// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/containers/hash_tables.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "chrome/browser/common/cancelable_request.h"
#include "chrome/common/cancelable_task_tracker.h"
#include "chrome/common/favicon/favicon_types.h"
#include "chrome/common/ref_counted_util.h"
#include "components/browser_context_keyed_service/browser_context_keyed_service.h"
#include "ui/base/layout.h"
class GURL;
class HistoryService;
struct ImportedFaviconUsage;
class Profile;
namespace chrome {
struct FaviconImageResult;
// The favicon service provides methods to access favicons. It calls the history
// backend behind the scenes.
// This service is thread safe. Each request callback is invoked in the
// thread that made the request.
class FaviconService : public CancelableRequestProvider,
public BrowserContextKeyedService {
explicit FaviconService(Profile* profile);
virtual ~FaviconService();
// Auxiliary argument structure for requesting favicons for URLs.
struct FaviconForURLParams {
FaviconForURLParams(const GURL& page_url,
int icon_types,
int desired_size_in_dip)
: page_url(page_url),
desired_size_in_dip(desired_size_in_dip) {}
GURL page_url;
int icon_types;
int desired_size_in_dip;
// Callback for GetFaviconImage() and GetFaviconImageForURL().
// |FaviconImageResult::image| is constructed from the bitmaps for the
// passed in URL and icon types which most which closely match the passed in
// |desired_size_in_dip| at the scale factors supported by the current
// platform (eg MacOS) in addition to 1x.
// |FaviconImageResult::icon_url| is the favicon that the favicon bitmaps in
// |image| originate from.
// TODO(pkotwicz): Enable constructing |image| from bitmaps from several
// icon URLs.
typedef base::Callback<void(const chrome::FaviconImageResult&)>
// Callback for GetRawFavicon(), GetRawFaviconForURL() and
// GetLargestRawFavicon().
// See function for details on value.
typedef base::Callback<void(const chrome::FaviconBitmapResult&)>
// Callback for GetFavicon() and GetFaviconForURL().
// The first argument is the set of bitmaps for the passed in URL and
// icon types whose pixel sizes best match the passed in
// |desired_size_in_dip| at the scale factors supported by the current
// platform (eg MacOS) in addition to 1x. The vector has at most one result
// for each of the scale factors. There are less entries if a single result
// is the best bitmap to use for several scale factors.
typedef base::Callback<void(const std::vector<chrome::FaviconBitmapResult>&)>
// We usually pass parameters with pointer to avoid copy. This function is a
// helper to run FaviconResultsCallback with pointer parameters.
static void FaviconResultsCallbackRunner(
const FaviconResultsCallback& callback,
const std::vector<chrome::FaviconBitmapResult>* results);
// Requests the favicon at |icon_url| of |icon_type| whose size most closely
// matches |desired_size_in_dip|. If |desired_size_in_dip| is 0, the largest
// favicon bitmap at |icon_url| is returned. |consumer| is notified when the
// bits have been fetched. |icon_url| is the URL of the icon itself, e.g.
// <http://www.google.com/favicon.ico>.
// Each of the three methods below differs in the format of the callback and
// the requested scale factors. All of the scale factors supported by the
// current platform (eg MacOS) are requested for GetFaviconImage().
CancelableTaskTracker::TaskId GetFaviconImage(
const GURL& icon_url,
chrome::IconType icon_type,
int desired_size_in_dip,
const FaviconImageCallback& callback,
CancelableTaskTracker* tracker);
CancelableTaskTracker::TaskId GetRawFavicon(
const GURL& icon_url,
chrome::IconType icon_type,
int desired_size_in_dip,
ui::ScaleFactor desired_scale_factor,
const FaviconRawCallback& callback,
CancelableTaskTracker* tracker);
CancelableTaskTracker::TaskId GetFavicon(
const GURL& icon_url,
chrome::IconType icon_type,
int desired_size_in_dip,
const FaviconResultsCallback& callback,
CancelableTaskTracker* tracker);
// Set the favicon mappings to |page_url| for |icon_types| in the history
// database.
// Sample |icon_urls|:
// { ICON_URL1 -> TOUCH_ICON, known to the database,
// ICON_URL2 -> TOUCH_ICON, not known to the database,
// ICON_URL3 -> TOUCH_PRECOMPOSED_ICON, known to the database }
// The new mappings are computed from |icon_urls| with these rules:
// 1) Any urls in |icon_urls| which are not already known to the database are
// rejected.
// Sample new mappings to |page_url|: { ICON_URL1, ICON_URL3 }
// 2) If |icon_types| has multiple types, the mappings are only set for the
// largest icon type.
// Sample new mappings to |page_url|: { ICON_URL3 }
// |icon_types| can only have multiple IconTypes if
// The favicon bitmaps which most closely match |desired_size_in_dip|
// at the scale factors supported by the current platform (eg MacOS) in
// addition to 1x from the favicons which were just mapped to |page_url| are
// returned. If |desired_size_in_dip| is 0, the largest favicon bitmap is
// returned.
CancelableTaskTracker::TaskId UpdateFaviconMappingsAndFetch(
const GURL& page_url,
const std::vector<GURL>& icon_urls,
int icon_types,
int desired_size_in_dip,
const FaviconResultsCallback& callback,
CancelableTaskTracker* tracker);
// Requests the favicons of any of |icon_types| whose pixel sizes most
// closely match |desired_size_in_dip| and desired scale factors for a web
// page URL. If |desired_size_in_dip| is 0, the largest favicon for the web
// page URL is returned. |callback| is run when the bits have been fetched.
// |icon_types| can be any combination of IconType value, but only one icon
// will be returned in the priority of TOUCH_PRECOMPOSED_ICON, TOUCH_ICON and
// FAVICON. Each of the three methods below differs in the format of the
// callback and the requested scale factors. All of the scale factors
// supported by the current platform (eg MacOS) are requested for
// GetFaviconImageForURL().
// Note. |callback| is always run asynchronously.
CancelableTaskTracker::TaskId GetFaviconImageForURL(
const FaviconForURLParams& params,
const FaviconImageCallback& callback,
CancelableTaskTracker* tracker);
CancelableTaskTracker::TaskId GetRawFaviconForURL(
const FaviconForURLParams& params,
ui::ScaleFactor desired_scale_factor,
const FaviconRawCallback& callback,
CancelableTaskTracker* tracker);
// See HistoryService::GetLargestFaviconForURL().
CancelableTaskTracker::TaskId GetLargestRawFaviconForURL(
Profile* profile,
const GURL& page_url,
const std::vector<int>& icon_types,
int minimum_size_in_pixels,
const FaviconRawCallback& callback,
CancelableTaskTracker* tracker);
CancelableTaskTracker::TaskId GetFaviconForURL(
const FaviconForURLParams& params,
const FaviconResultsCallback& callback,
CancelableTaskTracker* tracker);
// Used to request a bitmap for the favicon with |favicon_id| which is not
// resized from the size it is stored at in the database. If there are
// multiple favicon bitmaps for |favicon_id|, the largest favicon bitmap is
// returned.
CancelableTaskTracker::TaskId GetLargestRawFaviconForID(
chrome::FaviconID favicon_id,
const FaviconRawCallback& callback,
CancelableTaskTracker* tracker);
// Marks all types of favicon for the page as being out of date.
void SetFaviconOutOfDateForPage(const GURL& page_url);
// Clones all icons from an existing page. This associates the icons from
// |old_page_url| with |new_page_url|, provided |new_page_url| has no
// recorded associations to any other icons.
// Needed if you want to declare favicons (tentatively) in advance, before a
// page is ever visited.
void CloneFavicon(const GURL& old_page_url, const GURL& new_page_url);
// Allows the importer to set many favicons for many pages at once. The pages
// must exist, any favicon sets for unknown pages will be discarded. Existing
// favicons will not be overwritten.
void SetImportedFavicons(
const std::vector<ImportedFaviconUsage>& favicon_usage);
// Set the favicon for |page_url| for |icon_type| in the thumbnail database.
// Unlike SetFavicons(), this method will not delete preexisting bitmap data
// which is associated to |page_url| if at all possible. Use this method if
// the favicon bitmaps for any of ui::GetSupportedScaleFactors() are not
// known.
void MergeFavicon(const GURL& page_url,
const GURL& icon_url,
chrome::IconType icon_type,
scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedMemory> bitmap_data,
const gfx::Size& pixel_size);
// Set the favicon for |page_url| for |icon_type| in the thumbnail database.
// |icon_url| is the single favicon to map to |page_url|. Mappings from
// |page_url| to favicons at different icon URLs will be deleted.
// A favicon bitmap is added for each image rep in |image|. Any preexisting
// bitmap data for |icon_url| is deleted. It is important that |image|
// contains image reps for all of ui::GetSupportedScaleFactors(). Use
// MergeFavicon() if it does not.
// TODO(pkotwicz): Save unresized favicon bitmaps to the database.
// TODO(pkotwicz): Support adding favicons for multiple icon URLs to the
// thumbnail database.
void SetFavicons(const GURL& page_url,
const GURL& icon_url,
chrome::IconType icon_type,
const gfx::Image& image);
// Avoid repeated requests to download missing favicon.
void UnableToDownloadFavicon(const GURL& icon_url);
bool WasUnableToDownloadFavicon(const GURL& icon_url) const;
void ClearUnableToDownloadFavicons();
typedef uint32 MissingFaviconURLHash;
base::hash_set<MissingFaviconURLHash> missing_favicon_urls_;
HistoryService* history_service_;
Profile* profile_;
// Helper function for GetFaviconImageForURL(), GetRawFaviconForURL() and
// GetFaviconForURL().
CancelableTaskTracker::TaskId GetFaviconForURLImpl(
const FaviconForURLParams& params,
const std::vector<ui::ScaleFactor>& desired_scale_factors,
const FaviconResultsCallback& callback,
CancelableTaskTracker* tracker);
// Intermediate callback for GetFaviconImage() and GetFaviconImageForURL()
// so that history service can deal solely with FaviconResultsCallback.
// Builds chrome::FaviconImageResult from |favicon_bitmap_results| and runs
// |callback|.
void RunFaviconImageCallbackWithBitmapResults(
const FaviconImageCallback& callback,
int desired_size_in_dip,
const std::vector<chrome::FaviconBitmapResult>& favicon_bitmap_results);
// Intermediate callback for GetRawFavicon() and GetRawFaviconForURL()
// so that history service can deal solely with FaviconResultsCallback.
// Resizes chrome::FaviconBitmapResult if necessary and runs |callback|.
void RunFaviconRawCallbackWithBitmapResults(
const FaviconRawCallback& callback,
int desired_size_in_dip,
ui::ScaleFactor desired_scale_factor,
const std::vector<chrome::FaviconBitmapResult>& favicon_bitmap_results);