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// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#pragma once

#include "chrome/browser/web_resource/web_resource_service.h"

namespace PromoResourceServiceUtil {

// Certain promotions should only be shown to certain classes of users. This
// function will change to reflect each kind of promotion.
bool CanShowPromo(Profile* profile);

}  // namespace PromoResourceServiceUtil

class PrefService;

// A PromoResourceService fetches data from a web resource server to be used to
// dynamically change the appearance of the New Tab Page. For example, it has
// been used to fetch "tips" to be displayed on the NTP, or to display
// promotional messages to certain groups of Chrome users.
// TODO(mirandac): Arrange for a server to be set up specifically for promo
// messages, which have until now been piggybacked onto the old tips server
// structure. (see http://crbug.com/70634 for details.)
class PromoResourceService
    : public WebResourceService {
  static bool IsBuildTargeted(const std::string& channel, int builds_targeted);

  static void RegisterPrefs(PrefService* local_state);

  static void RegisterUserPrefs(PrefService* prefs);

  explicit PromoResourceService(Profile* profile);

  // Default server of dynamically loaded NTP HTML elements.
  static const char* kDefaultPromoResourceServer;

  FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(PromoResourceServiceTest, UnpackLogoSignal);
  FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(PromoResourceServiceTest, UnpackPromoSignal);
  FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(PromoResourceServiceTest, UnpackWebStoreSignal);

  // Identifies types of Chrome builds for promo targeting.
  enum BuildType {
    NO_BUILD = 0,
    DEV_BUILD = 1,
    BETA_BUILD = 1 << 1,
    STABLE_BUILD = 1 << 2,
    CANARY_BUILD = 1 << 3,

  virtual ~PromoResourceService();

  int GetPromoServiceVersion();

  // Gets the locale of the last promos fetched from the server. This is saved
  // so we can fetch new data if the locale changes.
  std::string GetPromoLocale();

  void Init();

  // Returns true if |builds_targeted| includes the release channel Chrome
  // belongs to. For testing purposes, you can override the current channel
  // with set_channel.
  bool IsThisBuildTargeted(int builds_targeted);

  // Schedule a notification that a web resource is either going to become
  // available or be no longer valid.
  void ScheduleNotification(double ms_start_time, double ms_end_time);

  // Schedules the initial notification for when the web resource is going
  // to become available or no longer valid. This performs a few additional
  // checks than ScheduleNotification, namely it schedules updates immediately
  // if the promo service or Chrome locale has changed.
  void ScheduleNotificationOnInit();

  // Overrides the current Chrome release channel for testing purposes.
  void set_channel(const char* channel) { channel_ = channel; }

  virtual void Unpack(const DictionaryValue& parsed_json);

  // Unpack the web resource as a custom promo signal. Expects a start and end
  // signal, with the promo to be shown in the tooltip of the start signal
  // field. Delivery will be in json in the form of:
  // {
  //   "topic": {
  //     "answers": [
  //       {
  //         "answer_id": "1067976",
  //         "name": "promo_start",
  //         "question": "1:24",
  //         "tooltip":
  //       "Click \u003ca href=http://www.google.com\u003ehere\u003c/a\u003e!",
  //         "inproduct": "10/8/09 12:00",
  //         "inproduct_target": null
  //       },
  //       {
  //         "answer_id": "1067976",
  //         "name": "promo_end",
  //         "question": "",
  //         "tooltip": "",
  //         "inproduct": "10/8/11 12:00",
  //         "inproduct_target": null
  //       },
  //       ...
  //     ]
  //   }
  // }
  // Because the promo signal data is piggybacked onto the tip server, the
  // values don't exactly correspond with the field names:
  // For "promo_start" or "promo_end", the date to start or stop showing the
  // promotional line is given by the "inproduct" line.
  // For "promo_start", the promotional line itself is given in the "tooltip"
  // field. The "question" field gives the type of builds that should be shown
  // this promo (see the BuildType enum in web_resource_service.cc) and the
  // number of hours that each promo group should see it, separated by ":".
  // For example, "7:24" would indicate that all builds should see the promo,
  // and each group should see it for 24 hours.
  void UnpackPromoSignal(const DictionaryValue& parsed_json);

  // Unpack the promo resource as a custom logo signal. Expects a start and end
  // signal. Delivery will be in json in the form of:
  // {
  //   "topic": {
  //     "answers": [
  //       {
  //         "answer_id": "107366",
  //         "name": "custom_logo_start",
  //         "question": "",
  //         "tooltip": "",
  //         "inproduct": "10/8/09 12:00",
  //         "inproduct_target": null
  //       },
  //       {
  //         "answer_id": "107366",
  //         "name": "custom_logo_end",
  //         "question": "",
  //         "tooltip": "",
  //         "inproduct": "10/8/09 12:00",
  //         "inproduct_target": null
  //       },
  //       ...
  //     ]
  //   }
  // }
  void UnpackLogoSignal(const DictionaryValue& parsed_json);

  // Unpack the web store promo. Expects JSON delivery in the following format:
  // {
  //   "topic": {
  //     "answers": [
  //       {
  //         "answer_id": "1143011",
  //         "name": "webstore_promo:15",
  //         "question": "Browse thousands of apps and games for Chrome.",
  //         "inproduct_target": "Visit the Chrome Web Store",
  //         "inproduct": "https://chrome.google.com/webstore?hl=en",
  //         "tooltip": "No thanks, hide this"
  //       },
  //       ...
  //     ]
  //   }
  // }
  // The properties are defined as follows:
  //   inproduct: the release channels targeted (bitwise or of BuildTypes)
  //   question: the promo header text
  //   inproduct_target: the promo button text
  //   inproduct: the promo button link
  //   tooltip: the text for the "hide this" link on the promo
  //   name: starts with "webstore_promo" to identify the signal. the second
  //         part contains the release channels targeted (bitwise or of
  //         BuildTypes)
  //   answer_id: the promo's id
  void UnpackWebStoreSignal(const DictionaryValue& parsed_json);

  // Gets mutable dictionary attached to user's preferences, so that we
  // can write resource data back to user's pref file.
  DictionaryValue* web_resource_cache_;

  // Overrides the current Chrome release channel for testing purposes.
  const char* channel_;
