// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
#import "base/basictypes.h"
// This is really a WebPluginDelegateImpl, but that class is private to the
// framework, and these functions are called from a dylib.
typedef void* OpaquePluginRef;
namespace mac_plugin_interposing {
// Swizzles methods we need to watch in order to manage process and window
// focus correctly.
void SetUpCocoaInterposing();
// Brings the plugin process to the front so that the user can see its windows.
void SwitchToPluginProcess();
// Returns the delegate currently processing events.
OpaquePluginRef GetActiveDelegate();
// Sends a message to the browser process to inform it that the given window
// has been brought forward.
void NotifyBrowserOfPluginSelectWindow(uint32 window_id, CGRect bounds,
bool modal);
// Sends a message to the browser process to inform it that the given window
// has been shown.
void NotifyBrowserOfPluginShowWindow(uint32 window_id, CGRect bounds,
bool modal);
// Sends a message to the browser process to inform it that the given window
// has been hidden, and switches focus back to the browser process if there are
// no remaining plugin windows.
void NotifyBrowserOfPluginHideWindow(uint32 window_id, CGRect bounds);
} // namespace MacPluginInterpose