// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/infobars/infobar_controller.h"
#import "base/mac/cocoa_protocols.h"
#import "base/memory/scoped_nsobject.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/browser/translate/languages_menu_model.h"
#include "chrome/browser/translate/options_menu_model.h"
#include "chrome/browser/translate/translate_infobar_delegate.h"
#include "chrome/common/translate_errors.h"
class TranslateInfoBarMenuModel;
#pragma mark TranslateInfoBarUtilities helper functions.
namespace TranslateInfoBarUtilities {
// Move the |toMove| view |spacing| pixels before/after the |anchor| view.
// |after| signifies the side of |anchor| on which to place |toMove|.
void MoveControl(NSView* anchor, NSView* toMove, int spacing, bool after);
// Vertically center |toMove| in its container.
void VerticallyCenterView(NSView *toMove);
// Check that the control |before| is ordered visually before the |after|
// control.
// Also, check that there is space between them.
bool VerifyControlOrderAndSpacing(id before, id after);
// Creates a label control in the style we need for the translate infobar's
// labels within |bounds|.
NSTextField* CreateLabel(NSRect bounds);
// Adds an item with the specified properties to |menu|.
void AddMenuItem(NSMenu *menu, id target, SEL selector, NSString* title,
int tag, bool enabled, bool checked);
} // namespace
// The base class for the three translate infobars. This class does all of the
// heavy UI lifting, while deferring to the subclass to tell it what views
// should be shown and where. Subclasses need to implement:
// - (void)layout;
// - (void)loadLabelText;
// - (void)visibleControls;
// - (bool)verifyLayout; // For testing.
@interface TranslateInfoBarControllerBase : InfoBarController<NSMenuDelegate> {
scoped_nsobject<NSTextField> label1_;
scoped_nsobject<NSTextField> label2_;
scoped_nsobject<NSTextField> label3_;
scoped_nsobject<NSPopUpButton> fromLanguagePopUp_;
scoped_nsobject<NSPopUpButton> toLanguagePopUp_;
scoped_nsobject<NSPopUpButton> optionsPopUp_;
scoped_nsobject<NSButton> showOriginalButton_;
// This is the button used in the translate message infobar. It can either be
// a "Try Again" button, or a "Show Original" button in the case that the
// page was translated from an unknown language.
scoped_nsobject<NSButton> translateMessageButton_;
// In the current locale, are the "from" and "to" language popup menu
// flipped from what they'd appear in English.
bool swappedLanguagePlaceholders_;
// Space between controls in pixels - read from the NIB.
CGFloat spaceBetweenControls_;
scoped_ptr<LanguagesMenuModel> originalLanguageMenuModel_;
scoped_ptr<LanguagesMenuModel> targetLanguageMenuModel_;
scoped_ptr<OptionsMenuModel> optionsMenuModel_;
// Returns the delegate as a TranslateInfoBarDelegate.
- (TranslateInfoBarDelegate*)delegate;
// Called when the "Show Original" button is pressed.
- (IBAction)showOriginal:(id)sender;
@interface TranslateInfoBarControllerBase (ProtectedAPI)
// Resizes or hides the options button based on how much space is available
// so that it doesn't overlap other buttons.
// lastView is the rightmost view, the first one that the options button
// would overlap with.
- (void)adjustOptionsButtonSizeAndVisibilityForView:(NSView*)lastView;
// Move all the currently visible views into the correct place for the
// current mode.
// Must be implemented by the subclass.
- (void)layout;
// Loads the text for the 3 labels. There is only one message, but since
// it has controls separating parts of it, it is separated into 3 separate
// labels.
// Must be implemented by the subclass.
- (void)loadLabelText;
// Returns the controls that are visible in the subclasses infobar. The
// default implementation returns an empty array. The controls should
// be returned in the order they are displayed, otherwise the layout test
// will fail.
// Must be implemented by the subclass.
- (NSArray*)visibleControls;
// Shows the array of controls provided by the subclass.
- (void)showVisibleControls:(NSArray*)visibleControls;
// Hides the OK and Cancel buttons.
- (void)removeOkCancelButtons;
// Called when the source or target language selection changes in a menu.
// |newLanguageIdx| is the index of the newly selected item in the appropriate
// menu.
- (void)sourceLanguageModified:(NSInteger)newLanguageIdx;
- (void)targetLanguageModified:(NSInteger)newLanguageIdx;
// Called when an item in one of the toolbar's language or options
// menus is selected.
- (void)languageMenuChanged:(id)item;
- (void)optionsMenuChanged:(id)item;
// Teardown and rebuild the options menu. When the infobar is small, the
// options menu is shrunk to just a drop down arrow, so the title needs
// to be empty.
- (void)rebuildOptionsMenu:(BOOL)hideTitle;
// Whether or not this infobar should show the options popup.
- (BOOL)shouldShowOptionsPopUp;
@end // TranslateInfoBarControllerBase (ProtectedAPI)
#pragma mark TestingAPI
@interface TranslateInfoBarControllerBase (TestingAPI)
// All the controls used in any of the translate states.
// This is used for verifying layout and for setting the
// correct styles on each button.
- (NSArray*)allControls;
// Verifies that the layout of the infobar is correct.
// Must be implmented by the subclass.
- (bool)verifyLayout;
// Returns the underlying options menu.
- (NSMenu*)optionsMenu;
// Returns |translateMessageButton_|, see declaration of member
// variable for a full description.
- (NSButton*)translateMessageButton;
@end // TranslateInfoBarControllerBase (TestingAPI)