// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/file_path.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/hash_tables.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/task.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/shell_dialogs.h"
#include "content/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents_observer.h"
#include "googleurl/src/gurl.h"
class DownloadItem;
class DownloadManager;
class GURL;
class MessageLoop;
class PrefService;
class Profile;
struct SaveFileCreateInfo;
class SaveFileManager;
class SaveItem;
class SavePackage;
struct SavePackageParam;
class TabContents;
namespace base {
class Thread;
class Time;
namespace net {
class URLRequestContextGetter;
// The SavePackage object manages the process of saving a page as only-html or
// complete-html and providing the information for displaying saving status.
// Saving page as only-html means means that we save web page to a single HTML
// file regardless internal sub resources and sub frames.
// Saving page as complete-html page means we save not only the main html file
// the user told it to save but also a directory for the auxiliary files such
// as all sub-frame html files, image files, css files and js files.
// Each page saving job may include one or multiple files which need to be
// saved. Each file is represented by a SaveItem, and all SaveItems are owned
// by the SavePackage. SaveItems are created when a user initiates a page
// saving job, and exist for the duration of one tab's life time.
class SavePackage : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<SavePackage>,
public TabContentsObserver,
public SelectFileDialog::Listener {
enum SavePackageType {
// The value of the save type before its set by the user.
// User chose to save only the HTML of the page.
// User chose to save complete-html page.
enum WaitState {
// State when created but not initialized.
// State when after initializing, but not yet saving.
// Waiting on a list of savable resources from the backend.
// Waiting for data sent from net IO or from file system.
// Waiting for html DOM data sent from render process.
// Saving page finished successfully.
// Failed to save page.
// Constructor for user initiated page saving. This constructor results in a
// SavePackage that will generate and sanitize a suggested name for the user
// in the "Save As" dialog box.
explicit SavePackage(TabContents* tab_contents);
// This contructor is used only for testing. We can bypass the file and
// directory name generation / sanitization by providing well known paths
// better suited for tests.
SavePackage(TabContents* tab_contents,
SavePackageType save_type,
const FilePath& file_full_path,
const FilePath& directory_full_path);
// Initialize the SavePackage. Returns true if it initializes properly.
// Need to make sure that this method must be called in the UI thread because
// using g_browser_process on a non-UI thread can cause crashes during
// shutdown.
bool Init();
void Cancel(bool user_action);
void Finish();
// Notifications sent from the file thread to the UI thread.
void StartSave(const SaveFileCreateInfo* info);
bool UpdateSaveProgress(int32 save_id, int64 size, bool write_success);
void SaveFinished(int32 save_id, int64 size, bool is_success);
void SaveFailed(const GURL& save_url);
void SaveCanceled(SaveItem* save_item);
// Rough percent complete, -1 means we don't know (since we didn't receive a
// total size).
int PercentComplete();
// Show or Open a saved page via the Windows shell.
void ShowDownloadInShell();
bool canceled() const { return user_canceled_ || disk_error_occurred_; }
bool finished() const { return finished_; }
SavePackageType save_type() const { return save_type_; }
int tab_id() const { return tab_id_; }
int id() const { return unique_id_; }
void GetSaveInfo();
// Statics -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Used to disable prompting the user for a directory/filename of the saved
// web page. This is available for testing.
static void SetShouldPromptUser(bool should_prompt);
// Check whether we can do the saving page operation for the specified URL.
static bool IsSavableURL(const GURL& url);
// Check whether we can do the saving page operation for the contents which
// have the specified MIME type.
static bool IsSavableContents(const std::string& contents_mime_type);
// SelectFileDialog::Listener ------------------------------------------------
virtual void FileSelected(const FilePath& path, int index, void* params);
virtual void FileSelectionCanceled(void* params);
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<SavePackage>;
// For testing only.
SavePackage(TabContents* tab_contents,
const FilePath& file_full_path,
const FilePath& directory_full_path);
// Notes from Init() above applies here as well.
void InternalInit();
void Stop();
void CheckFinish();
void SaveNextFile(bool process_all_remainder_items);
void DoSavingProcess();
// TabContentsObserver implementation.
virtual bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message);
// Return max length of a path for a specific base directory.
// This is needed on POSIX, which restrict the length of file names in
// addition to the restriction on the length of path names.
// |base_dir| is assumed to be a directory name with no trailing slash.
static uint32 GetMaxPathLengthForDirectory(const FilePath& base_dir);
static bool GetSafePureFileName(const FilePath& dir_path,
const FilePath::StringType& file_name_ext,
uint32 max_file_path_len,
FilePath::StringType* pure_file_name);
// Create a file name based on the response from the server.
bool GenerateFileName(const std::string& disposition,
const GURL& url,
bool need_html_ext,
FilePath::StringType* generated_name);
// Get all savable resource links from current web page, include main
// frame and sub-frame.
void GetAllSavableResourceLinksForCurrentPage();
// Get html data by serializing all frames of current page with lists
// which contain all resource links that have local copy.
void GetSerializedHtmlDataForCurrentPageWithLocalLinks();
SaveItem* LookupItemInProcessBySaveId(int32 save_id);
void PutInProgressItemToSavedMap(SaveItem* save_item);
// Retrieves the URL to be saved from tab_contents_ variable.
GURL GetUrlToBeSaved();
void CreateDirectoryOnFileThread(const FilePath& website_save_dir,
const FilePath& download_save_dir,
const std::string& mime_type);
void ContinueGetSaveInfo(const FilePath& suggested_path,
bool can_save_as_complete);
void ContinueSave(const FilePath& final_name, int index);
void OnReceivedSavableResourceLinksForCurrentPage(
const std::vector<GURL>& resources_list,
const std::vector<GURL>& referrers_list,
const std::vector<GURL>& frames_list);
void OnReceivedSerializedHtmlData(const GURL& frame_url,
const std::string& data,
int32 status);
typedef base::hash_map<std::string, SaveItem*> SaveUrlItemMap;
// in_progress_items_ is map of all saving job in in-progress state.
SaveUrlItemMap in_progress_items_;
// saved_failed_items_ is map of all saving job which are failed.
SaveUrlItemMap saved_failed_items_;
// The number of in process SaveItems.
int in_process_count() const {
return static_cast<int>(in_progress_items_.size());
// The number of all SaveItems which have completed, including success items
// and failed items.
int completed_count() const {
return static_cast<int>(saved_success_items_.size() +
// Retrieve the preference for the directory to save pages to.
static FilePath GetSaveDirPreference(PrefService* prefs);
// Helper function for preparing suggested name for the SaveAs Dialog. The
// suggested name is determined by the web document's title.
FilePath GetSuggestedNameForSaveAs(
bool can_save_as_complete,
const std::string& contents_mime_type);
// Ensures that the file name has a proper extension for HTML by adding ".htm"
// if necessary.
static FilePath EnsureHtmlExtension(const FilePath& name);
// Ensures that the file name has a proper extension for supported formats
// if necessary.
static FilePath EnsureMimeExtension(const FilePath& name,
const std::string& contents_mime_type);
// Returns extension for supported MIME types (for example, for "text/plain"
// it returns "txt").
static const FilePath::CharType* ExtensionForMimeType(
const std::string& contents_mime_type);
typedef std::queue<SaveItem*> SaveItemQueue;
// A queue for items we are about to start saving.
SaveItemQueue waiting_item_queue_;
typedef base::hash_map<int32, SaveItem*> SavedItemMap;
// saved_success_items_ is map of all saving job which are successfully saved.
SavedItemMap saved_success_items_;
// The request context which provides application-specific context for
// net::URLRequest instances.
scoped_refptr<net::URLRequestContextGetter> request_context_getter_;
// Non-owning pointer for handling file writing on the file thread.
SaveFileManager* file_manager_;
// We use a fake DownloadItem here in order to reuse the DownloadItemView.
// This class owns the pointer.
DownloadItem* download_;
// The URL of the page the user wants to save.
GURL page_url_;
FilePath saved_main_file_path_;
FilePath saved_main_directory_path_;
// The title of the page the user wants to save.
string16 title_;
// Indicates whether the actual saving job is finishing or not.
bool finished_;
// Indicates whether user canceled the saving job.
bool user_canceled_;
// Indicates whether user get disk error.
bool disk_error_occurred_;
// Type about saving page as only-html or complete-html.
SavePackageType save_type_;
// Number of all need to be saved resources.
size_t all_save_items_count_;
typedef base::hash_set<FilePath::StringType> FileNameSet;
// This set is used to eliminate duplicated file names in saving directory.
FileNameSet file_name_set_;
typedef base::hash_map<FilePath::StringType, uint32> FileNameCountMap;
// This map is used to track serial number for specified filename.
FileNameCountMap file_name_count_map_;
// Indicates current waiting state when SavePackage try to get something
// from outside.
WaitState wait_state_;
// Since for one tab, it can only have one SavePackage in same time.
// Now we actually use render_process_id as tab's unique id.
const int tab_id_;
// Unique ID for this SavePackage.
const int unique_id_;
// For managing select file dialogs.
scoped_refptr<SelectFileDialog> select_file_dialog_;
friend class SavePackageTest;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SavePackageTest, TestSuggestedSaveNames);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SavePackageTest, TestLongSafePureFilename);
ScopedRunnableMethodFactory<SavePackage> method_factory_;