// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
// You should think twice every single time you use anything from this
// namespace.
namespace ObjcEvilDoers {
// Enable zombie object debugging. This implements a variant of Apple's
// NSZombieEnabled which can help expose use-after-free errors where messages
// are sent to freed Objective-C objects in production builds.
// Returns NO if it fails to enable.
// When |zombieAllObjects| is YES, all objects inheriting from
// NSObject become zombies on -dealloc. If NO, -shouldBecomeCrZombie
// is queried to determine whether to make the object a zombie.
// |zombieCount| controls how many zombies to store before freeing the
// oldest. Set to 0 to free objects immediately after making them
// zombies.
BOOL ZombieEnable(BOOL zombieAllObjects, size_t zombieCount);
// Disable zombies.
void ZombieDisable();
} // namespace ObjcEvilDoers
@interface NSObject (CrZombie)
- (BOOL)shouldBecomeCrZombie;