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  A background page that manages notifications.

  Copyright 2010 the Chromium Authors

  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found
  in the "LICENSE" file.

  Brian Kennish <>
    Displays a notification with the current time. Requires "notifications"
    permission in the manifest file (or calling
    "webkitNotifications.requestPermission" beforehand).
  function show() {
    var time = /(..)(:..)/(Date());              // The prettyprinted time.
    var hour = time[1] % 12 || 12;               // The prettyprinted hour.
    var period = time[1] < 12 ? 'a.m.' : 'p.m.'; // The period of the day.
    var notification = webkitNotifications.createNotification(
      '48.png',                      // The image.
      hour + time[2] + ' ' + period, // The title.
      'Time to make the toast.'      // The body.

  // Conditionally initialize the options.
  if (!localStorage.isInitialized) {
    localStorage.isActivated = true;   // The display activation.
    localStorage.frequency = 1;        // The display frequency, in minutes.
    localStorage.isInitialized = true; // The option initialization.

  // Test for notification support.
  if (webkitNotifications) {
    // While activated, show notifications at the display frequency.
    if (JSON.parse(localStorage.isActivated)) { show(); }

    var interval = 0; // The display interval, in minutes.

    setInterval(function() {

      if (
        JSON.parse(localStorage.isActivated) &&
          localStorage.frequency <= interval
      ) {
        interval = 0;
    }, 60000);
  } else {
    // Show a new tab with an error message.
    chrome.tabs.create({url: 'error.html'});