// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
class GURL;
namespace content {
class NavigationEntry;
// This class provides a delegate interface for a FaviconHandler. It allows the
// FaviconHandler to ask its delegate for information or notify its delegate
// about changes.
class FaviconHandlerDelegate {
// Returns the current NavigationEntry.
virtual content::NavigationEntry* GetActiveEntry() = 0;
// Starts the download for the given favicon. When finished, the delegate
// will call OnDidDownloadFavicon() with the results.
// Returns the unique id of the download request. The id will be passed
// in OnDidDownloadFavicon().
// Bitmaps with pixel sizes larger than |max_bitmap_size| are filtered out
// from the bitmap results. If there are no bitmap results <=
// |max_bitmap_size|, the smallest bitmap is resized to |max_bitmap_size| and
// is the only result. A |max_bitmap_size| of 0 means unlimited.
virtual int StartDownload(const GURL& url, int max_bitmap_size) = 0;
// Notifies the delegate that the favicon for the active entry was updated.
// |icon_url_changed| is true if a favicon with a different icon URL has
// been selected since the previous call to NotifyFaviconUpdated().
virtual void NotifyFaviconUpdated(bool icon_url_changed) = 0;