# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This file lists the pyauto tests that run as a part of the functional test
# suite.
# Tests can be enabled on a per-platform basis. Tests not listed here will
# not be run.
# Within each platform, tests are specified in up to 3 groups: (1) enabled
# tests; (2) tests that are permanently disabled because they do not apply
# to the given platform and hence should not be run; and (3) disabled tests
# that need to be investigated/fixed.  Tests are listed alphabetically within
# each group.
# Test names can be specified in any of the following ways:
# 1. as a module, in which case all tests in that module will be run
#      example: 'test_basic'
# 2. or as a test case, in which case all tests in that test case will be run
#      example: 'test_basic.SimpleTest'
# 3. or as an individual test
#      example: 'test_basic.SimpleTest.testCanOpenGoogle'
# Tests beginning with '-' will be excluded.  This can be used to enforce
# exclusions for a particular platform.
# Names beginning with '@' will be treated as suite names and will be
# recursively expanded.

  # This suite gets run on 'Google Chrome' builds.
  'FULL': {
    'all': [

      # ===========================
      # Permanently-disabled tests.
      # ===========================

      # ==================================================
      # Disabled tests that need to be investigated/fixed.
      # ==================================================
      # crbug.com/145006
      # crbug.com/100365
      # crbug.com/171828
      # The source is behind.  Waiting for dev to automate the update.
      # crbug.com/109160
      # crbug.com/123396
      # crbug.com/132665
      # crbug.com/140460
      # crosbug.com/136875
      # crbug.com/179263
      # crbug.com/165796
      # crbug.com/131874
      # crbug.com/133315
      # Mysteriously broken?
      # crbug.com/138857
      # crbug.com/179268
      # crbug.com/143308
      # crbug.com/71715
      # crbug.com/123019
      # crbug.com/137041
      # crbug.com/162341
      # crbug.com/85600
      # crbug.com/157271
      # crbug.com/162341
      # crbug.com/112051
      # crbug.com/157271
      # crbug.com/151973
      # crbug.com/162341
      # crbug.com/132285
      # crbug.com/168081

    'win': [
      # ===========================
      # Permanently-disabled tests.
      # ===========================

      # ==================================================
      # Disabled tests that need to be investigated/fixed.
      # ==================================================
      # crbug.com/105948
      # crbug.com/111289
      # crbug.com/113090
      # crbug.com/171490
      # crbug.com/117569
      # crbug.com/98526

    'mac': [
      # ===========================
      # Permanently-disabled tests.
      # ===========================

      # ==================================================
      # Disabled tests that need to be investigated/fixed.
      # ==================================================
      # Keychain popups make autofill/password tests difficult: crbug.com/49378
      # codesign tests should run *after* signing. crbug.com/50481
      # crbug.com/124922
      # crbug.com/125989
      # Fails on chrome-mac-10_7-qa only: crbug.com/124886
      # crbug.com/121484
      '-ntp.NTPTest.testLaunchAppNewWindow',  # crbug.com/79812
      # crbug.com/70437
      # crbug.com/91617
      # Keychain popups make autofill/password tests difficult: crbug.com/49378
      # crbug.com/69619
      # crbug.com/98526

    'linux': [

      # ===========================
      # Permanently-disabled tests.
      # ===========================
      # System password manager obstructs password automation.

      # ==================================================
      # Disabled tests that need to be investigated/fixed.
      # ==================================================
      # crbug.com/111289
      # crbug.com/91033

    'chromeos': [

      # ===========================
      # Permanently-disabled tests.
      # ===========================
      # No codesign verification on ChromeOS.
      # Sync is already signed in with the login account.
      # So one-click infobar tests do tno apply to chromeos.
      # Multi-profile doesn't apply to chromeos yet.
      # No NaCl support on ChromeOS.

      # ==================================================
      # Disabled tests that need to be investigated/fixed.
      # ==================================================
      # crbug.com/132337
      # crosbug.com/19556
      # crbug.com/134593
      # crosbug.com/24496
      # crbug.com/109035
      # crosbug.com/14256
      # Content history broken in omnibox.  crosbug.com/14416
      # crbug.com/91033
      # crosbug.com/19760
      # onunload popups get created in the same window on chromeos
      # Session restore not working with PyAuto.  crosbug.com/12648
      # Deal with i18n chars.  crosbug.com/12639
      # crosbug.com/20025
      # Chrome driver does not work in Chrome OS.
      # crosbug.com/19556

  # Performance tests.
    'all': [

      # ==================================================
      # Disabled tests that need to be investigated/fixed.
      # ==================================================
      '-perf.HTML5BenchmarkTest',  # crbug.com/134476
      '-perf.LiveWebappLoadTest.testNewTabGmail',  # crbug.com/136554
      '-perf.ScrollTest.testGmailScroll',  # crbug.com/136554
      '-perf.WebGLTest.testWebGLField',  # crbug.com/132797

      # ===========================
      # Permanently-disabled tests.
      # ===========================
      # Invoked outside of the pyauto_tests framework.
    'win': [
      # ==================================================
      # Disabled tests that need to be investigated/fixed.
      # ==================================================
      '-perf.GPUPerfTest',  # Fails. Discuss with prachij@.
      '-perf.PageCyclerNetSimTest',  # Dependence missing: crbug.com/132559
      '-perf.LiveGamePerfTest',  # Requires linux /proc/stat.
      '-perf.YoutubePerfTest',  # AttributeError: AssertPlayingState.

      # ===========================
      # Permanently-disabled tests.
      # ===========================
      '-perf.MemoryTest',  # Designed only for ChromeOS.
      '-perf.NetflixPerfTest',  # Designed only for ChromeOS.
    'mac': [
      # ==================================================
      # Disabled tests that need to be investigated/fixed.
      # ==================================================
      '-perf.GPUPerfTest',  # Fails. Discuss with prachij@.
      '-perf.PageCyclerNetSimTest',  # Dependence missing: crbug.com/132559
      '-perf.LiveGamePerfTest',  # Requires linux /proc/stat.
      '-perf.YoutubePerfTest',  # AttributeError: AssertPlayingState.

      # ===========================
      # Permanently-disabled tests.
      # ===========================
      '-perf.MemoryTest',  # Designed only for ChromeOS.
      '-perf.NetflixPerfTest',  # Designed only for ChromeOS.
    'linux': [
      # ==================================================
      # Disabled tests that need to be investigated/fixed.
      # ==================================================
      '-perf.GPUPerfTest',  # Fails. Discuss with prachij@.
      '-perf.PageCyclerNetSimTest',  # Dependence missing: crbug.com/132559
      '-perf.WebGLTest',  # May not render WebGL; need to verify on QA bot.
      '-perf.YoutubePerfTest',  # AttributeError: AssertPlayingState.

      # ===========================
      # Permanently-disabled tests.
      # ===========================
      '-perf.MemoryTest',  # Designed only for ChromeOS.
      '-perf.NetflixPerfTest',  # Designed only for ChromeOS.
    'chromeos': [
      # ==================================================
      # Disabled tests that need to be investigated/fixed.
      # ==================================================
      '-perf.NetflixPerfTest',  # crosbug.com/32320.
      '-perf.PageCyclerNetSimTest',  # Investigate Web Page Replay on ChromeOS.
      '-perf.YoutubePerfTest',  # crbug.com/233706

      # ===========================
      # Permanently-disabled tests.
      # ===========================
      '-perf.GPUPerfTest',  # Designed only for Chrome desktop.

    'all': [

  'EMPTY': {

  # ChromeOS flash tests.
    'chromeos': [

  # ChromeOS volume tests.
    'chromeos': [

  # ChromeOS Accessibility tests.
    'chromeos': [

  # PGO performance suite.
  'PGO': {
    'chromeos': [

  # Subset of ChromeOS performance tests for seaboard.
    'chromeos': [

  # HTML5 media performance tests.
  'AV_PERF': {
     'linux': [
     'win': [

  # Trace event tests.
  'TRACING': {
    'all': [

  # Chromoting tests.
    'all': [
    'linux': [
      # TODO(yihongg): Me2me test against Linux is not working yet.
    'chromeos': [
      # ChromeOS doesn't yet support the chromoting host.

  # Pyauto functional tests running on coverage bots.
    'all': [
    'linux': [
      # These tests fail on coverage bots. Disabling for now.