<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- ChromeOS-specific strings (included from generated_resources.grd). Everything in this file is wrapped in <if expr="pp_ifdef('chromeos')">. --> <grit-part> <message name="IDS_EMPTY_STRING" desc="Empty string, exist only to make code generic. No translation required."> </message> <!-- Idle logout dialog for retail mode --> <message name="IDS_IDLE_LOGOUT_TITLE" desc="Dialog title for the idle logout dialog. Used in retail mode only."> Are you still there? </message> <message name="IDS_IDLE_LOGOUT_WARNING_RESTART" desc="Restart label for the idle logout dialog. Used in retail mode only.."> This computer will reset in <ph name="LOGOUT_TIME_LEFT">$1<ex>20</ex></ph> seconds. Press any key to continue exploring. </message> <message name="IDS_IDLE_LOGOUT_WARNING_RESTART_1S" desc="Restart label for the idle logout dialog at 1 second left. Used in retail mode only."> This computer will reset in 1 second. Press any key to continue exploring. </message> <message name="IDS_IDLE_LOGOUT_WARNING_RESTART_NOW" desc="Restart label for the idle logout dialog with no time left. Used in retail mode only."> Going.. Going... Gone. </message> <!-- Imageburn Strings --> <message name="IDS_CHECKING_FOR_UPDATES" desc="Notification for checking for update"> Checking for updates </message> <message name="IDS_UPDATE_VERIFYING" desc="Message that the system is verifying an update"> Verifying... </message> <message name="IDS_UPDATE_FINALIZING" desc="Message that the system is finalizing an update"> Finalizing... </message> <message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_HEADER_TITLE" desc="Title that is displayed on image burning webpage "> Create OS Recovery Media </message> <message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_HEADER_DESCRIPTION" desc="Text diplayed under image burning page title"> If you ever need to restore your computer's operating system you'll need a recovery SD card or USB memory stick. </message> <message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_HEADER_LINK" desc="Link to more info on system recovery"> Learn more about system recovery </message> <message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_NO_DEVICES_STATUS" desc="Message telling user to insert removable media image will be burnt to"> Insert an SD card or USB memory stick </message> <message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_NO_DEVICES_WARNING" desc="Warning that device must be at least 4GB big"> The device must have capacity of 4GB or greater. </message> <message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_MUL_DEVICES_STATUS" desc="Message telling user to select storage device to use for burning"> Select a removable storage device to use </message> <message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_USB_DEVICE_STATUS" desc="Message telling user that an USB memory stick has been detected"> USB memory stick detected </message> <message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_SD_DEVICE_STATUS" desc="Message telling user that a SD card has been detected"> SD card detected </message> <message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_DEVICES_WARNING" desc="Warning that data on selected device will be erased"> All files on <ph name="DEVICE_NAME">$1<ex>Kingston DataTraveler</ex></ph> will be erased. </message> <message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_NO_CONNECTION_STATUS" desc="Message telling user that the device is not connected to the Internet"> Internet not connected </message> <message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_NO_CONNECTION_WARNING" desc="Message instructing user to connect to the Internet"> Please connect to the Internet to proceed. </message> <message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_INSUFFICIENT_SPACE_STATUS" desc="Message telling user that removable device has insufficient space"> Insufficient space </message> <message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_INSUFFICIENT_SPACE_WARNING" desc="Message instructing user to insert device with enough capacity"> The storage device has a capacity of <ph name="DEVICE_CAPACITY">$1<ex>1MB</ex></ph>. Please insert a SD card or USB memory stick with at least 4GB of capacity. </message> <message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_DOWNLOADING_STATUS" desc="Message telling user that the image is being downloaded"> Downloading recovery image... </message> <message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS_TEXT" desc="Information on downloaded amount"> <ph name="DOWNLOADED_AMOUNT">$1<ex>40kB</ex></ph> of <ph name="TOTAL_SIZE">$2<ex>250kB</ex></ph> downloaded </message> <message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_DOWNLOAD_TIME_REMAINING" desc="Expected remaining time of the download"> Time remaining: <ph name="TIME_REMAINING">$1<ex>5s</ex></ph> </message> <message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_UNZIP_STATUS" desc="Message telling user that the image is being extracted"> Extracting recovery image... </message> <message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_BURN_STATUS" desc="Message telling user that the image is being copied"> Copying recovery image... </message> <message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_BURN_PROGRESS_TEXT" desc="Information on burned amount"> <ph name="BURNT_AMOUNT">$1<ex>40kB</ex></ph> of <ph name="TOTAL_SIZE">$2<ex>250kB</ex></ph> copied </message> <message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_PROGRESS_TIME_UNKNOWN" desc="Message telling user that a tast could take few minutes"> This may take a few minutes </message> <message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_ERROR_STATUS" desc="Message telling user that an error occurred"> An error occurred </message> <message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_DOWNLOAD_ERROR" desc="Message telling user that an error occurred during download"> There was a problem during recovery image download. </message> <message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_EXTRACTING_ERROR" desc="Message telling user that downloaded zip could not be extracted"> There was a problem extracting image to the machine. </message> <message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_BURN_ERROR" desc="Message telling user that something went wrong while burning the image to the device"> There was a problem during copying recovery image to device. </message> <message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR" desc="Message telling user that targetd device could not be found"> There was a problem while creating OS recovery media. Used storage device could not be found. </message> <message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_USER_ERROR" desc="Message shown when user cancels burn process"> OS Recovery Media creation has been cancelled. </message> <message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_NETWORK_ERROR" desc="Message shown when we loose network connectivity during download"> There was a problem during recovery image download. Network connection has been lost. </message> <message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_SUCCESS_STATUS" desc="Message telling user that image burning was successful"> Success </message> <message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_SUCCESS_DESC" desc="Message teling user that recovery media is ready to be used"> Your recovery media is ready. You may remove it from your system. </message> <message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_PAGE_TITLE" desc="Image-burn html page title"> Create a Recovery Media </message> <message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_CONFIRM_BUTTON" desc="Text on the button that starts burn process"> OK </message> <message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_CANCEL_BUTTON" desc="Text on the button that cancels download"> Cancel </message> <message name="IDS_IMAGEBURN_RETRY_BUTTON" desc="Text on the button that triggers burn restart"> Try again </message> <!-- Chrome OS Strings --> <message name="IDS_ECHO_CONSENT_DIALOG_TEXT" desc="Dialog text shown when user is asked to give consent to proceed with redeeming ECHO offer."> <ph name="SERVICE_NAME">$1<ex>Google Drive</ex></ph> wants to verify that you are using an eligible Chrome OS device. <ph name="MORE_INFO_LINK">$2<ex>More info</ex></ph> </message> <message name="IDS_ECHO_DISABLED_CONSENT_DIALOG_TEXT" desc="Dialog text shown when user is informed that redeeming offers is disabled for the device."> Your IT administrator has disabled Chrome Goodies for your device. <ph name="MORE_INFO_LINK">$1<ex>More info</ex></ph> </message> <message name="IDS_ECHO_CONSENT_DISMISS_BUTTON" desc="Dismiss dialog button label for disabled echo dialog."> Dismiss </message> <message name="IDS_FLAGS_DISABLE_QUICKOFFICE_COMPONENT_APP_NAME" desc="Name for the flag to disable Chrome Office Viewer component extension."> Disable Chrome Office Viewer component extension </message> <message name="IDS_FLAGS_DISABLE_QUICKOFFICE_COMPONENT_APP_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description for the flag to disable Chrome Office Viewer component extension."> Disable Chrome Office Viewer component extension for testing purpose. </message> <message name="IDS_FLAGS_ENABLE_QUICKOFFICE_DESKTOP_VIEWING_NAME" desc="Name for the flag to enable office document viewing."> Enable document viewing. </message> <message name="IDS_FLAGS_ENABLE_QUICKOFFICE_DESKTOP_VIEWING_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description for the flag to enable office document viewing."> Enable document viewing, instead of editing. </message> <message name="IDS_OFFERS_CONSENT_INFOBAR_LABEL_LEARN_MORE" desc="Text of the Learn More link in the echo dialog."> Learn More </message> <message name="IDS_OFFERS_CONSENT_INFOBAR_ENABLE_BUTTON" desc="Enable button label."> Allow </message> <message name="IDS_OFFERS_CONSENT_INFOBAR_DISABLE_BUTTON" desc="Disable button label."> Deny </message> <message name="IDS_NETWORK_CONFIG_ERROR_INCORRECT_PASSWORD" desc="Error for network configuration: Incorrect password."> Incorrect password </message> <message name="IDS_NETWORK_CONFIG_ERROR_NETWORK_TYPE_MISSING" desc="Error for network configuration: Network type missing."> Network type missing </message> <message name="IDS_NETWORK_CONFIG_ERROR_NETWORK_PROP_DICT_MALFORMED" desc="Error for network configuration: Network property dictionary malformed."> Network property dictionary malformed </message> <message name="IDS_NETWORK_ENROLLMENT_HANDLER_TITLE" desc="Title of the window for generating a new network certificate."> Obtain network certificate </message> <message name="IDS_NETWORK_ENROLLMENT_HANDLER_INSTRUCTIONS" desc="Text in the window used for generating a new network certificate."> The certificate required by network "<ph name="network_name">$1<ex>My Wireless</ex></ph>" is either not installed or is no longer valid. Please get a new certificate and try connecting again. </message> <message name="IDS_NETWORK_ENROLLMENT_HANDLER_BUTTON" desc="Text of the accept button for generating a new network certificate."> Get new certificate </message> <message name="IDS_LOW_BATTERY_TITLE" desc="Title for low battery notification"> Battery Low </message> <message name="IDS_LOW_BATTERY_MESSAGE" desc="Message for low battery notification"> Less than <ph name="MINUTES">$1<ex>15 mins left</ex></ph>. </message> <message name="IDS_UPDATE_TITLE" desc="Title for update notification"> System Update </message> <message name="IDS_UPDATE_ERROR" desc="Notification for failed update"> System update failed. </message> <message name="IDS_UPDATE_AVAILABLE" desc="Notification for available update"> System update available. Preparing to download… </message> <message name="IDS_UPDATE_COMPLETED" desc="Notification for update completed"> System update complete. Please restart the system. </message> <message name="IDS_INSTALLING_UPDATE" desc="Label shown on the updates installation screen during OOBE"> Please wait while <ph name="PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Chrome OS</ex></ph> installs the latest system updates. </message> <message name="IDS_INSTALLING_UPDATE_DESC" desc="Additional info shown on the updates installation screen during OOBE"> Your computer will restart when the update is complete. </message> <message name="IDS_DOWNLOADING" desc="The format for ETA during the update downloading stage"> Downloading: <ph name="STATUS">$1<ex>Less than 1 minute left</ex></ph> </message> <message name="IDS_DOWNLOADING_TIME_LEFT_LONG" desc="The status text for downloading estimated time left, when estimated time is more than one hour"> More than 1 hour left </message> <message name="IDS_DOWNLOADING_TIME_LEFT_STATUS_ONE_HOUR" desc="The status text for downloading estimated time when about one hour remaining."> About 1 hour left </message> <message name="IDS_DOWNLOADING_TIME_LEFT_STATUS_MINUTES" desc="The status text for downloading estimated time left in minutes. In the localized version instead of |minutes| some abbreviation like |mins| should be used."> About <ph name="TIME">$1<ex>2</ex></ph> minutes left </message> <message name="IDS_DOWNLOADING_TIME_LEFT_SMALL" desc="The status text for downloading estimated time left, when estimated time is less than one minute"> Less than 1 minute left </message> <message name="IDS_DRIVE_OFFLINE_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE" desc="Message shown in notification when Google Drive offline mode is automatically enabled."> Google Drive can now be used offline. </message> <message name="IDS_DRIVE_OFFLINE_NOTIFICATION_BUTTON" desc="Label on button in notification when Google Drive offline mode is automatically enabled."> Change your settings </message> <message name="IDS_UPDATE_CANCEL" desc="Message telling to press Escape to cancel update on a non-official build"> Press ESCAPE to skip (Non-official builds only). </message> <message name="IDS_UPDATE_CANCELLED" desc="Message shown when the update has been cancelled by user"> Cancelling update... </message> <message name="IDS_CHECKING_FOR_UPDATE_MSG" desc="Chrome OS OOBE: message shown during checking for update stage."> <ph name="PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Chrome</ex></ph> updates automatically so you always have the freshest version. </message> <message name="IDS_UPDATE_MSG" desc="Chrome OS OOBE: message shown during update stage."> <ph name="PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Chrome</ex></ph> updates automatically so you always have the freshest version. When this download completes, <ph name="PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Chrome</ex></ph> will restart and you'll be on your way. </message> <message name="IDS_REMORA_CONFIRM_MESSAGE" desc="Remora confirm message on the first OOBE screen"> This device is ready to be set up. </message> <message name="IDS_WELCOME_SCREEN_GREETING" desc="Greeting message on the OOBE welcome screen"> Welcome! </message> <message name="IDS_WELCOME_SCREEN_TITLE" desc="Title of the OOBE welcome screen"> Connect </message> <message name="IDS_EULA_SCREEN_TITLE" desc="Title of the OOBE EULA screen"> The small print </message> <message name="IDS_AUTOSTART_WARNING_TITLE" desc="Title of the kiosk autostart screen"> Auto-start permission requested </message> <message name="IDS_KIOSK_AUTOSTART_SCREEN_WARNING_MSG" desc="Warning text shown on kiosk autolaunch screen above the exclamation icon."> Do you want to automatically start this app when the machine turns on? </message> <message name="IDS_KIOSK_AUTOSTART_CONFIRM" desc="Confirm button text"> Confirm </message> <message name="IDS_KIOSK_ENABLE_SCREEN_WARNING" desc="Title of the kiosk enable screen"> Enable Kiosk Mode </message> <message name="IDS_KIOSK_ENABLE_SCREEN_WARNING_DETAILS" desc="Warning text shown on kiosk enable screen above the exclamation icon."> Would you like to be able to run kiosk applications on this device? </message> <message name="IDS_KIOSK_ENABLE_SCREEN_SUCCESS" desc="Confirmation text shown on kiosk enable screen after the feature is successfully enabled."> Kiosk applications can now be installed on this device. </message> <message name="IDS_KIOSK_ENABLE_SCREEN_ERROR" desc="Error text shown on kiosk enable screen after we failed enabling this feature."> An error occurred. Kiosk mode will not be available on this device. </message> <message name="IDS_KIOSK_ENABLE_SCREEN_ENABLE_BUTTON" desc="Enable button text"> Enable </message> <message name="IDS_RESET_SCREEN_TITLE" desc="Title of the reset screen"> Factory reset </message> <message name="IDS_UPDATE_SCREEN_TITLE" desc="Title of the OOBE update screen"> Update </message> <message name="IDS_SIGNIN_SCREEN_TITLE" desc="Title of OOBE/Add User sign in screen"> Sign in </message> <message name="IDS_SIGNIN_SCREEN_PASSWORD_CHANGED" desc="Title of OOBE/Add User sign in screen when password was changed"> You have recently changed the password. Please sign in with the new one. </message> <message name="IDS_NETWORK_SELECTION_TITLE" desc="Welcome title shown on network selection screen"> Let's get started </message> <message name="IDS_OOBE_LANGUAGE_SELECTION_MSG" desc="Chrome OS OOBE: label for language selection dropdown"> What is your language? </message> <message name="IDS_NETWORK_SELECTION_SELECT" desc="Label for network selection dropdown"> Select a network </message> <message name="IDS_ANOTHER_NETWORK_SELECTION_SELECT" desc="Label for network selection dropdown on the network error screen."> Or, select a new network </message> <message name="IDS_LANGUAGE_SELECTION_SELECT" desc="Label for language selection dropdown"> Select your language: </message> <message name="IDS_LANGUAGES_MEDIUM_LEN_NAME_CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED" desc="Medium length name for the input method for simplified Chinese which is shown following the text: Your input method has changed to..."> Simplified Chinese </message> <message name="IDS_LANGUAGES_MEDIUM_LEN_NAME_CHINESE_TRADITIONAL" desc="Medium length name for the input method for traditional Chinese which is show following the text: Your input method has changed to..."> Traditional Chinese </message> <message name="IDS_LANGUAGES_MEDIUM_LEN_NAME_KOREAN" desc="Medium length name for the input method for Korean which is show following the text: Your input method has changed to..."> Korean </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_SELECTION_SELECT" desc="Label for keyboard selection dropdown"> Select your keyboard: </message> <message name="IDS_NETWORK_SELECTION_NONE" desc="Text shown in combobox when no network are selected"> No selection </message> <message name="IDS_NETWORK_SELECTION_NONE_SELECTED" desc="Chrome OS Out-Of-Box: Text shown in network selection combobox when no network is selected"> Select </message> <message name="IDS_NETWORK_SELECTION_CONNECTING" desc="Text shown when known device is connecting to known network"> Connecting to <ph name="NETWORK_ID">$1<ex>Public Wifi</ex></ph> </message> <message name="IDS_NETWORK_SELECTION_CONTINUE_BUTTON" desc="Text shown on continue button"> Continue </message> <message name="IDS_NETWORK_SELECTION_ERROR" desc="Error shown when connection to network failed or timed out."> <ph name="PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Chrome OS</ex></ph> was unable to connect to <ph name="NETWORK_ID">$2<ex>Public Wifi</ex></ph>. Please select another network or try again. </message> <message name="IDS_OOBE_ACCESSIBILITY_LINK" desc="Link shown on OOBE screens that opens accessibility options menu."> Accessibility </message> <message name="IDS_OOBE_SPOKEN_FEEDBACK_OPTION" desc="Spoken feedback option shown on OOBE screens accessibility menu."> ChromeVox (spoken feedback) </message> <message name="IDS_OOBE_LARGE_CURSOR_OPTION" desc="Large mouse cursor option shown on OOBE screens accessibility menu."> Large mouse cursor </message> <message name="IDS_OOBE_HIGH_CONTRAST_MODE_OPTION" desc="High contrast mode option shown on OOBE screens accessibility menu."> High contrast mode </message> <message name="IDS_OOBE_SCREEN_MAGNIFIER_OPTION" desc="Screen magnifier option shown on OOBE screens accessibility menu."> Screen magnifier </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_TITLE" desc="Title of sign in box"> Sign in </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_TITLE_HINT" desc="Hint under title 'Sign in to Chrome OS'"> with your Google Account </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_USERNAME"> Email </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_PASSWORD"> Password </message> <message name="IDS_DISABLED_ADD_USER_TOOLTIP" desc="Tooltip over disabled Add user button"> The owner of this device has disabled new users from being added </message> <message name="IDS_DISABLED_ADD_USER_TOOLTIP_ENTERPRISE" desc="Tooltip over disabled Add user button"> The administrator of this device has disabled new users from being added </message> <message name="IDS_APP_START_NETWORK_WAIT_MESSAGE" desc="Message displayed while installing and/or launching web application in kiosk mode."> Waiting for network connection... </message> <message name="IDS_APP_START_APP_WAIT_MESSAGE" desc="Message displayed while installing and/or launching web application in kiosk mode."> Initializing application... </message> <message name="IDS_APP_START_WAIT_FOR_APP_WINDOW_MESSAGE" desc="Message displayed while waiting for the application to create its window in kiosk mode."> Waiting for application window... </message> <message name="IDS_APP_START_CONFIGURE_NETWORK" desc="Text displayed for configure network button while installing and/or launching web application in kiosk mode."> Configure network </message> <message name="IDS_APP_START_NETWORK_WAIT_TIMEOUT_MESSAGE" desc="Message displayed while the network wait is timed out during app launching."> Internet disconnected. Please check your internet connection. </message> <message name="IDS_APP_START_BAILOUT_SHORTCUT_FORMAT" desc="Message displayed at the bottom of app launch splash screen to show user the shortcut key to bailout the launch."> Press Ctrl + Alt + S to switch to <ph name="IDS_SHORT_PRODUCT_OS_NAME">$1<ex>Chrome OS</ex></ph> </message> <message name="IDS_KIOSK_MODE_LOGIN_MESSAGE"> Click to start </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_CHANGE_PHOTO"> Change picture </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_PASSWORD_CHANGED_DIALOG_BOX_TITLE" desc="Title for the password changed dialog box"> Sign in </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_PASSWORD_CHANGED_TITLE" desc="Title of the dialog shown when password change has been detected"> Your password has changed </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_PASSWORD_CHANGED_DESC" desc="Detailed description of the password changed dialog"> Your Google Account password has changed since the last time you signed in on this computer. </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_PASSWORD_CHANGED_MORE_INFO" desc="Additional information on the password changed dialog"> Because <ph name="IDS_SHORT_PRODUCT_OS_NAME">$1<ex>Chrome OS</ex></ph> securely encrypts all your local data, you must enter the old password now to unlock that data. </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_PASSWORD_CHANGED_OLD_PASSWORD_HINT" desc="Old password field hint on the password changed dialog"> Enter old password </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_PASSWORD_CHANGED_INCORRECT_OLD_PASSWORD" desc="Error that is shown when incorrect old password was supplied for user cryptohome migration."> Incorrect password </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_PASSWORD_CHANGED_CANT_REMEMBER" desc="Text of the link that lets user skip old password input on the password changed dialog"> Can't remember old password? </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_PASSWORD_CHANGED_BACK_BUTTON" desc="Text on the button that closes password changed dialog or navigates back through its states."> Back </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_PASSWORD_CHANGED_PROCEED_ANYWAY" desc="Button to proceed without providing old password on the password changed dialog"> If you cannot remember your password, you may proceed but local data will be lost. Only synced settings and data will be retrieved. </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_PASSWORD_CHANGED_PROCEED_ANYWAY_BUTTON" desc="Button to proceed without providing old password on the password changed dialog"> Proceed anyway </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_PASSWORD_CHANGED_RESET" desc="Reset option of the password changed dialog"> Only retrieve synced settings and data </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_PASSWORD_CHANGED_MIGRATE" desc="Migrate option of the password changed dialog"> Migrate all Chrome OS data to the new password (requires previous password) </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_PREVIOUS_PASSWORD" desc="Password field text on the password changed dialog"> Previous password </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_CONFIRM_PASSWORD_TITLE" desc="Title for the confirm password dialog."> Please confirm your password. </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_CONFIRM_PASSWORD_HINT" desc="Hint for the password field on the confirm password dialog."> Type your password here to confirm. </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_CONFIRM_PASSWORD_CONFIRM_BUTTON" desc="Label for the confirm button on the confirm password dialog."> Confirm </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_NO_PASSWORD_WARNING_TITLE" desc="Title for the no password warning dialog"> No password detected. </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_NO_PASSWORD_WARNING" desc="Body text of the no password warning dialog"> Password is not detected for your SAML identity provider. Please contact your administrator for more information. </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_NO_PASSWORD_WARNING_DISMISS_BUTTON" desc="Label for the dismiss button on the no password warning dialog."> Ok </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_OFFLINE_EMAIL" desc="Email field text on the offline login screen. Note: should by the same as the one used on the Gaia sign-in page."> Email </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_OFFLINE_PASSWORD" desc="Password field text on the offline login screen. Note: should by the same as the one used on the Gaia sign-in page."> Password </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_OFFLINE_SIGNIN" desc="Sign in text on the offline login screen. Note: should by the same as the one used on the Gaia sign-in page."> Sign In </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_OFFLINE_EMPTY_EMAIL" desc="Alert message about empty email on the offline login screen. Note: should by the same as the one used on the Gaia sign-in page."> Enter your email address. </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_OFFLINE_EMPTY_PASSWORD" desc="Alert message about empty password on the offline login screen."> Enter your password. </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_OFFLINE_ERROR" desc="Error alert message on the offline login screen. Note: should by the same as the one used on the Gaia sign-in page."> The username or password you entered is incorrect. </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_ACCOUNT_BUTTON"> Create a Google Account now </message> <message name="IDS_CANT_ACCESS_ACCOUNT_BUTTON"> Can't access your account? </message> <message name="IDS_BROWSE_WITHOUT_SIGNING_IN_BUTTON"> Skip sign-in and browse as Guest </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_ACCOUNT_HTML" desc="Text shown on side of Google sign-in UI."> If you don't have a Google Account you can <ph name="LINK_START">$1<ex>>a<</ex></ph>create a Google Account<ph name="LINK_END">$2<ex>>/a<</ex></ph> now. </message> <message name="IDS_BROWSE_WITHOUT_SIGNING_IN_HTML" desc="Text shown on side of Google sign-in UI."> You may also skip signing in and <ph name="LINK_START">$1<ex>>a<</ex></ph>browse as Guest<ph name="LINK_END">$2<ex>>/a<</ex></ph>. </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_USER_FEATURE_NAME" desc="Title close to icon shown on side of Google sign-in UI to create a supervised user."> Supervised user </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_USER_HTML" desc="Text with actual link shown on side of Google sign-in UI to create a supervised user."> <ph name="LINK_START">$1<ex>>a<</ex></ph>Create a supervised user<ph name="LINK_END">$2<ex>>/a<</ex></ph> for this device. </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_USER_NO_MANAGER_TEXT" desc="Text shown when supervised user can be created, but no users that can be manager exist."> At least one account must exist on this device before creating a supervised user. </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_USER_CREATION_RESTRICTED_TEXT" desc="Text shown when supervised user can be created, but owner of the device restricted managed user creation or whitelist has been enabled for this device."> Creation of supervised users is restricted by the owner of this device. </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_INTRO_TEXT_TITLE" desc="Supervised user dialog, intro page, title"> What is a supervised user? </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_INTRO_ALTERNATE_TEXT" desc="Supervised user dialog, intro page, first paragraph"> A supervised user can explore the web with your guidance. As the manager of a supervised user, you can <ph name="BEGIN_BOLD"><strong></ph>allow or prohibit<ph name="END_BOLD"></strong></ph> certain websites, <ph name="BEGIN_BOLD"><strong></ph>review<ph name="END_BOLD"></strong></ph> websites the supervised user has visited, and <ph name="BEGIN_BOLD"><strong></ph>manage<ph name="END_BOLD"></strong></ph> other settings. </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_INTRO_TEXT_1" desc="Supervised user dialog, intro page, first paragraph"> A supervised user can explore the web with your guidance. As the manager of a supervised user in Chrome, you can: </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_INTRO_MANAGER_ITEM_1" desc="Supervised user dialog, intro page, options available to manager"> allow or prohibit certain websites, </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_INTRO_MANAGER_ITEM_2" desc="Supervised user dialog, intro page, options available to manager"> review websites the supervised user has visited, and </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_INTRO_MANAGER_ITEM_3" desc="Supervised user dialog, intro page, options available to manager"> manage other settings </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_INTRO_TEXT_2" desc="Supervised user dialog, intro page, second paragraph"> Creating a supervised user does not create a Google Account, and their settings and data will not follow them to other devices with Chrome Sync. A supervised user applies only to this device. </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_INTRO_TEXT_3" desc="Supervised user dialog, intro page, third paragraph"> After you create a new supervised user, you can manage the settings at any time from any device at <ph name="MANAGEMENT_URL">$1<ex>www.example.com</ex></ph>. </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_USER_CREATE_PICK_MANAGER_TITLE" desc="Supervised user dialog, manager selection page, title of the page"> Choose the manager for this supervised user </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_USER_CREATE_PICK_MANAGER_EXPLANATION" desc="Supervised user dialog, manager selection page, explanation of the page"> The manager will be able to configure restrictions and settings for this supervised user at <ph name="MANAGEMENT_URL">$1<ex>www.example.com</ex></ph>. </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_USER_CREATE_MANAGER_PASSWORD_HINT" desc="Supervised user dialog, manager selection page, text shown as a hint in the user password field."> Enter password </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_USER_CREATE_ACCOUNT_NAME_TITLE" desc="Supervised user dialog, new user page, title for name of new user"> Create a name - </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_USER_CREATE_ACCOUNT_NAME_EXPLANATION" desc="Supervised user dialog, new user page, explanation for name of new user"> This supervised user will be managed by <ph name="MANAGER_EMAIL">$1<ex>john.doe@example.com</ex></ph>. </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_USER_CREATE_PASSWORD_TITLE" desc="Supervised user dialog, new user page, title for password for new user."> Create a password - </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_USER_CREATE_PASSWORD_EXPLANATION" desc="Supervised user dialog, new user page, explanation for password for new user."> The supervised user will need to use this password to sign in, so choose a safe password and remember to discuss it with the supervised user. </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_USER_CREATE_PASSWORD_HINT" desc="Text shown as a hint in the password field in supervised user creation dialog."> Enter password </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_USER_CREATE_PASSWORD_CONFIRM_HINT" desc="Text shown as a hint in the password confirmation field in supervised user creation dialog."> Confirm password </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_USER_CREATE_CONTINUE_BUTTON_TEXT" desc="Text shown on continue button in supervised user creation dialog."> Continue </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_USER_CREATE_START_BUTTON_TEXT" desc="Text shown on start button in supervised user creation dialog."> Create supervised user </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_USER_CREATE_NEXT_BUTTON_TEXT" desc="Text shown on next button in supervised user creation dialog."> Next </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_USER_CREATE_PREVIOUS_BUTTON_TEXT" desc="Text shown on previous button in supervised user creation dialog."> Previous </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_USER_CREATED_1_TEXT_1" desc="Supervised user dialog, getting started page 1, paragraph 1"> A supervised user named <ph name="USER_DISPLAY_NAME">$1<ex>John</ex></ph> has been created. </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_USER_CREATED_1_TEXT_2" desc="Supervised user dialog, getting started page 1, paragraph 2"> To set which websites the supervised user can view, you can configure restrictions and settings by visiting <ph name="MANAGEMENT_URL">$1<ex>www.example.com</ex></ph>. If you do not change the default settings, <ph name="USER_DISPLAY_NAME">$2<ex>John</ex></ph> can browse all sites on the web. </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_USER_CREATED_1_TEXT_3" desc="Supervised user dialog, getting started page 1, paragraph 3"> Please check your email at <ph name="BEGIN_BOLD"><strong></ph><ph name="MANAGER_EMAIL">$1<ex>john.doe@example.com</ex></ph><ph name="END_BOLD"></strong></ph> for further instructions. </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_USER_CREATION_GOT_IT_BUTTON_TITLE" desc="Text for button on a screen with successful supervised user creation text"> Got it! </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_USER_CREATE_HANDLE_ERROR_BUTTON_TEXT" desc="Text for button on an error screen that closes supervised user creation dialog"> Okay </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_USER_CREATE_USERNAME_ALREADY_EXISTS" desc="Error text shown in supervised user creation dialog when local account with suggested name already exists on a device."> Whoops, this name is already in use! </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_USER_CREATE_ILLEGAL_USERNAME" desc="Error text shown in supervised user creation dialog when suggested name contains illegal characters (e.g. html tags)."> Whoops, illegal symbols in name! </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_USER_CREATE_PASSWORD_MISMATCH_ERROR" desc="Error text shown in supervised user creation dialog when typed passwords does not match."> Whoops, passwords do not match! </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_USER_CREATE_PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT" desc="Error text shown in supervised user creation dialog when typed password is too short."> Password is too short. </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_USER_MANAGER_PASSWORD_ERROR" desc="Error text shown in locally managed user creation dialog when manager password is incorrect."> Incorrect password. </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_USER_MANAGER_INCONSISTENT_STATE_TITLE" desc="Supervised user dialog, error page, manager account is in inconsistent state, title"> Oops, something went wrong </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_USER_MANAGER_INCONSISTENT_STATE" desc="Supervised user dialog, error page, manager account is in inconsistent state, text"> To recover from this error, you will need to sign into your Google Account from the sign-in screen. You can then sign out of your Google Account and try creating a supervised user again. </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_USER_MANAGER_INCONSISTENT_STATE_BUTTON" desc="Supervised user dialog, error page, manager account is in inconsistent state, button title"> OK, Take me back to sign-in screen </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_USER_TPM_ERROR_TITLE" desc="Supervised user dialog, error page, tpm error during creation, title"> Oops, TPM error. </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_USER_TPM_ERROR" desc="Supervised user dialog, error page, tpm error during creation, text"> Something is wrong with device. To recover from this error you will need to reboot device and try again. </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_USER_TPM_ERROR_BUTTON" desc="Supervised user dialog, error page, tpm error during creation, button title"> OK </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_USER_GENERIC_ERROR_TITLE" desc="Supervised user dialog, error page, generic error during creation, title"> Oops, something went wrong </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_USER_GENERIC_ERROR" desc="Supervised user dialog, error page, generic error during creation, text"> Due to an error, a supervised user was not created. Please try again later. </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_USER_GENERIC_ERROR_BUTTON" desc="Supervised user dialog, error page, generic error during creation, button title"> OK </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_USER_CREATION_ERROR_CANCEL_BUTTON_TITLE" desc="Text for button on an error reporting screen for supervised user creation, that is used to abort whole operation"> Cancel </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_USER_CREATION_ERROR_RETRY_BUTTON_TITLE" desc="Text for button on an error reporting screen for supervised user creation, that is used to retry failed operation"> Retry </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_USER_CREATION_AUTH_PROGRESS_MESSAGE" desc="Text shown next to progress indicator upon manager authentication."> Authenticating </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_USER_CREATION_CREATION_PROGRESS_MESSAGE" desc="Text shown next to progress indicator upon supervised user creation."> Creating supervised user </message> <message name="IDS_CREATE_LOCALLY_MANAGED_USER_CREATION_CREATION_TIMEOUT_MESSAGE" desc="Text shown at the place of progess indicator if creation takes too long and should be cancelled."> This is taking much longer than it should. </message> <message name="IDS_USER_IS_LOCALLY_MANAGED_BY_NOTICE" desc="Text for notifications showing that this user is locally managed"> Usage and history of this user can be reviewed by the manager (<ph name="MANAGER_EMAIL">$1<ex>user@example.com</ex></ph>) on chrome.com. </message> <message name="IDS_SUPERVISED_USER_EXPIRED_TOKEN_WARNING" desc="Warning text that is shown on login screen trying to sign in as a supervised user that has expired token"> This supervised user may have been deleted or disabled by the manager. Please contact the manager if you would like to continue signing in as this user. </message> <message name="IDS_SUPERVISED_USER_IMPORT_USER_EXIST" desc="In list of supervised users eligible for import, this text indicates that user already is already imported on device."> <ph name="USER_DISPLAY_NAME">$1<ex>John</ex></ph> (already on this device) </message> <message name="IDS_SUPERVISED_USER_IMPORT_USERNAME_EXIST" desc="In list of supervised users eligible for import, this text indicates that another supervised user with same name already exists on device."> <ph name="USER_DISPLAY_NAME">$1<ex>John</ex></ph> (name used on this device) </message> <message name="IDS_SUPERVISED_USER_IMPORT_BUBBLE_TEXT" desc="Text shown in notification bubble when user enters name of user that can be imported."> Looks like you're already managing a user by that name. Did you want to <ph name="LINK_START">$1<ex>>a<</ex></ph>import <ph name="USER_DISPLAY_NAME">$2<ex>John</ex></ph> to this device<ph name="LINK_END">$3<ex>>/a<</ex></ph>? </message> <message name="IDS_LOCAL_STATE_ERROR_TEXT_0" desc="Text for notification that Local State file is corrupted and powerwash is required."> Unfortunately, <ph name="SHORT_PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Chrome</ex></ph> is unable to recover your settings. To fix the error, <ph name="SHORT_PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Chrome</ex></ph> must reset your device with Powerwash. </message> <message name="IDS_LOCAL_STATE_ERROR_TEXT_1" desc="Text for notification that all local files will be deleted while Google account and any synced data won't be affected."> Resetting your device will not affect your Google accounts or any data synced to these accounts. However, all files saved locally on your device will be deleted. </message> <message name="IDS_LOCAL_STATE_ERROR_POWERWASH_BUTTON" desc="Button label to restart and powerwash the device."> Restart and Powerwash </message> <message name="IDS_OFFLINE_LOGIN_HTML" desc="Text which suggests enter as an existing user when valid network isn't presented."> If you've already registered on this device, you can <ph name="LINK2_START">$1<ex>>a<</ex></ph>sign in as an existing user<ph name="LINK2_END">$2<ex>>/a<</ex></ph>. </message> <message name="IDS_SHUTDOWN_BUTTON" desc="Text shown on shutdown button on login/locker screen"> Shut down </message> <message name="IDS_KIOSK_APPS_BUTTON" desc="Text shown on a button that brings up the kiosk apps menu on login screen"> Apps </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_USER_ADDING_BANNER" desc="Text shown on a banner in user adding screen."> Sign in with another account </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_OOBE_HELP_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="Default title for help dialogs during OOBE/login"> Help </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_CAPTCHA_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="Title shown for captcha input dialog"> Sign in </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_CAPTCHA_INSTRUCTIONS" desc="Explanatory message shown when the user must type letters shown in a captcha image to reauthenticate."> Type the characters you see in the picture below. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_SECTION_TITLE_DATETIME"> Date and time </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_SECTION_TITLE_WIRED_NETWORK" desc="Title for section in settings/internet for list of wired networks (usually one)"> Wired network </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_SECTION_TITLE_WIRELESS_NETWORK" desc="Title for section in settings/internet for list of wireless networks (wifi and cellular)"> Wireless networks </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_SECTION_TITLE_WIFI_NETWORK" desc="Title for the Wifi network group on the settings page."> Wi-Fi network </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_SECTION_TITLE_WIMAX_NETWORK" desc="Title for the WiMAX network group on the settings page."> WiMAX network </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_SECTION_TITLE_CELLULAR_NETWORK" desc="Title for the cellular network group on the settings page."> Mobile data </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_SECTION_TITLE_VIRTUAL_NETWORK" desc="Title for section in settings/internet for list of Virtual Private Networks (VPN)"> Private networks </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_SECTION_TITLE_PRIVATE_NETWORK" desc="Title for Virtual Private Network (VPN) group on the settings page"> Private network </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_SECTION_TITLE_ADD_CONNECTION" desc="Title for control to add a new network connection." > Add connection </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_ADD_CONNECTION_WIFI" desc="Menu item for adding a new Wi-Fi connection" > Add Wi-Fi... </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_SECTION_TITLE_REMEMBERED_NETWORK" desc="Title for section in settings/internet for list of remembered (favirote) networks"> Remembered networks </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_NETWORK_OFFLINE" desc="Message displayed when a user is not connected to a wireless network"> Offline </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_NETWORK_DISABLED" desc="Message displayed when a type of network connection is disabled"> Disabled </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_NETWORK_ONLINE" desc="Message displayed at the top of a network popup menu indiating that the user is online."> You are online. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_NETWORK_OTHER" desc="Menu option for connecting to a network that is not listed in the menu."> Join other... </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_NETWORK_NOT_CONNECTED" desc="Displayed for a network control when not connected."> Not connected </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_NETWORK_OPTIONS" desc="Menu option for configuring a network."> Network options... </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_NETWORK_DISABLE_WIFI" desc="Menu option in the Wi-Fi menu when there is a connected Wi-Fi network."> Disable Wi-Fi </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_NETWORK_DISABLE_WIMAX" desc="Menu option in the WiMAX menu when there is a connected WiMAX network."> Disable WiMAX </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_NETWORK_DISABLE_CELLULAR" desc="Menu option in the Cellular menu when there is a connected cellular network."> Disable mobile data </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_SECTION_TITLE_AIRPLANE_MODE" desc="Control on the settings page for disabling all wireless communication."> Airplane mode </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_NETWORK_AIRPLANE_MODE_LABEL" desc="Description shown on the airplane mode control."> Turn off all wireless connections. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_PREFERRED_NETWORKS_LABEL" desc="Menu item for activating the preferred networks dialog."> Preferred networks... </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_PREFERRED_NETWORKS_TITLE" desc="Title for the preferred networks dialog."> Preferred Networks </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_DEVICE_GROUP_NAME"> Device </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_DEVICE_GROUP_DESCRIPTION"> Change settings specific to your device and peripherals. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_DEVICE_GROUP_KEYBOARD_SECTION"> Keyboard: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_DEVICE_GROUP_KEYBOARD_SETTINGS_BUTTON_TITLE"> Keyboard settings </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_DEVICE_GROUP_POINTER_SECTION"> Pointer speed: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_MOUSE_SPEED_DESCRIPTION"> Mouse speed: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_TOUCHPAD_SPEED_DESCRIPTION"> Touchpad speed: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_DEVICE_GROUP_POINTER_SETTINGS_BUTTON_TITLE"> Pointer settings </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_SECTION_TITLE_TOUCHPAD"> Touchpad </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_SECTION_TITLE_POINTER"> Pointer </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_SECTION_TITLE_MOUSE"> Mouse </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_SECTION_TITLE_SCREEN" desc="Title for section in settings/system for screen brightness control"> Screen </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_SECTION_TITLE_BLUETOOTH"> Bluetooth </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_SECTION_TITLE_LANGUAGE"> Language </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_SECTION_TITLE_ACCESSIBILITY"> Accessibility </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_TIMEZONE_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, the text next to the timezone combobox."> Time zone: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_USE_24HOUR_CLOCK_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, the text next to the checkbox that enables 24-hour clock."> Use 24-hour clock </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_TIMEZONE_DISPLAY_TEMPLATE" desc="In the settings tab, the display template of a timezone in the pull-down list of timezones"> (<ph name="UTCOffset">$1<ex>UTC-8:00</ex></ph>) <ph name="LongTZName">$2<ex>Pacific Standard Time</ex></ph> (<ph name="ExemplarCity">$3<ex>Los Angeles</ex></ph>) </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BRIGHTNESS_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, the text next to the buttons for screen brightness."> Brightness: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BRIGHTNESS_DECREASE" desc="In the settings tab, the text of the button to decrease the screen brightness."> Decrease </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BRIGHTNESS_INCREASE" desc="In the settings tab, the text of the button to increase the screen brightness."> Increase </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_TAP_TO_CLICK_ENABLED_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, the text next to the checkbox that enables tap-to-click."> Enable tap-to-click </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_NATURAL_SCROLL_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, the text next to the radio button that enables natural scrolling."> Australian scrolling <ph name="BEGIN_LINK"><a href="$1" target="_blank"></ph>Learn more<ph name="END_LINK"></a></ph> </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_TRADITIONAL_SCROLL_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, the text next to the radio button that enables traditional scrolling."> Traditional scrolling </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_SENSITIVITY_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, the text next to the slider for the touchpad touch sensitivity."> Speed: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_SENSITIVITY_LESS_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, the text under the left (less sensitive) side of the slider for the touchpad touch sensitivity."> Slow </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_SENSITIVITY_MORE_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, the text under the right (more sensitive) side of the slider for the touchpad touch sensitivity."> Fast </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_PRIMARY_MOUSE_RIGHT_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, the text next to the checkbox to set the primary mouse button to the right button."> Swap primary mouse button </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BLUETOOTH_DISABLE"> Disable Bluetooth </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BLUETOOTH_ENABLE"> Enable Bluetooth </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_ADD_BLUETOOTH_DEVICE"> Add a device </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_FIND_BLUETOOTH_DEVICES"> Search </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BLUETOOTH_SCANNING"> Searching for devices... </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BLUETOOTH_NO_DEVICES"> No devices </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BLUETOOTH_NO_DEVICES_FOUND"> No devices found </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BLUETOOTH_CONNECTING"> <ph name="DEVICE_NAME">$1<ex>Apple Magic Mouse</ex></ph>: Connecting... </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BLUETOOTH_ADD_DEVICE_TITLE"> Add Bluetooth device </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BLUETOOTH_CONNECT"> Connect </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BLUETOOTH_DISCONNECT"> Disconnect </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BLUETOOTH_FORGET"> Forget </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BLUETOOTH_CANCEL"> Cancel </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BLUETOOTH_ACCEPT_PASSKEY"> Accept </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BLUETOOTH_REJECT_PASSKEY"> Reject </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BLUETOOTH_DISMISS_ERROR"> OK </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BLUETOOTH_ENTER_KEY"> enter </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BLUETOOTH_ENTER_PIN_CODE_REQUEST" desc="Bluetooth pairing message typically displayed when the external Bluetooth 2.0 and older device has no display or means of input."> Please enter the PIN for "<ph name="DEVICE_NAME">%1<ex>Nexus S</ex></ph>": </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BLUETOOTH_ENTER_PASSKEY_REQUEST" desc="Bluetooth pairing message typically displayed when the external Bluetooth 2.1 and later device has no display or means of input, and does not support SSP."> Please enter the passkey for "<ph name="DEVICE_NAME">%1<ex>Nexus S</ex></ph>": </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BLUETOOTH_REMOTE_PIN_CODE_REQUEST" desc="Bluetooth pairing message typically displayed when pairing a Bluetooth 2.0 and older wireless keyboard."> Please enter this PIN code on "<ph name="DEVICE_NAME">%1<ex>Nexus S</ex></ph>": </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BLUETOOTH_REMOTE_PASSKEY_REQUEST" desc="Bluetooth pairing message typically displayed when pairing a Bluetooth 2.1 and later wireless keyboard."> Please enter this passkey on "<ph name="DEVICE_NAME">%1<ex>Nexus S</ex></ph>": </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BLUETOOTH_CONFIRM_PASSKEY_REQUEST" desc="Bluetooth pairing message typically shown when pairing with a device that has a display."> Please confirm this passkey is shown on "<ph name="DEVICE_NAME">%1<ex>Nexus S</ex></ph>": </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BLUETOOTH_START_CONNECTING"> Connecting to "<ph name="DEVICE_NAME">%1<ex>Nexus S</ex></ph>". </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BLUETOOTH_START_DISCOVERY_FAILED"> Failed to start Bluetooth device discovery. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BLUETOOTH_STOP_DISCOVERY_FAILED"> Failed to stop Bluetooth device discovery. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BLUETOOTH_CHANGE_POWER_FAILED"> Failed to change the power state of the Bluetooth adapter. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BLUETOOTH_CONNECT_UNKNOWN_ERROR"> An unknown error occurred trying to connect to "<ph name="DEVICE_NAME">%1<ex>Nexus 4</ex></ph>". </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BLUETOOTH_CONNECT_IN_PROGRESS"> Connection to "<ph name="DEVICE_NAME">%1<ex>Nexus 4</ex></ph>" still in progress. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BLUETOOTH_CONNECT_FAILED"> Failed to connect to "<ph name="DEVICE_NAME">%1<ex>Nexus S</ex></ph>". </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BLUETOOTH_CONNECT_AUTH_FAILED"> Authentication failed while connecting to "<ph name="DEVICE_NAME">%1<ex>Nexus 4</ex></ph>". </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BLUETOOTH_CONNECT_AUTH_CANCELED"> Authentication canceled while connecting to "<ph name="DEVICE_NAME">%1<ex>Nexus 4</ex></ph>". </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BLUETOOTH_CONNECT_AUTH_REJECTED"> Authentication code rejected while connecting to "<ph name="DEVICE_NAME">%1<ex>Nexus 4</ex></ph>". </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BLUETOOTH_CONNECT_AUTH_TIMEOUT"> Authentication timeout while connecting to "<ph name="DEVICE_NAME">%1<ex>Nexus 4</ex></ph>". </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BLUETOOTH_CONNECT_UNSUPPORTED_DEVICE"> Unsupported Bluetooth device: "<ph name="DEVICE_NAME">%1<ex>Nexus 4</ex></ph>". </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BLUETOOTH_DISCONNECT_FAILED"> Failed to disconnect from "<ph name="DEVICE_NAME">%1<ex>Nexus S</ex></ph>". </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BLUETOOTH_FORGET_FAILED"> Failed to disconnect and unpair from "<ph name="DEVICE_NAME">%1<ex>Nexus S</ex></ph>". </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_EXPLANATION" desc="In the settings tab, this text explains the accessibiliy features."> Enable accessibility features to make your device easier to use. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SETTINGS" desc="Text of the link to open ChromeVox settings."> Settings </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_LARGE_CURSOR_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, the text next to the checkbox for the large mouse cursor."> Show large mouse cursor </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SPOKEN_FEEDBACK_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, the text next to the checkbox for spoken feedback."> Enable ChromeVox (spoken feedback) </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_HIGH_CONTRAST_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, the text next to the checkbox for high contrast mode."> Use high contrast mode </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SCREEN_MAGNIFIER_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, the text next to the dropdown for screen magnifier."> Enable screen magnifier </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SCREEN_MAGNIFIER_OFF" desc="In the settings tab, the option indication the screen magnifier is off."> Off </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SCREEN_MAGNIFIER_FULL" desc="In the settings tab, the option indication the screen magnifier is set to entire screen (full screen) mode."> Entire Screen </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SCREEN_MAGNIFIER_PARTIAL" desc="In the settings tab, the option indication the screen magnifier is set to lens (partial screen) mode."> Lens </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_TOUCHPAD_TAP_DRAGGING_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, the text next to the checkbox for tap dragging."> Enable tap dragging </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, the text next to the checkbox for virtual keyboard."> Enable virtual keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SHOULD_ALWAYS_SHOW_MENU" desc="In the settings tab, the text next to the checkbox to show the accessibility tray menu regardless of the state of a11y features."> Show accessibility options in the system menu </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_STICKY_KEYS_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, the text next to the checkbox for the sticky keys."> Enable sticky keys (to perform keyboard shortcuts by typing them sequentially) </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_AUTOCLICK_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, the text next to the checkbox for automatic clicking."> Automatically click when the mouse pointer stops </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_AUTOCLICK_DROPDOWN_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, the text next to the autoclick delay dropdown."> Delay before click: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_AUTOCLICK_DELAY_EXTREMELY_SHORT" desc="Label for an extremely short autoclick delay option in the settings."> extremely short </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_AUTOCLICK_DELAY_VERY_SHORT" desc="Label for a very short autoclick delay option in the settings."> very short </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_AUTOCLICK_DELAY_SHORT" desc="Label for a short autoclick delay option in the settings."> short </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_AUTOCLICK_DELAY_LONG" desc="Label for a long autoclick delay option in the settings."> long </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_AUTOCLICK_DELAY_VERY_LONG" desc="Label for a very long autoclick delay option in the settings."> very long </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_DISPLAY_OPTIONS_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for the button opening display settings tab."> Display settings </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_DISPLAY_OPTIONS_TAB_TITLE" desc="Title for the display settings tab."> Manage displays </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_DISPLAY_OPTIONS_OPTIONS" desc="The section title for general options for a selected display."> Options: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_DISPLAY_OPTIONS_RESOLUTION" desc="The section title for resolution option for a selected display."> Resolution: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_DISPLAY_OPTIONS_ORIENTATION" desc="The section title for display orientation option for a selected display."> Orientation: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_DISPLAY_OPTIONS_OVERSCAN" desc="The section title for TV alignment (calibration of display overscan) option for a selected display."> TV alignment: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_DISPLAY_OPTIONS_START_MIRRORING" desc="Button label to start display mirroring."> Start mirroring </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_DISPLAY_OPTIONS_STOP_MIRRORING" desc="Button label to stop display mirroring."> Stop mirroring </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_DISPLAY_OPTIONS_MIRRORING_DISPLAY_NAME" desc="The text shown at display name field when mirroring."> Mirroring </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_DISPLAY_OPTIONS_SET_PRIMARY" desc="Button label to set a display primary."> Make primary </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_DISPLAY_OPTIONS_RESOLUTION_ANNOTATION_BEST" desc="The text shown for resolution options to annotate this is the best resolution."> (Best) </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_DISPLAY_OPTIONS_STANDARD_ORIENTATION" desc="The default value of display orientation option item."> Standard </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_DISPLAY_OPTIONS_START_CALIBRATING_OVERSCAN" desc="Button label to start calibrating the overscan preference."> Adjust... </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_DISPLAY_OVERSCAN_TAB_TITLE" desc="Title for the display overscan calibration tab."> TV alignment </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_DISPLAY_OVERSCAN_SHRINK_EXPAND" desc="Lable to describe the overscan calibration operation, to shrink or expand the region."> Shrink/Expand </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_DISPLAY_OVERSCAN_MOVE" desc="Lable to describe the overscan calibration operation, to move the region."> Move </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_DISPLAY_OVERSCAN_RESET_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Button label to reset the display overscan settings."> Reset </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_DISPLAY_OVERSCAN_OK_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Button label to finish the display overscan settings."> OK </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_DISPLAY_OVERSCAN_CANCEL_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Button label to cancel the display overscan settings."> Cancel </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_TEXT" desc="In the settings tab, the text of the keyboard layout label."> Keyboard layout: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_CONNECT" desc="In the settings tab, the text on the button to connect to a network."> Connect </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_DISCONNECT" desc="In the settings tab, the text on the button to disconnect from a network."> Disconnect </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_CONFIGURE" desc="In the settings tab, the text on the button to configure a network."> Configure </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_FORGET" desc="In the settings tab, the text on the button to forget this network."> Forget this network </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_SHARED_NETWORK" desc="In settings Internet options, the label for shared networks."> Shared </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_ACTIVATE" desc="In the settings tab, the text on the button to activate a cellular network."> Activate </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_BUY_PLAN" desc="In settings Internet options, the title for buy cellular data plan button."> Buy plan </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_OPTIONS" desc="In the settings tab, the text on the button to display more options."> Options... </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_OTHER_WIFI_NETWORKS" desc="In the settings tab, the text on the button to display other Wi-Fi networks."> Other Wi-Fi network... </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_OTHER_CELLULAR_NETWORKS" desc="In the settings tab, the text on the button to display other cellular networks."> Other mobile network... </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_JOIN_WIFI_NETWORKS" desc="The title for the dialog to join a wifi network."> Join Wi-Fi network </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_JOIN_WIMAX_NETWORKS" desc="The title for the dialog to join a wimax network."> Join WiMAX network </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_ADD_VPN" desc="In the settings tab, the text on the button to add a private network."> Add private network </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_JOIN_VPN" desc="The title for the dialog to join a VPN."> Join private network </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_MANAGED_NETWORK" desc="Help text to show in the bubble shown on click of the controlled setting indicator on the internet settings page."> This network is configured by your administrator. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_USE_SHARED_PROXIES" desc="In the settings tab, the text next to the checkbox for allowing proxy settings for shared networks."> Allow proxies for shared networks </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_ENABLE_DATA_ROAMING" desc="Appears in the Mobile Data drop-down menu in the Internet Connections section of the Settings tab."> Allow mobile data roaming </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_TOGGLE_DATA_ROAMING_RESTRICTION" desc="Tooltip for the 'enable data roaming' entry in the Mobile Data drop-down menu indicating why the command is disabled."> This setting may only be modified by the owner. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_DISABLE_DATA_ROAMING" desc="Appears in the Mobile Data drop-down menu in the Internet Connections section of the Settings tab."> Disable mobile data roaming </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_ACCOUNTS_ALLOW_BWSI_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the Accounts settings tab, the text on the checkbox to allow browse without signing in."> Enable Guest browsing </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_ACCOUNTS_ENABLE_SUPERVISED_USERS" desc="In the Users settings dialog, the text on the checkbox to allow creation and sign-in of supervised users."> Enable supervised users </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_ACCOUNTS_USE_WHITELIST_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the Accounts settings tab, the text on the checkbox to restrict allowed user to a whitelist."> Restrict sign-in to the following users: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_ACCOUNTS_SHOW_USER_NAMES_ON_SINGIN_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the Accounts settings tab, the text on the checkbox to show user names and pictures on sign-in screen."> Show usernames and photos on the sign-in screen </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_ACCOUNTS_USERNAME_EDIT_HINT" desc="In the Accounts settings tab, the instruction text on an empty username edit."> Enter names or addresses. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_ACCOUNTS_USERNAME_FORMAT" desc="In the Accounts settings tab, the text format to create user name and owner tag."> <ph name="NAME">$1<ex>John Doe</ex></ph> - Owner </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_ACCOUNTS_ADD_USERS" desc="In the Accounts settings tab, the label text above the user name edit box."> Add users </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_ACCOUNTS_OWNER_ONLY" desc="In the Accounts settings tab, the warning text noticing that only the owner can modify these settings."> These settings may only be modified by the owner: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_PERSONAL_ACCOUNT_GROUP_NAME" desc="In sentence case: In the Personal Stuff settings tab, the title text for Account section."> Account </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_ENABLE_SCREENLOCKER_CHECKBOX" desc="In the Personal Stuff settings tab, the text on the checkbox to enable screenlocker for current user."> Require password to wake from sleep </message> <message name="IDS_SET_WALLPAPER_BUTTON" desc="The button to set wallpaper."> Set wallpaper... </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SET_WALLPAPER_AUTHOR_TEXT" desc="Author label."> Photo by </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_WALLPAPER_CENTER_LAYOUT" desc="Label for option to center a customized wallpaper."> Center </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_WALLPAPER_CENTER_CROPPED_LAYOUT" desc="Label for option to center crop a customized wallpaper."> Center Cropped </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_WALLPAPER_STRETCH_LAYOUT" desc="Label for option to stretch a customized wallpaper."> Stretch </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_CHANGE_PICTURE" desc="In the settings tab, the text on the button to change picture for the current user."> Change picture... </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_CHANGE_PICTURE_CAPTION" desc="Caption on the user picture that user must click to change it, must be short."> Change </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_CHANGE_PICTURE_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="Title of the dialog shown when user wants to change his/her picture."> Change picture </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_CHANGE_PICTURE_DIALOG_TEXT" desc="Text with description of what to do on Change picture dialog."> Choose a picture to display for your account on the sign-in screen. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_CHANGE_PICTURE_CHOOSE_FILE" desc="Text on a button that shows file dialog to choose a picture from file."> Choose a file </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_CROP_IMAGE_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="Title of the dialog shown when user wants to crop his/her picture."> Crop image </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_CROP_IMAGE_DIALOG_TEXT" desc="Text with description of what to do on Crop image dialog."> Select a square region of the image. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_CHANGE_PICTURE_TAKE_PHOTO" desc="The text on the button to take photo of the current user."> Take photo </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_CHANGE_PICTURE_PHOTO_FROM_CAMERA" desc="The accessible text on the icon in the user image grid for a camera photo, when a photo has been captured."> Photo from internal camera </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_CHANGE_PICTURE_DISCARD_PHOTO" desc="The text on the button to discard the captured photo of the current user."> Discard photo </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_PHOTO_CAPTURE_ACCESSIBLE_TEXT" desc="The accessible message to speak to announce that a photo was captured."> Captured photo </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_PHOTO_DISCARD_ACCESSIBLE_TEXT" desc="The accessible message to speak to announce that a photo was discarded."> Discarded photo </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_CHANGE_PICTURE_FLIP_PHOTO" desc="The text on the button to flip the camera image horizontally."> Flip camera image horizontally </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_CHANGE_PICTURE_PREVIEW_ALT" desc="Alt text for the big preview of user image."> User image preview </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_CHANGE_PICTURE_PROFILE_PHOTO" desc="The text on the Google profile photo of the user."> Google Profile photo </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_CHANGE_PICTURE_PROFILE_LOADING_PHOTO" desc="The text on the loading stub for Google profile image."> Google Profile photo (loading) </message> <message name="IDS_IMAGE_SCREEN_PROFILE_PHOTO" desc="The title of the Google profile photo of the user on image selection screen. Please keep in sync with IDS_OPTIONS_CHANGE_PICTURE_PROFILE_PHOTO."> * Google Profile photo </message> <message name="IDS_IMAGE_SCREEN_PROFILE_LOADING_PHOTO" desc="The title of the loading stub for Google profile image on image selection screen. Please keep in sync with IDS_OPTIONS_CHANGE_PICTURE_PROFILE_LOADING_PHOTO."> * Google Profile photo (loading) </message> <message name="IDS_IMAGE_SCREEN_SYNCING_PREFERENCES" desc="The message displayed on the image screen while user preferences are syncing."> Syncing your preferences </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_TAB_WIFI" desc="In settings Internet options, the title for the wifi tab."> Wi-Fi </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_TAB_WIMAX" desc="In settings Internet options, the title for the WiMAX tab."> WiMAX </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_TAB_VPN" desc="In settings Internet options, the title for the VPN (Virtual Private Network) tab."> VPN </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_TAB_CONNECTION" desc="In settings Internet options, the title for buy cellular data plan button."> Connection </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_TAB_DEVICE" desc="In settings Internet options, the title for buy cellular data plan button."> Device </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_TAB_NETWORK" desc="In settings Internet options, the title for buy cellular data plan button."> Network </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_TAB_SECURITY" desc="In settings Internet options, the title for security tab."> Security </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_TAB_PROXY" desc="In settings Internet options, the title for proxy tab."> Proxy </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_NETWORK_ID" desc="In settings Internet options, the label for the network id."> SSID: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_NETWORK_BSSID" desc="In settings Internet options, the label for the network BSSID."> BSSID: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_NETWORK_FREQUENCY" desc="In settings Internet options, the label for the WiFi frequency."> Frequency: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_NETWORK_FREQUENCY_MHZ" desc="In Internet settings, the formatting for the WiFi frequency."> <ph name="MHZ">$1<ex>2400</ex></ph> MHz </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_NETWORK_STRENGTH" desc="In Internet settings, the label for the WiFi signal strength."> Signal Strength: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_NETWORK_STRENGTH_PERCENTAGE" desc="In Internet settings, the formatting for the WiFi signal strength."> <ph name="PRECENTAGE">$1<ex>100</ex></ph>% </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTIGNS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_NETWORK_ENCRYPTION" desc="Label in the network details dialog for showing the encryption method."> Security: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_EAP_METHOD" desc="In settings Internet options, the label for the EAP method."> EAP method: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_EAP_METHOD_NONE" desc="In settings Internet options, a string specifying EAP method none."> Choose... </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_EAP_METHOD_PEAP" desc="In settings Internet options, a string specifying EAP method PEAP."> PEAP </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_EAP_METHOD_TLS" desc="In settings Internet options, a string specifying EAP method TLS."> EAP-TLS </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_EAP_METHOD_TTLS" desc="In settings Internet options, a string specifying EAP method TTLS."> EAP-TTLS </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_EAP_METHOD_LEAP" desc="In settings Internet options, a string specifying EAP method LEAP."> LEAP </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_PHASE_2_AUTH" desc="In settings Internet options, the label for the phase 2 authentication."> Phase 2 authentication: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_PHASE_2_AUTH_AUTO" desc="In settings Internet options, a string specifying phase 2 authentication auto."> Automatic </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_PHASE_2_AUTH_MD5" desc="In settings Internet options, a string specifying phase 2 authentication EAP-MD5."> EAP-MD5 </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_PHASE_2_AUTH_MSCHAPV2" desc="In settings Internet options, a string specifying phase 2 authentication MSCHAPv2."> MSCHAPv2 </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_PHASE_2_AUTH_MSCHAP" desc="In settings Internet options, a string specifying phase 2 authentication MSCHAP."> MSCHAP </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_PHASE_2_AUTH_PAP" desc="In settings Internet options, a string specifying phase 2 authentication PAP."> PAP </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_PHASE_2_AUTH_CHAP" desc="In settings Internet options, a string specifying phase 2 authentication CHAP."> CHAP </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_CERT_IDENTITY" desc="In settings Internet options, the user identity for authentication."> Identity: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_CERT_IDENTITY_ANONYMOUS" desc="In settings Internet options, the anonymous identity for authentication."> Anonymous identity: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_CERT_SERVER_CA" desc="In settings Internet options, the server certificate to use."> Server CA certificate: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_CERT_SERVER_CA_DEFAULT" desc="In settings Internet options, a string specifying to use the default certificates."> Default </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_CERT_SERVER_CA_DO_NOT_CHECK" desc="In settings Internet options, a string specifying to not check certificates."> Do not check </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_CERT" desc="In settings Internet options, the x509 certificate to use."> User certificate: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_CERT_BUTTON" desc="In settings Internet options, the prompt on the certificate-selection button."> Select certificate file </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_SECURITY" desc="In settings Internet options, the label for the security."> Security: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_PASSPHRASE" desc="In settings Internet options, the label for the passphrase."> Password: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_PASSPHRASE_SHOW" desc="In settings Internet options, the label for the passphrase visible toggle button to show passphrase."> Click to show password </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_PASSPHRASE_HIDE" desc="In settings Internet options, the label for the passphrase visible toggle button to hide passphrase."> Click to hide password </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_SAVE_CREDENTIALS" desc="In settings Internet options, the label for the checkbox to save identity and password."> Save identity and password </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_ADVANCED_BUTTON" desc="In settings Internet options, Join other network, the text on the button to show advanced settings."> Advanced </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_EAP_SUBJECT_MATCH" desc="In settings Internet options, the label for the EAP Subject Match field."> Subject Match: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_BAD_PASSPHRASE" desc="In settings Internet options, the label for the bad passphrase."> Incorrect password. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_NET_PROTECTED" desc="In settings Internet options, the message in network details page for password protected networks."> Access to this network is protected. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_BAD_WEPKEY" desc="In settings Internet options, the label for the bad WEP key."> Password format is incorrect. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_PREFER_NETWORK" desc="In settings Internet options, the label for prefer network checkbox."> Prefer this network </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_AUTO_CONNECT" desc="In settings Internet options, the label for the auto-connect checkbox."> Automatically connect to this network </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_SHARE_NETWORK" desc="In settings Internet options, the label for the share checkbox."> Share this network with other users </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_NETWORK_SHARED" desc="In settings Internet options, text for when a network is shared."> This network is shared with other users. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_PURCHASE_MORE" desc="In settings Internet options, the title for buy cellular data plan button."> Buy data plan... </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_UNKNOWN_ERROR" desc="In settings Internet options, the label for an unknown connection error."> Failed to connect to network. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_CELL_PLAN_NAME" desc="In settings Internet options, the label displayed next to cellular plan name."> Plan name: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_LOADING_PLAN" desc="In settings Internet options, the message displayed while cellular data plan information is being loaded."> Loading mobile data plan information, please wait... </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_NO_PLANS_FOUND" desc="In settings Internet options, the message displayed while cellular data plans are missing or could not be found."> Plan information not available. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_DATA_REMAINING" desc="In settings Internet options, the label for mobile plan remaining data info."> Data remaining: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_UNLIMITED" desc="In settings Internet options, the label of data info for mobile unlimited data plan."> Unlimited </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_EXPIRES" desc="In settings Internet options, the label for mobile plan expiration time info."> Expires: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_SHOW_MOBILE_NOTIFICATION" desc="In settings Internet options, the label for show mobile plan data notification checkbox."> Show notifications when data is low or nearing expiration </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_RECEIVED_FREE_DATA" desc="In settings Internet options, the label that tells user free data received."> You received <ph name="DATA_AMOUNT">$1<ex>100MB</ex></ph> free usage on <ph name="DATE">$2<ex>January 1, 2011</ex></ph> </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_PURCHASE_DATA" desc="In settings Internet options, the label that shows user has purchased a mobile data plan."> You purchased <ph name="DATA_AMOUNT">$1<ex>3GB</ex></ph> of data on <ph name="DATE">$2<ex>January 1, 2011</ex></ph> </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_PURCHASE_UNLIMITED_DATA" desc="In settings Internet options, the label that shows user has purchased an unliminted mobile data plan."> You purchased unlimited data on <ph name="DATE">$1<ex>January 1, 2011</ex></ph> </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_CUSTOMER_SUPPORT" desc="In settings Internet options, the text for customer support hyper link."> Customer support </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_LOGIN" desc="In settings Internet options, the label for the button to sign in."> Sign in </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_CONNECTION_STATE" desc="In settings Internet options, the label for connection status."> Connection status: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_IP_AUTOMATIC_CONFIGURATION" desc="In the IP address fields, labels automatic connection toggle"> Configure automatically </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_AUTOMATIC_NAME_SERVERS" desc="In the name server type radio for static ip configuration, labels the automatic DNS selection."> Automatic name servers </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_GOOGLE_NAME_SERVERS" desc="In the name server type radio for static ip configuration, labels the Google DNS selection."> Google name servers - <ph name="BEGIN_LINK"><a href="https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns" target="_blank"></ph>Learn more<ph name="END_LINK"></a></ph> </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_USER_NAME_SERVERS" desc="In the name server type radio for static ip configuration, labels the user DNS selection."> Custom name servers </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_USER_NAME_SERVER_1" desc="In the name server type radio for static ip configuration, is placeholder text for server 1"> Server 1 </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_USER_NAME_SERVER_2" desc="In the name server type radio for static ip configuration, is placeholder text for server 2"> Server 2 </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_USER_NAME_SERVER_3" desc="In the name server type radio for static ip configuration, is placeholder text for server 3"> Server 3 </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_USER_NAME_SERVER_4" desc="In the name server type radio for static ip configuration, is placeholder text for server 4"> Server 4 </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_ADDRESS" desc="In settings Internet options, the label for IP address."> IP address: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_SUBNETMASK" desc="In settings Internet options, the label for subnet mask."> Subnet mask: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_GATEWAY" desc="In settings Internet options, the label for gateway."> Gateway: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_DNSSERVER" desc="In settings Internet options, the label dns server."> DNS server: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_CHANGE_PROXY_BUTTON" desc="In settings Internet options, the button to configure proxy settings."> Change proxy settings... </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_PROXY_POLICY" desc="In settings Internet options, banner displayed when the proxy settings are enforced by a policy."> The proxy is enforced by your administrator. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_PROXY_EXTENSION" desc="In settings Internet options, banner displayed when the proxy settings are enforced by an extension."> The proxy is enforced by an extension. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_PROXY_OTHER_PRECEDE" desc="In settings Internet options, banner displayed when the proxy settings cannot be changed as they are enforced by a higher-precedence source."> The proxy cannot be modified by the user. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_PROXY_ENABLE_SHARED_HINT" desc="In settings Internet options, banner displayed when the proxy settings cannot be changed as the user needs to enable the setting for IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_USE_SHARED_PROXIES first."> To change proxy, enable "<ph name="USE_SHARED_PROXIES">$1<ex>Allow proxies for shared networks</ex></ph>" setting. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_HARDWARE_ADDRESS" desc="In settings Internet options, the label hardware address."> Hardware address: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_SECURITY_NONE" desc="In settings Internet options, a string specifying security none."> None </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_SECURITY_WEP" desc="In settings Internet options, a string specifying security WEP."> WEP </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_SECURITY_PSK" desc="In settings Internet options, a string specifying security PSK (either WPA-PSK or RSN-PSK)."> PSK (WPA or RSN) </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_PASSWORD" desc="In settings Internet options, a string telling the user where the network certificate is installed to."> Password </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_SSID" desc="In settings Internet options, a string telling the user where the network certificate is installed to."> SSID </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_SHOWPASSWORD" desc="In settings Internet options, a string telling the user where the network certificate is installed to."> Show password </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_STATUS_TITLE" desc="In settings Internet options, Title of the overlay when the user is connected."> Connection details </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_CONNECT_TITLE" desc="In settings Internet options, Title of the overlay when the user is not connected and can."> Connect to network </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_L2TP_IPSEC_PSK" desc="In settings Internet options, a string specifying L2TP/IPsec + PSK."> L2TP/IPsec + pre-shared key </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_L2TP_IPSEC_USER_CERT" desc="In settings Internet options, a string specifying L2TP/IPsec + User Certificate."> L2TP/IPsec + user certificate </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_OPEN_VPN" desc="In settings Internet options, a string specifying OpenVPN."> OpenVPN </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_VPN_SERVICE_NAME" desc="In settings Internet options, a string specifying VPN service name."> Service name: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_VPN_SERVER_HOSTNAME" desc="In settings Internet options, a string specifying VPN server hostname."> Server hostname: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_VPN_PROVIDER_TYPE" desc="In settings Internet options, a string specifying VPN provider type."> Provider type: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_VPN_PSK_PASSPHRASE" desc="In settings Internet options, a string specifying VPN PSK passphrase."> Pre-shared key: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_VPN_USER_CERT" desc="In settings Internet options, a string specifying VPN user certificate."> User certificate: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_VPN_USERNAME" desc="In settings Internet options, a string specifying VPN username."> Username: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_VPN_USER_PASSPHRASE" desc="In settings Internet options, a string specifying VPN user passphrase."> Password: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_VPN_OTP" desc="In settings Internet options, a string specifying One Time Passphrase for VPN."> OTP: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_VPN_GROUP_NAME" desc="In settings Internet options, a string specifying VPN group name."> Group name: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_USER_CERT_NONE_INSTALLED" desc="In settings Internet options, when creating a VPN or enterprise Wi-Fi connection, combobox item to display when no user certificates are installed."> None installed </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_CERT_LOADING" desc="In settings Internet options, when creating a VPN or enterprise Wi-Fi connection, combobox item to display when certificates are loading."> Loading... </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_PLEASE_INSTALL_USER_CERT" desc="In the network connect dialog, when creating a VPN or enterprise Wi-Fi connection, error message to display when no user certificates are installed."> Please install a user certificate. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_LOGIN_FOR_USER_CERT" desc="In the network connect dialog, when creating a VPN or enterprise Wi-Fi connection, error message to display when not logged in and user certificates are required."> Login required for user certificate. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_OPTIONS_REQUIRE_HARDWARE_BACKED" desc="In the network connect dialog, when creating a VPN or enterprise Wi-Fi connection, error message to display when a non hardware-backed user certificate is selected."> User certificate must be hardware-backed. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_ENABLE_CONTENT_PROTECTION_ATTESTATION" desc="description label for verified access about premium contents"> Enable Verified Access service </message> <message name="IDS_NETWORK_RECONNECT_TITLE" desc="In network menu, title of the reconnect button that allows user to retry connection on error."> Reconnect </message> <message name="IDS_NETWORK_SSID_HINT" desc="In network menu, hint text for network name field."> network name </message> <message name="IDS_NETWORK_PASSWORD_HINT" desc="In network menu, hint text for network password field."> network password </message> <message name="IDS_NETWORK_CHOOSE_MOBILE_NETWORK" desc="Title of the window for choosing mobile network."> Choose a mobile network </message> <message name="IDS_NETWORK_SCANNING_FOR_MOBILE_NETWORKS" desc="Text which appears while scanning for mobile networks."> Scanning for networks. </message> <message name="IDS_NETWORK_SCANNING_THIS_MAY_TAKE_A_MINUTE" desc="Text which appears while scanning for mobile networks, right after IDS_NETWORK_SCANNING_FOR_MOBILE_NETWORKS text."> This may take a minute... </message> <message name="IDS_NETWORK_NO_MOBILE_NETWORKS" desc="Text which appears when no mobile networks were found."> No networks found. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_CELLULAR_SERVICE_NAME" desc="Cellular service name under network details in chrome:settings/internet."> Service name: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_CELLULAR_APN" desc="Cellular device APN label under network details in chrome:settings/internet."> Access point name: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_CELLULAR_APN_USERNAME" desc="Cellular device APN user name label under network details in chrome:settings/internet."> User name: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_CELLULAR_APN_PASSWORD" desc="Cellular device APN password label under network details in chrome:settings/internet."> Password: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_CELLULAR_APN_CLEAR" desc="Cellular device use default APN settings button under network details in chrome:settings/internet."> Use default </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_CELLULAR_APN_SET" desc="Cellular device set APN settings button under network details in chrome:settings/internet."> Save </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_CELLULAR_ACCESS_SECURITY_TAB" desc="In settings Internet options, the text of the link shown when SIM card is locked, to access security tab."> To access Security settings enter the SIM card PIN </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_CELLULAR_LOCK_SIM_CARD" desc="Cellular device enable SIM card PIN lock checkbox label in chrome:settings/internet."> Lock SIM card (require PIN to use mobile data) </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_CELLULAR_CHANGE_PIN_BUTTON" desc="Cellular device change PIN button text in chrome:settings/internet."> Change PIN </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_CELLULAR_CHANGE_PIN_TITLE" desc="Cellular device change PIN dialog title in chrome:settings/internet."> Change SIM card PIN </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_CELLULAR_CHANGE_PIN_MESSAGE" desc="Cellular device change PIN dialog message in chrome:settings/internet."> Please enter old and new PIN. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_CELLULAR_CHANGE_PIN_INCORRECT_ERROR" desc="Cellular device change PIN dialog error message in chrome:settings/internet."> Incorrect PIN, please try again. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_CELLULAR_CHANGE_PIN_OLD_PIN" desc="Cellular device change PIN dialog old PIN label text in chrome:settings/internet."> Old PIN: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_CELLULAR_CHANGE_PIN_NEW_PIN" desc="Cellular device change PIN dialog new PIN label text in chrome:settings/internet."> New PIN: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_CELLULAR_CHANGE_PIN_RETYPE_PIN" desc="Cellular device change PIN dialog re-type new PIN label text in chrome:settings/internet."> Re-type new PIN: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_CELLULAR_PINS_DONT_MATCH_ERROR" desc="Cellular device change PIN dialog message shown when entered new PINs don't match in chrome:settings/internet."> PINs don't match! </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_CELLULAR_APN_CANCEL" desc="Cellular device cancel APN settings edit button under network details in chrome:settings/internet."> Cancel </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_CELLULAR_APN_OTHER" desc="Select user defined APN in the lost of predefined APNs under network details in chrome:settings/internet."> Other... </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_CONTROL_TITLE" desc="In settings Internet options, Title of the section which houses the enable/disable buttons."> General </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MODIFIER_KEYS_CUSTOMIZE" desc="In settings system options, the label for the customize button for modifier keys"> Modifier keys... </message> <message name="IDS_SIM_UNLOCK_ENTER_PIN_TITLE" desc="Title of the SIM card unlock dialog in chrome:sim-unlock."> Enter SIM card PIN </message> <message name="IDS_SIM_ENTER_PIN_MESSAGE" desc="Message on the the SIM card dialog asking to enter PIN in chrome:sim-unlock."> Please enter PIN. </message> <message name="IDS_SIM_UNLOCK_ENTER_PIN_TRIES_MESSAGE" desc="Message on the the SIM card unlock dialog asking to enter PIN in chrome:sim-unlock."> SIM card is locked, please enter PIN. Tries left: <ph name="TRIES_COUNT">$1<ex>42</ex></ph> </message> <message name="IDS_SIM_UNLOCK_INCORRECT_PIN_TRIES_MESSAGE" desc="Incorrect PIN message with the number of tries left shown on SIM card unlock dialog in chrome:sim-unlock."> Incorrect PIN, please try again. Tries left: <ph name="TRIES_COUNT">$1<ex>42</ex></ph> </message> <message name="IDS_SIM_UNLOCK_INCORRECT_PIN_TITLE" desc="Title of the Incorrect PIN stage (no tries left) shown on SIM card unlock dialog in chrome:sim-unlock."> Incorrect PIN </message> <message name="IDS_SIM_UNLOCK_NO_PIN_TRIES_LEFT_MESSAGE" desc="Message shown when there's no PIN tries left, shown on SIM card unlock dialog in chrome:sim-unlock."> You have entered the incorrect PIN too many times. Please contact <ph name="CARRIER_ID">$1<ex>your carrier</ex></ph> to obtain a new 8-digit PIN Unlocking Key. </message> <message name="IDS_SIM_UNLOCK_DEFAULT_CARRIER" desc="Generic carrier name shown on SIM unlock dialog. Ex.: IDS_SIM_UNLOCK_NO_PIN_TRIES_LEFT_MESSAGE, IDS_SIM_UNLOCK_ENTER_PUK_MESSAGE"> your carrier </message> <message name="IDS_SIM_UNLOCK_ENTER_PUK_BUTTON" desc="Text of the button that will take to Enter PUK dialog, part of SIM card unlock dialog in chrome:sim-unlock."> Enter PIN Unlocking Key </message> <message name="IDS_SIM_UNLOCK_ENTER_PUK_TITLE" desc="Title of the Enter PUK dialog, which is part of SIM card unlock dialog in chrome:sim-unlock."> Enter PIN Unlocking Key </message> <message name="IDS_SIM_UNLOCK_ENTER_PUK_WARNING" desc="Warning on the Enter PUK dialog with the number of tries left, which is part of SIM card unlock dialog in chrome:sim-unlock."> Your SIM card will be permanently disabled if you cannot enter the correct PIN Unlocking Key. Tries left: <ph name="TRIES_COUNT">$1<ex>42</ex></ph> </message> <message name="IDS_SIM_UNLOCK_ENTER_PUK_MESSAGE" desc="Message on the Enter PUK dialog, which is part of SIM card unlock dialog in chrome:sim-unlock."> Please enter the 8-digit PIN Unlocking Key provided by <ph name="CARRIER_ID">$1<ex>your carrier</ex></ph>. </message> <message name="IDS_SIM_UNLOCK_CHOOSE_PIN_TITLE" desc="Title of the Choose new PIN dialog, which is part of SIM card unlock dialog in chrome:sim-unlock."> Choose New PIN </message> <message name="IDS_SIM_UNLOCK_CHOOSE_PIN_MESSAGE" desc="Message on the Choose new PIN dialog, which is part of SIM card unlock dialog in chrome:sim-unlock."> Please choose a new PIN. </message> <message name="IDS_SIM_UNLOCK_NO_PUK_TRIES_LEFT_MESSAGE" desc="Message shown when there're not PUK tries left, right after last try was used and SIM card is now disabled."> You have entered the incorrect PIN Unlocking Key too many times. Your SIM card is permanently disabled. </message> <message name="IDS_SIM_UNLOCK_SIM_DISABLED_TITLE" desc="Title shown when there're not PUK tries left and SIM card is disabled."> SIM card disabled </message> <message name="IDS_SIM_UNLOCK_SIM_DISABLED_MESSAGE" desc="Message shown when there're not PUK tries left and SIM card is disabled."> This SIM card is disabled and cannot be used. Please contact your service provider for a replacement. </message> <message name="IDS_SLOW_DISABLE" desc="The text of the button that disables performance collection for feedback reports"> Disable performance data collection </message> <message name="IDS_SLOW_ENABLE" desc="The text of the button that enables performance collection for feedback reports"> Enable performance data collection </message> <message name="IDS_SLOW_DESCRIPTION" desc="The description of the performance tracing feature for feedback reports."> Enabling collection of performance data will help Google improve the system over time. No data is sent until you file a feedback report (Alt-Shift-I) and include performance data. You can return to this screen to disable collection at any time. </message> <message name="IDS_SLOW_WARNING" desc="The warning that informs users that enabling this can have a negative effect on their performance"> <ph name="BEGIN_BOLD"><strong></ph>Note:<ph name="END_BOLD"></strong></ph> Only enable if you know what you are doing or if you have been asked to do so, as collection of data may reduce performance. </message> <message name="IDS_EULA_BACK_BUTTON" desc="Back button shown on EULA screen."> Back </message> <message name="IDS_EULA_ACCEPT_AND_CONTINUE_BUTTON" desc="Accept button text below EULA terms of service"> Accept and continue </message> <message name="IDS_EULA_SYSTEM_SECURITY_SETTING" desc="Link from the EULA wizard screen and title of the TPM info dialog"> System security setting </message> <message name="IDS_EULA_SYSTEM_INSTALLATION_SETTINGS" desc="Link from the EULA wizard screen and title of the TPM and RLZ info dialog"> System installation settings </message> <message name="IDS_EULA_TPM_DESCRIPTION" desc="Dialog box text"> Your computer contains a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) security device, which is used to implement many critical security features in Chrome OS. Visit the Chromebook Help Center to learn more: http://support.google.com/chromebook/?p=tpm </message> <message name="IDS_EULA_TPM_KEY_DESCRIPTION" desc="Dialog box text"> Below is the randomly generated TPM password that has been assigned to your computer: </message> <message name="IDS_EULA_TPM_KEY_DESCRIPTION_POWERWASH" desc="Dialog box text in case TPM is already in owned state"> The randomly generated TPM password is not available. This is normal after a Powerwash. </message> <message name="IDS_EULA_TPM_WAIT" desc="Dialog box text"> The TPM is being set up. Please be patient; this may take a few minutes. </message> <message name="IDS_EULA_RLZ_DESCRIPTION" desc="Dialog box text"> Your computer also comes with <ph name="SHORT_PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Chrome</ex></ph>'s RLZ library built in. RLZ assigns a non-unique, non-personally identifiable tag to measure the searches and <ph name="SHORT_PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Chrome</ex></ph> usage driven by a particular promotional campaign. These labels sometimes appear in Google Search queries in <ph name="PRODUCT_NAME">$2<ex>Google Chrome</ex></ph>. </message> <message name="IDS_EULA_RLZ_ENABLE" desc="Check box text for enabling RLZ tracking on TPM/RLZ info dialog."> Enable RLZ tracking on <ph name="SHORT_PRODUCT_OS_NAME">$1<ex>Chrome OS</ex></ph>. </message> <message name="IDS_EULA_TPM_BUSY" desc="Message bubble text"> TPM is being prepared, please wait (this may take a few minutes)... </message> <message name="IDS_EULA_TPM_DISABLED" desc="Tooltip text describing why 'System security setting' link is disabled."> Trusted Platform Module (TPM) chip is disabled or absent. </message> <message name="IDS_RESET_SCREEN_WARNING_MSG" desc="Warning text shown on reset screen above the exclamation icon."> Powerwash your <ph name="IDS_SHORT_PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Chrome</ex></ph> device </message> <message name="IDS_RESET_SCREEN_WARNING_DETAILS" desc="Warning text shown on reset screen below the exclamation icon."> A Powerwash resets your <ph name="IDS_SHORT_PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Chrome</ex></ph> device to be just like new. All files and media stored locally on your computer will be erased. </message> <message name="IDS_RESET_SCREEN_WARNING_DETAILS_RESTART" desc="Warning text shown on reset screen below the exclamation icon if device needs extra restart before powerwash."> A restart is required before your device can be reset with Powerwash. A Powerwash resets your <ph name="IDS_SHORT_PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Chrome</ex></ph> device to be just like new. </message> <message name="IDS_RESET_SCREEN_RESET" desc="Reset button text"> Reset </message> <message name="IDS_WRONG_HWID_SCREEN_HEADER" desc="Header of message shown on screen notifying about malformed hardware ID."> A factory error has been detected </message> <message name="IDS_WRONG_HWID_SCREEN_MESSAGE_FIRST_PART" desc="Warning message shown on screen notifying about malformed hardware ID. First paragraph."> Unfortunately, your computer is configured with a malformed hardware ID. This prevents Chrome OS from updating with the latest security fixes and your computer <ph name="BEGIN_BOLD">$1</ph>may be vulnerable to malicious attacks<ph name="END_BOLD">$2</ph>. </message> <message name="IDS_WRONG_HWID_SCREEN_MESSAGE_SECOND_PART" desc="Warning message shown on screen notifying about malformed hardware ID. Second paragraph."> Please contact your hardware manufacturer immediately to send your computer to a repair facility. </message> <message name="IDS_WRONG_HWID_SCREEN_SKIP_LINK" desc="Text on link that skips warning about malformed hardware ID."> Skip for now </message> <message name="IDS_TERMS_OF_SERVICE_SCREEN_HEADING" desc="Heading at the top of the Terms of Service screen."> <ph name="DOMAIN">$1<ex>example.com</ex></ph> Terms of Service </message> <message name="IDS_TERMS_OF_SERVICE_SCREEN_CONTENT_HEADING" desc="Heading at the start of the the Terms of Service text."> <ph name="DOMAIN">$1<ex>example.com</ex></ph> Terms </message> <message name="IDS_TERMS_OF_SERVICE_SCREEN_LOADING" desc="Message shown while the Terms of Service are being downloaded."> Loading... </message> <message name="IDS_TERMS_OF_SERVICE_SCREEN_ERROR" desc="Error message shown when the Terms of Service could not be loaded."> Oops, something went wrong. </message> <message name="IDS_TERMS_OF_SERVICE_SCREEN_TRY_AGAIN" desc="Message telling the user to try again later. Shown beneath the error message when the Terms of Service could not be loaded."> Please try again later. </message> <message name="IDS_TERMS_OF_SERVICE_SCREEN_BACK_BUTTON" desc="Text of the back button on Terms of Service screen."> Back </message> <message name="IDS_TERMS_OF_SERVICE_SCREEN_ACCEPT_BUTTON" desc="Text of the accept button on the Terms of Service screen."> Accept and continue </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_CONTROLLED_SETTING_OWNER" desc="Tooltip for options which can be edited only by the owner"> This setting is enforced by the owner of the device. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTION_DISABLED_BY_POLICY" desc="Tooltip for options managed by enterprise policy"> This option is controlled by enterprise policy. Please contact your administrator for more information. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_CHEWING_SETTINGS_TITLE" desc="The title for the Chewing input settings dialog. Please note that 'Chewing' here is name of an input method and not 'an act of biting and grinding with the teeth'."> Chewing input settings </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_CHEWING_SETTING_AUTO_SHIFT_CUR" desc="The checkbox label for a Chewing input method preference"> Automatically move cursor to the next character </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_CHEWING_SETTING_ADD_PHRASE_DIRECTION" desc="The checkbox label for a Chewing input method preference"> Add phrases in front </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_CHEWING_SETTING_EASY_SYMBOL_INPUT" desc="The checkbox label for a Chewing input method preference"> Easy symbol input </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_CHEWING_SETTING_ESC_CLEAN_ALL_BUF" desc="The checkbox label for a Chewing input method preference"> Esc cleans whole pre-edit buffer </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_CHEWING_SETTING_FORCE_LOWER_CASE_ENGLISH" desc="The checkbox label for a Chewing input method preference"> Ignore CapsLock status and input lowercase by default </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_CHEWING_SETTING_PLAIN_ZHUYIN" desc="The checkbox label for a Chewing input method preference"> Plain Zhuyin mode. Automatic candidate selection and related options are disabled or ignored. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_CHEWING_SETTING_PHRASE_CHOICE_REARWARD" desc="The checkbox label for a Chewing input method preference"> Choose phrases from the back, without moving the cursor </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_CHEWING_SETTING_SPACE_AS_SELECTION" desc="The checkbox label for a Chewing input method preference"> Press Space to select the candidate </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_CHEWING_SETTING_MAX_CHI_SYMBOL_LEN" desc="The label for a Chewing input method preference"> Maximum Chinese characters in pre-edit buffer, including inputing Zhuyin symbols </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_CHEWING_SETTING_CAND_PER_PAGE" desc="The label for a Chewing input method preference"> Number of candidates to display per page </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_CHEWING_KEYBOARD_TYPE" desc="The combobox description for the Chewing keyboard type"> Keyboard type </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_CHEWING_KEYBOARD_TYPE_DEFAULT" desc="The combobox value for the Chewing keyboard type"> Default </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_CHEWING_KEYBOARD_TYPE_HSU" desc="The combobox value for the Chewing keyboard type"> Hsu </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_CHEWING_KEYBOARD_TYPE_IBM" desc="The combobox value for the Chewing keyboard type"> IBM </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_CHEWING_KEYBOARD_TYPE_GIN_YIEH" desc="The combobox value for the Chewing keyboard type"> Gin Yieh </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_CHEWING_KEYBOARD_TYPE_ETEN" desc="The combobox value for the Chewing keyboard type"> Eten </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_CHEWING_KEYBOARD_TYPE_ETEN26" desc="The combobox value for the Chewing keyboard type"> Eten 26 </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_CHEWING_KEYBOARD_TYPE_DVORAK" desc="The combobox value for the Chewing keyboard type"> Dvorak </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_CHEWING_KEYBOARD_TYPE_DVORAK_HSU" desc="The combobox value for the Chewing keyboard type"> Dvorak (Hsu) </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_CHEWING_KEYBOARD_TYPE_DACHEN_26" desc="The combobox value for the Chewing keyboard type"> Dachen 26 </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_CHEWING_KEYBOARD_TYPE_HANYU" desc="The combobox value for the Chewing keyboard type"> Hanyu </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_CHEWING_SEL_KEYS" desc="The combobox description for the Chewing selection keys"> Selection keys </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_CHEWING_SEL_KEYS_1234567890" desc="The combobox value for the Chewing selection keys"> 1234567890 </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_CHEWING_SEL_KEYS_ASDFGHJKLS" desc="The combobox value for the Chewing selection keys"> asdfghjkl; </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_CHEWING_SEL_KEYS_ASDFZXCV89" desc="The combobox value for the Chewing selection keys"> asdfzxcv89 </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_CHEWING_SEL_KEYS_ASDFJKL789" desc="The combobox value for the Chewing selection keys"> asdfjkl789 </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_CHEWING_SEL_KEYS_AOEUSQJKIX" desc="The combobox value for the Chewing selection keys"> aoeu;qjkix (Dvorak) </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_CHEWING_SEL_KEYS_AOEUHTNSID" desc="The combobox value for the Chewing selection keys"> aoeuhtnsid (Dvorak) </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_CHEWING_SEL_KEYS_AOEUIDHTNS" desc="The combobox value for the Chewing selection keys"> aoeuidhtns (Dvorak) </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_CHEWING_SEL_KEYS_1234QWERAS" desc="The combobox value for the Chewing selection keys"> 1234qweras </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_CHEWING_HSU_SEL_KEY_TYPE" desc="The combobox description for the Hsu selection key type"> Hsu's keyboard selection keys </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_CHEWING_HSU_SEL_KEY_TYPE_1" desc="The combobox value for the Hsu selection key type"> asdfjkl789 </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_CHEWING_HSU_SEL_KEY_TYPE_2" desc="The combobox value for the Hsu selection key type"> asdfzxcv89 </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_HANGUL_SETTINGS_TITLE" desc="The title for the Hangul input settings dialog"> Hangul input settings </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_HANGUL_SETTINGS_KEYBOARD_2_SET" desc="The keyboard layout name for Korean input. (Dubeol-sik)"> 2 Set </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_HANGUL_SETTINGS_KEYBOARD_3_SET_FINAL" desc="The keyboard layout name for Korean input. (Sebeol-sik Final)"> 3 Set (Final) </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_HANGUL_SETTINGS_KEYBOARD_3_SET_390" desc="The keyboard layout name for Korean input. (Sebeol-sik 390)"> 3 Set (390) </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_HANGUL_SETTINGS_KEYBOARD_3_SET_NO_SHIFT" desc="The keyboard layout name for Korean input. (Sebeol-sik No-shift)"> 3 Set (No shift) </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_HANGUL_SETTINGS_KEYBOARD_ROMAJA" desc="The keyboard layout name for Korean input. (Romaja)"> Romaja </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_PINYIN_SETTINGS_TITLE" desc="The title for the Pinyin input settings dialog"> Pinyin input settings </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_PINYIN_SETTING_CORRECT_PINYIN" desc="The checkbox label for a Pinyin input method preference"> Automatically correct input </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_PINYIN_SETTING_FUZZY_PINYIN" desc="The checkbox label for a Pinyin input method preference"> Enable Fuzzy-Pinyin mode </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_PINYIN_SETTING_SHIFT_SELECT_PINYIN" desc="The checkbox label for a Pinyin input method preference"> Use left and right Shift keys to select 2nd and 3rd candidates </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_PINYIN_SETTING_MINUS_EQUAL_PAGE" desc="The checkbox label for a Pinyin input method preference"> Use - and = keys to page a candidate list </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_PINYIN_SETTING_COMMA_PERIOD_PAGE" desc="The checkbox label for a Pinyin input method preference"> Use , and . keys to page a candidate list </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_PINYIN_SETTING_AUTO_COMMIT" desc="The checkbox label for a Pinyin input method preference"> Auto-commit a string </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_PINYIN_SETTING_DOUBLE_PINYIN" desc="The checkbox label for a Pinyin input method preference"> Enable Double-Pinyin mode </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_PINYIN_SETTING_INIT_CHINESE" desc="The checkbox label for a Pinyin input method preference"> Initial input language is Chinese </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_PINYIN_SETTING_INIT_FULL" desc="The checkbox label for a Pinyin input method preference"> Initial character width is Full </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_PINYIN_SETTING_INIT_FULL_PUNCT" desc="The checkbox label for a Pinyin input method preference"> Initial punctuation width is Full </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_PINYIN_SETTING_INIT_SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE" desc="The checkbox label for a Pinyin input method preference"> Initial Chinese mode is Simplified Chinese </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_PINYIN_DOUBLE_SCHEMA" desc="The combobox description for the double Pinyin schema"> Double Pinyin schema </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_PINYIN_DOUBLE_SCHEMA_MSPY" desc="The combobox value for the double Pinyin schema (might be non-translateable?)"> MSPY </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_PINYIN_DOUBLE_SCHEMA_ZRM" desc="The combobox value for the double Pinyin schema (might be non-translateable?)"> ZRM </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_PINYIN_DOUBLE_SCHEMA_ABC" desc="The combobox value for the double Pinyin schema (might be non-translateable?)"> ABC </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_PINYIN_DOUBLE_SCHEMA_ZGPY" desc="The combobox value for the double Pinyin schema (might be non-translateable?)"> ZGPY </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_PINYIN_DOUBLE_SCHEMA_PYJJ" desc="The combobox value for the double Pinyin schema (might be non-translateable?)"> PYJJ </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_SETTINGS_TITLE" desc="The title for the Mozc Japanese input settings dialog"> Japanese input settings </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_PREEDIT_METHOD" desc="The combobox description for the Mozc input method preference"> Input method </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_PREEDIT_METHOD_ROMAN" desc="The combobox value for the Mozc input method preference"> Romaji </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_PREEDIT_METHOD_KANA" desc="The combobox value for the Mozc input method preference"> Kana </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_SESSION_KEYMAP" desc="The combobox description for the Mozc input method preference"> Keymap style </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_SESSION_KEYMAP_ATOK" desc="The combobox value for the Mozc input method preference (might be non-translateable?)"> ATOK </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_SESSION_KEYMAP_MSIME" desc="The combobox value for the Mozc input method preference (might be non-translateable?)"> MS-IME </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_SESSION_KEYMAP_KOTOERI" desc="The combobox value for the Mozc input method preference. When lang is ja, it should be written in Hiragana"> Kotoeri </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_PUNCTUATION_METHOD" desc="The combobox description for the Mozc input method preference"> Punctuation style </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_PUNCTUATION_METHOD_KUTEN_TOUTEN" desc="The combobox value for the Mozc input method preference"> 、。 </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_PUNCTUATION_METHOD_COMMA_PERIOD" desc="The combobox value for the Mozc input method preference"> ,. </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_PUNCTUATION_METHOD_KUTEN_PERIOD" desc="The combobox value for the Mozc input method preference"> 、. </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_PUNCTUATION_METHOD_COMMA_TOUTEN" desc="The combobox value for the Mozc input method preference"> ,。 </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_SYMBOL_METHOD" desc="The combobox description for the Mozc input method preference"> Symbol style </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_SYMBOL_METHOD_CORNER_BRACKET_MIDDLE_DOT" desc="The combobox value for the Mozc input method preference"> 「」・ </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_SYMBOL_METHOD_SQUARE_BRACKET_SLASH" desc="The combobox value for the Mozc input method preference"> []/ </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_SYMBOL_METHOD_CORNER_BRACKET_SLASH" desc="The combobox value for the Mozc input method preference"> 「」/ </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_SYMBOL_METHOD_SQUARE_BRACKET_MIDDLE_DOT" desc="The combobox value for the Mozc input method preference"> []・ </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_SPACE_CHARACTER_FORM" desc="The combobox description for the Mozc input method preference"> Space input style </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_SPACE_CHARACTER_FORM_FUNDAMENTAL_INPUT_MODE" desc="The combobox value for the Mozc input method preference"> Follow input mode </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_SPACE_CHARACTER_FORM_FUNDAMENTAL_FULL_WIDTH" desc="The combobox value for the Mozc input method preference"> Fullwidth </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_SPACE_CHARACTER_FORM_FUNDAMENTAL_HALF_WIDTH" desc="The combobox value for the Mozc input method preference"> Halfwidth </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_HISTORY_LEARNING_LEVEL" desc="The combobox description for the Mozc input method preference"> Adjust conversion based on previous input </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_HISTORY_LEARNING_LEVEL_DEFAULT_HISTORY" desc="The combobox value for the Mozc input method preference"> Yes </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_HISTORY_LEARNING_LEVEL_READ_ONLY" desc="The combobox value for the Mozc input method preference"> Yes (don't record new data) </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_HISTORY_LEARNING_LEVEL_NO_HISTORY" desc="The combobox value for the Mozc input method preference"> No </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_SELECTION_SHORTCUT" desc="The combobox description for the Mozc input method preference"> Selection shortcut </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_SELECTION_SHORTCUT_NO_SHORTCUT" desc="The combobox value for the Mozc input method preference"> No shortcut </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_SELECTION_SHORTCUT_SHORTCUT_123456789" desc="The combobox value for the Mozc input method preference"> 1 -- 9 </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_SELECTION_SHORTCUT_SHORTCUT_ASDFGHJKL" desc="The combobox value for the Mozc input method preference"> A -- L </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_SHIFT_KEY_MODE_SWITCH" desc="The combobox description for the Mozc input method preference"> Shift key mode switch </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_SHIFT_KEY_MODE_SWITCH_OFF" desc="The combobox value for the Mozc input method preference"> Off </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_SHIFT_KEY_MODE_SWITCH_ASCII_INPUT_MODE" desc="The combobox value for the Mozc input method preference"> Alphanumeric </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_SHIFT_KEY_MODE_SWITCH_KATAKANA_INPUT_MODE" desc="The combobox value for the Mozc input method preference"> Katakana </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_NUMPAD_CHARACTER_FORM" desc="The combobox description for the Mozc input method preference"> Numpad style </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_NUMPAD_CHARACTER_FORM_NUMPAD_INPUT_MODE" desc="The combobox value for the Mozc input method preference"> Follow input mode </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_NUMPAD_CHARACTER_FORM_NUMPAD_FULL_WIDTH" desc="The combobox value for the Mozc input method preference"> Fullwidth </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_NUMPAD_CHARACTER_FORM_NUMPAD_HALF_WIDTH" desc="The combobox value for the Mozc input method preference"> Halfwidth </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_NUMPAD_CHARACTER_FORM_NUMPAD_DIRECT_INPUT" desc="The combobox value for the Mozc input method preference"> Direct input </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_INCOGNITO_MODE" desc="The checkbox label for a Mozc input method preference"> Temporarily disable conversion personalization, history-based suggestions and user dictionary </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_USE_AUTO_IME_TURN_OFF" desc="The checkbox label for a Mozc input method preference"> Automatically switch to halfwidth </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_USE_HISTORY_SUGGEST" desc="The checkbox label for a Mozc input method preference"> Use input history </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_USE_DICTIONARY_SUGGEST" desc="The checkbox label for a Mozc input method preference"> Use system dictionary </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MOZC_SUGGESTIONS_SIZE" desc="The slider label for a Mozc input method preference"> Maximum number of suggestions </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_CONFIGURE" desc="The label for the configure button for input methods"> Configure... </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_INPUT_METHOD" desc="The label for the section header for input methods"> Input Method </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_NO_INPUT_METHODS" desc="The label for languages with no Input Methods"> This language doesn't have any input methods </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_SIGN_OUT_BUTTON" desc="The label for the sign out button for changing UI language"> Sign out </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_PLEASE_ADD_ANOTHER_INPUT_METHOD" desc="Warning invoked when the user tries to remove the last input method"> Please add another input method before removing this one. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_INPUT_METHOD_INSTRUCTIONS" desc="Explanatory message about how to select input methods"> For text input, select a language to see available input methods. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_SWITCH_INPUT_METHODS_HINT" desc="Explanatory message about how to switch input methods"> Press Alt+Shift to switch between input methods. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_SELECT_PREVIOUS_INPUT_METHOD_HINT" desc="Explanatory message about how to select the previous input method"> Press Ctrl+Space to select the previous input method. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_INPUT_METHOD_EXTENSION_IME" desc="Label for extension IMEs"> Extension IMEs </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_INPUT_METHOD_EXTENSION_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description of extension IMEs"> Select which extension IMEs will be available in the language menu. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_M17N_TAMIL_PHONETIC" desc="The label for a Tamil input method"> Tamil input method (Phonetic) </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_M17N_TAMIL_INSCRIPT" desc="The label for a Tamil input method"> Tamil input method (InScript) </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_M17N_TAMIL_TAMIL99" desc="The label for a Tamil input method"> Tamil input method (Tamil99) </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_M17N_TAMIL_ITRANS" desc="The label for a Tamil input method"> Tamil input method (itrans) </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_M17N_TAMIL_TYPEWRITER" desc="The label for a Tamil input method"> Tamil input method (Typewriter) </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_M17N_STANDARD_INPUT_METHOD" desc="The label for a input method"> Standard input method </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_M17N_CHINESE_CANGJIE_INPUT_METHOD" desc="The label for the Chinese input method"> Chinese input method (cangjie) </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_M17N_CHINESE_QUICK_INPUT_METHOD" desc="The label for the Chinese input method"> Chinese input method (quick) </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_M17N_PERSIAN_ISIRI_2901_INPUT_METHOD" desc="The label for the Persian (Farsi) input method"> Persian input method (ISIRI 2901 layout) </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_M17N_THAI_KESMANEE_INPUT_METHOD" desc="The label for the Thai input method"> Thai input method (Kesmanee keyboard) </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_M17N_THAI_TIS820_INPUT_METHOD" desc="The label for the Thai input method"> Thai input method (TIS-820.2538 keyboard) </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_M17N_THAI_PATTACHOTE_INPUT_METHOD" desc="The label for the Thai input method"> Thai input method (Pattachote keyboard) </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_M17N_VIETNAMESE_TCVN_INPUT_METHOD" desc="The label for the Vietnamese input method"> Vietnamese input method (TCVN6064) </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_M17N_VIETNAMESE_TELEX_INPUT_METHOD" desc="The label for the Vietnamese input method"> Vietnamese input method (TELEX) </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_M17N_VIETNAMESE_VIQR_INPUT_METHOD" desc="The label for the Vietnamese input method"> Vietnamese input method (VIQR) </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_M17N_VIETNAMESE_VNI_INPUT_METHOD" desc="The label for the Vietnamese input method"> Vietnamese input method (VNI) </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_CHEWING_INPUT_METHOD" desc="The label for the Chewing traditional Chinese input method"> Chewing input method </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_PINYIN_INPUT_METHOD" desc="The label for the Pinyin simplified Chinese input method"> Pinyin input method </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_PINYIN_DV_INPUT_METHOD" desc="The label for the Pinyin simplified Chinese input method"> Pinyin input method (for US Dvorak keyboard) </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_JAPANESE_HANDWRITING_INPUT_METHOD" desc="The label for the Japanese handwriting input method"> Handwriting input method for Japanese </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_KOREAN_INPUT_METHOD" desc="The label for the Korean input method"> Korean input method </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_TITLE" desc="The title for 'Keyboard settings' overlay"> Keyboard settings </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_KEY_SEARCH_LABEL" desc="The label for 'Customize modifier keys' overlay"> Search </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_KEY_LEFT_CTRL_LABEL" desc="The label for 'Customize modifier keys' overlay"> Ctrl </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_KEY_LEFT_ALT_LABEL" desc="The label for 'Customize modifier keys' overlay"> Alt </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_KEY_CAPS_LOCK_LABEL" desc="The label for 'Customize modifier keys' overlay"> Caps Lock </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_KEY_DIAMOND_KEY_LABEL" desc="The label for 'Customize modifier keys' overlay"> Diamond </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_KEY_SEARCH" desc="The dropdown list item for 'Customize modifier keys' overlay"> Search </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_KEY_LEFT_CTRL" desc="The dropdown list item for 'Customize modifier keys' overlay"> Ctrl </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_KEY_LEFT_ALT" desc="The dropdown list item for 'Customize modifier keys' overlay"> Alt </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_KEY_VOID" desc="The dropdown list item for 'Customize modifier keys' overlay"> Disabled </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_KEY_CAPS_LOCK" desc="The dropdown list item for 'Customize modifier keys' overlay"> Caps Lock </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_KEY_ESCAPE" desc="The dropdown list item for 'Customize modifier keys' overlay"> Escape </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_SEND_FUNCTION_KEYS" desc="The checkbox label for a setting to interpret the top-row keys as function keys instead."> Treat top-row keys as function keys </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_SEND_FUNCTION_KEYS_DESCRIPTION" desc="A label describing how to use the top-row keys' original actions when the treat-as-function-keys setting is enabled."> Hold the Search key to switch the behavior of the top-row keys. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_CHANGE_LANGUAGE_AND_INPUT_SETTINGS" desc="The link to open 'Language and input settings' window."> Change language and input settings </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_NO_POINTING_DEVICES" desc="Text shown when there is neither a touchpad nor a mouse."> No mouse or touchpad was detected. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_POINTER_MOUSE_OVERLAY_TITLE" desc="The title for 'Pointer settings' overlay for Mouse only."> Mouse settings </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_POINTER_TOUCHPAD_OVERLAY_TITLE" desc="The title for 'Pointer settings' overlay for Touchpad only."> Touchpad settings </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_POINTER_TOUCHPAD_MOUSE_OVERLAY_TITLE" desc="The title for 'Pointer settings' overlay for Touchpad and Mouse."> Touchpad and mouse settings </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_POINTER_OVERLAY_SECTION_TITLE_TOUCHPAD" desc="The title for 'Touchpad' section of the Pointer Settings overlay."> Touchpad </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_POINTER_OVERLAY_SECTION_TITLE_MOUSE" desc="The title for 'Mouse' section of the Pointer Settings overlay."> Mouse </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_SPOKEN_FEEDBACK_ENABLED" desc="The tooltip for the status bar button to indicate that spoken feedback has been enabled."> ChromeVox (spoken feedback) is enabled. Press Ctrl+Alt+Z to disable. </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_DISABLE_SPOKEN_FEEDBACK" desc="The menu option to disable spoken feedback accessibility feature."> Disable ChromeVox (spoken feedback) </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_NETWORK_DEVICE_ETHERNET" desc="The ethernet network device."> Ethernet </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_NETWORK_DEVICE_WIFI" desc="The wifi network device."> Wi-Fi </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_NETWORK_DEVICE_CELLULAR" desc="The cellular network device."> Mobile Data </message> <message name="IDS_NETWORK_TYPE_ETHERNET" desc="The ethernet network type."> Ethernet </message> <message name="IDS_NETWORK_TYPE_WIFI" desc="The wifi network type."> Wi-Fi </message> <message name="IDS_NETWORK_TYPE_WIMAX" desc="The wimax network type."> WiMAX </message> <message name="IDS_NETWORK_TYPE_BLUETOOTH" desc="The bluetooth network type."> Bluetooth </message> <message name="IDS_NETWORK_TYPE_CELLULAR" desc="The cellular network type."> cellular </message> <message name="IDS_NETWORK_TYPE_VPN" desc="The vpn network type."> VPN </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_NETWORK_DEVICE_CONNECTING" desc="The network device status connecting."> Connecting... </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_NETWORK_DEVICE_CONNECTED" desc="The network device status connected."> Connected </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_NETWORK_DEVICE_DISCONNECTED" desc="The network device status disconnected."> Disconnected </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_NETWORK_DEVICE_NOT_CONFIGURED" desc="The network device status not configured."> Not configured </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_NETWORK_DEVICE_DISABLED" desc="The network device status disabled."> Off </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_NETWORK_DEVICE_ACTIVATING" desc="The network device is activating."> Activating... </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_NETWORK_DEVICE_ACTIVATE" desc="Activate the network device."> Activate <ph name="NETWORKSERVICE">$1<ex>YBH Cellular</ex></ph> </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_NETWORK_DEVICE_ENABLE" desc="Enable the network device."> Enable <ph name="NETWORKDEVICE">$1<ex>Wifi</ex></ph> </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_NETWORK_DEVICE_DISABLE" desc="Disable the network device."> Disable <ph name="NETWORKDEVICE">$1<ex>Wifi</ex></ph> </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_NETWORK_DEVICE_STATUS" desc="The status of the network device."> <ph name="NETWORKDEVICE">$1<ex>Wifi</ex></ph>: <ph name="STATUS">$2<ex>Connecting</ex></ph> </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_NETWORK_MENU_ITEM_INDENT" desc="A menu item label with an indentation. For left-to-right languages, we use 3 spaces on the left."> ''' <ph name="LABEL">$1<ex>Wifi SSID</ex></ph>''' </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_NETWORK_OFFLINE_MODE" desc="The offline mode."> Offline mode </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_NETWORK_OPEN_OPTIONS_DIALOG" desc="The menu item in the network menu button for opening the options dialog"> Network settings... </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_NETWORK_OPEN_PROXY_SETTINGS_DIALOG" desc="The menu item in the network menu button at login screen for opening the options dialog"> Proxy settings... </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_NETWORK_MORE" desc="Message for last link in the network menu requesting more technical and less common stuff (proxy settings, IP and hardware addresses)"> More... </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_NETWORK_PRIVATE_NETWORKS" desc="In the network status menu, the text for submenu of private networks."> Private networks </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_NETWORK_ADD_VPN" desc="In the network status menu, the text in Private networks submenu to add a private network."> Add private network... </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_NETWORK_DISCONNECT_VPN" desc="In the network status menu, the text in Private networks submenu to disconnect from a private network."> Disconnect private network </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_NETWORK_VIEW_ACCOUNT" desc="In the network status menu, the text of the top-up URL link."> View account </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_NO_NETWORKS_MESSAGE" desc="No networks are available"> No networks are available </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_BATTERY_CHARGING_PERCENTAGE" desc="In the power menu button, this shows what percentage of battery is left when power supply is connected."> Charging battery: <ph name="PRECENTAGE">$1<ex>100</ex></ph>% </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_BATTERY_USING_PERCENTAGE" desc="In the power menu button, this shows what percentage of battery is left when power supply is not connected."> Using battery: <ph name="PRECENTAGE">$1<ex>100</ex></ph>% </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_NO_BATTERY" desc="In the power menu button, menu item label shown when there is no battery installed in the device."> No battery </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_BATTERY_TIME_UNTIL_FULL" desc="In the power menu button, this shows how much time until fully charged."> Charging <ph name="HOUR">$1<ex>2</ex></ph>:<ph name="MINUTE">$2<ex>30</ex></ph> until full </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_BATTERY_TIME_UNTIL_EMPTY" desc="In the power menu button, this shows how much time until empty."> Battery <ph name="HOUR">$1<ex>2</ex></ph>:<ph name="MINUTE">$2<ex>30</ex></ph> remaining </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_BATTERY_CALCULATING_TIME_UNTIL_FULL" desc="In the power menu button, this is the message the shows when we are calculating time until full."> Charging Calculating time until full </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_BATTERY_CALCULATING_TIME_UNTIL_EMPTY" desc="In the power menu button, this is the message the shows when we are calculating time until empty."> Battery Calculating remaining time </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_BATTERY_IS_CHARGED" desc="In the power menu button, the battery is charged message."> Battery full </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_NETWORK_CONNECTING_TOOLTIP" desc="Tooltip for the network menu status bar icon when connecting to a network."> Connecting to <ph name="NAME">$1<ex>GoogleGuest</ex></ph> </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_NETWORK_CONNECTED_TOOLTIP" desc="Tooltip for the network menu status bar icon when connected to a network."> Connected to <ph name="NAME">$1<ex>GoogleGuest</ex></ph> </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_VOLUME_PERCENTAGE" desc="Tooltip for the volume button, shows the percentage of volume"> Volume: <ph name="PRECENTAGE">$1<ex>100</ex></ph>% </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_VOLUME_MUTE" desc="Tooltip for the volume button when muted"> Volume: Muted </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_WINDOW_MAXIMIZE_TOOLTIP" desc="Tooltip for the layout mode button in the status bar when the window is unmaximized."> Maximize </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_WINDOW_RESTORE_TOOLTIP" desc="Tooltip for the layout mode button in the status bar when the window is maximized."> Restore </message> <message name="IDS_VERSION_FIELD_PREFIX" desc="Display the OS version to the user."> version </message> <message name="IDS_PROXY_PAGE_TITLE_FORMAT" desc="The title of the proxy page for a specific network."> Network proxy for <ph name="NETWORK_NAME">$1<ex>Ethernet</ex></ph> </message> <message name="IDS_PROXY_CONFIG_TITLE" desc="The title of the basic proxy config."> Proxy Configuration </message> <message name="IDS_PROXY_DIRECT_CONNECTION" desc="Radio used to tell it to just connect directly, not use a proxy."> Direct Internet connection </message> <message name="IDS_PROXY_MANUAL_CONFIG" desc="Radio used to tell it to configure manually."> Manual proxy configuration </message> <message name="IDS_PROXY_SAME_FORALL" desc="Radio used to tell it to use the same proxy."> Use the same proxy for all protocols </message> <message name="IDS_PROXY_HTTP_PROXY" desc="Label for the http proxy box."> HTTP proxy </message> <message name="IDS_PROXY_HTTP_SECURE_HTTP_PROXY" desc="Label for the secure http proxy box."> Secure HTTP proxy </message> <message name="IDS_PROXY_FTP_PROXY" desc="Label for the ftp proxy box."> FTP proxy </message> <message name="IDS_PROXY_SOCKS_HOST" desc="Label for the SOCKS host box."> SOCKS host </message> <message name="IDS_PROXY_AUTOMATIC" desc="Radio to select configuring from a URL."> Automatic proxy configuration </message> <message name="IDS_PROXY_USE_AUTOCONFIG_URL" desc="Label for the checkbox that controls whether to use an autoconfiguration URL."> Use an autoconfiguration URL </message> <message name="IDS_PROXY_ADD_HOST" desc="Label for the Add host button."> Add </message> <message name="IDS_PROXY_REMOVE_HOST" desc="Label for the Remove host button."> Remove </message> <message name="IDS_PROXY_PORT" desc="Label for the Port box."> Port </message> <message name="IDS_PROXY_BYPASS" desc="Label for the proxy bypass list."> Do not use the proxy settings for these hosts and domains: </message> <message name="IDS_PROXY_WEB_PROXY_AUTO_DISCOVERY" desc="Label for the web proxy auto discovery url."> Web Proxy Auto Discovery URL </message> <!-- Accessibility strings, to be spoken --> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_ACC_BUTTON" desc="Label indicating that a control is a pushbutton."> Button </message> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_ACC_CHECKBOX_UNCHECKED" desc="Label indicating that a control is an unchecked check box."> Unchecked check box </message> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_ACC_CHECKBOX_CHECKED" desc="Label indicating that a control is a checked check box."> Checked check box </message> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_ACC_RADIO_UNSELECTED" desc="Label indicating that a control is an unselected radio button."> Unselected radio button </message> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_ACC_RADIO_SELECTED" desc="Label indicating that a control is a selected radio button."> Selected radio button </message> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_ACC_COMBOBOX" desc="Label indicating that a control is a combo box, a control that pops down a list of options to choose from."> Combo box </message> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_ACC_LISTBOX" desc="Label indicating that a control is a list box, a control that shows a fixed list of options to choose from."> List box </message> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_ACC_LINK" desc="Label indicating that a control is a clickable link."> Link </message> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_ACC_MENU" desc="Label indicating that a control is a menu that will drop down to reveal options if you click on it."> Menu </message> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_ACC_TAB" desc="Label indicating that a control is one tab in a tabbed dialog or window."> Tab </message> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_ACC_TEXTBOX" desc="Label indicating that a control is an editable text box."> Text box </message> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_ACC_PASSWORDBOX" desc="Label indicating that a control is a secure editable text box for a password, where the keys you type will be obscured."> Password text box </message> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_ACC_INDEX_OF_COUNT" desc="Phrase indicating that the current selected item is number INDEX out of a list of COUNT choices, for example if the list is A, B, C, D, E and the user has selected C the phrase would be '3 of 5'."> <ph name="INDEX">$1<ex>3</ex></ph> of <ph name="COUNT">$2<ex>5</ex></ph> </message> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_ACC_HAS_SUBMENU" desc="Phrase indicating that a menu item has a submenu."> Has submenu </message> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_ACC_SELECTED" desc="Phrase indicating that a control was selected or activated."> Selected </message> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_ACC_EXCLAMATION_POINT" desc="The name of the exclamation point character."> Exclamation point </message> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_ACC_LEFT_PAREN" desc="The name of the left parenthesis character, abbreviated or shortened if possible."> Left paren </message> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_ACC_RIGHT_PAREN" desc="The name of the left parenthesis character, abbreviated or shortened if possible."> Right paren </message> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_ACC_SEMICOLON" desc="The name of the semicolon character."> Semicolon </message> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_ACC_COLON" desc="The name of the colon character."> Colon </message> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_ACC_QUOTE" desc="The name of the quotation mark character, abbreviated or shortened if possible."> Quote </message> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_ACC_COMMA" desc="The name of the comma character."> Comma </message> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_ACC_PERIOD" desc="The name of the period character."> Period </message> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_ACC_SPACE" desc="The name of a space character."> Space </message> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_ACC_TEXT_UNSELECTED" desc="A phrase to indicate to the user that text has been unselected."> Unselected </message> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_ACC_USERNAME_LABEL" desc="Label for the username text field."> Username. </message> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_ACC_LOGIN_SIGNING_IN" desc="Status when signing in."> Signing in. </message> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_ACC_LOGIN_SIGNIN_OFFRECORD" desc="Status when signing in incognito."> Entering as Guest. </message> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_ACC_LOGIN_SIGNIN_DEMOUSER" desc="Status when signing in the demo user."> Entering Demo. </message> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_ACC_LOGIN_SIGNIN_PUBLIC_ACCOUNT" desc="Status when signing in into a public account."> Entering public session. </message> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_ACC_ACCOUNT_PICTURE" desc="Tooltip for the take account picture button."> Take picture. </message> <!-- Audio strings --> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_AUDIO_CRAS_DEVICE_AUTOMATIC" desc="Audio device name shown to the user when the proper device is automatically used."> Automatic </message> <!-- Removable device notifications --> <message name="IDS_REMOVABLE_DEVICE_DETECTION_TITLE" desc="Text of notification message which is shown when user inserts removable device (SD card, USB key...)"> Removable device detected </message> <message name="IDS_REMOVABLE_DEVICE_SCANNING_MESSAGE" desc="Text of notification message which is shown when user inserts removable device (SD card, USB key...)"> Scanning content... </message> <message name="IDS_REMOVABLE_DEVICE_HARD_UNPLUG_TITLE" desc="Text of notification message which is shown when user removes removable device (SD card, USB key...) without clicking the eject icon"> You removed your device too soon! </message> <message name="IDS_DEVICE_UNSUPPORTED_MESSAGE" desc="Text of notification message which is shown when user inserts removable device (SD card, USB key...)"> Sorry, the device <ph name="DEVICE_LABEL">$1<ex>My SD card</ex></ph> is not supported at this time. </message> <message name="IDS_DEVICE_UNSUPPORTED_DEFAULT_MESSAGE" desc="Text of notification message which is shown when user inserts removable device (SD card, USB key...)"> Sorry, your external storage device is not supported at this time. </message> <message name="IDS_DEVICE_UNKNOWN_MESSAGE" desc="Text of notification message which is shown when user inserts removable device (SD card, USB key...)"> Sorry, the device <ph name="DEVICE_LABEL">$1<ex>My SD card</ex></ph> could not be recognized. </message> <message name="IDS_DEVICE_UNKNOWN_DEFAULT_MESSAGE" desc="Text of notification message which is shown when user inserts removable device (SD card, USB key...)"> Sorry, your external storage device could not be recognized. </message> <message name="IDS_MULTIPART_DEVICE_UNSUPPORTED_MESSAGE" desc="Text of notification message which is shown when user inserts removable device (SD card, USB key...)"> Sorry, at least one partition on the device <ph name="DEVICE_LABEL">$1<ex>MySDcard</ex></ph> could not be mounted. </message> <message name="IDS_MULTIPART_DEVICE_UNSUPPORTED_DEFAULT_MESSAGE" desc="Text of notification message which is shown when user inserts removable device (SD card, USB key...)"> Sorry, at least one partition on your external storage device could not be mounted. </message> <message name="IDS_EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DISABLED_MESSAGE" desc="Text of notification message which is shown when user inserts removable device but external storage is disabled by policy"> Sorry, your administrator has disabled external storage on your account. </message> <message name="IDS_EXTERNAL_STORAGE_HARD_UNPLUG_MESSAGE" desc="Text of notification message which is shown when user manually removes external storage without clicking the eject icon"> Your data may have been lost or damaged. Next time, be sure to click the eject icon in the Files app before removing your device. </message> <!-- Formatting device notifications --> <message name="IDS_FORMATTING_OF_DEVICE_PENDING_TITLE" desc="Title of notification message which is shown when formatting process of some device is in progress"> Formatting... </message> <message name="IDS_FORMATTING_OF_DEVICE_FINISHED_TITLE" desc="Title of notification message which is shown when formatting process finshes"> Formatting finished </message> <message name="IDS_FORMATTING_OF_DEVICE_FAILED_TITLE" desc="Title of notification message which is shown when formatting process fails"> Formatting failed </message> <message name="IDS_FORMATTING_OF_DEVICE_PENDING_MESSAGE" desc="Text of notification message which is shown when formatting process of some device is in progress"> The formatting process can take a couple of seconds. Please wait. </message> <message name="IDS_FORMATTING_STARTED_FAILURE_MESSAGE" desc="Text of notification message which is shown when formatting process can not be started."> Could not start the formatting process. </message> <message name="IDS_FORMATTING_FINISHED_SUCCESS_MESSAGE" desc="Text of notification message which is shown when formatting finishes without any errors."> Formatting finished successfully! </message> <message name="IDS_FORMATTING_FINISHED_FAILURE_MESSAGE" desc="Text of notification message which is shown when there are some errors while formatting."> Aw, Snap! There was an error during formatting. </message> <!-- ChromeOS GData synchronization notifications --> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_GDATA_SYNC_TITLE" desc="Title text of notification message which is shown when gdata sync is on progress."> Syncing </message> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_GDATA_SYNC_FINISHED_FAILURE_TITLE" desc="Title text of notification message which is shown when there are some errors while gdata sync."> Could not sync </message> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_GDATA_SYNC_PROGRESS_MESSAGE" desc="Text of notification message which is shown when gdata file sync is on progress."> Syncing <ph name="COUNT">$1<ex>3</ex></ph> files... </message> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_GDATA_SYNC_FINISHED_SUCCESS_MESSAGE" desc="Text of notification message which is shown when gdata sync finishes without any errors."> Sync complete. </message> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_GDATA_SYNC_FINISHED_FAILURE_MESSAGE" desc="Text of notification message which is shown when there are some errors while gdata sync."> Unable to connect. </message> <!-- Cellular network technology description strings for ChromeOS --> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_CELLULAR_TECHNOLOGY_UNKNOWN" desc="Description of unknown cellular network technology. Shown under details on chrome:stettings/internet page."> Unknown </message> <!-- Cellular network activation state description strings for ChromeOS --> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ACTIVATION_STATE_ACTIVATED" desc="Description of state of activated cellular data plan. Shown under details on chrome:stettings/internet page."> Activated </message> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ACTIVATION_STATE_ACTIVATING" desc="Description of state of currently activating cellular data plan. Shown under details on chrome:stettings/internet page."> Activating </message> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ACTIVATION_STATE_NOT_ACTIVATED" desc="Description of state of unactivated cellular data plan. Shown under details on chrome:stettings/internet page."> Not activated </message> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ACTIVATION_STATE_PARTIALLY_ACTIVATED" desc="Description of state of partially activated cellular data plan state. Shown under details on chrome:stettings/internet page."> Partially activated </message> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ACTIVATION_STATE_UNKNOWN" desc="Description of cellular data plan with unknown status. Shown under details on chrome:stettings/internet page."> Unknown </message> <!-- Cellular network roaming status description strings for ChromeOS --> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ROAMING_STATE_HOME" desc="Description of cellular roaming status while connected to home network. Shown under details on chrome:stettings/internet page."> Home network, not roaming </message> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ROAMING_STATE_ROAMING" desc="Description of cellular roaming status while roaming. Shown under details on chrome:stettings/internet page."> Roaming </message> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ROAMING_STATE_UNKNOWN" desc="Description of unknown cellular roaming status. Shown under details on chrome:stettings/internet page."> Unknown </message> <!-- Cellular network details --> <message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_STATE" desc="Label for network state field under in chrome://options/internet"> Network status: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_CELLULAR_OPERATOR" desc="Label for cellular network operator name under chrome://options/internet"> Operator: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_CELLULAR_OPERATOR_CODE" desc="Label for cellular network operator code under chrome://options/internet"> Operator code: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_CELLULAR_NETWORK_TECHNOLOGY" desc="Label for cellular network technology type under chrome://options/internet"> Technology: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_CELLULAR_ACTIVATION_STATE" desc="Label for cellular network activation status under chrome://options/internet"> Activation status: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_CELLULAR_ROAMING_STATE" desc="Label for cellular network roaming status under chrome://options/internet"> Roaming status: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_CELLULAR_RESTRICTED_POOL" desc="Label for cellular network restricted network access under chrome://options/internet"> Restricted IP: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_CELLULAR_ERROR_STATE" desc="Label for cellular network error details under chrome://options/internet"> Error details: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_CELLULAR_MANUFACTURER" desc="Label for cellular network modem manufacturer under chrome://options/internet"> Device manufacturer: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_CELLULAR_MODEL_ID" desc="Label for cellular network modem model under chrome://options/internet"> Device model: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_CELLULAR_FIRMWARE_REVISION" desc="Label for cellular network modem firmware revision under chrome://options/internet"> Firmware revision: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_CELLULAR_HARDWARE_REVISION" desc="Label for cellular network modem hardware revision under chrome://options/internet"> Hardware revision: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_CELLULAR_PRL_VERSION" desc="Label for cellular network modem PRL (Preferred Roaming List) version under chrome://options/internet"> PRL version: </message> <message name="IDS_EXTENSIONS_ADD_KIOSK_APP_BUTTON" desc="Label of the button to bring up kiosk management overlay on chrome extensions page."> Add kiosk application... </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_KIOSK_OVERLAY_TITLE" desc="The title text of the kiosk settings overlay."> Manage Kiosk Applications </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_KIOSK_ADD_APP" desc="Label above the application id text input in the kiosk settings overlay."> Add kiosk application: </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_KIOSK_ADD_APP_HINT" desc="Placeholder hint in the application id text input in the kiosk settings overlay."> Enter application id or webstore URL. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_KIOSK_ENABLE_AUTO_LAUNCH" desc="Text for a button that enables an application to auto launch on startup in the kiosk settings overlay."> Set to auto-launch </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_KIOSK_DISABLE_AUTO_LAUNCH" desc="Text for a button that disables an application to auto launch on startup in the kiosk settings overlay."> Disable auto-launch </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_KIOSK_AUTO_LAUNCH" desc="Text shows besides an application that is set to auto launch on start up in the kiosk settings overlay."> (auto-launched) </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_KIOSK_INVALID_APP" desc="Text shows besides an application that is not valid in the kiosk settings overlay."> Invalid application. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_KIOSK_DISABLE_BAILOUT_SHORTCUT_LABEL" desc="Label text for a checkbox to disable kiosk application launch bail out shortcut."> Permanently keep this device in kiosk mode. </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_KIOSK_DISABLE_BAILOUT_SHORTCUT_WARNING_BOLD" desc="Bold text of the warning dialog for disabling kiosk application launch bail out shortcut."> Are you sure you want to permanently keep this device in kiosk mode? </message> <message name="IDS_OPTIONS_KIOSK_DISABLE_BAILOUT_SHORTCUT_WARNING_FORMAT" desc="Warning text of disabling kiosk application launch bail out shortcut."> The only way to undo this is to re-install <ph name="IDS_SHORT_PRODUCT_OS_NAME">$1<ex>Chrome OS</ex></ph>. </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_LEARN_MORE" desc="The text of the learn more link on the keyboard overlay."> Learn more </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_TITLE" desc="The title of the keyboard overlay."> Keyboard Overlay </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_INSTRUCTIONS" desc="The instructions for the keyboard overlay."> Hold Control, Alt, Shift, or Search to see keyboard shortcuts for those modifiers. </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_INSTRUCTIONS_HIDE" desc="The instruction for hiding the keyboard overlay."> Type Ctrl+Alt+/ or Escape to hide </message> <!-- BEGIN GENERATED KEYBOARD OVERLAY STRINGS --> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_ACTIVATE_LAST_LAUNCHER_ITEM" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (Open the last launcher item)."> Activate last launcher item </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_ACTIVATE_LAST_TAB" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Activate last tab </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_ACTIVATE_LAUNCHER_ITEM_1" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (Open the launcher item at the specified position)."> Activate launcher item 1 </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_ACTIVATE_LAUNCHER_ITEM_2" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (Open the launcher item at the specified position)."> Activate launcher item 2 </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_ACTIVATE_LAUNCHER_ITEM_3" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (Open the launcher item at the specified position)."> Activate launcher item 3 </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_ACTIVATE_LAUNCHER_ITEM_4" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (Open the launcher item at the specified position)."> Activate launcher item 4 </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_ACTIVATE_LAUNCHER_ITEM_5" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (Open the launcher item at the specified position)."> Activate launcher item 5 </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_ACTIVATE_LAUNCHER_ITEM_6" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (Open the launcher item at the specified position)."> Activate launcher item 6 </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_ACTIVATE_LAUNCHER_ITEM_7" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (Open the launcher item at the specified position)."> Activate launcher item 7 </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_ACTIVATE_LAUNCHER_ITEM_8" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (Open the launcher item at the specified position)."> Activate launcher item 8 </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_ACTIVATE_NEXT_TAB" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Activate next tab </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_ACTIVATE_PREVIOUS_TAB" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Activate previous tab </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_ACTIVATE_TAB_1" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Activate tab 1 </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_ACTIVATE_TAB_2" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Activate tab 2 </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_ACTIVATE_TAB_3" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Activate tab 3 </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_ACTIVATE_TAB_4" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Activate tab 4 </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_ACTIVATE_TAB_5" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Activate tab 5 </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_ACTIVATE_TAB_6" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Activate tab 6 </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_ACTIVATE_TAB_7" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Activate tab 7 </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_ACTIVATE_TAB_8" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Activate tab 8 </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_ADD_WWW_AND_COM_AND_OPEN_ADDRESS" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Add www. and .com and open address </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_BOOKMARK_ALL_TABS" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Bookmark all tabs </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_BOOKMARK_CURRENT_PAGE" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Bookmark current page </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_BOOKMARK_MANAGER" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (open the bookmark manager)."> Bookmark manager </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_CENTER_WINDOW" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (center the window)."> Center window </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_CLEAR_BROWSING_DATA_DIALOG" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> "Clear browsing data" dialog </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_CLOSE_TAB" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Close tab </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_CLOSE_WINDOW" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Close window </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_COPY" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Copy </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_CUT" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Cut </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_CYCLE_THROUGH_INPUT_METHODS" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Cycle through input methods </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_DECREASE_KEY_BRIGHTNESS" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (decrease the keyboard brightness)."> Decrease key brightness </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_DELETE" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (Delete)."> Delete </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_DELETE_WORD" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Delete word </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_DEVELOPER_TOOLS" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Developer tools </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_DOCK_WINDOW_LEFT" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (dock the window to the left)."> Dock window left </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_DOCK_WINDOW_RIGHT" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (dock the window to the right)."> Dock window right </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_DOM_INSPECTOR" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> DOM inspector </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_DOWNLOADS" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Downloads </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_END" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (End)."> End </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_F1" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (F1)."> F1 </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_F10" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (F10)."> F10 </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_F11" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (F11)."> F11 </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_F12" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (F12)."> F12 </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_F2" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (F2)."> F2 </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_F3" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (F3)."> F3 </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_F4" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (F4)."> F4 </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_F5" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (F5)."> F5 </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_F6" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (F6)."> F6 </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_F7" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (F7)."> F7 </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_F8" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (F8)."> F8 </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_F9" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (F9)."> F9 </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_FIND_PREVIOUS_TEXT" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Find previous text </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_FIND_TEXT" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Find text </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_FIND_TEXT_AGAIN" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Find text again </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_FOCUS_ADDRESS_BAR" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Focus address bar </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_FOCUS_ADDRESS_BAR_IN_SEARCH_MODE" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Focus address bar in search mode </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_FOCUS_BOOKMARKS" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Focus bookmarks </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_FOCUS_LAUNCHER" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (focus the application launcher)."> Focus launcher </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_FOCUS_NEXT_PANE" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (switch focus to the next keyboard-accessible pane)."> Focus next pane </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_FOCUS_PREVIOUS_PANE" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (switch focus to the previous keyboard-accessible pane)."> Focus previous pane </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_FOCUS_TOOLBAR" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Focus toolbar </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_GO_BACK" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Go back </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_GO_FORWARD" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Go forward </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_HELP" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Help </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_HISTORY" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> History </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_HOME" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (Home)."> Home </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_INCREASE_KEY_BRIGHTNESS" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (Increase the keyboard brightness)."> Increase key brightness </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_INPUT_UNICODE_CHARACTERS" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Input Unicode characters </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_INSERT" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (Insert)."> Insert </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_JAVASCRIPT_CONSOLE" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> JavaScript console </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_LOCK_SCREEN" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (lock the screen)."> Lock screen </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_LOCK_SCREEN_OR_POWER_OFF" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Lock screen or power off </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_MAGNIFIER_DECREASE_ZOOM" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Magnifier decrease zoom </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_MAGNIFIER_INCREASE_ZOOM" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Magnifier increase zoom </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_MAXIMIZE_WINDOW" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (maximize or restore the window)."> Maximize window </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_MINIMIZE_WINDOW" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (minimize the window)."> Minimize window </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_MIRROR_MONITORS" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (Mirror the monitors)."> Mirror monitors </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_NEW_INCOGNITO_WINDOW" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> New incognito window </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_NEW_TAB" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> New tab </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_NEW_TERMINAL" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (Open a new terminal tab)."> New terminal </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_NEW_WINDOW" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> New window </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_NEXT_WINDOW" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (go to the next window)."> Next window </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_NEXT_WORD" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (move the text cursor to the end of the next word)."> Next word </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_OPEN" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (open a file)."> Open </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_OPEN_ADDRESS_IN_NEW_TAB" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Open address in new tab </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_OPEN_FILE_MANAGER" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (Open the file manager)."> Open file manager </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_OPEN_GOOGLE_CLOUD_PRINT" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (Opens the 'Google Cloud Print' dialog)."> Open Google Cloud Print </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_PAGE_DOWN" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (Page down)."> Page down </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_PAGE_UP" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (Page up)."> Page up </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_PASTE" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Paste </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_PASTE_AS_PLAIN_TEXT" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Paste as plain text </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_PREVIOUS_WINDOW" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (go to the previous window)."> Previous window </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_PREVIOUS_WORD" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (move the text cursor to the start of the previous word)."> Previous word </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_PRINT" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Print </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_RELOAD_CURRENT_PAGE" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Reload current page </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_RELOAD_IGNORING_CACHE" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Reload ignoring cache </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_REOPEN_LAST_CLOSED_TAB" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Reopen last-closed tab </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_REPORT_ISSUE" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (report an issue)."> Report issue </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_RESET_SCREEN_ZOOM" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (reset the screen zoom)."> Reset screen zoom </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_RESET_ZOOM" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Reset zoom </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_ROTATE_SCREEN" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (rotate the screen)."> Rotate screen </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_SAVE" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (save page as a file)."> Save </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_SCREENSHOT_REGION" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (take a screenshot of the selected region)."> Screenshot region </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_SCROLL_UP_ONE_PAGE" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Scroll up one page </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_SELECT_ALL" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Select all </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_SELECT_PREVIOUS_INPUT_METHOD" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Select previous input method </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_SELECT_WORD_AT_A_TIME" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Select "word at a time" </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_SHOW_MESSAGE_CENTER" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (Show the message center)."> Show message center </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_SHOW_STATUS_MENU" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (show the status menu)."> Show status menu </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_SIGN_OUT" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Sign out </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_SWAP_PRIMARY_MONITOR" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (swap primary monitor)."> Swap primary monitor </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_TAKE_SCREENSHOT" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Take screenshot </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_TASK_MANAGER" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Task manager </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_TOGGLE_BOOKMARK_BAR" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Toggle bookmark bar </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_TOGGLE_CAPS_LOCK" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (enable or disable caps lock)."> Toggle caps lock </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_TOGGLE_CHROMEVOX_SPOKEN_FEEDBACK" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (enable or disable spoken feedback)."> Toggle ChromeVox (spoken feedback) </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_TOGGLE_PROJECTION_TOUCH_HUD" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Toggle projection touch HUD </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_TOGGLE_SPEECH_INPUT" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (start or stop speech input)."> Toggle speech input </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_UNDO" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Undo </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_VIEW_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> View keyboard overlay </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_VIEW_SOURCE" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> View source </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_WORD_MOVE" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Word move </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_ZOOM_IN" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Zoom in </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_ZOOM_OUT" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut."> Zoom out </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_ZOOM_SCREEN_IN" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (zoom in the screen)."> Zoom screen in </message> <message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_OVERLAY_ZOOM_SCREEN_OUT" desc="The text in the keyboard overlay to explain the shortcut (zoom out the screen)."> Zoom screen out </message> <!-- END GENERATED KEYBOARD OVERLAY STRINGS --> <if expr="lang == 'ja'"> </if> <if expr="lang != 'ja'"> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_STATUSBAR_IME_JAPANESE_IME_STATUS_HIRAGANA" desc=""> Hiragana </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_STATUSBAR_IME_JAPANESE_IME_STATUS_KATAKANA" desc=""> Katakana </message> </if> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_IME_KOREAN_HANJA_INPUT_MODE" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Hanja mode </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_IME_KOREAN_HANGUL_INPUT_MODE" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Hangul mode </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_IME_CHINESE_PINYIN_TOGGLE_CHINESE_ENGLISH" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Toggle Chinese/English mode </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_IME_CHINESE_PINYIN_TOGGLE_FULL_HALF" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Toggle full/half width mode </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_IME_CHINESE_PINYIN_TOGGLE_FULL_HALF_PUNCTUATION" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Toggle full/half width punctuation mode </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_IME_CHINESE_PINYIN_TOGGLE_S_T_CHINESE" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Toggle Simplified/Traditional Chinese mode </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_IME_CHINESE_MOZC_CHEWING_ENGLISH_MODE" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> English </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_IME_CHINESE_MOZC_CHEWING_CHINESE_MODE" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Chinese </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_IME_CHINESE_MOZC_CHEWING_FULL_WIDTH_ENGLISH_MODE" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Full-width English </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_JAPAN" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Japanese keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_SLOVENIA" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Slovenian keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_GERMANY" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> German keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_GERMANY_NEO2" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> German Neo 2 keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_ITALY" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Italian keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_ESTONIA" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Estonian keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_HUNGARY" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Hungarian keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_POLAND" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Polish keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_DENMARK" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Danish keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_CROATIA" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Croatian keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_BRAZIL" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Brazilian keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_SERBIA" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Serbian keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_CZECHIA" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Czech keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_CZECHIA_QWERTY" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Czech QWERTY keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_USA_DVORAK" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> US Dvorak keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_USA_COLEMAK" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> US Colemak keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_ROMANIA" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Romanian keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_USA" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> US keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_USA_EXTENDED" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> US extended keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_USA_INTERNATIONAL" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> US international keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_LITHUANIA" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Lithuanian keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_UNITED_KINGDOM" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> UK keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_UNITED_KINGDOM_DVORAK" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> UK Dvorak keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_SLOVAKIA" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Slovakian keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_RUSSIA" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Russian keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_RUSSIA_PHONETIC" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Russian phonetic keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_GREECE" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Greek keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_BELGIUM" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Belgian keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_BULGARIA" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Bulgarian keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_BULGARIA_PHONETIC" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Bulgarian phonetic keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_SWITZERLAND" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Swiss keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_SWITZERLAND_FRENCH" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Swiss French keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_TURKEY" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Turkish keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_PORTUGAL" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Portuguese keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_SPAIN" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Spanish keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_FINLAND" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Finnish keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_UKRAINE" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Ukrainian keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_SPAIN_CATALAN" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Catalan keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_FRANCE" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> French keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_NORWAY" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Norwegian keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_SWEDEN" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Swedish keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_NETHERLANDS" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Dutch keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_LATIN_AMERICAN" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Latin American keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_LATVIA" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Latvian keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_CANADA" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Canadian French keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_CANADA_ENGLISH" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Canadian English keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_ISRAEL" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Hebrew keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_KOREA_104" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Korean keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_ICELANDIC" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Icelandic keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_CANADIAN_MULTILINGUAL" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Canadian Multilingual keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_GEORGIAN" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Georgian keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_BELARUSIAN" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Belarusian keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_ARMENIAN_PHONETIC" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Armenian Phonetic keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_MONGOLIAN" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> Mongolian keyboard </message> <message name="IDS_INPUT_METHOD_INFOLIST_WINDOW_TITLE" desc="The title of the infolist window where the meanings and the usages of words are displayed."> Information </message> <message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_LAYOUT_USA_MYSTERY" desc="In the language menu button, this shows the input mode."> US Mystery keyboard </message> <!-- Attribution strings for stock user images, not translateable. --> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_AUTHOR"> </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_AUTHOR_1"> </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_AUTHOR_2"> </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_AUTHOR_3"> </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_AUTHOR_4"> </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_AUTHOR_5"> </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_AUTHOR_6"> </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_AUTHOR_7"> </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_AUTHOR_8"> </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_AUTHOR_9"> </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_AUTHOR_10"> </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_AUTHOR_11"> </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_AUTHOR_12"> </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_AUTHOR_13"> </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_AUTHOR_14"> </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_AUTHOR_15"> </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_AUTHOR_16"> </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_AUTHOR_17"> </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_AUTHOR_18"> </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_AUTHOR_19"> Kirsten Hammelbo </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_AUTHOR_20"> Igor Djurovic </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_AUTHOR_21"> Romain Guy </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_AUTHOR_22"> Barbara Dudzińska </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_AUTHOR_23"> Romain Guy </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_AUTHOR_24"> Dirk Ercken </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_AUTHOR_25"> Pauline Ilott </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_AUTHOR_26"> cynoclub </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_AUTHOR_27"> Romain Guy </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_AUTHOR_28"> Vladimir Vladimirov </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_AUTHOR_29"> MOF </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_AUTHOR_30"> Romain Guy </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_AUTHOR_31"> Shaun Lowe </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_AUTHOR_32"> Magdalena Wasiczek </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_WEBSITE"> </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_WEBSITE_1"> </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_WEBSITE_2"> </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_WEBSITE_3"> </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_WEBSITE_4"> </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_WEBSITE_5"> </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_WEBSITE_6"> </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_WEBSITE_7"> </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_WEBSITE_8"> </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_WEBSITE_9"> </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_WEBSITE_10"> </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_WEBSITE_11"> </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_WEBSITE_12"> </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_WEBSITE_13"> </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_WEBSITE_14"> </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_WEBSITE_15"> </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_WEBSITE_16"> </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_WEBSITE_17"> </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_WEBSITE_18"> </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_WEBSITE_19"> http://www.istockphoto.com/Kirkham </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_WEBSITE_20"> http://www.istockphoto.com/vectorig </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_WEBSITE_21"> http://www.curious-creature.org/ </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_WEBSITE_22"> http://www.istockphoto.com/barol16 </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_WEBSITE_23"> http://www.curious-creature.org/ </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_WEBSITE_24"> http://www.istockphoto.com/kikkerdirk </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_WEBSITE_25"> http://www.istockphoto.com/pollypic </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_WEBSITE_26"> http://www.istockphoto.com/cynoclub </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_WEBSITE_27"> http://www.curious-creature.org/ </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_WEBSITE_28"> http://www.istockphoto.com/portishead1 </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_WEBSITE_29"> http://www.istockphoto.com/MOF </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_WEBSITE_30"> http://www.curious-creature.org/ </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_WEBSITE_31"> http://www.istockphoto.com/shaunl </message> <message translateable="false" name="IDS_LOGIN_DEFAULT_USER_WEBSITE_32"> http://www.magdawasiczek.pl </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_ERROR_WHITELIST" desc="Couldn't sign in because user is not whitelisted."> You are not authorized to use this device. For sign-in permission contact the device owner. </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_ERROR_AUTHENTICATING_2ND_TIME" desc="Couldn't sign in because password is invalid for the 2nd time"> Sorry, your password still could not be verified. Note: if you changed your password recently, your new password will be applied once you sign out, please use the old password here. </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_ERROR_PASSWORD_CHANGED" desc="Couldn't log in because password specified matched as old one, but not new one (online) - password change has been detected."> Your password has changed. Please try again with your new password. </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_ERROR_RESTRICTED" desc="Couldn't log in because account is disabled/deleted or not signed up"> Your account may have been deleted or disabled. Please sign out. </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_ERROR_AUTHENTICATING_NEW" desc="Couldn't sign in because username or password invalid"> Sorry, your email or password could not be verified. Please try again. </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_ERROR_AUTHENTICATING_HOSTED" desc="Couldn't sign in because hosted account is used"> Your account does not work on <ph name="PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Google Chrome OS</ex></ph>. Please contact your domain administrator or use a regular Google Account to sign in. </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_ERROR_AUTHENTICATING_KIOSK" desc="Couldn't pass kiosk lock screen to configure network."> Sorry, your password could not be verified. Please try again. </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_ERROR_OFFLINE_FAILED_NETWORK_NOT_CONNECTED" desc="Couldn't sign in because offline sign-in has failed and network is not connected"> Sorry, your email or password could not be verified. Try connecting to a network first. </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_ERROR_NO_NETWORK_LIBRARY" desc="Couldn't sign in because nework library couldn't be loaded"> Can't access network library </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_ERROR_KEYBOARD_SWITCH_HINT" desc="A hint text for the login and lock screens about layout switching"> Hit Shift-Alt to switch keyboard layout. </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_ERROR_CAPS_LOCK_HINT" desc="A hint text for the login and lock screens that Caps Lock is on"> Caps Lock is on. </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_ERROR_CAPTIVE_PORTAL" desc="An error message shown when we suggest that user may be behind the captive portal."> Before signing in, please enter as Guest to activate the network <ph name="NETWORK_ID">$1<ex>Public Wifi</ex></ph> </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_ERROR_OWNER_REQUIRED" desc="Couldn't sign in because the machine is in policy safe mode and needs owner login"> Login has been resticted to the owner account only. Please reboot and sign in with the owner account. The machine will auto reboot in 30 seconds. </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_ERROR_OWNER_KEY_LOST" desc="Couldn't sign in because the owner key has been lost, device settings corruption or incorrect local time."> Login failed, please connect to the internet and try again. </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_ERROR_TPM_FAILURE_TITLE" desc="Title of the screen notifying user about TPM error."> Something went wrong with signing in </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_ERROR_TPM_FAILURE_REBOOT" desc="Suggestion to restart device in case of the TPM error."> Please restart your device to fix this error. </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_ERROR_TPM_FAILURE_REBOOT_BUTTON" desc="Label on button that restarts device."> Restart </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_ERROR_TITLE" desc="A title of screen containing a message about login error, like proxy error or corruption of the local state."> Oops, something went wrong with signing in </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_PROXY_ERROR_MESSAGE" desc="An offline message shown when a proxy error has appeared."> The sign-in page failed to load using the current proxy settings. Please <ph name="GAIA_RELOAD_LINK_START">$1<ex>>a<</ex></ph>try to sign in again<ph name="GAIA_RELOAD_LINK_END">$2<ex>>/a<</ex></ph>, or use different <ph name="PROXY_SETTINGS_LINK_START">$3<ex>>a<</ex></ph>proxy settings<ph name="PROXY_SETTINGS_LINK_END">$4<ex>>/a<</ex></ph>. </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_CAPTIVE_PORTAL_WINDOW_TITLE" desc="Title of the window which is opened to sign in to the captive portal."> To use the network <ph name="NETWORK_ID">$1<ex>Adelaide Airport Wireless</ex></ph>, first complete your connection to the Internet below. </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_MAYBE_CAPTIVE_PORTAL_TITLE" desc="An offline message title shown when we suggest that user may be behind the captive portal."> Network not available </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_MAYBE_CAPTIVE_PORTAL" desc="An offline message shown when we suggest that user may be behind the captive portal. Translation note: enter as Guest - could also be said enter as Guest user. Word user may be added to the translation if needed."> To use <ph name="NETWORK_ID">$1<ex>>b<Public Wifi>/b<</ex></ph> you may first need to <ph name="LINK_START">$2<ex>>a<</ex></ph>visit the network's sign-in page<ph name="LINK_END">$3<ex>>/a<</ex></ph>, which will open automatically in a few seconds. If it doesn't happen, the network can't be used. </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_MAYBE_CAPTIVE_PORTAL_PROXY" desc="An offline mssage shown when we suggest that user should configure the proxy."> If you are using a proxy server, check your proxy settings or contact your network administrator to check that the proxy server is working. If you don't believe you should be using a proxy server, adjust your <ph name="LINK_START">$1<ex>>a<</ex></ph>proxy settings<ph name="LINK_END">$2<ex>>/a<</ex></ph>. </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_MAYBE_CAPTIVE_PORTAL_NETWORK_SELECT" desc="An offline message shown when we suggest that user may select other network."> You may also select another network. </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_ERROR_CAPTIVE_PORTAL_NO_GUEST_MODE" desc="An error message shown when we suggest that user may be behind the captive portal but Guest mode is disabled."> Your password cannot be verified on this current network. Please select another network. </message> <message name="IDS_NOTIFICATION_PANEL_TITLE" desc="Text for the title of the notification panel."> Notifications </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_OFFLINE_TITLE" desc="Title of an offline message that shows up in OOBE sign-in screen."> You are currently offline </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_OFFLINE_MESSAGE" desc="An offline message that shows up in OOBE sign-in screen."> Please connect to the Internet to sign in to your Chromebook. </message> <message name="IDS_KIOSK_OFFLINE_MESSAGE" desc="An offline message that shows up when a kiosk app can't launch without network connectivity."> Please connect to the Internet to launch your app in kiosk mode. </message> <message name="IDS_UPDATE_OFFLINE_MESSAGE" desc="An offline message that shows up in the OOBE update screen."> Please connect to the Internet to update your Chromebook. </message> <message name="IDS_UPDATE_PROXY_ERROR_MESSAGE" desc="An offline message that shows up when a proxy error has appeared in the OOBE update screen."> The update check failed using the current proxy settings. Please adjust your <ph name="PROXY_SETTINGS_LINK_START">$1<ex>>a<</ex></ph>proxy settings<ph name="PROXY_SETTINGS_LINK_END">$2<ex>>/a<</ex></ph>. </message> <message name="IDS_ADD_USER" desc="Shown in login panel for adding new user to login screen."> Add a user </message> <message name="IDS_LANGUAGES_MORE" desc="Main language list 'more' link. Expands all possible languages, not only the main ones."> More... </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_POD_OWNER_USER" desc="Login screen user pod menu title for a user who owns the device."> <ph name="USER_NAME">$1<ex>Ivan Arbuzov</ex></ph> (owner) </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_POD_REMOVE_USER" desc="Login screen user pod menu item text."> Remove this user </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_VERSION_LABEL_FORMAT" desc="Login screen version text format."> <ph name="PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Google Chrome</ex></ph> <ph name="PRODUCT_VERSION">$2<ex></ex></ph> (Platform <ph name="PLATFORM_VERSION">$3<ex>900.0-11.09.01</ex></ph>) </message> <message name="IDS_DEVICE_OWNED_BY_NOTICE" desc="Text for notifications showing that this is managed device."> This device is managed by <ph name="DOMAIN">$1<ex>acmecorp.com</ex></ph>. </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_PUBLIC_ACCOUNT_INFO_FORMAT" desc="Template for text shown in the public account user pod, informing the user that this is a public, managed account."> This device is managed by <ph name="DOMAIN">$1<ex>yourdomain.com</ex></ph>. </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_PUBLIC_ACCOUNT_SIGNOUT_REMINDER" desc="Text shown in the public account user pod, reminding the user to log out."> Your information will be removed when you sign out. </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_PUBLIC_ACCOUNT_ENTER" meaning="Label text for signing in." desc="Label text for the sign-in button in the public account user pod."> Enter </message> <message name="IDS_LOGIN_PUBLIC_ACCOUNT_ENTER_ACCESSIBLE_NAME" desc="Text to be spoken when focus is set to the sign-in button in the public account user pod."> Enter public session </message> <!-- Idle warning dialog --> <message name="IDS_IDLE_WARNING_TITLE" desc="Title of the warning dialog shown when the user becomes idle and is about to get logged out."> Are you still there? </message> <message name="IDS_IDLE_WARNING_LOGOUT_WARNING" desc="Content of the warning dialog shown when the user becomes idle and is about to get logged out."> If you keep doing nothing, you'll be logged out in a few moments. </message> <message name="IDS_KIOSK_APP_FAILED_TO_LAUNCH" desc="Generic error message used when a kiosk app fails to launch."> Darn, the kiosk application could not be launched. </message> <message name="IDS_KIOSK_APP_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_MOUNT" desc="Error message used when a kiosk app fails to launch due to cryptohome error."> Kryptonite! The cryptohome for the kiosk application could not be mounted. </message> <message name="IDS_KIOSK_APP_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_INSTALL" desc="Error message used when a kiosk app fails to launch due to install failure."> Kiosk application could not be installed. </message> <message name="IDS_KIOSK_APP_ERROR_USER_CANCEL" desc="Error message used when a kiosk app launch is canceled by user."> Kiosk application launch canceled. </message> <!-- About Chrome page --> <message name="IDS_UPGRADE_OFFLINE" desc="Status label: Currently offline"> You are currently offline. </message> <message name="IDS_UPGRADE_DISALLOWED" desc="Status label: Upgrade disallowed for the current network"> You are currently connected to the <ph name="NETWORK_TYPE">$1<ex>cellular</ex></ph> network. </message> <message name="IDS_UPGRADE_NETWORK_LIST_CELLULAR_ALLOWED" desc="Status label: for updates you need to connect to an Ethernet or Wi-Fi"> To check for updates, please use Ethernet or Wi-Fi. </message> <message name="IDS_UPGRADE_NETWORK_LIST_CELLULAR_DISALLOWED" desc="Status label: for updates you need to connect to an Ethernet, mobile data or Wi-Fi"> To check for updates, please use Ethernet, Wi-Fi or mobile data. </message> <!-- Genius App --> <message name="IDS_GENIUS_APP_NAME" desc="Name of the genius app in the app launcher"> Get Help </message> <!-- HDCP verification UI --> <message name="IDS_PLATFORM_VERIFICATION_DIALOG_HEADLINE" desc="The label to describe what the dialog wants to confirm."> <ph name="DOMAIN">$1<ex>example.com</ex></ph> requires unique identification of your device, by Google, to enable an enhanced playback experience. <ph name="LEARN_MORE">$2<ex>Learn more</ex></ph>. </message> <message name="IDS_PLATFORM_VERIFICATION_DIALOG_ALLOW" desc="The button label to allow access of HD playback."> OK, I got it </message> <message name="IDS_PLATFORM_VERIFICATION_DIALOG_DENY" desc="The button label to deny access of HD playback."> Disable on <ph name="DOMAIN">$1<ex>example.com</ex></ph> </message> <!-- First-run tutorial --> <message name="IDS_FIRST_RUN_GREETING_STEP_HEADER" desc="Greeting message shown as header of the first dialog of first-run tutorial."> Howdy, <ph name="USER_GIVEN_NAME">$1<ex>John</ex></ph>. </message> <message name="IDS_FIRST_RUN_GREETING_STEP_HEADER_GENERAL" desc="Greeting message shown as header of the first dialog of first-run tutorial in case when we don't know user's given name."> Howdy. </message> <message name="IDS_FIRST_RUN_GREETING_STEP_TEXT_1" desc="First part of message shown on the first dialog of firsr-run tutorial."> Welcome to the Chromebook family. This is no ordinary computer. </message> <message name="IDS_FIRST_RUN_GREETING_STEP_TEXT_2" desc="Second part of message shown on the first dialog of firsr-run tutorial."> This Chromebook was designed to deliver the best experience of the web to you. </message> <message name="IDS_FIRST_RUN_GREETING_STEP_BUTTON" desc="Text on the button located on the first dialog of first-run tutorial."> Take a tour </message> <message name="IDS_FIRST_RUN_APP_LIST_STEP_HEADER" desc="Header of the first-run bubble bubble pointing to application list button."> Play, edit, share, get stuff done. </message> <message name="IDS_FIRST_RUN_APP_LIST_STEP_TEXT_1" desc="First part of message on the first-run tutorial bubble pointing to application list button."> Access all your apps from this handy launcher. Play games, video chat, listen to music, edit documents, or get more apps from the Chrome Web Store. </message> <message name="IDS_FIRST_RUN_APP_LIST_STEP_TEXT_2" desc="Second part of message on the first-run tutorial bubble pointing to application list button. Part of the phrase "Access all your apps from this handy launcher. Play games, video chat, listen to music, edit documents, or get more apps from the Chrome Web Store. It's all here.""> It's all here. </message> <message name="IDS_FIRST_RUN_TRAY_STEP_HEADER" desc="Header of the first-run tutorial bubble pointing to system tray bubble."> Hassle-free goodness. </message> <message name="IDS_FIRST_RUN_TRAY_STEP_TEXT" desc="Text on the first-run tutorial bubble pointing to system tray bubble."> The status tray shows you the current state of your network, battery and other things. </message> <message name="IDS_FIRST_RUN_HELP_STEP_HEADER" desc="Header of the first-run tutorial bubble pointing to help button in system tray."> Have fun! We're here for you. </message> <message name="IDS_FIRST_RUN_HELP_STEP_TEXT_1" desc="First part of text shown on the first-run tutorial bubble pointing to help button in system tray."> Enjoy your Chromebook. Question? You can always get help by clicking the "?" in the Status tray. </message> <message name="IDS_FIRST_RUN_HELP_STEP_TEXT_2" desc="Second part of text shown on the first-run tutorial bubble pointing to help button in system tray. Part of the phrase "Want to discover more awesome features? It's just one click away.""> Want to discover more awesome features? </message> <message name="IDS_FIRST_RUN_HELP_STEP_TEXT_3" desc="Third part of text shown on the first-run tutorial bubble pointing to help button in system tray. Part of the phrase "Want to discover more awesome features? It's just one click away.""> It's just one click away. </message> <message name="IDS_FIRST_RUN_HELP_STEP_KEEP_EXPLORING_BUTTON" desc="Text on the button located in the first-run tutorial bubble pointing to help button is system tray. After click on the button tutorial finishes and help app opens."> Keep exploring </message> <message name="IDS_FIRST_RUN_HELP_STEP_FINISH_BUTTON" desc="Text on the button located in the first-run tutorial bubble pointing to help button is system tray. After click on the button tutorial finishes."> Finish </message> <message name="IDS_FIRST_RUN_NEXT_BUTTON" desc="Text on the first-run tutorial button leading to next step of tutorial."> Next </message> <!-- Charger replacement dialog --> <message name="IDS_CHARGER_REPLACEMENT_CHECK_CHARGER_TITLE" desc="Title on the check charger page"> Check your charger </message> <message name="IDS_CHARGER_REPLACEMENT_CHECK_CHARGER_DAMAGE" desc="Text on check charger page describing the charger may be damaged"> We've received a small number of user reports that some original HP Chromebook 11 chargers have been damaged due to overheating. To be safe, we're replacing all original chargers for free. </message> <message name="IDS_CHARGER_REPLACEMENT_CHECK_ORIGNAL_CHARGER" desc="Text on check charger page asking users to check if they are using the original spring charger."> We'd like you to check if you're using one of the original chargers. </message> <message name="IDS_CHARGER_REPLACEMENT_WHERE_DEVICE_PURCHASED" desc="Text on check charger page asking user where the device is purchased"> Where did you purchase this HP Chromebook 11? </message> <message name="IDS_CHARGER_REPLACEMENT_CHECK_CHARGER_SELECT_CHARGER" desc="Tex on check charger page instructing user to select one of the charger matched the charger picture"> Select the charger that's plugged in to your Chromebook now: </message> <message name="IDS_CHARGER_REPLACEMENT_SELECT_A_COUNTRY" desc="The text in the select country drop down box asking user to select a country"> Please select a country </message> <message name="IDS_CHARGER_REPLACEMENT_US" desc="The text in the select country drop down as us"> United States </message> <message name="IDS_CHARGER_REPLACEMENT_CA" desc="The text in the select country drop down as canada"> Canada </message> <message name="IDS_CHARGER_REPLACEMENT_UK" desc="The text in the select country drop down as uk"> United Kingdom </message> <message name="IDS_CHARGER_REPLACEMENT_AU" desc="The text in the select country drop down as australia"> Australia </message> <message name="IDS_CHARGER_REPLACEMENT_IRE" desc="The text in the select country drop down as ireland"> Ireland </message> <message name="IDS_CHARGER_REPLACEMENT_NEXT_STEP" desc="Text on the button leading user to the next step"> Next </message> <message name="IDS_CHARGER_REPLACEMENT_CONFIRM_SAFE_CHARGER_TITLE" desc="Title on the confirm safe charger page"> Your charger is up to update </message> <message name="IDS_CHARGER_REPLACEMENT_CONFIRM_SAFE_CHARGER_TO_GO" desc="Text on confirm user has a safe charger to go with"> You're good to go. </message> <message name="IDS_CHARGER_REPLACEMENT_SAFE_CHARGER_CONFIRM_CHECKBOX_TEXT" desc="Text for confirming safe charger checkbox"> I confirm I am using a charger with a green sticker on it. </message> <message name="IDS_CHARGER_REPLACEMENT_NO_MOPE_MESSAGE_SHOW" desc="Text for checkbox that user does not want the message be shown again"> Do not show me this message again. </message> <message name="IDS_CHARGER_REPLACEMENT_PREVIOUS_STEP" desc="Text on the button that leads user back to the previous step"> Back </message> <message name="IDS_CHARGER_REPLACEMENT_FINISH" desc="Text on the button that completes the UI flow and close the UI"> Finish </message> <message name="IDS_CHARGER_REPLACEMENT_CHARGER_UPDATE_TITLE" desc="Title of charger update page."> Important update on your HP Chromebook 11 </message> <message name="IDS_CHARGER_REPLACEMENT_CHARGER_UPDATE_P1" desc="The first paragraph on the charger update page"> With guidance and approval from the CPSC and other regulatory agencies, Google and HP are recalling the original charger for the HP Chromebook 11. </message> <message name="IDS_CHARGER_REPLACEMENT_CHARGER_STOP_USING_RECALLED_CHARGER" desc="Text to ask users to stop using recalled charger"> Please stop using the recalled charger. </message> <message name="IDS_CHARGER_REPLACEMENT_CHARGER_UPDATE_P2" desc="The 2nd paragraph on the charger update page"> If you purchased an HP Chromebook 11 before December 1, 2013, we'll mail you a free replacement charger. You will also receive a prepaid shipping package to return the original charger so that we can dispose of it properly. </message> <message name="IDS_CHARGER_REPLACEMENT_CHARGER_UPDATE_FAQ" desc="Text about charger update FAQs"> In the meantime, you may refer to the <ph name="BEGIN_LINK"><a class="link" href="#"></ph>FAQs<ph name="END_LINK"></a></ph> and continue to use your HP Chromebook 11 with any other certified micro-USB charger, for example one provided with a tablet or smartphone. We apologize again for the inconvenience. Your safety is a top priority. </message> <message name="IDS_CHARGER_REPLACEMENT_CHARGER_ORDER_NEW_CHARGER" desc="Text of the radio button for ordering new charger"> Please send me a new charger </message> <message name="IDS_CHARGER_REPLACEMENT_CHARGER_NOT_ORDER_NEW_CHARGER" desc="Text of the radio button for not ordering new charger"> I do not want to replace my recalled charger </message> <message name="IDS_CHARGER_REPLACEMENT_CHARGER_CONIFRM_NOT_ORDER_CHARGER" desc="Text for checkbox that confirm user do not want to order new charger"> I confirm that I do not want to receive a free replacement charger. </message> <message name="IDS_CHARGER_REPLACEMENT_ONLINE_ORDER_CONFIRMATION_TITLE" desc="Title of the online charger order form confirmation page"> Thanks! </message> <message name="IDS_CHARGER_REPLACEMENT_ONLINE_ORDER_CONFIRMATION_MESSAGE" desc="Text for the charger online order confirmation"> We've received your information, and we're processing your request. </message> <message name="IDS_CHARGER_REPLACEMENT_FIND_MORE_INFORMATION" desc="Text for finding more information about the charger"> In the meantime, you can find more info at </message> <message name="IDS_CHARGER_REPLACEMENT_FINISH_NOT_ORDER_CHARGER_TITLE" desc="Title of the finishing page for user choosing not to order new charger"> OK, we won't ask you again </message> <message name="IDS_CHARGER_REPLACEMENT_FINISH_NOT_ORDER_CHARGER_P2" desc="Text of the 2nd paragraph for finishing not order charger page"> You may refer to the <ph name="BEGIN_LINK"><a class="link" href="#"></ph>FAQs<ph name="END_LINK"></a></ph> and continue to use your HP Chromebook 11 with any other certified micro-USB charger, for example one provided with a tablet or smartphone. We apologize again for the inconvenience. Your safety is a top priority. </message> <message name="IDS_CHARGER_REPLACEMENT_FINISH_NOT_ORDER_CHARGER_MORE_INFO" desc="Text on for finishing not order charger page for user to look for more info befpre the more info link"> You can find more info at </message> <message name="IDS_CHARGER_REPLACEMENT_OFFLINE_ORDER_TITLE" desc="Title of the offline charger order page"> HP Chromebook 11 power charger request form </message> <message name="IDS_CHARGER_REPLACEMENT_OFFLINE_ORDER_P1" desc="1st paragraph of text on the offline charger order form"> With guidance and approval from the CPSC and other regulatory agencies, Google and HP are recalling the original charger for the HP Chromebook 11. </message> <message name="IDS_CHARGER_REPLACEMENT_OFFLINE_ORDER_P2" desc="2nd paragraph of text on the offline charger order form"> If you purchased an HP Chromebook 11 before December 1, 2013, we'll mail you a free replacement charger. You will also receive a prepaid shipping package to return the original charger so that we can dispose of it properly. </message> <message name="IDS_CHARGER_REPLACEMENT_OFFLINE_ORDER_CONFIRM" desc="Text for the check box that confirms user has ordered the charger offline"> I have called the number and requested a replacement charger. </message> <message name="IDS_CHARGER_REPLACEMENT_TEXT_PRIVACY_POLICY" desc="Text refer to privacy policy"> Refer to the <ph name="BEGIN_LINK"><a class="link" id="privacy-link" href="#"></ph>Privacy Policy<ph name="END_LINK"></a></ph> for more details on how we handle this information. </message> <message name="IDS_CHARGER_REPLACEMENT_OFFLINE_ORDER_PHONE_NUMBER" desc="Text for offline charger order phone numbers"> Please call (866) 628-1371 (US), (866) 628-1372 (Canada), or 0800 026 0613 (UK) to request your free replacement charger. </message> <message name="IDS_CHARGER_REPLACEMENT_CHARGER_STILL_BAD" desc="Title of the page warning user if they keep plug in bad charger."> Your order is being processed </message> <message name="IDS_CHARGER_REPLACEMENT_CHARGER_ORDERED" desc="Text for telling user we see they already ordered a new charger."> We see that you've ordered a replacement charger. </message> <message name="IDS_CHARGER_REPLACEMENT_CHARGER_MORE_INFO" desc="Text for fining more info for charger"> You can find more info at </message> <message name="IDS_CHARGER_REPLACEMENT_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="Title of the charger replacement UI dialg"> Check charger </message> </grit-part>