// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// The DownloadManager object manages the process of downloading, including
// updates to the history system and providing the information for displaying
// the downloads view in the Destinations tab. There is one DownloadManager per
// active profile in Chrome.
// Download observers:
// Objects that are interested in notifications about new downloads, or progress
// updates for a given download must implement one of the download observer
// interfaces:
// DownloadManager::Observer:
// - allows observers, primarily views, to be notified when changes to the
// set of all downloads (such as new downloads, or deletes) occur
// Use AddObserver() / RemoveObserver() on the appropriate download object to
// receive state updates.
// Download state persistence:
// The DownloadManager uses the history service for storing persistent
// information about the state of all downloads. The history system maintains a
// separate table for this called 'downloads'. At the point that the
// DownloadManager is constructed, we query the history service for the state of
// all persisted downloads.
#pragma once
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/file_path.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/time.h"
#include "chrome/browser/download/download_status_updater_delegate.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/shell_dialogs.h"
#include "content/browser/browser_thread.h"
class DownloadFileManager;
class DownloadHistory;
class DownloadItem;
class DownloadPrefs;
class DownloadStatusUpdater;
class GURL;
class Profile;
class ResourceDispatcherHost;
class TabContents;
struct DownloadCreateInfo;
struct DownloadSaveInfo;
namespace net {
class URLRequestContextGetter;
// Browser's download manager: manages all downloads and destination view.
class DownloadManager
: public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<DownloadManager,
public DownloadStatusUpdaterDelegate,
public SelectFileDialog::Listener {
explicit DownloadManager(DownloadStatusUpdater* status_updater);
// Shutdown the download manager. Must be called before destruction.
void Shutdown();
// Interface to implement for observers that wish to be informed of changes
// to the DownloadManager's collection of downloads.
class Observer {
// New or deleted download, observers should query us for the current set
// of downloads.
virtual void ModelChanged() = 0;
// Called when the DownloadManager is being destroyed to prevent Observers
// from calling back to a stale pointer.
virtual void ManagerGoingDown() {}
// Called immediately after the DownloadManager puts up a select file
// dialog.
// |id| indicates which download opened the dialog.
virtual void SelectFileDialogDisplayed(int32 id) {}
virtual ~Observer() {}
// Return all temporary downloads that reside in the specified directory.
void GetTemporaryDownloads(const FilePath& dir_path,
std::vector<DownloadItem*>* result);
// Return all non-temporary downloads in the specified directory that are
// are in progress or have completed.
void GetAllDownloads(const FilePath& dir_path,
std::vector<DownloadItem*>* result);
// Return all non-temporary downloads in the specified directory that are
// in-progress (including dangerous downloads waiting for user confirmation).
void GetCurrentDownloads(const FilePath& dir_path,
std::vector<DownloadItem*>* result);
// Returns all non-temporary downloads matching |query|. Empty query matches
// everything.
void SearchDownloads(const string16& query,
std::vector<DownloadItem*>* result);
// Returns true if initialized properly.
bool Init(Profile* profile);
// Notifications sent from the download thread to the UI thread
void StartDownload(DownloadCreateInfo* info);
void UpdateDownload(int32 download_id, int64 size);
// |hash| is sha256 hash for the downloaded file. It is empty when the hash
// is not available.
void OnResponseCompleted(int32 download_id, int64 size, int os_error,
const std::string& hash);
// Called from a view when a user clicks a UI button or link.
void DownloadCancelled(int32 download_id);
void PauseDownload(int32 download_id, bool pause);
void RemoveDownload(int64 download_handle);
// Determine if the download is ready for completion, i.e. has had
// all data saved, and completed the filename determination and
// history insertion.
bool IsDownloadReadyForCompletion(DownloadItem* download);
// If all pre-requisites have been met, complete download processing, i.e.
// do internal cleanup, file rename, and potentially auto-open.
// (Dangerous downloads still may block on user acceptance after this
// point.)
void MaybeCompleteDownload(DownloadItem* download);
// Called when the download is renamed to its final name.
// |uniquifier| is a number used to make unique names for the file. It is
// only valid for the DANGEROUS_BUT_VALIDATED state of the download item.
void OnDownloadRenamedToFinalName(int download_id,
const FilePath& full_path,
int uniquifier);
// Remove downloads after remove_begin (inclusive) and before remove_end
// (exclusive). You may pass in null Time values to do an unbounded delete
// in either direction.
int RemoveDownloadsBetween(const base::Time remove_begin,
const base::Time remove_end);
// Remove downloads will delete all downloads that have a timestamp that is
// the same or more recent than |remove_begin|. The number of downloads
// deleted is returned back to the caller.
int RemoveDownloads(const base::Time remove_begin);
// Remove all downloads will delete all downloads. The number of downloads
// deleted is returned back to the caller.
int RemoveAllDownloads();
// Final download manager transition for download: Update the download
// history and remove the download from |active_downloads_|.
void DownloadCompleted(int32 download_id);
// Called when a Save Page As download is started. Transfers ownership
// of |download_item| to the DownloadManager.
void SavePageAsDownloadStarted(DownloadItem* download_item);
// Download the object at the URL. Used in cases such as "Save Link As..."
void DownloadUrl(const GURL& url,
const GURL& referrer,
const std::string& referrer_encoding,
TabContents* tab_contents);
// Download the object at the URL and save it to the specified path. The
// download is treated as the temporary download and thus will not appear
// in the download history. Used in cases such as drag and drop.
void DownloadUrlToFile(const GURL& url,
const GURL& referrer,
const std::string& referrer_encoding,
const DownloadSaveInfo& save_info,
TabContents* tab_contents);
// Allow objects to observe the download creation process.
void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
// Remove a download observer from ourself.
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
// Methods called on completion of a query sent to the history system.
void OnQueryDownloadEntriesComplete(
std::vector<DownloadCreateInfo>* entries);
void OnCreateDownloadEntryComplete(
DownloadCreateInfo info, int64 db_handle);
// Display a new download in the appropriate browser UI.
void ShowDownloadInBrowser(const DownloadCreateInfo& info,
DownloadItem* download);
// The number of in progress (including paused) downloads.
int in_progress_count() const {
return static_cast<int>(in_progress_.size());
Profile* profile() { return profile_; }
DownloadHistory* download_history() { return download_history_.get(); }
DownloadPrefs* download_prefs() { return download_prefs_.get(); }
// Creates the download item. Must be called on the UI thread.
void CreateDownloadItem(DownloadCreateInfo* info);
// Clears the last download path, used to initialize "save as" dialogs.
void ClearLastDownloadPath();
// Tests if a file type should be opened automatically.
bool ShouldOpenFileBasedOnExtension(const FilePath& path) const;
// Overridden from DownloadStatusUpdaterDelegate:
virtual bool IsDownloadProgressKnown();
virtual int64 GetInProgressDownloadCount();
virtual int64 GetReceivedDownloadBytes();
virtual int64 GetTotalDownloadBytes();
// Overridden from SelectFileDialog::Listener:
virtual void FileSelected(const FilePath& path, int index, void* params);
virtual void FileSelectionCanceled(void* params);
// Called when the user has validated the download of a dangerous file.
void DangerousDownloadValidated(DownloadItem* download);
// Callback function after url is checked with safebrowsing service.
void CheckDownloadUrlDone(DownloadCreateInfo* info, bool is_dangerous_url);
// Callback function after download file hash is checked with safebrowsing
// service.
void CheckDownloadHashDone(int32 download_id, bool is_dangerous_hash);
// For testing.
friend class DownloadManagerTest;
friend class MockDownloadManager;
// This class is used to let an incognito DownloadManager observe changes to
// a normal DownloadManager, to propagate ModelChanged() calls from the parent
// DownloadManager to the observers of the incognito DownloadManager.
class OtherDownloadManagerObserver : public Observer {
explicit OtherDownloadManagerObserver(
DownloadManager* observing_download_manager);
virtual ~OtherDownloadManagerObserver();
// Observer interface.
virtual void ModelChanged();
virtual void ManagerGoingDown();
// The incognito download manager.
DownloadManager* observing_download_manager_;
// The original profile's download manager.
DownloadManager* observed_download_manager_;
friend struct BrowserThread::DeleteOnThread<BrowserThread::UI>;
friend class DeleteTask<DownloadManager>;
friend class OtherDownloadManagerObserver;
// Called on the download thread to check whether the suggested file path
// exists. We don't check if the file exists on the UI thread to avoid UI
// stalls from interacting with the file system.
void CheckIfSuggestedPathExists(DownloadCreateInfo* info,
const FilePath& default_path);
// Called on the UI thread once the DownloadManager has determined whether the
// suggested file path exists.
void OnPathExistenceAvailable(DownloadCreateInfo* info);
// Called back after a target path for the file to be downloaded to has been
// determined, either automatically based on the suggested file name, or by
// the user in a Save As dialog box.
void AttachDownloadItem(DownloadCreateInfo* info);
// Download cancel helper function.
void DownloadCancelledInternal(int download_id,
int render_process_id,
int request_id);
// All data has been downloaded.
// |hash| is sha256 hash for the downloaded file. It is empty when the hash
// is not available.
void OnAllDataSaved(int32 download_id, int64 size, const std::string& hash);
// An error occurred in the download.
void OnDownloadError(int32 download_id, int64 size, int os_error);
// Updates the app icon about the overall download progress.
void UpdateAppIcon();
// Makes the ResourceDispatcherHost pause/un-pause a download request.
// Called on the IO thread.
void PauseDownloadRequest(ResourceDispatcherHost* rdh,
int render_process_id,
int request_id,
bool pause);
// Inform observers that the model has changed.
void NotifyModelChanged();
DownloadItem* GetDownloadItem(int id);
// Debugging routine to confirm relationship between below
// containers; no-op if NDEBUG.
void AssertContainersConsistent() const;
// |downloads_| is the owning set for all downloads known to the
// DownloadManager. This includes downloads started by the user in
// this session, downloads initialized from the history system, and
// "save page as" downloads. All other DownloadItem containers in
// the DownloadManager are maps; they do not own the DownloadItems.
// Note that this is the only place (with any functional implications;
// see save_page_as_downloads_ below) that "save page as" downloads are
// kept, as the DownloadManager's only job is to hold onto those
// until destruction.
// |history_downloads_| is map of all downloads in this profile. The key
// is the handle returned by the history system, which is unique
// across sessions.
// |active_downloads_| is a map of all downloads that are currently being
// processed. The key is the ID assigned by the ResourceDispatcherHost,
// which is unique for the current session.
// |in_progress_| is a map of all downloads that are in progress and that have
// not yet received a valid history handle. The key is the ID assigned by the
// ResourceDispatcherHost, which is unique for the current session.
// |save_page_as_downloads_| (if defined) is a collection of all the
// downloads the "save page as" system has given to us to hold onto
// until we are destroyed. It is only used for debugging.
// When a download is created through a user action, the corresponding
// DownloadItem* is placed in |active_downloads_| and remains there until the
// download is in a terminal state (COMPLETE or CANCELLED). It is also
// placed in |in_progress_| and remains there until it has received a
// valid handle from the history system. Once it has a valid handle, the
// DownloadItem* is placed in the |history_downloads_| map. When the
// download reaches a terminal state, it is removed from |in_progress_|.
// Downloads from past sessions read from a persisted state from the
// history system are placed directly into |history_downloads_| since
// they have valid handles in the history system.
typedef std::set<DownloadItem*> DownloadSet;
typedef base::hash_map<int64, DownloadItem*> DownloadMap;
DownloadSet downloads_;
DownloadMap history_downloads_;
DownloadMap in_progress_;
DownloadMap active_downloads_;
#if !defined(NDEBUG)
DownloadSet save_page_as_downloads_;
// True if the download manager has been initialized and requires a shutdown.
bool shutdown_needed_;
// Observers that want to be notified of changes to the set of downloads.
ObserverList<Observer> observers_;
// The current active profile.
Profile* profile_;
scoped_refptr<net::URLRequestContextGetter> request_context_getter_;
scoped_ptr<DownloadHistory> download_history_;
scoped_ptr<DownloadPrefs> download_prefs_;
// Non-owning pointer for handling file writing on the download_thread_.
DownloadFileManager* file_manager_;
// Non-owning pointer for updating the download status.
base::WeakPtr<DownloadStatusUpdater> status_updater_;
// The user's last choice for download directory. This is only used when the
// user wants us to prompt for a save location for each download.
FilePath last_download_path_;
// The "Save As" dialog box used to ask the user where a file should be
// saved.
scoped_refptr<SelectFileDialog> select_file_dialog_;
scoped_ptr<OtherDownloadManagerObserver> other_download_manager_observer_;