// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_provider.h"
#include "chrome/browser/history/in_memory_url_index_types.h"
class AutocompleteInput;
struct AutocompleteMatch;
// This class is a base class for the history autocomplete providers and
// provides functions useful to all derived classes.
class HistoryProvider : public AutocompleteProvider {
virtual void DeleteMatch(const AutocompleteMatch& match) OVERRIDE;
HistoryProvider(AutocompleteProviderListener* listener,
Profile* profile,
AutocompleteProvider::Type type);
virtual ~HistoryProvider();
// Finds and removes the match from the current collection of matches and
// backing data.
void DeleteMatchFromMatches(const AutocompleteMatch& match);
// Returns true if inline autocompletion should be prevented. Use this instead
// of |input.prevent_inline_autocomplete| if the input is passed through
// FixupUserInput(). This method returns true if
// |input.prevent_inline_autocomplete()| is true or the input text contains
// trailing whitespace.
bool PreventInlineAutocomplete(const AutocompleteInput& input);
// Fill and return an ACMatchClassifications structure given the |matches|
// to highlight.
static ACMatchClassifications SpansFromTermMatch(
const history::TermMatches& matches,
size_t text_length,
bool is_url);