// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <windows.h>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/menu/menu.h"
namespace views {
namespace {
class MenuHostWindow;
// Menu class
// A wrapper around a Win32 HMENU handle that provides convenient APIs for
// menu construction, display and subsequent command execution.
class MenuWin : public Menu {
// Construct a Menu using the specified controller to determine command
// state.
// delegate A Menu::Delegate implementation that provides more
// information about the Menu presentation.
// anchor An alignment hint for the popup menu.
// owner The window that the menu is being brought up relative
// to. Not actually used for anything but must not be
// NULL.
MenuWin(Delegate* d, AnchorPoint anchor, HWND owner);
// Alternatively, a Menu object can be constructed wrapping an existing
// HMENU. This can be used to use the convenience methods to insert
// menu items and manage label string ownership. However this kind of
// Menu object cannot use the delegate.
explicit MenuWin(HMENU hmenu);
virtual ~MenuWin();
// Overridden from Menu:
virtual void AddMenuItemWithIcon(int index,
int item_id,
const string16& label,
const gfx::ImageSkia& icon) OVERRIDE;
virtual Menu* AddSubMenuWithIcon(int index,
int item_id,
const string16& label,
const gfx::ImageSkia& icon) OVERRIDE;
virtual void AddSeparator(int index) OVERRIDE;
virtual void EnableMenuItemByID(int item_id, bool enabled) OVERRIDE;
virtual void EnableMenuItemAt(int index, bool enabled) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetMenuLabel(int item_id, const string16& label) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool SetIcon(const gfx::ImageSkia& icon, int item_id) OVERRIDE;
virtual void RunMenuAt(int x, int y) OVERRIDE;
virtual void Cancel() OVERRIDE;
virtual int ItemCount() OVERRIDE;
virtual HMENU GetMenuHandle() const {
return menu_;
// Gets the Win32 TPM alignment flags for the specified AnchorPoint.
DWORD GetTPMAlignFlags() const;
virtual void AddMenuItemInternal(int index,
int item_id,
const string16& label,
const gfx::ImageSkia& icon,
MenuItemType type) OVERRIDE;
friend class MenuHostWindow;
// The data of menu items needed to display.
struct ItemData;
void AddMenuItemInternal(int index,
int item_id,
const string16& label,
const gfx::ImageSkia& icon,
HMENU submenu,
MenuItemType type);
explicit MenuWin(MenuWin* parent);
// Sets menu information before displaying, including sub-menus.
void SetMenuInfo();
// Get all the state flags for the |fState| field of MENUITEMINFO for the
// item with the specified id. |delegate| is consulted if non-NULL about
// the state of the item in preference to |controller_|.
UINT GetStateFlagsForItemID(int item_id) const;
// The Win32 Menu Handle we wrap
HMENU menu_;
// The window that would receive WM_COMMAND messages when the user selects
// an item from the menu.
HWND owner_;
// This list is used to store the default labels for the menu items.
// We may use contextual labels when RunMenu is called, so we must save
// a copy of default ones here.
std::vector<string16> labels_;
// A flag to indicate whether this menu will be drawn by the Menu class.
// If it's true, all the menu items will be owner drawn. Otherwise,
// all the drawing will be done by Windows.
bool owner_draw_;
// This list is to store the string labels and icons to display. It's used
// when owner_draw_ is true. We give MENUITEMINFO pointers to these
// structures to specify what we'd like to draw. If owner_draw_ is false,
// we only give MENUITEMINFO pointers to the labels_.
// The label member of the ItemData structure comes from either labels_ or
// the GetContextualLabel.
std::vector<ItemData*> item_data_;
// Our sub-menus, if any.
std::vector<MenuWin*> submenus_;
// Whether the menu is visible.
bool is_menu_visible_;
} // namespace views