// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include "base/file_path.h"
#include "base/memory/linked_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/browser/power_save_blocker.h"
#include "googleurl/src/gurl.h"
namespace crypto {
class SecureHash;
namespace net {
class FileStream;
// File being downloaded and saved to disk. This is a base class
// for DownloadFile and SaveFile, which keep more state information.
class BaseFile {
BaseFile(const FilePath& full_path,
const GURL& source_url,
const GURL& referrer_url,
int64 received_bytes,
const linked_ptr<net::FileStream>& file_stream);
// If calculate_hash is true, sha256 hash will be calculated.
bool Initialize(bool calculate_hash);
// Write a new chunk of data to the file. Returns true on success (all bytes
// written to the file).
bool AppendDataToFile(const char* data, size_t data_len);
// Rename the download file. Returns true on success.
virtual bool Rename(const FilePath& full_path);
// Detach the file so it is not deleted on destruction.
virtual void Detach();
// Abort the download and automatically close the file.
void Cancel();
// Indicate that the download has finished. No new data will be received.
void Finish();
// Informs the OS that this file came from the internet.
void AnnotateWithSourceInformation();
FilePath full_path() const { return full_path_; }
bool in_progress() const { return file_stream_ != NULL; }
int64 bytes_so_far() const { return bytes_so_far_; }
// Set |hash| with sha256 digest for the file.
// Returns true if digest is successfully calculated.
virtual bool GetSha256Hash(std::string* hash);
virtual std::string DebugString() const;
bool Open();
void Close();
// Full path to the file including the file name.
FilePath full_path_;
static const size_t kSha256HashLen = 32;
// Source URL for the file being downloaded.
GURL source_url_;
// The URL where the download was initiated.
GURL referrer_url_;
// OS file stream for writing
linked_ptr<net::FileStream> file_stream_;
// Amount of data received up so far, in bytes.
int64 bytes_so_far_;
// RAII handle to keep the system from sleeping while we're downloading.
PowerSaveBlocker power_save_blocker_;
// Indicates if sha256 hash should be calculated for the file.
bool calculate_hash_;
// Used to calculate sha256 hash for the file when calculate_hash_
// is set.
scoped_ptr<crypto::SecureHash> secure_hash_;
unsigned char sha256_hash_[kSha256HashLen];
// Indicates that this class no longer owns the associated file, and so
// won't delete it on destruction.
bool detached_;