// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include "app/sql/connection.h"
#include "app/sql/meta_table.h"
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/file_path.h"
#include "base/string16.h"
#include "chrome/browser/history/history_types.h"
#include "googleurl/src/gurl.h"
namespace history {
// Encapsulation of a full-text indexed database file.
class TextDatabase {
typedef int DBIdent;
typedef std::set<GURL> URLSet;
// Returned from the search function.
struct Match {
// URL of the match.
GURL url;
// The title is returned because the title in the text database and the URL
// database may differ. This happens because we capture the title when the
// body is captured, and don't update it later.
string16 title;
// Time the page that was returned was visited.
base::Time time;
// Identifies any found matches in the title of the document. These are not
// included in the snippet.
Snippet::MatchPositions title_match_positions;
// Snippet of the match we generated from the body.
Snippet snippet;
// Note: You must call init which must succeed before using this class.
// Computes the matches for the query, returning results in decreasing order
// of visit time.
// This function will attach the new database to the given database
// connection. This allows one sqlite3 object to share many TextDatabases,
// meaning that they will all share the same cache, which allows us to limit
// the total size that text indexing databasii can take up.
// |file_name| is the name of the file on disk.
// ID is the identifier for the database. It should uniquely identify it among
// other databases on disk and in the sqlite connection.
// |allow_create| indicates if we want to allow creation of the file if it
// doesn't exist. For files associated with older time periods, we don't want
// to create them if they don't exist, so this flag would be false.
TextDatabase(const FilePath& path,
DBIdent id,
bool allow_create);
// Initializes the database connection and creates the file if the class
// was created with |allow_create|. If the file couldn't be opened or
// created, this will return false. No other functions should be called
// after this.
bool Init();
// Allows updates to be batched. This gives higher performance when multiple
// updates are happening because every insert doesn't require a sync to disk.
// Transactions can be nested, only the outermost one will actually count.
void BeginTransaction();
void CommitTransaction();
// For testing, returns the file name of the database so it can be deleted
// after the test. This is valid even before Init() is called.
const FilePath& file_name() const { return file_name_; }
// Returns a NULL-terminated string that is the base of history index files,
// which is the part before the database identifier. For example
// "History Index *". This is for finding existing database files.
static const FilePath::CharType* file_base();
// Converts a filename on disk (optionally including a path) to a database
// identifier. If the filename doesn't have the correct format, returns 0.
static DBIdent FileNameToID(const FilePath& file_path);
// Changing operations -------------------------------------------------------
// Adds the given data to the page. Returns true on success. The data should
// already be converted to UTF-8.
bool AddPageData(base::Time time,
const std::string& url,
const std::string& title,
const std::string& contents);
// Deletes the indexed data exactly matching the given URL/time pair.
void DeletePageData(base::Time time, const std::string& url);
// Optimizes the tree inside the database. This will, in addition to making
// access faster, remove any deleted data from the database (normally it is
// added again as "removed" and it is manually cleaned up when it decides to
// optimize it naturally). It is bad for privacy if a user is deleting a
// page from history but it still exists in the full text database in some
// form. This function will clean that up.
void Optimize();
// Querying ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Executes the given query. See QueryOptions for more info on input.
// The results are appended to any existing ones in |*results|, and the first
// time considered for the output is in |first_time_searched|
// (see QueryResults for more).
// Any URLs found will be added to |unique_urls|. If a URL is already in the
// set, additional results will not be added (giving the ability to uniquify
// URL results).
// Callers must run QueryParser on the user text and pass the results of the
// QueryParser to this method as the query string.
void GetTextMatches(const std::string& query,
const QueryOptions& options,
std::vector<Match>* results,
URLSet* unique_urls,
base::Time* first_time_searched);
// Converts the given database identifier to a filename. This does not include
// the path, just the file and extension.
static FilePath IDToFileName(DBIdent id);
// Ensures that the tables and indices are created. Returns true on success.
bool CreateTables();
// The sql database. Not valid until Init is called.
sql::Connection db_;
const FilePath path_;
const DBIdent ident_;
const bool allow_create_;
// Full file name of the file on disk, computed in Init().
FilePath file_name_;
sql::MetaTable meta_table_;
} // namespace history