// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/browser/browser_process_sub_thread.h"
#include "chrome/browser/prefs/pref_member.h"
#include "chrome/common/net/predictor_common.h"
#include "net/base/network_change_notifier.h"
class ChromeNetLog;
class ChromeURLRequestContextGetter;
class ExtensionEventRouterForwarder;
class ListValue;
class PrefProxyConfigTracker;
class PrefService;
class SystemURLRequestContextGetter;
namespace chrome_browser_net {
class ConnectInterceptor;
class Predictor;
} // namespace chrome_browser_net
namespace net {
class CertVerifier;
class DnsRRResolver;
class FtpTransactionFactory;
class HostResolver;
class HttpAuthHandlerFactory;
class HttpTransactionFactory;
class NetworkDelegate;
class ProxyConfigService;
class ProxyScriptFetcher;
class ProxyService;
class SSLConfigService;
class URLRequestContext;
class URLRequestContextGetter;
class URLSecurityManager;
} // namespace net
class IOThread : public BrowserProcessSubThread {
struct Globals {
// The "system" NetworkDelegate, used for Profile-agnostic network events.
scoped_ptr<net::NetworkDelegate> system_network_delegate;
scoped_ptr<net::HostResolver> host_resolver;
scoped_ptr<net::CertVerifier> cert_verifier;
scoped_ptr<net::DnsRRResolver> dnsrr_resolver;
scoped_refptr<net::SSLConfigService> ssl_config_service;
scoped_ptr<net::HttpAuthHandlerFactory> http_auth_handler_factory;
scoped_refptr<net::ProxyService> proxy_script_fetcher_proxy_service;
scoped_ptr<net::URLSecurityManager> url_security_manager;
scoped_refptr<net::URLRequestContext> proxy_script_fetcher_context;
scoped_ptr<net::HttpTransactionFactory> system_http_transaction_factory;
scoped_ptr<net::FtpTransactionFactory> system_ftp_transaction_factory;
scoped_refptr<net::ProxyService> system_proxy_service;
// NOTE(willchan): This request context is unusable until a system
// SSLConfigService is provided that doesn't rely on
// Profiles. Do NOT use this yet.
scoped_refptr<net::URLRequestContext> system_request_context;
// |net_log| must either outlive the IOThread or be NULL.
IOThread(PrefService* local_state,
ChromeNetLog* net_log,
ExtensionEventRouterForwarder* extension_event_router_forwarder);
virtual ~IOThread();
// Can only be called on the IO thread.
Globals* globals();
ChromeNetLog* net_log();
// Initializes the network predictor, which induces DNS pre-resolution and/or
// TCP/IP preconnections. |prefetching_enabled| indicates whether or not DNS
// prefetching should be enabled, and |preconnect_enabled| controls whether
// TCP/IP preconnection is enabled. This should be called by the UI thread.
// It will post a task to the IO thread to perform the actual initialization.
void InitNetworkPredictor(bool prefetching_enabled,
base::TimeDelta max_dns_queue_delay,
size_t max_speculative_parallel_resolves,
const chrome_common_net::UrlList& startup_urls,
ListValue* referral_list,
bool preconnect_enabled);
// Registers |url_request_context_getter| into the IO thread. During
// IOThread::CleanUp(), IOThread will iterate through known getters and
// release their URLRequestContexts. Only called on the IO thread. It does
// not acquire a refcount for |url_request_context_getter|. If
// |url_request_context_getter| is being deleted before IOThread::CleanUp() is
// invoked, then this needs to be balanced with a call to
// UnregisterURLRequestContextGetter().
void RegisterURLRequestContextGetter(
ChromeURLRequestContextGetter* url_request_context_getter);
// Unregisters |url_request_context_getter| from the IO thread. Only called
// on the IO thread.
void UnregisterURLRequestContextGetter(
ChromeURLRequestContextGetter* url_request_context_getter);
// Handles changing to On The Record mode, discarding confidential data.
void ChangedToOnTheRecord();
// Returns a getter for the URLRequestContext. Only called on the UI thread.
net::URLRequestContextGetter* system_url_request_context_getter();
// Clear all network stack history, including the host cache, as well as
// speculative data about subresources of visited sites, and startup-time
// navigations.
void ClearNetworkingHistory();
virtual void Init();
virtual void CleanUp();
// Provide SystemURLRequestContextGetter with access to
// InitSystemRequestContext().
friend class SystemURLRequestContextGetter;
static void RegisterPrefs(PrefService* local_state);
net::HttpAuthHandlerFactory* CreateDefaultAuthHandlerFactory(
net::HostResolver* resolver);
// Lazy initialization of system request context for
// SystemURLRequestContextGetter. To be called on IO thread.
void InitSystemRequestContext();
void InitNetworkPredictorOnIOThread(
bool prefetching_enabled,
base::TimeDelta max_dns_queue_delay,
size_t max_speculative_parallel_resolves,
const chrome_common_net::UrlList& startup_urls,
ListValue* referral_list,
bool preconnect_enabled);
void ChangedToOnTheRecordOnIOThread();
// Clears the host cache. Intended to be used to prevent exposing recently
// visited sites on about:net-internals/#dns and about:dns pages. Must be
// called on the IO thread.
void ClearHostCache();
// The NetLog is owned by the browser process, to allow logging from other
// threads during shutdown, but is used most frequently on the IOThread.
ChromeNetLog* net_log_;
// The ExtensionEventRouterForwarder allows for sending events to extensions
// from the IOThread.
ExtensionEventRouterForwarder* extension_event_router_forwarder_;
// These member variables are basically global, but their lifetimes are tied
// to the IOThread. IOThread owns them all, despite not using scoped_ptr.
// This is because the destructor of IOThread runs on the wrong thread. All
// member variables should be deleted in CleanUp().
// These member variables are initialized in Init() and do not change for the
// lifetime of the IO thread.
Globals* globals_;
// Observer that logs network changes to the ChromeNetLog.
BooleanPrefMember system_enable_referrers_;
// Store HTTP Auth-related policies in this thread.
std::string auth_schemes_;
bool negotiate_disable_cname_lookup_;
bool negotiate_enable_port_;
std::string auth_server_whitelist_;
std::string auth_delegate_whitelist_;
std::string gssapi_library_name_;
// These member variables are initialized by a task posted to the IO thread,
// which gets posted by calling certain member functions of IOThread.
// Note: we user explicit pointers rather than smart pointers to be more
// explicit about destruction order, and ensure that there is no chance that
// these observers would be used accidentally after we have begun to tear
// down.
chrome_browser_net::ConnectInterceptor* speculative_interceptor_;
chrome_browser_net::Predictor* predictor_;
scoped_ptr<net::ProxyConfigService> system_proxy_config_service_;
scoped_refptr<PrefProxyConfigTracker> pref_proxy_config_tracker_;
// Keeps track of all live ChromeURLRequestContextGetters, so the
// ChromeURLRequestContexts can be released during
// IOThread::CleanUp().
std::list<ChromeURLRequestContextGetter*> url_request_context_getters_;