// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/views/views_export.h"
namespace gfx {
class Rect;
namespace views {
class Widget;
// Observers can listen to various events on the Widgets.
class VIEWS_EXPORT WidgetObserver {
// The closing notification is sent immediately in response to (i.e. in the
// same call stack as) a request to close the Widget (via Close() or
// CloseNow()).
virtual void OnWidgetClosing(Widget* widget) {}
// Invoked after notification is received from the event loop that the native
// widget has been created.
virtual void OnWidgetCreated(Widget* widget) {}
// The destroying event occurs immediately before the widget is destroyed.
// This typically occurs asynchronously with respect the the close request, as
// a result of a later invocation from the event loop.
virtual void OnWidgetDestroying(Widget* widget) {}
// Invoked after notification is received from the event loop that the native
// widget has been destroyed.
virtual void OnWidgetDestroyed(Widget* widget) {}
virtual void OnWidgetVisibilityChanging(Widget* widget, bool visible) {}
virtual void OnWidgetVisibilityChanged(Widget* widget, bool visible) {}
virtual void OnWidgetActivationChanged(Widget* widget, bool active) {}
virtual void OnWidgetBoundsChanged(Widget* widget,
const gfx::Rect& new_bounds) {}
virtual ~WidgetObserver() {}
} // namespace views