// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/prefs/proxy_config_dictionary.h"
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/values.h"
namespace {
// Integer to specify the type of proxy settings.
// See ProxyPrefs for possible values and interactions with the other proxy
// preferences.
const char kProxyMode[] = "mode";
// String specifying the proxy server. For a specification of the expected
// syntax see net::ProxyConfig::ProxyRules::ParseFromString().
const char kProxyServer[] = "server";
// URL to the proxy .pac file.
const char kProxyPacUrl[] = "pac_url";
// String containing proxy bypass rules. For a specification of the
// expected syntax see net::ProxyBypassRules::ParseFromString().
const char kProxyBypassList[] = "bypass_list";
} // namespace
ProxyConfigDictionary::ProxyConfigDictionary(const DictionaryValue* dict)
: dict_(dict->DeepCopy()) {
ProxyConfigDictionary::~ProxyConfigDictionary() {}
bool ProxyConfigDictionary::GetMode(ProxyPrefs::ProxyMode* out) const {
std::string mode_str;
return dict_->GetString(kProxyMode, &mode_str)
&& StringToProxyMode(mode_str, out);
bool ProxyConfigDictionary::GetPacUrl(std::string* out) const {
return dict_->GetString(kProxyPacUrl, out);
bool ProxyConfigDictionary::GetProxyServer(std::string* out) const {
return dict_->GetString(kProxyServer, out);
bool ProxyConfigDictionary::GetBypassList(std::string* out) const {
return dict_->GetString(kProxyBypassList, out);
bool ProxyConfigDictionary::HasBypassList() const {
return dict_->HasKey(kProxyBypassList);
// static
DictionaryValue* ProxyConfigDictionary::CreateDirect() {
return CreateDictionary(ProxyPrefs::MODE_DIRECT, "", "", "");
// static
DictionaryValue* ProxyConfigDictionary::CreateAutoDetect() {
return CreateDictionary(ProxyPrefs::MODE_AUTO_DETECT, "", "", "");
// static
DictionaryValue* ProxyConfigDictionary::CreatePacScript(
const std::string& pac_url) {
return CreateDictionary(ProxyPrefs::MODE_PAC_SCRIPT, pac_url, "", "");
// static
DictionaryValue* ProxyConfigDictionary::CreateFixedServers(
const std::string& proxy_server,
const std::string& bypass_list) {
if (!proxy_server.empty()) {
return CreateDictionary(
ProxyPrefs::MODE_FIXED_SERVERS, "", proxy_server, bypass_list);
} else {
return CreateDirect();
// static
DictionaryValue* ProxyConfigDictionary::CreateSystem() {
return CreateDictionary(ProxyPrefs::MODE_SYSTEM, "", "", "");
// static
DictionaryValue* ProxyConfigDictionary::CreateDictionary(
ProxyPrefs::ProxyMode mode,
const std::string& pac_url,
const std::string& proxy_server,
const std::string& bypass_list) {
DictionaryValue* dict = new DictionaryValue();
dict->SetString(kProxyMode, ProxyModeToString(mode));
if (!pac_url.empty())
dict->SetString(kProxyPacUrl, pac_url);
if (!proxy_server.empty())
dict->SetString(kProxyServer, proxy_server);
if (!bypass_list.empty())
dict->SetString(kProxyBypassList, bypass_list);
return dict;