$$ This is a pump file for generating file templates. Pump is a python $$ script that is part of the Google Test suite of utilities. Description $$ can be found here: $$ $$ http://code.google.com/p/googletest/wiki/PumpManual $$ #ifndef GIN_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE_H_ #define GIN_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE_H_ $var MAX_ARITY = 4 // Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "base/callback.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "gin/arguments.h" #include "gin/converter.h" #include "gin/gin_export.h" #include "gin/handle.h" #include "gin/public/gin_embedders.h" #include "gin/public/wrapper_info.h" #include "gin/wrappable.h" #include "v8/include/v8.h" namespace gin { class PerIsolateData; enum CreateFunctionTemplateFlags { HolderIsFirstArgument = 1 << 0, }; namespace internal { template<typename T> struct CallbackParamTraits { typedef T LocalType; }; template<typename T> struct CallbackParamTraits<const T&> { typedef T LocalType; }; template<typename T> struct CallbackParamTraits<const T*> { typedef T* LocalType; }; // CallbackHolder and CallbackHolderBase are used to pass a base::Callback from // CreateFunctionTemplate through v8 (via v8::FunctionTemplate) to // DispatchToCallback, where it is invoked. // // v8::FunctionTemplate only supports passing void* as data so how do we know // when to delete the base::Callback? That's where CallbackHolderBase comes in. // It inherits from Wrappable, which delete itself when both (a) the refcount // via base::RefCounted has dropped to zero, and (b) there are no more // JavaScript references in V8. // This simple base class is used so that we can share a single object template // among every CallbackHolder instance. class GIN_EXPORT CallbackHolderBase : public Wrappable<CallbackHolderBase> { public: static WrapperInfo kWrapperInfo; protected: virtual ~CallbackHolderBase() {} }; template<typename Sig> class CallbackHolder : public CallbackHolderBase { public: CallbackHolder(const base::Callback<Sig>& callback, int flags) : callback(callback), flags(flags) {} base::Callback<Sig> callback; int flags; private: virtual ~CallbackHolder() {} }; // This set of templates invokes a base::Callback, converts the return type to a // JavaScript value, and returns that value to script via the provided // gin::Arguments object. // // In C++, you can declare the function foo(void), but you can't pass a void // expression to foo. As a result, we must specialize the case of Callbacks that // have the void return type. $range ARITY 0..MAX_ARITY $for ARITY [[ $var INV_ARITY = MAX_ARITY - ARITY $range ARG 1..INV_ARITY $range VOID INV_ARITY+1..MAX_ARITY $if ARITY == 0 [[ template<typename R$for ARG [[, typename P$(ARG) = void]]> struct Invoker { ]] $else [[ template<typename R$for ARG [[, typename P$(ARG)]]> struct Invoker<R$for ARG [[, P$(ARG)]]$for VOID [[, void]]> { ]] inline static void Go( Arguments* args, const base::Callback<R($for ARG , [[P$(ARG)]])>& callback$for ARG [[, const P$(ARG)& a$(ARG)]]) { args->Return(callback.Run($for ARG, [[a$(ARG)]])); } }; template<$for ARG , [[typename P$(ARG)]]> struct Invoker<void$for ARG [[, P$(ARG)]]$for VOID [[, void]]> { inline static void Go( Arguments* args, const base::Callback<void($for ARG , [[P$(ARG)]])>& callback$for ARG [[, const P$(ARG)& a$(ARG)]]) { callback.Run($for ARG, [[a$(ARG)]]); } }; ]] template<typename T> bool GetNextArgument(Arguments* args, int create_flags, bool is_first, T* result) { if (is_first && (create_flags & HolderIsFirstArgument) != 0) { return args->GetHolder(result); } else { return args->GetNext(result); } } // For advanced use cases, we allow callers to request the unparsed Arguments // object and poke around in it directly. inline bool GetNextArgument(Arguments* args, int create_flags, bool is_first, Arguments* result) { *result = *args; return true; } // DispatchToCallback converts all the JavaScript arguments to C++ types and // invokes the base::Callback. template<typename Sig> struct Dispatcher { }; $range ARITY 0..MAX_ARITY $for ARITY [[ $range ARG 1..ARITY template<typename R$for ARG [[, typename P$(ARG)]]> struct Dispatcher<R($for ARG , [[P$(ARG)]])> { static void DispatchToCallback( const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) { Arguments args(info); CallbackHolderBase* holder_base = NULL; CHECK(args.GetData(&holder_base)); typedef CallbackHolder<R($for ARG , [[P$(ARG)]])> HolderT; HolderT* holder = static_cast<HolderT*>(holder_base); $if ARITY != 0 [[ $for ARG [[ typename CallbackParamTraits<P$(ARG)>::LocalType a$(ARG); ]] if ($for ARG || [[!GetNextArgument(&args, holder->flags, $if ARG == 1 [[true]] $else [[false]], &a$(ARG))]]) { args.ThrowError(); return; } ]] Invoker<R$for ARG [[, P$(ARG)]]>::Go(&args, holder->callback$for ARG [[, a$(ARG)]]); } }; ]] } // namespace internal // This should be called once per-isolate to initialize the function template // system. GIN_EXPORT void InitFunctionTemplates(PerIsolateData* isolate_data); // CreateFunctionTemplate creates a v8::FunctionTemplate that will create // JavaScript functions that execute a provided C++ function or base::Callback. // JavaScript arguments are automatically converted via gin::Converter, as is // the return value of the C++ function, if any. template<typename Sig> v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate> CreateFunctionTemplate( v8::Isolate* isolate, const base::Callback<Sig> callback, int callback_flags = 0) { typedef internal::CallbackHolder<Sig> HolderT; gin::Handle<HolderT> holder = CreateHandle( isolate, new HolderT(callback, callback_flags)); return v8::FunctionTemplate::New( &internal::Dispatcher<Sig>::DispatchToCallback, ConvertToV8<internal::CallbackHolderBase*>(isolate, holder.get())); } } // namespace gin #endif // GIN_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE_H_