// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ExtensionsPorts service: wires extension message ports through the
// devtools remote protocol, allowing an external client program to
// exchange messages with Chrome extensions.
#pragma once
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "chrome/browser/debugger/devtools_remote.h"
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_message_service.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_message.h"
class DevToolsProtocolHandler;
class DevToolsRemoteMessage;
class DictionaryValue;
class GURL;
class ListValue;
class Value;
class ExtensionPortsRemoteService : public DevToolsRemoteListener,
public IPC::Message::Sender {
// Specifies a tool name ("ExtensionPorts") handled by this class.
static const std::string kToolName;
// |delegate| (never NULL) is the protocol handler instance which
// dispatches messages to this service.
// The ownership of |delegate| is NOT transferred to this class.
explicit ExtensionPortsRemoteService(DevToolsProtocolHandler* delegate);
// DevToolsRemoteListener methods:
// Processes |message| from the external client (where the tool is
// "ExtensionPorts").
virtual void HandleMessage(const DevToolsRemoteMessage& message);
// Gets invoked on the external client socket connection loss.
// Closes open message ports.
virtual void OnConnectionLost();
// IPC::Message::Sender methods:
// This is the callback through which the ExtensionMessageService
// passes us messages from extensions as well as disconnect events.
virtual bool Send(IPC::Message* msg);
// Operation result returned in the "result" field in messages sent
// to the external client.
typedef enum {
RESULT_CONNECT_FAILED, // probably extension ID not found.
} Result;
virtual ~ExtensionPortsRemoteService();
// Sends a JSON message with the |response| to the external client.
// |tool| and |destination| are used as the respective header values.
void SendResponse(const Value& response,
const std::string& tool,
const std::string& destination);
// Handles a message from the ExtensionMessageService.
void OnExtensionMessageInvoke(const std::string& extension_id,
const std::string& function_name,
const ListValue& args,
const GURL& event_url);
// Handles a message sent from an extension through the
// ExtensionMessageService, to be passed to the external client.
void OnExtensionMessage(const std::string& message, int port_id);
// Handles a disconnect event sent from the ExtensionMessageService.
void OnExtensionPortDisconnected(int port_id);
// Implementation for the commands we can receive from the external client.
// Opens a channel to an extension.
void ConnectCommand(DictionaryValue* content, DictionaryValue* response);
// Disconnects a message port.
void DisconnectCommand(int port_id, DictionaryValue* response);
// Sends a message to an extension through an established message port.
void PostMessageCommand(int port_id, DictionaryValue* content,
DictionaryValue* response);
// The delegate is used to send responses and events back to the
// external client, and to resolve tab IDs.
DevToolsProtocolHandler* delegate_;
// Set of message port IDs we successfully opened.
typedef std::set<int> PortIdSet;
PortIdSet openPortIds_;
scoped_refptr<ExtensionMessageService> service_;