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// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/threading/platform_thread.h"
#include "content/public/browser/download_item.h"
#include "sql/meta_table.h"

namespace sql {
class Connection;

namespace history {

struct DownloadRow;

// Maintains a table of downloads.
class DownloadDatabase {
  // Must call InitDownloadTable before using any other functions.
  virtual ~DownloadDatabase();

  void GetNextDownloadId(uint32* id);

  // Get all the downloads from the database.
  void QueryDownloads(
      std::vector<DownloadRow>* results);

  // Update the state of one download. Returns true if successful.
  // Does not update |url|, |start_time|; uses |id| only
  // to select the row in the database table to update.
  bool UpdateDownload(const DownloadRow& data);

  // Create a new database entry for one download and return true if the
  // creation succeeded, false otherwise.
  bool CreateDownload(const DownloadRow& info);

  // Remove |id| from the database.
  void RemoveDownload(uint32 id);

  size_t CountDownloads();

  // Returns the database for the functions in this interface.
  virtual sql::Connection& GetDB() = 0;

  // Returns true if able to successfully rewrite the invalid values for the
  // |state| field from 3 to 4. Returns false if there was an error fixing the
  // database. See http://crbug.com/140687
  bool MigrateDownloadsState();

  // Returns true if able to successfully add the last interrupt reason and the
  // two target paths to downloads.
  bool MigrateDownloadsReasonPathsAndDangerType();

  // Returns true if able to successfully add the referrer column to the
  // downloads table.
  bool MigrateReferrer();

  // Returns true if able to successfully add the by_ext_id and by_ext_name
  // columns to the downloads table.
  bool MigrateDownloadedByExtension();

  // Returns true if able to successfully add the etag and last-modified columns
  // to the downloads table.
  bool MigrateDownloadValidators();

  // Creates the downloads table if needed.
  bool InitDownloadTable();

  // Used to quickly clear the downloads. First you would drop it, then you
  // would re-initialize it.
  bool DropDownloadTable();

      HistoryBackendDBTest, ConfirmDownloadInProgressCleanup);

  // Values used in the database for DownloadItem::State.
  static const int kStateInvalid;
  static const int kStateInProgress;
  static const int kStateComplete;
  static const int kStateCancelled;
  static const int kStateBug140687;
  static const int kStateInterrupted;

  // Values used in the database for DownloadItem::DangerType
  static const int kDangerTypeInvalid;
  static const int kDangerTypeNotDangerous;
  static const int kDangerTypeDangerousFile;
  static const int kDangerTypeDangerousUrl;
  static const int kDangerTypeDangerousContent;
  static const int kDangerTypeMaybeDangerousContent;
  static const int kDangerTypeUncommonContent;
  static const int kDangerTypeUserValidated;
  static const int kDangerTypeDangerousHost;
  static const int kDangerTypePotentiallyUnwanted;

  // Fixes state of the download entries. Sometimes entries with IN_PROGRESS
  // state are not updated during browser shutdown (particularly when crashing).
  // On the next start such entries are considered interrupted with
  // interrupt reason |DOWNLOAD_INTERRUPT_REASON_CRASH|.  This function
  // fixes such entries.
  void EnsureInProgressEntriesCleanedUp();

  bool EnsureColumnExists(const std::string& name, const std::string& type);

  void RemoveDownloadURLs(uint32 id);

  // Utility functions for conversion between DownloadItem types
  // and DownloadDatabase constants.
  static int StateToInt(content::DownloadItem::DownloadState state);
  static content::DownloadItem::DownloadState IntToState(int state);
  static int DangerTypeToInt(content::DownloadDangerType danger_type);
  static content::DownloadDangerType IntToDangerType(int danger_type);

  bool owning_thread_set_;
  base::PlatformThreadId owning_thread_;

  // Initialized to false on construction, and checked in all functional
  // routines post-migration in the database for a possible call to
  // CleanUpInProgressEntries().  This allows us to avoid
  // doing the cleanup until after any DB migration and unless we are
  // actually use the downloads database.
  bool in_progress_entry_cleanup_completed_;


}  // namespace history