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// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "chrome/browser/extensions/event_names.h"

namespace extensions {

namespace event_names {

const char kOnDirectoryChanged[] = "fileBrowserPrivate.onDirectoryChanged";
const char kOnFileBrowserMountCompleted[] =
const char kOnFileTransfersUpdated[] =
const char kOnFileBrowserPreferencesChanged[] =
const char kOnFileBrowserDriveConnectionStatusChanged[] =
const char kOnFileBrowserCopyProgress[] = "fileBrowserPrivate.onCopyProgress";

const char kOnInputMethodChanged[] = "inputMethodPrivate.onChanged";

const char kOnContextMenus[] = "contextMenus";

const char kBluetoothOnDeviceDiscovered[] = "bluetooth.onDeviceDiscovered";
const char kBluetoothOnDeviceSearchFinished[] =
const char kBluetoothOnDeviceSearchResult[] = "bluetooth.onDeviceSearchResult";

const char kOnNotificationError[] = "notifications.onError";

}  // namespace event_names

}  // namespace extensions