// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/net/firefox_proxy_settings.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/files/file_path.h" #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/strings/string_tokenizer.h" #include "base/strings/string_util.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "chrome/common/importer/firefox_importer_utils.h" #include "net/proxy/proxy_config.h" namespace { const char* const kNetworkProxyTypeKey = "network.proxy.type"; const char* const kHTTPProxyKey = "network.proxy.http"; const char* const kHTTPProxyPortKey = "network.proxy.http_port"; const char* const kSSLProxyKey = "network.proxy.ssl"; const char* const kSSLProxyPortKey = "network.proxy.ssl_port"; const char* const kFTPProxyKey = "network.proxy.ftp"; const char* const kFTPProxyPortKey = "network.proxy.ftp_port"; const char* const kGopherProxyKey = "network.proxy.gopher"; const char* const kGopherProxyPortKey = "network.proxy.gopher_port"; const char* const kSOCKSHostKey = "network.proxy.socks"; const char* const kSOCKSHostPortKey = "network.proxy.socks_port"; const char* const kSOCKSVersionKey = "network.proxy.socks_version"; const char* const kAutoconfigURL = "network.proxy.autoconfig_url"; const char* const kNoProxyListKey = "network.proxy.no_proxies_on"; const char* const kPrefFileName = "prefs.js"; FirefoxProxySettings::ProxyConfig IntToProxyConfig(int type) { switch (type) { case 1: return FirefoxProxySettings::MANUAL; case 2: return FirefoxProxySettings::AUTO_FROM_URL; case 4: return FirefoxProxySettings::AUTO_DETECT; case 5: return FirefoxProxySettings::SYSTEM; default: LOG(ERROR) << "Unknown Firefox proxy config type: " << type; return FirefoxProxySettings::NO_PROXY; } } FirefoxProxySettings::SOCKSVersion IntToSOCKSVersion(int type) { switch (type) { case 4: return FirefoxProxySettings::V4; case 5: return FirefoxProxySettings::V5; default: LOG(ERROR) << "Unknown Firefox proxy config type: " << type; return FirefoxProxySettings::UNKNONW; } } // Parses the prefs found in the file |pref_file| and puts the key/value pairs // in |prefs|. Keys are strings, and values can be strings, booleans or // integers. Returns true if it succeeded, false otherwise (in which case // |prefs| is not filled). // Note: for strings, only valid UTF-8 string values are supported. If a // key/pair is not valid UTF-8, it is ignored and will not appear in |prefs|. bool ParsePrefFile(const base::FilePath& pref_file, DictionaryValue* prefs) { // The string that is before a pref key. const std::string kUserPrefString = "user_pref(\""; std::string contents; if (!base::ReadFileToString(pref_file, &contents)) return false; std::vector<std::string> lines; Tokenize(contents, "\n", &lines); for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator iter = lines.begin(); iter != lines.end(); ++iter) { const std::string& line = *iter; size_t start_key = line.find(kUserPrefString); if (start_key == std::string::npos) continue; // Could be a comment or a blank line. start_key += kUserPrefString.length(); size_t stop_key = line.find('"', start_key); if (stop_key == std::string::npos) { LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid key found in Firefox pref file '" << pref_file.value() << "' line is '" << line << "'."; continue; } std::string key = line.substr(start_key, stop_key - start_key); size_t start_value = line.find(',', stop_key + 1); if (start_value == std::string::npos) { LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid value found in Firefox pref file '" << pref_file.value() << "' line is '" << line << "'."; continue; } size_t stop_value = line.find(");", start_value + 1); if (stop_value == std::string::npos) { LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid value found in Firefox pref file '" << pref_file.value() << "' line is '" << line << "'."; continue; } std::string value = line.substr(start_value + 1, stop_value - start_value - 1); TrimWhitespace(value, TRIM_ALL, &value); // Value could be a boolean. bool is_value_true = LowerCaseEqualsASCII(value, "true"); if (is_value_true || LowerCaseEqualsASCII(value, "false")) { prefs->SetBoolean(key, is_value_true); continue; } // Value could be a string. if (value.size() >= 2U && value[0] == '"' && value[value.size() - 1] == '"') { value = value.substr(1, value.size() - 2); // ValueString only accept valid UTF-8. Simply ignore that entry if it is // not UTF-8. if (IsStringUTF8(value)) prefs->SetString(key, value); else VLOG(1) << "Non UTF8 value for key " << key << ", ignored."; continue; } // Or value could be an integer. int int_value = 0; if (base::StringToInt(value, &int_value)) { prefs->SetInteger(key, int_value); continue; } LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid value found in Firefox pref file '" << pref_file.value() << "' value is '" << value << "'."; } return true; } } // namespace FirefoxProxySettings::FirefoxProxySettings() { Reset(); } FirefoxProxySettings::~FirefoxProxySettings() { } void FirefoxProxySettings::Reset() { config_type_ = NO_PROXY; http_proxy_.clear(); http_proxy_port_ = 0; ssl_proxy_.clear(); ssl_proxy_port_ = 0; ftp_proxy_.clear(); ftp_proxy_port_ = 0; gopher_proxy_.clear(); gopher_proxy_port_ = 0; socks_host_.clear(); socks_port_ = 0; socks_version_ = UNKNONW; proxy_bypass_list_.clear(); autoconfig_url_.clear(); } // static bool FirefoxProxySettings::GetSettings(FirefoxProxySettings* settings) { DCHECK(settings); settings->Reset(); base::FilePath profile_path = GetFirefoxProfilePath(); if (profile_path.empty()) return false; base::FilePath pref_file = profile_path.AppendASCII(kPrefFileName); return GetSettingsFromFile(pref_file, settings); } bool FirefoxProxySettings::ToProxyConfig(net::ProxyConfig* config) { switch (config_type()) { case NO_PROXY: *config = net::ProxyConfig::CreateDirect(); return true; case AUTO_DETECT: *config = net::ProxyConfig::CreateAutoDetect(); return true; case AUTO_FROM_URL: *config = net::ProxyConfig::CreateFromCustomPacURL( GURL(autoconfig_url())); return true; case SYSTEM: // Can't convert this directly to a ProxyConfig. return false; case MANUAL: // Handled outside of the switch (since it is a lot of code.) break; default: NOTREACHED(); return false; } // The rest of this funciton is for handling the MANUAL case. DCHECK_EQ(MANUAL, config_type()); *config = net::ProxyConfig(); config->proxy_rules().type = net::ProxyConfig::ProxyRules::TYPE_PROXY_PER_SCHEME; if (!http_proxy().empty()) { config->proxy_rules().proxies_for_http.SetSingleProxyServer( net::ProxyServer( net::ProxyServer::SCHEME_HTTP, net::HostPortPair(http_proxy(), http_proxy_port()))); } if (!ftp_proxy().empty()) { config->proxy_rules().proxies_for_ftp.SetSingleProxyServer( net::ProxyServer( net::ProxyServer::SCHEME_HTTP, net::HostPortPair(ftp_proxy(), ftp_proxy_port()))); } if (!ssl_proxy().empty()) { config->proxy_rules().proxies_for_https.SetSingleProxyServer( net::ProxyServer( net::ProxyServer::SCHEME_HTTP, net::HostPortPair(ssl_proxy(), ssl_proxy_port()))); } if (!socks_host().empty()) { net::ProxyServer::Scheme proxy_scheme = V5 == socks_version() ? net::ProxyServer::SCHEME_SOCKS5 : net::ProxyServer::SCHEME_SOCKS4; config->proxy_rules().fallback_proxies.SetSingleProxyServer( net::ProxyServer( proxy_scheme, net::HostPortPair(socks_host(), socks_port()))); } config->proxy_rules().bypass_rules.ParseFromStringUsingSuffixMatching( JoinString(proxy_bypass_list_, ';')); return true; } // static bool FirefoxProxySettings::GetSettingsFromFile(const base::FilePath& pref_file, FirefoxProxySettings* settings) { DictionaryValue dictionary; if (!ParsePrefFile(pref_file, &dictionary)) return false; int proxy_type = 0; if (!dictionary.GetInteger(kNetworkProxyTypeKey, &proxy_type)) return true; // No type means no proxy. settings->config_type_ = IntToProxyConfig(proxy_type); if (settings->config_type_ == AUTO_FROM_URL) { if (!dictionary.GetStringASCII(kAutoconfigURL, &(settings->autoconfig_url_))) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to retrieve Firefox proxy autoconfig URL"; } return true; } if (settings->config_type_ == MANUAL) { if (!dictionary.GetStringASCII(kHTTPProxyKey, &(settings->http_proxy_))) LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to retrieve Firefox proxy HTTP host"; if (!dictionary.GetInteger(kHTTPProxyPortKey, &(settings->http_proxy_port_))) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to retrieve Firefox proxy HTTP port"; } if (!dictionary.GetStringASCII(kSSLProxyKey, &(settings->ssl_proxy_))) LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to retrieve Firefox proxy SSL host"; if (!dictionary.GetInteger(kSSLProxyPortKey, &(settings->ssl_proxy_port_))) LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to retrieve Firefox proxy SSL port"; if (!dictionary.GetStringASCII(kFTPProxyKey, &(settings->ftp_proxy_))) LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to retrieve Firefox proxy FTP host"; if (!dictionary.GetInteger(kFTPProxyPortKey, &(settings->ftp_proxy_port_))) LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to retrieve Firefox proxy SSL port"; if (!dictionary.GetStringASCII(kGopherProxyKey, &(settings->gopher_proxy_))) LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to retrieve Firefox proxy gopher host"; if (!dictionary.GetInteger(kGopherProxyPortKey, &(settings->gopher_proxy_port_))) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to retrieve Firefox proxy gopher port"; } if (!dictionary.GetStringASCII(kSOCKSHostKey, &(settings->socks_host_))) LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to retrieve Firefox SOCKS host"; if (!dictionary.GetInteger(kSOCKSHostPortKey, &(settings->socks_port_))) LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to retrieve Firefox SOCKS port"; int socks_version; if (dictionary.GetInteger(kSOCKSVersionKey, &socks_version)) settings->socks_version_ = IntToSOCKSVersion(socks_version); std::string proxy_bypass; if (dictionary.GetStringASCII(kNoProxyListKey, &proxy_bypass) && !proxy_bypass.empty()) { base::StringTokenizer string_tok(proxy_bypass, ","); while (string_tok.GetNext()) { std::string token = string_tok.token(); TrimWhitespaceASCII(token, TRIM_ALL, &token); if (!token.empty()) settings->proxy_bypass_list_.push_back(token); } } } return true; }