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// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#pragma once

#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "chrome/browser/policy/configuration_policy_provider.h"

class Profile;

namespace policy {

class CloudPolicySubsystem;
class UserPolicyIdentityStrategy;

// This class is a container for the profile-specific policy bits located in the
// profile. Since the subsystem owns the policy provider, it's vital that it
// gets initialized before the profile's prefs and destroyed after the prefs
// are gone.
class ProfilePolicyConnector {
  explicit ProfilePolicyConnector(Profile* profile);

  // Initializes the context. Should be called only after the profile's request
  // context is up.
  void Initialize();

  // Shuts the context down. This must be called before the networking
  // infrastructure in the profile goes away.
  void Shutdown();

  ConfigurationPolicyProvider* GetManagedCloudProvider();
  ConfigurationPolicyProvider* GetRecommendedCloudProvider();

  Profile* profile_;

  scoped_ptr<UserPolicyIdentityStrategy> identity_strategy_;
  scoped_ptr<CloudPolicySubsystem> cloud_policy_subsystem_;

  scoped_ptr<ConfigurationPolicyProvider> managed_cloud_provider_;
  scoped_ptr<ConfigurationPolicyProvider> recommended_cloud_provider_;


// A wrapper for the ProfilePolicyConnector's cloud providers.
// Some well-known policies that are not provided by the
// |profile_policy_provider_| are instead provided by the
// |browser_policy_provider_|, thus merging device policies into
// profile policies.
// Currently used to pass the device proxy settings into the profile
// preferences.
class MergingPolicyProvider: public ConfigurationPolicyProvider,
                             public ConfigurationPolicyProvider::Observer {
  MergingPolicyProvider(ConfigurationPolicyProvider* browser_policy_provider,
                        ConfigurationPolicyProvider* profile_policy_provider);
  virtual ~MergingPolicyProvider();

  // ConfigurationPolicyProvider methods:
  virtual bool Provide(ConfigurationPolicyStoreInterface* store) OVERRIDE;
  virtual void AddObserver(
      ConfigurationPolicyProvider::Observer* observer) OVERRIDE;
  virtual void RemoveObserver(
      ConfigurationPolicyProvider::Observer* observer) OVERRIDE;

  // ConfigurationPolicyProvider::Observer methods:
  virtual void OnUpdatePolicy() OVERRIDE;
  virtual void OnProviderGoingAway() OVERRIDE;

  ConfigurationPolicyProvider* browser_policy_provider_;
  ConfigurationPolicyProvider* profile_policy_provider_;
  scoped_ptr<ConfigurationPolicyObserverRegistrar> browser_registrar_;
  scoped_ptr<ConfigurationPolicyObserverRegistrar> profile_registrar_;
  ObserverList<ConfigurationPolicyProvider::Observer, true> observer_list_;


}  // namespace policy