 * Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
 * found in the LICENSE file.

#ifndef GrDrawTarget_DEFINED
#define GrDrawTarget_DEFINED

#include "GrClipData.h"
#include "GrDrawState.h"
#include "GrIndexBuffer.h"

#include "SkClipStack.h"
#include "SkMatrix.h"
#include "SkPath.h"
#include "SkTArray.h"
#include "SkTLazy.h"
#include "SkTypes.h"
#include "SkXfermode.h"

class GrClipData;
class GrDrawTargetCaps;
class GrPath;
class GrVertexBuffer;
class SkStrokeRec;

class GrDrawTarget : public SkRefCnt {
    class DrawInfo;



    // The context may not be fully constructed and should not be used during GrDrawTarget
    // construction.
    GrDrawTarget(GrContext* context);
    virtual ~GrDrawTarget();

     * Gets the capabilities of the draw target.
    const GrDrawTargetCaps* caps() const { return fCaps.get(); }

     * Sets the current clip to the region specified by clip. All draws will be
     * clipped against this clip if kClip_StateBit is enabled.
     * Setting the clip may (or may not) zero out the client's stencil bits.
     * @param description of the clipping region
    void setClip(const GrClipData* clip);

     * Gets the current clip.
     * @return the clip.
    const GrClipData* getClip() const;

     * Sets the draw state object for the draw target. Note that this does not
     * make a copy. The GrDrawTarget will take a reference to passed object.
     * Passing NULL will cause the GrDrawTarget to use its own internal draw
     * state object rather than an externally provided one.
    void setDrawState(GrDrawState*  drawState);

     * Read-only access to the GrDrawTarget's current draw state.
    const GrDrawState& getDrawState() const { return *fDrawState; }

     * Read-write access to the GrDrawTarget's current draw state. Note that
     * this doesn't ref.
    GrDrawState* drawState() { return fDrawState; }

     * Color alpha and coverage are two inputs to the drawing pipeline. For some
     * blend modes it is safe to fold the coverage into constant or per-vertex
     * color alpha value. For other blend modes they must be handled separately.
     * Depending on features available in the underlying 3D API this may or may
     * not be possible.
     * This function considers the current draw state and the draw target's
     * capabilities to determine whether coverage can be handled correctly. The
     * following assumptions are made:
     *    1. The caller intends to somehow specify coverage. This can be
     *       specified either by enabling a coverage stage on the GrDrawState or
     *       via the vertex layout.
     *    2. Other than enabling coverage stages or enabling coverage in the
     *       layout, the current configuration of the target's GrDrawState is as
     *       it will be at draw time.
    bool canApplyCoverage() const;

    /** When we're using coverage AA but the blend is incompatible (given gpu
     * limitations) we should disable AA. */
    bool shouldDisableCoverageAAForBlend() {
        // Enable below if we should draw with AA even when it produces
        // incorrect blending.
        // return false;
        return !this->canApplyCoverage();

     * Given the current draw state and hw support, will HW AA lines be used (if
     * a line primitive type is drawn)?
    bool willUseHWAALines() const;

     * There are three types of "sources" of geometry (vertices and indices) for
     * draw calls made on the target. When performing an indexed draw, the
     * indices and vertices can use different source types. Once a source is
     * specified it can be used for multiple draws. However, the time at which
     * the geometry data is no longer editable depends on the source type.
     * Sometimes it is necessary to perform a draw while upstack code has
     * already specified geometry that it isn't finished with. So there are push
     * and pop methods. This allows the client to push the sources, draw
     * something using alternate sources, and then pop to restore the original
     * sources.
     * Aside from pushes and pops, a source remains valid until another source
     * is set or resetVertexSource / resetIndexSource is called. Drawing from
     * a reset source is an error.
     * The three types of sources are:
     * 1. A cpu array (set*SourceToArray). This is useful when the caller
     *    already provided vertex data in a format compatible with a
     *    GrVertexLayout. The data in the array is consumed at the time that
     *    set*SourceToArray is called and subsequent edits to the array will not
     *    be reflected in draws.
     * 2. Reserve. This is most useful when the caller has data it must
     *    transform before drawing and is not long-lived. The caller requests
     *    that the draw target make room for some amount of vertex and/or index
     *    data. The target provides ptrs to hold the vertex and/or index data.
     *    The data is writable up until the next drawIndexed, drawNonIndexed,
     *    drawIndexedInstances, drawRect, copySurface, or pushGeometrySource. At
     *    this point the data is frozen and the ptrs are no longer valid.
     *    Where the space is allocated and how it is uploaded to the GPU is
     *    subclass-dependent.
     * 3. Vertex and Index Buffers. This is most useful for geometry that will
     *    is long-lived. When the data in the buffer is consumed depends on the
     *    GrDrawTarget subclass. For deferred subclasses the caller has to
     *    guarantee that the data is still available in the buffers at playback.
     *    (TODO: Make this more automatic as we have done for read/write pixels)
     * The size of each vertex is determined by querying the current GrDrawState.

     * Reserves space for vertices and/or indices. Zero can be specifed as
     * either the vertex or index count if the caller desires to only reserve
     * space for only indices or only vertices. If zero is specifed for
     * vertexCount then the vertex source will be unmodified and likewise for
     * indexCount.
     * If the function returns true then the reserve suceeded and the vertices
     * and indices pointers will point to the space created.
     * If the target cannot make space for the request then this function will
     * return false. If vertexCount was non-zero then upon failure the vertex
     * source is reset and likewise for indexCount.
     * The pointers to the space allocated for vertices and indices remain valid
     * until a drawIndexed, drawNonIndexed, drawIndexedInstances, drawRect,
     * copySurface, or push/popGeomtrySource is called. At that point logically a
     * snapshot of the data is made and the pointers are invalid.
     * @param vertexCount  the number of vertices to reserve space for. Can be
     *                     0. Vertex size is queried from the current GrDrawState.
     * @param indexCount   the number of indices to reserve space for. Can be 0.
     * @param vertices     will point to reserved vertex space if vertexCount is
     *                     non-zero. Illegal to pass NULL if vertexCount > 0.
     * @param indices      will point to reserved index space if indexCount is
     *                     non-zero. Illegal to pass NULL if indexCount > 0.
     bool reserveVertexAndIndexSpace(int vertexCount,
                                     int indexCount,
                                     void** vertices,
                                     void** indices);

     * Provides hints to caller about the number of vertices and indices
     * that can be allocated cheaply. This can be useful if caller is reserving
     * space but doesn't know exactly how much geometry is needed.
     * Also may hint whether the draw target should be flushed first. This is
     * useful for deferred targets.
     * @param vertexCount  in: hint about how many vertices the caller would
     *                     like to allocate. Vertex size is queried from the
     *                     current GrDrawState.
     *                     out: a hint about the number of vertices that can be
     *                     allocated cheaply. Negative means no hint.
     *                     Ignored if NULL.
     * @param indexCount   in: hint about how many indices the caller would
     *                     like to allocate.
     *                     out: a hint about the number of indices that can be
     *                     allocated cheaply. Negative means no hint.
     *                     Ignored if NULL.
     * @return  true if target should be flushed based on the input values.
    virtual bool geometryHints(int* vertexCount,
                               int* indexCount) const;

     * Sets source of vertex data for the next draw. Array must contain
     * the vertex data when this is called.
     * @param vertexArray   cpu array containing vertex data.
     * @param vertexCount   the number of vertices in the array. Vertex size is
     *                      queried from the current GrDrawState.
    void setVertexSourceToArray(const void* vertexArray, int vertexCount);

     * Sets source of index data for the next indexed draw. Array must contain
     * the indices when this is called.
     * @param indexArray    cpu array containing index data.
     * @param indexCount    the number of indices in the array.
    void setIndexSourceToArray(const void* indexArray, int indexCount);

     * Sets source of vertex data for the next draw. Data does not have to be
     * in the buffer until drawIndexed, drawNonIndexed, or drawIndexedInstances.
     * @param buffer        vertex buffer containing vertex data. Must be
     *                      unlocked before draw call. Vertex size is queried
     *                      from current GrDrawState.
    void setVertexSourceToBuffer(const GrVertexBuffer* buffer);

     * Sets source of index data for the next indexed draw. Data does not have
     * to be in the buffer until drawIndexed.
     * @param buffer index buffer containing indices. Must be unlocked
     *               before indexed draw call.
    void setIndexSourceToBuffer(const GrIndexBuffer* buffer);

     * Resets vertex source. Drawing from reset vertices is illegal. Set vertex
     * source to reserved, array, or buffer before next draw. May be able to free
     * up temporary storage allocated by setVertexSourceToArray or
     * reserveVertexSpace.
    void resetVertexSource();

     * Resets index source. Indexed Drawing from reset indices is illegal. Set
     * index source to reserved, array, or buffer before next indexed draw. May
     * be able to free up temporary storage allocated by setIndexSourceToArray
     * or reserveIndexSpace.
    void resetIndexSource();

     * Query to find out if the vertex or index source is reserved.
    bool hasReservedVerticesOrIndices() const {
        return kReserved_GeometrySrcType == this->getGeomSrc().fVertexSrc ||
        kReserved_GeometrySrcType == this->getGeomSrc().fIndexSrc;

     * Pushes and resets the vertex/index sources. Any reserved vertex / index
     * data is finalized (i.e. cannot be updated after the matching pop but can
     * be drawn from). Must be balanced by a pop.
    void pushGeometrySource();

     * Pops the vertex / index sources from the matching push.
    void popGeometrySource();

     * Draws indexed geometry using the current state and current vertex / index
     * sources.
     * @param type         The type of primitives to draw.
     * @param startVertex  the vertex in the vertex array/buffer corresponding
     *                     to index 0
     * @param startIndex   first index to read from index src.
     * @param vertexCount  one greater than the max index.
     * @param indexCount   the number of index elements to read. The index count
     *                     is effectively trimmed to the last completely
     *                     specified primitive.
     * @param devBounds    optional bounds hint. This is a promise from the caller,
     *                     not a request for clipping.
    void drawIndexed(GrPrimitiveType type,
                     int startVertex,
                     int startIndex,
                     int vertexCount,
                     int indexCount,
                     const SkRect* devBounds = NULL);

     * Draws non-indexed geometry using the current state and current vertex
     * sources.
     * @param type         The type of primitives to draw.
     * @param startVertex  the vertex in the vertex array/buffer corresponding
     *                     to index 0
     * @param vertexCount  one greater than the max index.
     * @param devBounds    optional bounds hint. This is a promise from the caller,
     *                     not a request for clipping.
    void drawNonIndexed(GrPrimitiveType type,
                        int startVertex,
                        int vertexCount,
                        const SkRect* devBounds = NULL);

     * Draws path into the stencil buffer. The fill must be either even/odd or
     * winding (not inverse or hairline). It will respect the HW antialias flag
     * on the draw state (if possible in the 3D API).
    void stencilPath(const GrPath*, SkPath::FillType fill);

     * Draws a path. Fill must not be a hairline. It will respect the HW
     * antialias flag on the draw state (if possible in the 3D API).
    void drawPath(const GrPath*, SkPath::FillType fill);

     * Helper function for drawing rects. It performs a geometry src push and pop
     * and thus will finalize any reserved geometry.
     * @param rect        the rect to draw
     * @param matrix      optional matrix applied to rect (before viewMatrix)
     * @param localRect   optional rect that specifies local coords to map onto
     *                    rect. If NULL then rect serves as the local coords.
     * @param localMatrix optional matrix applied to localRect. If
     *                    srcRect is non-NULL and srcMatrix is non-NULL
     *                    then srcRect will be transformed by srcMatrix.
     *                    srcMatrix can be NULL when no srcMatrix is desired.
    void drawRect(const SkRect& rect,
                  const SkMatrix* matrix,
                  const SkRect* localRect,
                  const SkMatrix* localMatrix) {
        AutoGeometryPush agp(this);
        this->onDrawRect(rect, matrix, localRect, localMatrix);

     * Helper for drawRect when the caller doesn't need separate local rects or matrices.
    void drawSimpleRect(const SkRect& rect, const SkMatrix* matrix = NULL) {
        this->drawRect(rect, matrix, NULL, NULL);
    void drawSimpleRect(const SkIRect& irect, const SkMatrix* matrix = NULL) {
        SkRect rect = SkRect::Make(irect);
        this->drawRect(rect, matrix, NULL, NULL);

     * This call is used to draw multiple instances of some geometry with a
     * given number of vertices (V) and indices (I) per-instance. The indices in
     * the index source must have the form i[k+I] == i[k] + V. Also, all indices
     * i[kI] ... i[(k+1)I-1] must be elements of the range kV ... (k+1)V-1. As a
     * concrete example, the following index buffer for drawing a series of
     * quads each as two triangles each satisfies these conditions with V=4 and
     * I=6:
     *      (0,1,2,0,2,3, 4,5,6,4,6,7, 8,9,10,8,10,11, ...)
     * The call assumes that the pattern of indices fills the entire index
     * source. The size of the index buffer limits the number of instances that
     * can be drawn by the GPU in a single draw. However, the caller may specify
     * any (positive) number for instanceCount and if necessary multiple GPU
     * draws will be issued. Moreover, when drawIndexedInstances is called
     * multiple times it may be possible for GrDrawTarget to group them into a
     * single GPU draw.
     * @param type          the type of primitives to draw
     * @param instanceCount the number of instances to draw. Each instance
     *                      consists of verticesPerInstance vertices indexed by
     *                      indicesPerInstance indices drawn as the primitive
     *                      type specified by type.
     * @param verticesPerInstance   The number of vertices in each instance (V
     *                              in the above description).
     * @param indicesPerInstance    The number of indices in each instance (I
     *                              in the above description).
     * @param devBounds    optional bounds hint. This is a promise from the caller,
     *                     not a request for clipping.
    void drawIndexedInstances(GrPrimitiveType type,
                              int instanceCount,
                              int verticesPerInstance,
                              int indicesPerInstance,
                              const SkRect* devBounds = NULL);

     * Clear the current render target if one isn't passed in. Ignores the
     * clip and all other draw state (blend mode, stages, etc). Clears the
     * whole thing if rect is NULL, otherwise just the rect. If canIgnoreRect
     * is set then the entire render target can be optionally cleared.
    virtual void clear(const SkIRect* rect,
                       GrColor color,
                       bool canIgnoreRect,
                       GrRenderTarget* renderTarget = NULL) = 0;

     * Copies a pixel rectangle from one surface to another. This call may finalize
     * reserved vertex/index data (as though a draw call was made). The src pixels
     * copied are specified by srcRect. They are copied to a rect of the same
     * size in dst with top left at dstPoint. If the src rect is clipped by the
     * src bounds then  pixel values in the dst rect corresponding to area clipped
     * by the src rect are not overwritten. This method can fail and return false
     * depending on the type of surface, configs, etc, and the backend-specific
     * limitations. If rect is clipped out entirely by the src or dst bounds then
     * true is returned since there is no actual copy necessary to succeed.
    bool copySurface(GrSurface* dst,
                     GrSurface* src,
                     const SkIRect& srcRect,
                     const SkIPoint& dstPoint);
     * Function that determines whether a copySurface call would succeed without
     * performing the copy.
    bool canCopySurface(GrSurface* dst,
                        GrSurface* src,
                        const SkIRect& srcRect,
                        const SkIPoint& dstPoint);

     * This is can be called before allocating a texture to be a dst for copySurface. It will
     * populate the origin, config, and flags fields of the desc such that copySurface is more
     * likely to succeed and be efficient.
    virtual void initCopySurfaceDstDesc(const GrSurface* src, GrTextureDesc* desc);

     * Release any resources that are cached but not currently in use. This
     * is intended to give an application some recourse when resources are low.
    virtual void purgeResources() {};

     * For subclass internal use to invoke a call to onDraw(). See DrawInfo below.
    void executeDraw(const DrawInfo& info) { this->onDraw(info); }

     * For subclass internal use to invoke a call to onDrawPath().
    void executeDrawPath(const GrPath* path, SkPath::FillType fill,
                         const GrDeviceCoordTexture* dstCopy) {
        this->onDrawPath(path, fill, dstCopy);


     * See AutoStateRestore below.
    enum ASRInit {

     * Saves off the current state and restores it in the destructor. It will
     * install a new GrDrawState object on the target (setDrawState) and restore
     * the previous one in the destructor. The caller should call drawState() to
     * get the new draw state after the ASR is installed.
     * GrDrawState* state = target->drawState();
     * AutoStateRestore asr(target, GrDrawTarget::kReset_ASRInit).
     * state->setRenderTarget(rt); // state refers to the GrDrawState set on
     *                             // target before asr was initialized.
     *                             // Therefore, rt is set on the GrDrawState
     *                             // that will be restored after asr's
     *                             // destructor rather than target's current
     *                             // GrDrawState.
    class AutoStateRestore : public ::SkNoncopyable {
         * Default ASR will have no effect unless set() is subsequently called.

         * Saves the state on target. The state will be restored when the ASR
         * is destroyed. If this constructor is used do not call set().
         * @param init  Should the newly installed GrDrawState be a copy of the
         *              previous state or a default-initialized GrDrawState.
         * @param viewMatrix Optional view matrix. If init = kPreserve then the draw state's
         *                   matrix will be preconcat'ed with the param. All stages will be
                             updated to compensate for the matrix change. If init == kReset
                             then the draw state's matrix will be this matrix.
        AutoStateRestore(GrDrawTarget* target, ASRInit init, const SkMatrix* viewMatrix = NULL);


         * Saves the state on target. The state will be restored when the ASR
         * is destroyed. This should only be called once per ASR object and only
         * when the default constructor was used. For nested saves use multiple
         * ASR objects.
         * @param init  Should the newly installed GrDrawState be a copy of the
         *              previous state or a default-initialized GrDrawState.
         * @param viewMatrix Optional view matrix. If init = kPreserve then the draw state's
         *                   matrix will be preconcat'ed with the param. All stages will be
                             updated to compensate for the matrix change. If init == kReset
                             then the draw state's matrix will be this matrix.
        void set(GrDrawTarget* target, ASRInit init, const SkMatrix* viewMatrix = NULL);

         * Like set() but makes the view matrix identity. When init is kReset it is as though
         * NULL was passed to set's viewMatrix param. When init is kPreserve it is as though
         * the inverse view matrix was passed. If kPreserve is passed and the draw state's matrix
         * is not invertible then this may fail.
        bool setIdentity(GrDrawTarget* target, ASRInit init);

        GrDrawTarget*                       fDrawTarget;
        SkTLazy<GrDrawState>                fTempState;
        GrDrawState*                        fSavedState;


    class AutoReleaseGeometry : public ::SkNoncopyable {
        AutoReleaseGeometry(GrDrawTarget*  target,
                            int            vertexCount,
                            int            indexCount);
        bool set(GrDrawTarget*  target,
                 int            vertexCount,
                 int            indexCount);
        bool succeeded() const { return NULL != fTarget; }
        void* vertices() const { SkASSERT(this->succeeded()); return fVertices; }
        void* indices() const { SkASSERT(this->succeeded()); return fIndices; }
        GrPoint* positions() const {
            return static_cast<GrPoint*>(this->vertices());

        void reset();

        GrDrawTarget* fTarget;
        void*         fVertices;
        void*         fIndices;


    class AutoClipRestore : public ::SkNoncopyable {
        AutoClipRestore(GrDrawTarget* target) {
            fTarget = target;
            fClip = fTarget->getClip();

        AutoClipRestore(GrDrawTarget* target, const SkIRect& newClip);

        ~AutoClipRestore() {
        GrDrawTarget*           fTarget;
        const GrClipData*       fClip;
        SkTLazy<SkClipStack>    fStack;
        GrClipData              fReplacementClip;


     * Saves the geometry src state at construction and restores in the destructor. It also saves
     * and then restores the vertex attrib state.
    class AutoGeometryPush : public ::SkNoncopyable {
        AutoGeometryPush(GrDrawTarget* target)
            : fAttribRestore(target->drawState()) {
            SkASSERT(NULL != target);
            fTarget = target;

        ~AutoGeometryPush() { fTarget->popGeometrySource(); }

        GrDrawTarget*                           fTarget;
        GrDrawState::AutoVertexAttribRestore    fAttribRestore;

     * Combination of AutoGeometryPush and AutoStateRestore. The vertex attribs will be in default
     * state regardless of ASRInit value.
    class AutoGeometryAndStatePush : public ::SkNoncopyable {
        AutoGeometryAndStatePush(GrDrawTarget* target,
                                 ASRInit init,
                                 const SkMatrix* viewMatrix = NULL)
            : fState(target, init, viewMatrix) {
            SkASSERT(NULL != target);
            fTarget = target;
            if (kPreserve_ASRInit == init) {

        ~AutoGeometryAndStatePush() { fTarget->popGeometrySource(); }

        AutoStateRestore fState;
        GrDrawTarget*    fTarget;

    // Draw execution tracking (for font atlases and other resources)
    class DrawToken {
        DrawToken(GrDrawTarget* drawTarget, uint32_t drawID) :
                  fDrawTarget(drawTarget), fDrawID(drawID) {}

        bool isIssued() { return NULL != fDrawTarget && fDrawTarget->isIssued(fDrawID); }

        GrDrawTarget*  fDrawTarget;
        uint32_t       fDrawID;   // this may wrap, but we're doing direct comparison
                                  // so that should be okay

    virtual DrawToken getCurrentDrawToken() { return DrawToken(this, 0); }


    enum GeometrySrcType {
        kNone_GeometrySrcType,     //<! src has not been specified
        kReserved_GeometrySrcType, //<! src was set using reserve*Space
        kArray_GeometrySrcType,    //<! src was set using set*SourceToArray
        kBuffer_GeometrySrcType    //<! src was set using set*SourceToBuffer

    struct GeometrySrcState {
        GeometrySrcType         fVertexSrc;
        union {
            // valid if src type is buffer
            const GrVertexBuffer*   fVertexBuffer;
            // valid if src type is reserved or array
            int                     fVertexCount;

        GeometrySrcType         fIndexSrc;
        union {
            // valid if src type is buffer
            const GrIndexBuffer*    fIndexBuffer;
            // valid if src type is reserved or array
            int                     fIndexCount;

        size_t                  fVertexSize;

    int indexCountInCurrentSource() const {
        const GeometrySrcState& src = this->getGeomSrc();
        switch (src.fIndexSrc) {
            case kNone_GeometrySrcType:
                return 0;
            case kReserved_GeometrySrcType:
            case kArray_GeometrySrcType:
                return src.fIndexCount;
            case kBuffer_GeometrySrcType:
                return static_cast<int>(src.fIndexBuffer->sizeInBytes() / sizeof(uint16_t));
                GrCrash("Unexpected Index Source.");
                return 0;

    // This method is called by copySurface  The srcRect is guaranteed to be entirely within the
    // src bounds. Likewise, the dst rect implied by dstPoint and srcRect's width and height falls
    // entirely within the dst. The default implementation will draw a rect from the src to the
    // dst if the src is a texture and the dst is a render target and fail otherwise.
    virtual bool onCopySurface(GrSurface* dst,
                               GrSurface* src,
                               const SkIRect& srcRect,
                               const SkIPoint& dstPoint);

    // Called to determine whether an onCopySurface call would succeed or not. This is useful for
    // proxy subclasses to test whether the copy would succeed without executing it yet. Derived
    // classes must keep this consistent with their implementation of onCopySurface(). The inputs
    // are the same as onCopySurface(), i.e. srcRect and dstPoint are clipped to be inside the src
    // and dst bounds.
    virtual bool onCanCopySurface(GrSurface* dst,
                                  GrSurface* src,
                                  const SkIRect& srcRect,
                                  const SkIPoint& dstPoint);

    GrContext* getContext() { return fContext; }
    const GrContext* getContext() const { return fContext; }

    // A subclass may override this function if it wishes to be notified when the clip is changed.
    // The override should call INHERITED::clipWillBeSet().
    virtual void clipWillBeSet(const GrClipData* clipData);

    // subclasses must call this in their destructors to ensure all vertex
    // and index sources have been released (including those held by
    // pushGeometrySource())
    void releaseGeometry();

    // accessors for derived classes
    const GeometrySrcState& getGeomSrc() const { return fGeoSrcStateStack.back(); }
    // it is preferable to call this rather than getGeomSrc()->fVertexSize because of the assert.
    size_t getVertexSize() const {
        // the vertex layout is only valid if a vertex source has been specified.
        SkASSERT(this->getGeomSrc().fVertexSrc != kNone_GeometrySrcType);
        return this->getGeomSrc().fVertexSize;

    // Subclass must initialize this in its constructor.
    SkAutoTUnref<const GrDrawTargetCaps> fCaps;

     * Used to communicate draws to subclass's onDraw function.
    class DrawInfo {
        DrawInfo(const DrawInfo& di) { (*this) = di; }
        DrawInfo& operator =(const DrawInfo& di);

        GrPrimitiveType primitiveType() const { return fPrimitiveType; }
        int startVertex() const { return fStartVertex; }
        int startIndex() const { return fStartIndex; }
        int vertexCount() const { return fVertexCount; }
        int indexCount() const { return fIndexCount; }
        int verticesPerInstance() const { return fVerticesPerInstance; }
        int indicesPerInstance() const { return fIndicesPerInstance; }
        int instanceCount() const { return fInstanceCount; }

        bool isIndexed() const { return fIndexCount > 0; }
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
        bool isInstanced() const; // this version is longer because of asserts
        bool isInstanced() const { return fInstanceCount > 0; }

        // adds or remove instances
        void adjustInstanceCount(int instanceOffset);
        // shifts the start vertex
        void adjustStartVertex(int vertexOffset);
        // shifts the start index
        void adjustStartIndex(int indexOffset);

        void setDevBounds(const SkRect& bounds) {
            fDevBoundsStorage = bounds;
            fDevBounds = &fDevBoundsStorage;
        const SkRect* getDevBounds() const { return fDevBounds; }

        // NULL if no copy of the dst is needed for the draw.
        const GrDeviceCoordTexture* getDstCopy() const {
            if (NULL != fDstCopy.texture()) {
                return &fDstCopy;
            } else {
                return NULL;

        DrawInfo() { fDevBounds = NULL; }

        friend class GrDrawTarget;

        GrPrimitiveType         fPrimitiveType;

        int                     fStartVertex;
        int                     fStartIndex;
        int                     fVertexCount;
        int                     fIndexCount;

        int                     fInstanceCount;
        int                     fVerticesPerInstance;
        int                     fIndicesPerInstance;

        SkRect                  fDevBoundsStorage;
        SkRect*                 fDevBounds;

        GrDeviceCoordTexture    fDstCopy;

    // A subclass can optionally overload this function to be notified before
    // vertex and index space is reserved.
    virtual void willReserveVertexAndIndexSpace(int vertexCount, int indexCount) {}

    // implemented by subclass to allocate space for reserved geom
    virtual bool onReserveVertexSpace(size_t vertexSize, int vertexCount, void** vertices) = 0;
    virtual bool onReserveIndexSpace(int indexCount, void** indices) = 0;
    // implemented by subclass to handle release of reserved geom space
    virtual void releaseReservedVertexSpace() = 0;
    virtual void releaseReservedIndexSpace() = 0;
    // subclass must consume array contents when set
    virtual void onSetVertexSourceToArray(const void* vertexArray, int vertexCount) = 0;
    virtual void onSetIndexSourceToArray(const void* indexArray, int indexCount) = 0;
    // subclass is notified that geom source will be set away from an array
    virtual void releaseVertexArray() = 0;
    virtual void releaseIndexArray() = 0;
    // subclass overrides to be notified just before geo src state is pushed/popped.
    virtual void geometrySourceWillPush() = 0;
    virtual void geometrySourceWillPop(const GeometrySrcState& restoredState) = 0;
    // subclass called to perform drawing
    virtual void onDraw(const DrawInfo&) = 0;
    // Implementation of drawRect. The geometry src and vertex attribs will already
    // be saved before this is called and restored afterwards. A subclass may override
    // this to perform more optimal rect rendering. Its draws should be funneled through
    // one of the public GrDrawTarget draw methods (e.g. drawNonIndexed,
    // drawIndexedInstances, ...). The base class draws a two triangle fan using
    // drawNonIndexed from reserved vertex space.
    virtual void onDrawRect(const SkRect& rect,
                            const SkMatrix* matrix,
                            const SkRect* localRect,
                            const SkMatrix* localMatrix);

    virtual void onStencilPath(const GrPath*, SkPath::FillType) = 0;
    virtual void onDrawPath(const GrPath*, SkPath::FillType,
                            const GrDeviceCoordTexture* dstCopy) = 0;

    // helpers for reserving vertex and index space.
    bool reserveVertexSpace(size_t vertexSize,
                            int vertexCount,
                            void** vertices);
    bool reserveIndexSpace(int indexCount, void** indices);

    // called by drawIndexed and drawNonIndexed. Use a negative indexCount to
    // indicate non-indexed drawing.
    bool checkDraw(GrPrimitiveType type, int startVertex,
                   int startIndex, int vertexCount,
                   int indexCount) const;
    // called when setting a new vert/idx source to unref prev vb/ib
    void releasePreviousVertexSource();
    void releasePreviousIndexSource();

    // Makes a copy of the dst if it is necessary for the draw. Returns false if a copy is required
    // but couldn't be made. Otherwise, returns true.
    bool setupDstReadIfNecessary(DrawInfo* info) {
        return this->setupDstReadIfNecessary(&info->fDstCopy, info->getDevBounds());
    bool setupDstReadIfNecessary(GrDeviceCoordTexture* dstCopy, const SkRect* drawBounds);

    // Check to see if this set of draw commands has been sent out
    virtual bool       isIssued(uint32_t drawID) { return true; }

    enum {
        kPreallocGeoSrcStateStackCnt = 4,
    SkSTArray<kPreallocGeoSrcStateStackCnt, GeometrySrcState, true> fGeoSrcStateStack;
    const GrClipData*                                               fClip;
    GrDrawState*                                                    fDrawState;
    GrDrawState                                                     fDefaultDrawState;
    // The context owns us, not vice-versa, so this ptr is not ref'ed by DrawTarget.
    GrContext*                                                      fContext;

    typedef SkRefCnt INHERITED;
