// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/atomicops.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h"
#include "base/threading/thread.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "media/audio/audio_io.h"
#include "media/audio/audio_manager_base.h"
// An AudioInputController controls an AudioInputStream and records data
// from this input stream. The two main methods are Record() and Close() and
// they are both executed on the audio thread which is injected by the two
// alternative factory methods, Create() or CreateLowLatency().
// All public methods of AudioInputController are non-blocking.
// Here is a state diagram for the AudioInputController:
// .--> [ Closed / Error ] <--.
// | |
// | |
// [ Created ] ----------> [ Recording ]
// ^
// |
// *[ Empty ]
// * Initial state
// State sequences (assuming low-latency):
// [Creating Thread] [Audio Thread]
// User AudioInputController EventHandler
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// CrateLowLatency() ==> DoCreate()
// AudioManager::MakeAudioInputStream()
// AudioInputStream::Open()
// .- - - - - - - - - - - - -> OnError()
// create the data timer
// .-------------------------> OnCreated()
// kCreated
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// Record() ==> DoRecord()
// AudioInputStream::Start()
// .-------------------------> OnRecording()
// start the data timer
// kRecording
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// Close() ==> DoClose()
// delete the data timer
// state_ = kClosed
// AudioInputStream::Stop()
// AudioInputStream::Close()
// SyncWriter::Close()
// Closure::Run() <-----------------.
// (closure-task)
// The audio thread itself is owned by the AudioManager that the
// AudioInputController holds a reference to. When performing tasks on the
// audio thread, the controller must not add or release references to the
// AudioManager or itself (since it in turn holds a reference to the manager).
namespace media {
class UserInputMonitor;
class MEDIA_EXPORT AudioInputController
: public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<AudioInputController>,
public AudioInputStream::AudioInputCallback {
// An event handler that receives events from the AudioInputController. The
// following methods are all called on the audio thread.
class MEDIA_EXPORT EventHandler {
virtual void OnCreated(AudioInputController* controller) = 0;
virtual void OnRecording(AudioInputController* controller) = 0;
virtual void OnError(AudioInputController* controller) = 0;
virtual void OnData(AudioInputController* controller, const uint8* data,
uint32 size) = 0;
virtual ~EventHandler() {}
// A synchronous writer interface used by AudioInputController for
// synchronous writing.
class SyncWriter {
virtual ~SyncWriter() {}
// Notify the synchronous writer about the number of bytes in the
// soundcard which has been recorded.
virtual void UpdateRecordedBytes(uint32 bytes) = 0;
// Write certain amount of data from |data|. This method returns
// number of written bytes.
virtual uint32 Write(const void* data,
uint32 size,
double volume,
bool key_pressed) = 0;
// Close this synchronous writer.
virtual void Close() = 0;
// AudioInputController::Create() can use the currently registered Factory
// to create the AudioInputController. Factory is intended for testing only.
// |user_input_monitor| is used for typing detection and can be NULL.
class Factory {
virtual AudioInputController* Create(
AudioManager* audio_manager,
EventHandler* event_handler,
AudioParameters params,
UserInputMonitor* user_input_monitor) = 0;
virtual ~Factory() {}
// Factory method for creating an AudioInputController.
// The audio device will be created on the audio thread, and when that is
// done, the event handler will receive an OnCreated() call from that same
// thread. |device_id| is the unique ID of the audio device to be opened.
// |user_input_monitor| is used for typing detection and can be NULL.
static scoped_refptr<AudioInputController> Create(
AudioManager* audio_manager,
EventHandler* event_handler,
const AudioParameters& params,
const std::string& device_id,
UserInputMonitor* user_input_monitor);
// Sets the factory used by the static method Create(). AudioInputController
// does not take ownership of |factory|. A value of NULL results in an
// AudioInputController being created directly.
static void set_factory_for_testing(Factory* factory) { factory_ = factory; }
AudioInputStream* stream_for_testing() { return stream_; }
// Factory method for creating an AudioInputController for low-latency mode.
// The audio device will be created on the audio thread, and when that is
// done, the event handler will receive an OnCreated() call from that same
// thread. |user_input_monitor| is used for typing detection and can be NULL.
static scoped_refptr<AudioInputController> CreateLowLatency(
AudioManager* audio_manager,
EventHandler* event_handler,
const AudioParameters& params,
const std::string& device_id,
// External synchronous writer for audio controller.
SyncWriter* sync_writer,
UserInputMonitor* user_input_monitor);
// Factory method for creating an AudioInputController for low-latency mode,
// taking ownership of |stream|. The stream will be opened on the audio
// thread, and when that is done, the event handler will receive an
// OnCreated() call from that same thread. |user_input_monitor| is used for
// typing detection and can be NULL.
static scoped_refptr<AudioInputController> CreateForStream(
const scoped_refptr<base::MessageLoopProxy>& message_loop,
EventHandler* event_handler,
AudioInputStream* stream,
// External synchronous writer for audio controller.
SyncWriter* sync_writer,
UserInputMonitor* user_input_monitor);
// Starts recording using the created audio input stream.
// This method is called on the creator thread.
virtual void Record();
// Closes the audio input stream. The state is changed and the resources
// are freed on the audio thread. |closed_task| is then executed on the thread
// that called Close().
// Callbacks (EventHandler and SyncWriter) must exist until |closed_task|
// is called.
// It is safe to call this method more than once. Calls after the first one
// will have no effect.
// This method trampolines to the audio thread.
virtual void Close(const base::Closure& closed_task);
// Sets the capture volume of the input stream. The value 0.0 corresponds
// to muted and 1.0 to maximum volume.
virtual void SetVolume(double volume);
// Sets the Automatic Gain Control (AGC) state of the input stream.
// Changing the AGC state is not supported while recording is active.
virtual void SetAutomaticGainControl(bool enabled);
// AudioInputCallback implementation. Threading details depends on the
// device-specific implementation.
virtual void OnData(AudioInputStream* stream, const uint8* src, uint32 size,
uint32 hardware_delay_bytes, double volume) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnClose(AudioInputStream* stream) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnError(AudioInputStream* stream) OVERRIDE;
bool LowLatencyMode() const { return sync_writer_ != NULL; }
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<AudioInputController>;
// Internal state of the source.
enum State {
AudioInputController(EventHandler* handler,
SyncWriter* sync_writer,
UserInputMonitor* user_input_monitor);
virtual ~AudioInputController();
// Methods called on the audio thread (owned by the AudioManager).
void DoCreate(AudioManager* audio_manager, const AudioParameters& params,
const std::string& device_id);
void DoCreateForStream(AudioInputStream* stream_to_control,
bool enable_nodata_timer);
void DoRecord();
void DoClose();
void DoReportError();
void DoSetVolume(double volume);
void DoSetAutomaticGainControl(bool enabled);
// Method which ensures that OnError() is triggered when data recording
// times out. Called on the audio thread.
void DoCheckForNoData();
// Helper method that stops, closes, and NULL:s |*stream_|.
// Signals event when done if the event is not NULL.
void DoStopCloseAndClearStream(base::WaitableEvent* done);
void SetDataIsActive(bool enabled);
bool GetDataIsActive();
// Gives access to the message loop of the creating thread.
scoped_refptr<base::MessageLoopProxy> creator_loop_;
// The message loop of audio-manager thread that this object runs on.
scoped_refptr<base::MessageLoopProxy> message_loop_;
// Contains the AudioInputController::EventHandler which receives state
// notifications from this class.
EventHandler* handler_;
// Pointer to the audio input stream object.
AudioInputStream* stream_;
// |no_data_timer_| is used to call OnError() when we stop receiving
// OnData() calls without an OnClose() call. This can occur
// when an audio input device is unplugged whilst recording on Windows.
// See http://crbug.com/79936 for details.
// This member is only touched by the audio thread.
scoped_ptr<base::Timer> no_data_timer_;
// This flag is used to signal that we are receiving OnData() calls, i.e,
// that data is active. It can be touched by the audio thread and by the
// low-level audio thread which calls OnData(). E.g. on Windows, the
// low-level audio thread is called wasapi_capture_thread.
base::subtle::Atomic32 data_is_active_;
// |state_| is written on the audio thread and is read on the hardware audio
// thread. These operations need to be locked. But lock is not required for
// reading on the audio input controller thread.
State state_;
base::Lock lock_;
// SyncWriter is used only in low-latency mode for synchronous writing.
SyncWriter* sync_writer_;
static Factory* factory_;
double max_volume_;
UserInputMonitor* user_input_monitor_;
size_t prev_key_down_count_;
} // namespace media