# Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
A set of helpers for rendering Mako templates with a Metadata model.
import metadata_model
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
_context_buf = None
def _is_sec_or_ins(x):
return isinstance(x, metadata_model.Section) or \
isinstance(x, metadata_model.InnerNamespace)
## Metadata Helpers
def find_all_sections(root):
Find all descendants that are Section or InnerNamespace instances.
root: a Metadata instance
A list of Section/InnerNamespace instances
These are known as "sections" in the generated C code.
return root.find_all(_is_sec_or_ins)
def find_parent_section(entry):
Find the closest ancestor that is either a Section or InnerNamespace.
entry: an Entry or Clone node
An instance of Section or InnerNamespace
return entry.find_parent_first(_is_sec_or_ins)
# find uniquely named entries (w/o recursing through inner namespaces)
def find_unique_entries(node):
Find all uniquely named entries, without recursing through inner namespaces.
node: a Section or InnerNamespace instance
A sequence of MergedEntry nodes representing an entry
This collapses multiple entries with the same fully qualified name into
one entry (e.g. if there are multiple entries in different kinds).
if not isinstance(node, metadata_model.Section) and \
not isinstance(node, metadata_model.InnerNamespace):
raise TypeError("expected node to be a Section or InnerNamespace")
d = OrderedDict()
# remove the 'kinds' from the path between sec and the closest entries
# then search the immediate children of the search path
search_path = isinstance(node, metadata_model.Section) and node.kinds \
or [node]
for i in search_path:
for entry in i.entries:
d[entry.name] = entry
for k,v in d.iteritems():
yield v.merge()
def path_name(node):
Calculate a period-separated string path from the root to this element,
by joining the names of each node and excluding the Metadata/Kind nodes
from the path.
node: a Node instance
A string path
isa = lambda x,y: isinstance(x, y)
fltr = lambda x: not isa(x, metadata_model.Metadata) and \
not isa(x, metadata_model.Kind)
path = node.find_parents(fltr)
path = list(path)
return ".".join((i.name for i in path))
def has_descendants_with_enums(node):
Determine whether or not the current node is or has any descendants with an
Enum node.
node: a Node instance
True if it finds an Enum node in the subtree, False otherwise
return bool(node.find_first(lambda x: isinstance(x, metadata_model.Enum)))
def get_children_by_throwing_away_kind(node, member='entries'):
Get the children of this node by compressing the subtree together by removing
the kind and then combining any children nodes with the same name together.
node: An instance of Section, InnerNamespace, or Kind
An iterable over the combined children of the subtree of node,
as if the Kinds never existed.
Not recursive. Call this function repeatedly on each child.
if isinstance(node, metadata_model.Section):
# Note that this makes jump from Section to Kind,
# skipping the Kind entirely in the tree.
node_to_combine = node.combine_kinds_into_single_node()
node_to_combine = node
combined_kind = node_to_combine.combine_children_by_name()
return (i for i in getattr(combined_kind, member))
def get_children_by_filtering_kind(section, kind_name, member='entries'):
Takes a section and yields the children of the merged kind under this section.
section: An instance of Section
kind_name: A name of the kind, i.e. 'dynamic' or 'static' or 'controls'
An iterable over the children of the specified merged kind.
matched_kind = next((i for i in section.merged_kinds if i.name == kind_name), None)
if matched_kind:
return getattr(matched_kind, member)
return ()
## Filters
# abcDef.xyz -> ABC_DEF_XYZ
def csym(name):
Convert an entry name string into an uppercase C symbol.
A string
csym('abcDef.xyz') == 'ABC_DEF_XYZ'
newstr = name
newstr = "".join([i.isupper() and ("_" + i) or i for i in newstr]).upper()
newstr = newstr.replace(".", "_")
return newstr
# abcDef.xyz -> abc_def_xyz
def csyml(name):
Convert an entry name string into a lowercase C symbol.
A string
csyml('abcDef.xyz') == 'abc_def_xyz'
return csym(name).lower()
# pad with spaces to make string len == size. add new line if too big
def ljust(size, indent=4):
Creates a function that given a string will pad it with spaces to make
the string length == size. Adds a new line if the string was too big.
size: an integer representing how much spacing should be added
indent: an integer representing the initial indendation level
A function that takes a string and returns a string.
ljust(8)("hello") == 'hello '
Deprecated. Use pad instead since it works for non-first items in a
Mako template.
def inner(what):
newstr = what.ljust(size)
if len(newstr) > size:
return what + "\n" + "".ljust(indent + size)
return newstr
return inner
def _find_new_line():
if _context_buf is None:
raise ValueError("Context buffer was not set")
buf = _context_buf
x = -1 # since the first read is always ''
cur_pos = buf.tell()
while buf.tell() > 0 and buf.read(1) != '\n':
buf.seek(cur_pos - x)
x = x + 1
return int(x)
# Pad the string until the buffer reaches the desired column.
# If string is too long, insert a new line with 'col' spaces instead
def pad(col):
Create a function that given a string will pad it to the specified column col.
If the string overflows the column, put the string on a new line and pad it.
col: an integer specifying the column number
A function that given a string will produce a padded string.
pad(8)("hello") == 'hello '
This keeps track of the line written by Mako so far, so it will always
align to the column number correctly.
def inner(what):
wut = int(col)
current_col = _find_new_line()
if len(what) > wut - current_col:
return what + "\n".ljust(col)
return what.ljust(wut - current_col)
return inner
# int32 -> TYPE_INT32, byte -> TYPE_BYTE, etc. note that enum -> TYPE_INT32
def ctype_enum(what):
Generate a camera_metadata_type_t symbol from a type string.
what: a type string
A string representing the camera_metadata_type_t
ctype_enum('int32') == 'TYPE_INT32'
ctype_enum('int64') == 'TYPE_INT64'
ctype_enum('float') == 'TYPE_FLOAT'
An enum is coerced to a byte since the rest of the camera_metadata
code doesn't support enums directly yet.
return 'TYPE_%s' %(what.upper())
# Calculate a java type name from an entry with a Typedef node
def _jtypedef_type(entry):
typedef = entry.typedef
additional = ''
# Hacky way to deal with arrays. Assume that if we have
# size 'Constant x N' the Constant is part of the Typedef size.
# So something sized just 'Constant', 'Constant1 x Constant2', etc
# is not treated as a real java array.
if entry.container == 'array':
has_variable_size = False
for size in entry.container_sizes:
size_int = int(size)
except ValueError:
has_variable_size = True
if has_variable_size:
additional = '[]'
name = typedef.languages['java']
return "%s%s" %(name, additional)
except KeyError:
return None
# Box if primitive. Otherwise leave unboxed.
def _jtype_box(type_name):
mapping = {
'boolean': 'Boolean',
'byte': 'Byte',
'int': 'Integer',
'float': 'Float',
'double': 'Double',
'long': 'Long'
return mapping.get(type_name, type_name)
def jtype_unboxed(entry):
Calculate the Java type from an entry type string, to be used whenever we
need the regular type in Java. It's not boxed, so it can't be used as a
generic type argument when the entry type happens to resolve to a primitive.
Since Java generics cannot be instantiated with primitives, this version
is not applicable in that case. Use jtype_boxed instead for that.
The string representing the Java type.
if not isinstance(entry, metadata_model.Entry):
raise ValueError("Expected entry to be an instance of Entry")
metadata_type = entry.type
java_type = None
if entry.typedef:
typedef_name = _jtypedef_type(entry)
if typedef_name:
java_type = typedef_name # already takes into account arrays
if not java_type:
if not java_type and entry.enum:
# Always map enums to Java ints, unless there's a typedef override
base_type = 'int'
mapping = {
'int32': 'int',
'int64': 'long',
'float': 'float',
'double': 'double',
'byte': 'byte',
'rational': 'Rational'
base_type = mapping[metadata_type]
# Convert to array (enums, basic types)
if entry.container == 'array':
additional = '[]'
additional = ''
java_type = '%s%s' %(base_type, additional)
# Now box this sucker.
return java_type
def jtype_boxed(entry):
Calculate the Java type from an entry type string, to be used as a generic
type argument in Java. The type is guaranteed to inherit from Object.
It will only box when absolutely necessary, i.e. int -> Integer[], but
int[] -> int[].
Since Java generics cannot be instantiated with primitives, this version
will use boxed types when absolutely required.
The string representing the boxed Java type.
unboxed_type = jtype_unboxed(entry)
return _jtype_box(unboxed_type)
def _jtype_primitive(what):
Calculate the Java type from an entry type string.
Makes a special exception for Rational, since it's a primitive in terms of
the C-library camera_metadata type system.
The string representing the primitive type
mapping = {
'int32': 'int',
'int64': 'long',
'float': 'float',
'double': 'double',
'byte': 'byte',
'rational': 'Rational'
return mapping[what]
except KeyError as e:
raise ValueError("Can't map '%s' to a primitive, not supported" %what)
def jclass(entry):
Calculate the java Class reference string for an entry.
entry: an Entry node
<entry name="some_int" type="int32"/>
<entry name="some_int_array" type="int32" container='array'/>
jclass(some_int) == 'int.class'
jclass(some_int_array) == 'int[].class'
The ClassName.class string
return "%s.class" %jtype_unboxed(entry)
def jidentifier(what):
Convert the input string into a valid Java identifier.
what: any identifier string
String with added underscores if necessary.
if re.match("\d", what):
return "_%s" %what
return what
def enum_calculate_value_string(enum_value):
Calculate the value of the enum, even if it does not have one explicitly
This looks back for the first enum value that has a predefined value and then
applies addition until we get the right value, using C-enum semantics.
enum_value: an EnumValue node with a valid Enum parent
<value id="5">Y</value>
enum_calculate_value_string(X) == '0'
enum_calculate_Value_string(Y) == '5'
enum_calculate_value_string(Z) == '6'
String that represents the enum value as an integer literal.
enum_value_siblings = list(enum_value.parent.values)
this_index = enum_value_siblings.index(enum_value)
def is_hex_string(instr):
return bool(re.match('0x[a-f0-9]+$', instr, re.IGNORECASE))
base_value = 0
base_offset = 0
emit_as_hex = False
this_id = enum_value_siblings[this_index].id
while this_index != 0 and not this_id:
this_index -= 1
base_offset += 1
this_id = enum_value_siblings[this_index].id
if this_id:
base_value = int(this_id, 0) # guess base
emit_as_hex = is_hex_string(this_id)
if emit_as_hex:
return "0x%X" %(base_value + base_offset)
return "%d" %(base_value + base_offset)
def enumerate_with_last(iterable):
Enumerate a sequence of iterable, while knowing if this element is the last in
the sequence or not.
iterable: an Iterable of some sequence
(element, bool) where the bool is True iff the element is last in the seq.
it = (i for i in iterable)
first = next(it) # OK: raises exception if it is empty
second = first # for when we have only 1 element in iterable
while True:
second = next(it)
# more elements remaining.
yield (first, False)
first = second
except StopIteration:
# last element. no more elements left
yield (second, True)
def pascal_case(what):
Convert the first letter of a string to uppercase, to make the identifier
conform to PascalCase.
If there are dots, remove the dots, and capitalize the letter following
where the dot was. Letters that weren't following dots are left unchanged,
except for the first letter of the string (which is made upper-case).
what: a string representing some identifier
String with first letter capitalized
pascal_case("helloWorld") == "HelloWorld"
pascal_case("foo") == "Foo"
pascal_case("hello.world") = "HelloWorld"
pascal_case("fooBar.fooBar") = "FooBarFooBar"
return "".join([s[0:1].upper() + s[1:] for s in what.split('.')])
def jkey_identifier(what):
Return a Java identifier from a property name.
what: a string representing a property name.
Java identifier corresponding to the property name. May need to be
prepended with the appropriate Java class name by the caller of this
function. Note that the outer namespace is stripped from the property
jkey_identifier("android.lens.facing") == "LENS_FACING"
return csym(what[what.find('.') + 1:])
def jenum_value(enum_entry, enum_value):
Calculate the Java name for an integer enum value
enum: An enum-typed Entry node
value: An EnumValue node for the enum
String representing the Java symbol
cname = csym(enum_entry.name)
return cname[cname.find('_') + 1:] + '_' + enum_value.name
def javadoc(text, indent = 4):
Format text block as a javadoc comment section
text: A multi-line string to format
indent: baseline level of indentation for javadoc block
String with:
- Indent and * for insertion into a Javadoc comment block
- Leading/trailing whitespace removed
- Paragraph tags added on newlines between paragraphs
"This is a comment for Javadoc\n" +
" with multiple lines, that should be \n" +
" formatted better\n" +
"\n" +
" That covers multiple lines as well\n"
transforms to
" * <p>\n" +
" * This is a comment for Javadoc\n" +
" * with multiple lines, that should be\n" +
" * formatted better\n" +
" * </p><p>\n" +
" * That covers multiple lines as well\n" +
" * </p>\n"
comment_prefix = " " * indent + " * ";
comment_para = comment_prefix + "</p><p>\n";
javatext = comment_prefix + "<p>\n";
in_body = False # Eat empty lines at start
first_paragraph = True
for line in ( line.strip() for line in text.splitlines() ):
if not line:
in_body = False # collapse multi-blank lines into one
# Insert para end/start after a span of blank lines except for
# the first paragraph, which got a para start already
if not in_body and not first_paragraph:
javatext = javatext + comment_para
in_body = True
first_paragraph = False
javatext = javatext + comment_prefix + line + "\n";
# Close last para tag
javatext = javatext + comment_prefix + "</p>\n";
return javatext
def any_visible(section, kind_name, visibilities):
Determine if entries in this section have an applied visibility that's in
the list of given visibilities.
section: A section of metadata
kind_name: A name of the kind, i.e. 'dynamic' or 'static' or 'controls'
visibilities: An iterable of visibilities to match against
True if the section has any entries with any of the given visibilities. False otherwise.
for inner_namespace in get_children_by_filtering_kind(section, kind_name,
if any(filter_visibility(inner_namespace.merged_entries, visibilities)):
return True
return any(filter_visibility(get_children_by_filtering_kind(section, kind_name,
def filter_visibility(entries, visibilities):
Remove entries whose applied visibility is not in the supplied visibilities.
entries: An iterable of Entry nodes
visibilities: An iterable of visibilities to filter against
An iterable of Entry nodes
return (e for e in entries if e.applied_visibility in visibilities)