// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/platform_file.h"
#include "base/process/process.h"
#include "webkit/browser/fileapi/file_system_operation_context.h"
#include "webkit/browser/webkit_storage_browser_export.h"
#include "webkit/common/fileapi/directory_entry.h"
namespace base {
class Time;
namespace net {
class URLRequest;
namespace webkit_blob {
class ShareableFileReference;
class GURL;
namespace fileapi {
class FileSystemContext;
class FileSystemURL;
class FileWriterDelegate;
// The interface class for FileSystemOperation implementations.
// This interface defines file system operations required to implement
// "File API: Directories and System"
// http://www.w3.org/TR/file-system-api/
// This class is designed to
// 1) Serve one-time file system operation per instance. Only one
// method(CreateFile, CreateDirectory, Copy, Move, DirectoryExists,
// GetMetadata, ReadDirectory and Remove) may be called during the
// lifetime of this object and it should be called no more than once.
// 2) Deliver the results of operations to the client via the callback function
// passed as the last parameter of the method.
// Note that it is valid to delete an operation while it is running.
// The callback will NOT be fired if the operation is deleted before
// it gets called.
class FileSystemOperation {
WEBKIT_STORAGE_BROWSER_EXPORT static FileSystemOperation* Create(
const FileSystemURL& url,
FileSystemContext* file_system_context,
scoped_ptr<FileSystemOperationContext> operation_context);
virtual ~FileSystemOperation() {}
// Used for CreateFile(), etc. |result| is the return code of the operation.
typedef base::Callback<void(base::PlatformFileError result)> StatusCallback;
// Used for GetMetadata(). |result| is the return code of the operation,
// |file_info| is the obtained file info.
typedef base::Callback<
void(base::PlatformFileError result,
const base::PlatformFileInfo& file_info)> GetMetadataCallback;
// Used for OpenFile(). |result| is the return code of the operation.
// |on_close_callback| will be called after the file is closed in the child
// process. It can be null, if no operation is needed on closing a file.
typedef base::Callback<
void(base::PlatformFileError result,
base::PlatformFile file,
const base::Closure& on_close_callback)> OpenFileCallback;
// Used for ReadDirectoryCallback.
typedef std::vector<DirectoryEntry> FileEntryList;
// Used for ReadDirectory(). |result| is the return code of the operation,
// |file_list| is the list of files read, and |has_more| is true if some files
// are yet to be read.
typedef base::Callback<
void(base::PlatformFileError result,
const FileEntryList& file_list,
bool has_more)> ReadDirectoryCallback;
// Used for CreateSnapshotFile(). (Please see the comment at
// CreateSnapshotFile() below for how the method is called)
// |result| is the return code of the operation.
// |file_info| is the metadata of the snapshot file created.
// |platform_path| is the path to the snapshot file created.
// The snapshot file could simply be of the local file pointed by the given
// filesystem URL in local filesystem cases; remote filesystems
// may want to download the file into a temporary snapshot file and then
// return the metadata of the temporary file.
// |file_ref| is used to manage the lifetime of the returned
// snapshot file. It can be set to let the chromium backend take
// care of the life time of the snapshot file. Otherwise (if the returned
// file does not require any handling) the implementation can just
// return NULL. In a more complex case, the implementaiton can manage
// the lifetime of the snapshot file on its own (e.g. by its cache system)
// but also can be notified via the reference when the file becomes no
// longer necessary in the javascript world.
// Please see the comment for ShareableFileReference for details.
typedef base::Callback<
void(base::PlatformFileError result,
const base::PlatformFileInfo& file_info,
const base::FilePath& platform_path,
const scoped_refptr<webkit_blob::ShareableFileReference>& file_ref)>
// Used for progress update callback for Copy().
// BEGIN_COPY_ENTRY is fired for each copy creation beginning (for both
// file and directory).
// The |source_url| is the URL of the source entry. |size| should not be
// used.
// END_COPY_ENTRY is fired for each copy creation finishing (for both
// file and directory).
// The |source_url| is the URL of the source entry. The |destination_url| is
// the URL of the destination entry. |size| should not be used.
// PROGRESS is fired periodically during file copying (not fired for
// directory copy).
// The |source_url| is the URL of the source file. |size| is the number
// of cumulative copied bytes for the currently copied file.
// Both at beginning and ending of file copying, PROGRESS event should be
// called. At beginning, |size| should be 0. At ending, |size| should be
// the size of the file.
// Here is an example callback sequence of recursive copy. Suppose
// there are a/b/c.txt (100 bytes) and a/b/d.txt (200 bytes), and trying to
// copy a to x recursively, then the progress update sequence will be:
// BEGIN_COPY_ENTRY a (starting create "a" directory in x/).
// END_COPY_ENTRY a x/a (creating "a" directory in x/ is finished).
// BEGIN_COPY_ENTRY a/b (starting create "b" directory in x/a).
// END_COPY_ENTRY a/b x/a/b (creating "b" directory in x/a/ is finished).
// BEGIN_COPY_ENTRY a/b/c.txt (starting to copy "c.txt" in x/a/b/).
// PROGRESS a/b/c.txt 0 (The first PROGRESS's |size| should be 0).
// PROGRESS a/b/c.txt 10
// :
// PROGRESS a/b/c.txt 90
// PROGRESS a/b/c.txt 100 (The last PROGRESS's |size| should be the size of
// the file).
// END_COPY_ENTRY a/b/c.txt x/a/b/c.txt (copying "c.txt" is finished).
// BEGIN_COPY_ENTRY a/b/d.txt (starting to copy "d.txt" in x/a/b).
// PROGRESS a/b/d.txt 0 (The first PROGRESS's |size| should be 0).
// PROGRESS a/b/d.txt 10
// :
// PROGRESS a/b/d.txt 190
// PROGRESS a/b/d.txt 200 (The last PROGRESS's |size| should be the size of
// the file).
// END_COPY_ENTRY a/b/d.txt x/a/b/d.txt (copy "d.txt" is finished).
// Note that event sequence of a/b/c.txt and a/b/d.txt can be interlaced,
// because they can be done in parallel. Also PROGRESS events are optional,
// so they may not be appeared.
// All the progress callback invocation should be done before StatusCallback
// given to the Copy is called. Especially if an error is found before first
// progres callback invocation, the progress callback may NOT invoked for the
// copy.
// Note for future extension. Currently this callback is only supported on
// Copy(). We can extend this to Move(), because Move() is sometimes
// implemented as "copy then delete."
// In more precise, Move() usually can be implemented either 1) by updating
// the metadata of resource (e.g. root of moving directory tree), or 2) by
// copying directory tree and them removing the source tree.
// For 1)'s case, we can simply add BEGIN_MOVE_ENTRY and END_MOVE_ENTRY
// for root directory.
// For 2)'s case, we can add BEGIN_DELETE_ENTRY and END_DELETE_ENTRY for each
// entry.
// For both cases, we probably won't need to use PROGRESS event because
// these operations should be done quickly (at least much faster than copying
// usually).
enum CopyProgressType {
typedef base::Callback<void(CopyProgressType type,
const FileSystemURL& source_url,
const FileSystemURL& destination_url,
int64 size)>
// Used for CopyFileLocal() to report progress update.
// |size| is the cumulative copied bytes for the copy.
// At the beginning the progress callback should be called with |size| = 0,
// and also at the ending the progress callback should be called with |size|
// set to the copied file size.
typedef base::Callback<void(int64 size)> CopyFileProgressCallback;
// The option for copy or move operation.
enum CopyOrMoveOption {
// No additional operation.
// Preserves last modified time if possible. If the operation to update
// last modified time is not supported on the file system for the
// destination file, this option would be simply ignored (i.e. Copy would
// be successfully done without preserving last modified time).
// Used for Write().
typedef base::Callback<void(base::PlatformFileError result,
int64 bytes,
bool complete)> WriteCallback;
// Creates a file at |path|. If |exclusive| is true, an error is raised
// in case a file is already present at the URL.
virtual void CreateFile(const FileSystemURL& path,
bool exclusive,
const StatusCallback& callback) = 0;
// Creates a directory at |path|. If |exclusive| is true, an error is
// raised in case a directory is already present at the URL. If
// |recursive| is true, create parent directories as needed just like
// mkdir -p does.
virtual void CreateDirectory(const FileSystemURL& path,
bool exclusive,
bool recursive,
const StatusCallback& callback) = 0;
// Copies a file or directory from |src_path| to |dest_path|. If
// |src_path| is a directory, the contents of |src_path| are copied to
// |dest_path| recursively. A new file or directory is created at
// |dest_path| as needed.
// |option| specifies the minor behavior of Copy(). See CopyOrMoveOption's
// comment for details.
// |progress_callback| is periodically called to report the progress
// update. See also the comment of CopyProgressCallback. This callback is
// optional.
// For recursive case this internally creates new FileSystemOperations and
// calls:
// - ReadDirectory, CopyFileLocal and CreateDirectory
// for same-filesystem case, or
// - ReadDirectory and CreateSnapshotFile on source filesystem and
// CopyInForeignFile and CreateDirectory on dest filesystem
// for cross-filesystem case.
virtual void Copy(const FileSystemURL& src_path,
const FileSystemURL& dest_path,
CopyOrMoveOption option,
const CopyProgressCallback& progress_callback,
const StatusCallback& callback) = 0;
// Moves a file or directory from |src_path| to |dest_path|. A new file
// or directory is created at |dest_path| as needed.
// |option| specifies the minor behavior of Copy(). See CopyOrMoveOption's
// comment for details.
// For recursive case this internally creates new FileSystemOperations and
// calls:
// - ReadDirectory, MoveFileLocal, CreateDirectory and Remove
// for same-filesystem case, or
// - ReadDirectory, CreateSnapshotFile and Remove on source filesystem and
// CopyInForeignFile and CreateDirectory on dest filesystem
// for cross-filesystem case.
virtual void Move(const FileSystemURL& src_path,
const FileSystemURL& dest_path,
CopyOrMoveOption option,
const StatusCallback& callback) = 0;
// Checks if a directory is present at |path|.
virtual void DirectoryExists(const FileSystemURL& path,
const StatusCallback& callback) = 0;
// Checks if a file is present at |path|.
virtual void FileExists(const FileSystemURL& path,
const StatusCallback& callback) = 0;
// Gets the metadata of a file or directory at |path|.
virtual void GetMetadata(const FileSystemURL& path,
const GetMetadataCallback& callback) = 0;
// Reads contents of a directory at |path|.
virtual void ReadDirectory(const FileSystemURL& path,
const ReadDirectoryCallback& callback) = 0;
// Removes a file or directory at |path|. If |recursive| is true, remove
// all files and directories under the directory at |path| recursively.
virtual void Remove(const FileSystemURL& path, bool recursive,
const StatusCallback& callback) = 0;
// Writes the data read from |blob_request| using |writer_delegate|.
virtual void Write(
const FileSystemURL& url,
scoped_ptr<FileWriterDelegate> writer_delegate,
scoped_ptr<net::URLRequest> blob_request,
const WriteCallback& callback) = 0;
// Truncates a file at |path| to |length|. If |length| is larger than
// the original file size, the file will be extended, and the extended
// part is filled with null bytes.
virtual void Truncate(const FileSystemURL& path, int64 length,
const StatusCallback& callback) = 0;
// Tries to cancel the current operation [we support cancelling write or
// truncate only]. Reports failure for the current operation, then reports
// success for the cancel operation itself via the |cancel_dispatcher|.
// E.g. a typical cancel implementation would look like:
// virtual void SomeOperationImpl::Cancel(
// const StatusCallback& cancel_callback) {
// // Abort the current inflight operation first.
// ...
// // Dispatch ABORT error for the current operation by invoking
// // the callback function for the ongoing operation,
// operation_callback.Run(base::PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_ABORT, ...);
// // Dispatch 'success' for the cancel (or dispatch appropriate
// // error code with DidFail() if the cancel has somehow failed).
// cancel_callback.Run(base::PLATFORM_FILE_OK);
// }
// Note that, for reporting failure, the callback function passed to a
// cancellable operations are kept around with the operation instance
// (as |operation_callback_| in the code example).
virtual void Cancel(const StatusCallback& cancel_callback) = 0;
// Modifies timestamps of a file or directory at |path| with
// |last_access_time| and |last_modified_time|. The function DOES NOT
// create a file unlike 'touch' command on Linux.
// This function is used only by Pepper as of writing.
virtual void TouchFile(const FileSystemURL& path,
const base::Time& last_access_time,
const base::Time& last_modified_time,
const StatusCallback& callback) = 0;
// Opens a file at |path| with |file_flags|, where flags are OR'ed
// values of base::PlatformFileFlags.
// This function is used only by Pepper as of writing.
virtual void OpenFile(const FileSystemURL& path,
int file_flags,
const OpenFileCallback& callback) = 0;
// Creates a local snapshot file for a given |path| and returns the
// metadata and platform path of the snapshot file via |callback|.
// In local filesystem cases the implementation may simply return
// the metadata of the file itself (as well as GetMetadata does),
// while in remote filesystem case the backend may want to download the file
// into a temporary snapshot file and return the metadata of the
// temporary file. Or if the implementaiton already has the local cache
// data for |path| it can simply return the path to the cache.
virtual void CreateSnapshotFile(const FileSystemURL& path,
const SnapshotFileCallback& callback) = 0;
// Copies in a single file from a different filesystem.
// This returns:
// - PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_NOT_FOUND if |src_file_path|
// or the parent directory of |dest_url| does not exist.
// - PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION if |dest_url| exists and
// is not a file.
// - PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_FAILED if |dest_url| does not exist and
// its parent path is a file.
virtual void CopyInForeignFile(const base::FilePath& src_local_disk_path,
const FileSystemURL& dest_url,
const StatusCallback& callback) = 0;
// Removes a single file.
// This returns:
// - PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_NOT_FOUND if |url| does not exist.
// - PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_NOT_A_FILE if |url| is not a file.
virtual void RemoveFile(const FileSystemURL& url,
const StatusCallback& callback) = 0;
// Removes a single empty directory.
// This returns:
// - PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_NOT_FOUND if |url| does not exist.
// - PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_NOT_A_DIRECTORY if |url| is not a directory.
// - PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_NOT_EMPTY if |url| is not empty.
virtual void RemoveDirectory(const FileSystemURL& url,
const StatusCallback& callback) = 0;
// Copies a file from |src_url| to |dest_url|.
// This must be called for files that belong to the same filesystem
// (i.e. type() and origin() of the |src_url| and |dest_url| must match).
// |option| specifies the minor behavior of Copy(). See CopyOrMoveOption's
// comment for details.
// |progress_callback| is periodically called to report the progress
// update. See also the comment of CopyFileProgressCallback. This callback is
// optional.
// This returns:
// or the parent directory of |dest_url| does not exist.
// - PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_NOT_A_FILE if |src_url| exists but is not a file.
// - PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION if |dest_url| exists and
// is not a file.
// - PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_FAILED if |dest_url| does not exist and
// its parent path is a file.
virtual void CopyFileLocal(const FileSystemURL& src_url,
const FileSystemURL& dest_url,
CopyOrMoveOption option,
const CopyFileProgressCallback& progress_callback,
const StatusCallback& callback) = 0;
// Moves a local file from |src_url| to |dest_url|.
// This must be called for files that belong to the same filesystem
// (i.e. type() and origin() of the |src_url| and |dest_url| must match).
// |option| specifies the minor behavior of Copy(). See CopyOrMoveOption's
// comment for details.
// This returns:
// or the parent directory of |dest_url| does not exist.
// - PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_NOT_A_FILE if |src_url| exists but is not a file.
// - PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION if |dest_url| exists and
// is not a file.
// - PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_FAILED if |dest_url| does not exist and
// its parent path is a file.
virtual void MoveFileLocal(const FileSystemURL& src_url,
const FileSystemURL& dest_url,
CopyOrMoveOption option,
const StatusCallback& callback) = 0;
// Synchronously gets the platform path for the given |url|.
// This may fail if the given |url|'s filesystem type is neither
// temporary nor persistent.
// In such a case, base::PLATFORM_FILE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION will be
// returned.
virtual base::PlatformFileError SyncGetPlatformPath(
const FileSystemURL& url,
base::FilePath* platform_path) = 0;
// Used only for internal assertions.
enum OperationType {
} // namespace fileapi