deque>
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
class Balloon;
class GURL;
class Notification;
class Profile;
namespace gfx {
class Size;
class BalloonCollection {
class BalloonSpaceChangeListener {
virtual ~BalloonSpaceChangeListener() {}
// Called when there is more or less space for balloons due to
// monitor size changes or balloons disappearing.
virtual void OnBalloonSpaceChanged() = 0;
// Do not change existing values without migration path; these
// are stored as integers in user preferences.
enum PositionPreference {
// The default position is different on different platforms.
static BalloonCollection* Create();
virtual ~BalloonCollection();
// Adds a new balloon for the specified notification.
virtual void Add(const Notification& notification,
Profile* profile) = 0;
// Returns true if any balloon has this notification id.
virtual const Notification* FindById(const std::string& id) const = 0;
// Removes any balloons that have this notification id. Returns
// true if anything was removed.
virtual bool RemoveById(const std::string& id) = 0;
// Removes any balloons that have this source origin. Returns
// true if anything was removed.
virtual bool RemoveBySourceOrigin(const GURL& source_origin) = 0;
// Removes any balloons matching |profile. Returns true if any were removed.
virtual bool RemoveByProfile(Profile* profile) = 0;
// Removes all balloons.
virtual void RemoveAll() = 0;
// Is there room to add another notification?
virtual bool HasSpace() const = 0;
// Request the resizing of a balloon.
virtual void ResizeBalloon(Balloon* balloon, const gfx::Size& size) = 0;
// Set the position preference for the collection.
virtual void SetPositionPreference(PositionPreference position) = 0;
// Update for new screen dimensions.
virtual void DisplayChanged() = 0;
// Inform the collection that a balloon was closed.
virtual void OnBalloonClosed(Balloon* source) = 0;
// Get const collection of the active balloons.
typedef std::deque<Balloon*> Balloons;
virtual const Balloons& GetActiveBalloons() = 0;
BalloonSpaceChangeListener* space_change_listener() {
return space_change_listener_;
void set_space_change_listener(BalloonSpaceChangeListener* listener) {
space_change_listener_ = listener;
void set_on_collection_changed_callback(const base::Closure& callback) {
on_collection_changed_callback_ = callback;
// Non-owned pointer to an object listening for space changes.
BalloonSpaceChangeListener* space_change_listener_;
// For use only with testing. This callback is invoked when a balloon
// is added or removed from the collection.
base::Closure on_collection_changed_callback_;