// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <map>
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_id.h"
class InstantLoader;
class InstantLoaderDelegate;
// InstantLoaderManager is responsible for maintaining the InstantLoaders for
// InstantController. InstantLoaderManager keeps track of one loader for loading
// non-instant urls, and a loader per TemplateURLID for loading instant urls. A
// loader per TemplateURLID is necessitated due to not knowing in advance if a
// site really supports instant (for example, the user might have opted out even
// though it's supported).
// Users of InstantLoaderManager need only concern themselves with the current
// and pending loaders. The current loader is the loader that if ready is shown
// by InstantController. The pending loader is used if the current loader is
// ready and update is invoked with a different id. In this case the current
// loader is left as current (and it's preview contents stopped) and the newly
// created loader is set to pending. Once the pending loader is ready
// MakePendingCurrent should be invoked to make the pending the current loader.
// InstantLoader owns all the InstantLoaders returned. You can take
// ownership of the current loader by invoking ReleaseCurrentLoader.
class InstantLoaderManager {
explicit InstantLoaderManager(InstantLoaderDelegate* loader_delegate);
// Updates the current loader. If the current loader is replaced and should be
// deleted it is set in |old_loader|. This is done to allow the caller to
// notify delegates before the old loader is destroyed. This returns the
// active InstantLoader that should be used.
InstantLoader* UpdateLoader(TemplateURLID instant_id,
scoped_ptr<InstantLoader>* old_loader);
// Returns true if invoking |UpdateLoader| with |instant_id| would change the
// active loader.
bool WillUpateChangeActiveLoader(TemplateURLID instant_id);
// Makes the pending loader the current loader. If ownership of the old
// loader is to pass to the caller |old_loader| is set appropriately.
void MakePendingCurrent(scoped_ptr<InstantLoader>* old_loader);
// Returns the current loader and clears internal references to it. This
// should be used prior to destroying the InstantLoaderManager when the owner
// of InstantLoaderManager wants to take ownership of the loader.
InstantLoader* ReleaseCurrentLoader();
// Destroys the specified loader.
void DestroyLoader(InstantLoader* loader);
// Removes references to loader.
InstantLoader* ReleaseLoader(InstantLoader* loader);
// If |loader| is in |instant_loaders_| it is removed.
void RemoveLoaderFromInstant(InstantLoader* loader);
// Returns the current loader, may be null.
InstantLoader* current_loader() const { return current_loader_; }
// Returns the pending loader, may be null.
InstantLoader* pending_loader() const { return pending_loader_; }
// The active loader is the loader that should be used for new loads. It is
// either the pending loader or the current loader.
InstantLoader* active_loader() const {
return pending_loader_ ? pending_loader_ : current_loader_;
// Returns the number of instant loaders.
// This is exposed for tests.
size_t num_instant_loaders() const { return instant_loaders_.size(); }
typedef std::map<TemplateURLID, InstantLoader*> Loaders;
// Creates a loader and if |id| is non-zero registers it in instant_loaders_.
InstantLoader* CreateLoader(TemplateURLID id);
// Returns the loader for loading instant results with the specified id. If
// there is no loader for the specified id a new one is created.
InstantLoader* GetInstantLoader(TemplateURLID id);
InstantLoaderDelegate* loader_delegate_;
// The current loader.
InstantLoader* current_loader_;
// Loader we want to use as soon as ready. This is only non-null if
// current_loader_ is ready and Update is invoked with a different template
// url id.
InstantLoader* pending_loader_;
// Maps for template url id to loader used for that template url id.
Loaders instant_loaders_;