// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "chrome/browser/history/history_types.h"
class PageUsageData;
namespace sql {
class Connection;
class Statement;
namespace history {
// Tracks pages used for the most visited view.
class VisitSegmentDatabase {
// Must call InitSegmentTables before using any other part of this class.
virtual ~VisitSegmentDatabase();
// Compute a segment name given a URL. The segment name is currently the
// source url spec less some information such as query strings.
static std::string ComputeSegmentName(const GURL& url);
// The segment tables use the time as a key for visit count and duration. This
// returns the appropriate time.
static base::Time SegmentTime(base::Time time);
// Returns the ID of the segment with the corresponding name, or 0 if there
// is no segment with that name.
SegmentID GetSegmentNamed(const std::string& segment_name);
// Update the segment identified by |out_segment_id| with the provided URL ID.
// The URL identifies the page that will now represent the segment. If url_id
// is non zero, it is assumed to be the row id of |url|.
bool UpdateSegmentRepresentationURL(SegmentID segment_id,
URLID url_id);
// Return the ID of the URL currently used to represent this segment or 0 if
// an error occured.
URLID GetSegmentRepresentationURL(SegmentID segment_id);
// Create a segment for the provided URL ID with the given name. Returns the
// ID of the newly created segment, or 0 on failure.
SegmentID CreateSegment(URLID url_id, const std::string& segment_name);
// Increase the segment visit count by the provided amount. Return true on
// success.
bool IncreaseSegmentVisitCount(SegmentID segment_id, base::Time ts,
int amount);
// Compute the segment usage since |from_time| using the provided aggregator.
// A PageUsageData is added in |result| for the highest-scored segments up to
// |max_result_count|.
void QuerySegmentUsage(base::Time from_time,
int max_result_count,
std::vector<PageUsageData*>* result);
// Delete all the segment usage data which is older than the provided time
// stamp.
bool DeleteSegmentData(base::Time older_than);
// Change the presentation id for the segment identified by |segment_id|
bool SetSegmentPresentationIndex(SegmentID segment_id, int index);
// Delete the segment currently using the provided url for representation.
// This will also delete any associated segment usage data.
bool DeleteSegmentForURL(URLID url_id);
// Creates a new SegmentDurationID for the SegmentID and Time pair. The
// duration is set to |delta|.
SegmentDurationID CreateSegmentDuration(SegmentID segment_id,
base::Time time,
base::TimeDelta delta);
// Sets the duration of the |duration_id| to |time_delta|.
bool SetSegmentDuration(SegmentDurationID duration_id,
base::TimeDelta time_delta);
// Gets the SegmentDurationID of the |segment_id| and |time| pair. Returns
// true on success and sets |duration_id| and |time_delta| appropriately.
bool GetSegmentDuration(SegmentID segment_id,
base::Time time,
SegmentDurationID* duration_id,
base::TimeDelta* time_delta);
// Queries segments by duration.
void QuerySegmentDuration(base::Time from_time,
int max_result_count,
std::vector<PageUsageData*>* result);
// Returns the database for the functions in this interface.
virtual sql::Connection& GetDB() = 0;
// Creates the tables used by this class if necessary. Returns true on
// success.
bool InitSegmentTables();
// Deletes all the segment tables, returning true on success.
bool DropSegmentTables();
// Removes the 'pres_index' column from the segments table and the
// presentation table is removed entirely.
bool MigratePresentationIndex();
enum QueryType {
// Used by both QuerySegment fucntions.
void QuerySegmentsCommon(sql::Statement* statement,
base::Time from_time,
int max_result_count,
QueryType query_type,
std::vector<PageUsageData*>* result);
// Was the |segment_duration| table created?
const bool has_duration_table_;
} // namespace history