/* * Copyright (C) 2010 NXP Semiconductors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /*! * \file phLlcNfc_Timer.c * \brief To create, start, stop and destroy timer. * * Project: NFC-FRI-1.1 * * $Date: Mon Jun 14 11:47:54 2010 $ * $Author: ing02260 $ * $Revision: 1.55 $ * $Aliases: NFC_FRI1.1_WK1023_R35_2,NFC_FRI1.1_WK1023_R35_1 $ * */ /*************************** Includes *******************************/ #include <phNfcTypes.h> #include <phNfcStatus.h> #include <phOsalNfc.h> #include <phOsalNfc_Timer.h> #include <phNfcInterface.h> #include <phLlcNfc.h> #include <phLlcNfc_DataTypes.h> #include <phLlcNfc_Interface.h> #include <phLlcNfc_Frame.h> #include <phLlcNfc_Timer.h> /*********************** End of includes ****************************/ /***************************** Macros *******************************/ /**< Timer for connection timer index */ #define PH_LLCNFC_CONNECTION_TO_INDEX (0x00) /**< Maximum guard timer can be present */ #define PH_LLCNFC_MAX_GUARD_TIMER (0x04) /** Connection time out bit to set */ #define PH_LLCNFC_CON_TO_BIT (0) /** Guard time out bit to set */ #define PH_LLCNFC_GUARD_TO_BIT (1) /** Ack time out bit to set */ #define PH_LLCNFC_ACK_TO_BIT (2) /** No of bits to set */ #define PH_LLCNFC_TO_NOOFBITS (1) /** Connection time out bit value */ #define PH_LLCNFC_CON_TO_BIT_VAL (0x01) /** Guard time out bit to set */ #define PH_LLCNFC_GUARD_TO_BIT_VAL (0x02) /** ACK time out bit to set */ #define PH_LLCNFC_ACK_TO_BIT_VAL (0x04) #define GUARD_TO_URSET /************************ End of macros *****************************/ /*********************** Local functions ****************************/ /* This callback is for guard time out */ #ifdef LLC_TIMER_ENABLE static void phLlcNfc_GuardTimeoutCb ( uint32_t TimerId, void *pContext ); #ifdef PIGGY_BACK /* This callback is for acknowledge time out */ static void phLlcNfc_AckTimeoutCb ( uint32_t TimerId ); #endif /* #ifdef PIGGY_BACK */ /* This callback is for connection time out */ static void phLlcNfc_ConnectionTimeoutCb ( uint32_t TimerId, void *pContext ); #endif /* #ifdef LLC_TIMER_ENABLE */ /******************** End of Local functions ************************/ /********************** Global variables ****************************/ static phLlcNfc_Context_t *gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt = NULL; /******************** End of Global Variables ***********************/ NFCSTATUS phLlcNfc_TimerInit( phLlcNfc_Context_t *psLlcCtxt ) { NFCSTATUS result = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_LLC, NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); uint8_t index = 0; if (NULL != psLlcCtxt) { result = NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS; gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt = psLlcCtxt; while (index < PH_LLCNFC_MAX_TIMER_USED) { #ifdef LLC_TIMER_ENABLE gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt->s_timerinfo.timer_id[index] = PH_OSALNFC_INVALID_TIMER_ID; #endif /* #ifdef LLC_TIMER_ENABLE */ index++; } } return result; } void phLlcNfc_TimerUnInit( phLlcNfc_Context_t *psLlcCtxt ) { uint8_t index = 0; if ((NULL != gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt) && (gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt == psLlcCtxt)) { while (index <= PH_LLCNFC_ACKTIMER) { if (PH_LLCNFC_GUARDTIMER == index) { phLlcNfc_StopTimers (index, gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt->s_timerinfo.guard_to_count); } else { phLlcNfc_StopTimers (index, 0); } index++; } phLlcNfc_DeleteTimer(); } } void phLlcNfc_CreateTimers(void) { uint8_t index = 0; while (index < PH_LLCNFC_MAX_TIMER_USED) { #ifdef LLC_TIMER_ENABLE gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt->s_timerinfo.timer_id[index] = phOsalNfc_Timer_Create(); #endif /* #ifdef LLC_TIMER_ENABLE */ index++; } return; } NFCSTATUS phLlcNfc_StartTimers ( uint8_t TimerType, uint8_t ns_value ) { NFCSTATUS result = NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS; #ifdef LLC_TIMER_ENABLE uint32_t timerid = 0; uint8_t timerstarted = 0; uint8_t timer_count = 0; uint16_t timer_resolution = 0; ppCallBck_t Callback = NULL; phLlcNfc_Timerinfo_t *ps_timer_info = NULL; ps_timer_info = &(gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt->s_timerinfo); PHNFC_UNUSED_VARIABLE(result); PH_LLCNFC_PRINT("\n\nLLC : START TIMER CALLED\n\n"); /* Depending on the timer type, use the Osal callback */ switch(TimerType) { case PH_LLCNFC_CONNECTIONTIMER: { /* Get the connection timer flag */ timerstarted = (uint8_t) GET_BITS8(ps_timer_info->timer_flag, PH_LLCNFC_CON_TO_BIT, PH_LLCNFC_TO_NOOFBITS); if (0 == timerstarted) { /* Timer not started, so start the timer */ gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt->s_timerinfo.timer_flag = (uint8_t) SET_BITS8 (ps_timer_info->timer_flag, PH_LLCNFC_CON_TO_BIT, PH_LLCNFC_TO_NOOFBITS, (PH_LLCNFC_CON_TO_BIT + 1)); } timerid = ps_timer_info->timer_id[PH_LLCNFC_CONNECTION_TO_INDEX]; Callback = (ppCallBck_t)&phLlcNfc_ConnectionTimeoutCb; timer_resolution = ps_timer_info->con_to_value = (uint16_t) PH_LLCNFC_CONNECTION_TO_VALUE; break; } case PH_LLCNFC_GUARDTIMER: { if (ps_timer_info->guard_to_count < PH_LLCNFC_MAX_GUARD_TIMER) { timer_count = ps_timer_info->guard_to_count; timer_resolution = (uint16_t)PH_LLCNFC_RESOLUTION; PH_LLCNFC_DEBUG("RESOLUTION VALUE : 0x%02X\n", PH_LLCNFC_RESOLUTION); PH_LLCNFC_DEBUG("TIME-OUT VALUE : 0x%02X\n", PH_LLCNFC_GUARD_TO_VALUE); /* Get the guard timer flag */ timerstarted = (uint8_t) GET_BITS8 (ps_timer_info->timer_flag, PH_LLCNFC_GUARD_TO_BIT, PH_LLCNFC_TO_NOOFBITS); PH_LLCNFC_DEBUG("GUARD TIMER NS INDEX : 0x%02X\n", ns_value); PH_LLCNFC_DEBUG("GUARD TIMER COUNT : 0x%02X\n", timer_count); PH_LLCNFC_DEBUG("GUARD TIMER STARTED : 0x%02X\n", timerstarted); if (0 == timerstarted) { /* Timer not started, so start the timer */ ps_timer_info->timer_flag = (uint8_t) SET_BITS8 (ps_timer_info->timer_flag, PH_LLCNFC_GUARD_TO_BIT, PH_LLCNFC_TO_NOOFBITS, PH_LLCNFC_GUARD_TO_BIT); } timerid = ps_timer_info->timer_id[PH_LLCNFC_GUARDTIMER]; Callback = (ppCallBck_t)&phLlcNfc_GuardTimeoutCb; /* Guard time out value */ ps_timer_info->guard_to_value[timer_count] = (uint16_t) PH_LLCNFC_GUARD_TO_VALUE; ps_timer_info->timer_ns_value[timer_count] = ns_value; ps_timer_info->frame_type[timer_count] = (uint8_t)invalid_frame; ps_timer_info->iframe_send_count[timer_count] = 0; if ((timer_count > 0) && (ps_timer_info->guard_to_value[(timer_count - 1)] >= PH_LLCNFC_GUARD_TO_VALUE)) { /* If the timer has been started already and the value is same as the previous means that timer has still not expired, so the time out value is increased by a resolution */ ps_timer_info->guard_to_value[timer_count] = (uint16_t) (ps_timer_info->guard_to_value[(timer_count - 1)] + PH_LLCNFC_RESOLUTION); } PH_LLCNFC_DEBUG("GUARD TIMER VALUE : 0x%04X\n", ps_timer_info->guard_to_value[timer_count]); ps_timer_info->guard_to_count = (uint8_t)( ps_timer_info->guard_to_count + 1); } else { /* TIMER should not start, because the time out count has readched the limit */ timerstarted = TRUE; } break; } #ifdef PIGGY_BACK case PH_LLCNFC_ACKTIMER: { /* Get the ack timer flag */ timerstarted = (uint8_t)GET_BITS8 ( ps_timer_info->timer_flag, PH_LLCNFC_ACK_TO_BIT, PH_LLCNFC_TO_NOOFBITS); if (FALSE == timerstarted) { /* Timer not started, so start the timer */ ps_timer_info->timer_flag = (uint8_t) SET_BITS8 (ps_timer_info->timer_flag, PH_LLCNFC_ACK_TO_BIT, PH_LLCNFC_TO_NOOFBITS, (PH_LLCNFC_ACK_TO_BIT - 1)); } timer_resolution = ps_timer_info->ack_to_value = (uint16_t) PH_LLCNFC_ACK_TO_VALUE; timerid = ps_timer_info->timer_id[PH_LLCNFC_ACKTIMER]; Callback = (ppCallBck_t)&phLlcNfc_AckTimeoutCb; break; } #endif /* #ifdef PIGGY_BACK */ default: { result = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_LLC, NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); break; } } if ((NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS == result) && (FALSE == timerstarted)) { PH_LLCNFC_DEBUG("OSAL START TIMER CALLED TIMER ID : 0x%02X\n", timerid); phOsalNfc_Timer_Start (timerid, timer_resolution, Callback, NULL); } PH_LLCNFC_PRINT("\n\nLLC : START TIMER END\n\n"); #else /* #ifdef LLC_TIMER_ENABLE */ PHNFC_UNUSED_VARIABLE(result); PHNFC_UNUSED_VARIABLE(TimerType); PHNFC_UNUSED_VARIABLE(ns_value); #endif /* #ifdef LLC_TIMER_ENABLE */ return result; } void phLlcNfc_StopTimers ( uint8_t TimerType, uint8_t no_of_guard_to_del ) { NFCSTATUS result = NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS; #ifdef LLC_TIMER_ENABLE uint32_t timerid = 0, timerflag = FALSE; uint8_t timer_count = 0; phLlcNfc_Timerinfo_t *ps_timer_info = NULL; ps_timer_info = &(gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt->s_timerinfo); timerflag = ps_timer_info->timer_flag; PHNFC_UNUSED_VARIABLE (result); PH_LLCNFC_PRINT("\n\nLLC : STOP TIMER CALLED\n\n"); switch(TimerType) { case PH_LLCNFC_CONNECTIONTIMER: { ps_timer_info->timer_flag = (uint8_t) SET_BITS8(ps_timer_info->timer_flag, PH_LLCNFC_CON_TO_BIT, PH_LLCNFC_TO_NOOFBITS, 0); timerid = ps_timer_info->timer_id [PH_LLCNFC_CONNECTION_TO_INDEX]; break; } case PH_LLCNFC_GUARDTIMER: { uint8_t start_index = 0; timer_count = ps_timer_info->guard_to_count; PH_LLCNFC_DEBUG("GUARD TIMER COUNT BEFORE DELETE: 0x%02X\n", timer_count); PH_LLCNFC_DEBUG("GUARD TIMER TO DELETE: 0x%02X\n", no_of_guard_to_del); if (timer_count > no_of_guard_to_del) { /* The number of guard timer count is more than the guard timer to delete */ while (start_index < (timer_count - no_of_guard_to_del)) { /* Copy the previous stored timer values to the present */ ps_timer_info->guard_to_value[start_index] = (uint16_t) (ps_timer_info->guard_to_value[ (no_of_guard_to_del + start_index)]); ps_timer_info->iframe_send_count[start_index] = (uint8_t) (ps_timer_info->iframe_send_count[ (no_of_guard_to_del + start_index)]); PH_LLCNFC_DEBUG("GUARD TIMER NS INDEX DELETED : 0x%02X\n", ps_timer_info->timer_ns_value[start_index]); ps_timer_info->timer_ns_value[start_index] = (uint8_t) (ps_timer_info->timer_ns_value[ (no_of_guard_to_del + start_index)]); ps_timer_info->frame_type[start_index] = (uint8_t) (ps_timer_info->frame_type[ (no_of_guard_to_del + start_index)]); start_index = (uint8_t)(start_index + 1); } } else { while (start_index < no_of_guard_to_del) { ps_timer_info->guard_to_value[start_index] = 0; ps_timer_info->iframe_send_count[start_index] = 0; PH_LLCNFC_DEBUG("GUARD TIMER NS INDEX DELETED ELSE : 0x%02X\n", ps_timer_info->timer_ns_value[start_index]); ps_timer_info->timer_ns_value[start_index] = 0; ps_timer_info->frame_type[start_index] = 0; start_index = (uint8_t)(start_index + 1); } } if (timer_count >= no_of_guard_to_del) { timer_count = (uint8_t)(timer_count - no_of_guard_to_del); } else { if (0 != no_of_guard_to_del) { timer_count = 0; } } timerid = ps_timer_info->timer_id[PH_LLCNFC_GUARDTIMER]; ps_timer_info->guard_to_count = timer_count; PH_LLCNFC_DEBUG("GUARD TIMER COUNT AFTER DELETE: 0x%02X\n", timer_count); if (0 == ps_timer_info->guard_to_count) { /* This means that there are no frames to run guard timer, so set the timer flag to 0 */ ps_timer_info->timer_flag = (uint8_t) SET_BITS8 (ps_timer_info->timer_flag, PH_LLCNFC_GUARD_TO_BIT, PH_LLCNFC_TO_NOOFBITS, 0); } else { timerflag = 0; } break; } #ifdef PIGGY_BACK case PH_LLCNFC_ACKTIMER: { timerflag = (timerflag & PH_LLCNFC_ACK_TO_BIT_VAL); ps_timer_info->timer_flag = (uint8_t) SET_BITS8 (ps_timer_info->timer_flag, PH_LLCNFC_ACK_TO_BIT, PH_LLCNFC_TO_NOOFBITS, 0); timerid = ps_timer_info->timer_id[PH_LLCNFC_ACKTIMER]; ps_timer_info->ack_to_value = 0; break; } #endif /* #ifdef PIGGY_BACK */ default: { result = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_LLC, NFCSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); break; } } if ((NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS == result) && (timerflag > 0)) { PH_LLCNFC_DEBUG("OSAL STOP TIMER CALLED TIMER ID : 0x%02X\n", timerid); phOsalNfc_Timer_Stop (timerid); } PH_LLCNFC_PRINT("\n\nLLC : STOP TIMER END\n\n"); #else /* #ifdef LLC_TIMER_ENABLE */ PHNFC_UNUSED_VARIABLE (result); PHNFC_UNUSED_VARIABLE (TimerType); PHNFC_UNUSED_VARIABLE (no_of_guard_to_del); #endif /* #ifdef LLC_TIMER_ENABLE */ } void phLlcNfc_StopAllTimers (void) { #ifdef LLC_TIMER_ENABLE phLlcNfc_Timerinfo_t *ps_timer_info = NULL; uint8_t timer_started = 0; uint32_t timerid = 0; uint8_t timer_index = 0; ps_timer_info = &(gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt->s_timerinfo); PH_LLCNFC_PRINT("\n\nLLC : STOP ALL TIMERS CALLED \n\n"); timerid = ps_timer_info->timer_id[timer_index]; timer_started = (uint8_t) GET_BITS8(ps_timer_info->timer_flag, PH_LLCNFC_CON_TO_BIT, PH_LLCNFC_TO_NOOFBITS); PH_LLCNFC_DEBUG("CONNECTION TIMER ID: 0x%02X\n", timerid); if (0 != timer_started) { /* Connection timer is started, so now stop it */ ps_timer_info->timer_flag = (uint8_t) SET_BITS8 (ps_timer_info->timer_flag, PH_LLCNFC_CON_TO_BIT, PH_LLCNFC_TO_NOOFBITS, 0); #if 0 ps_timer_info->con_to_value = 0; #endif /* #if 0 */ phOsalNfc_Timer_Stop (timerid); } timer_index = (uint8_t)(timer_index + 1); timerid = ps_timer_info->timer_id[timer_index]; timer_started = (uint8_t)GET_BITS8 (ps_timer_info->timer_flag, PH_LLCNFC_GUARD_TO_BIT, PH_LLCNFC_TO_NOOFBITS); if (0 != timer_started) { /* Guard timer is already started */ ps_timer_info->timer_flag = (uint8_t) SET_BITS8 (ps_timer_info->timer_flag, PH_LLCNFC_GUARD_TO_BIT, PH_LLCNFC_TO_NOOFBITS, 0); timer_index = 0; ps_timer_info->guard_to_count = 0; #if 0 /* Reset all the guard timer related variables */ while (timer_index < ps_timer_info->guard_to_count) { ps_timer_info->guard_to_value[timer_index] = 0; ps_timer_info->iframe_send_count[timer_index] = 0; timer_index = (uint8_t)(timer_index + 1); } #endif /* #if 0 */ PH_LLCNFC_DEBUG("GUARD TIMER ID: 0x%02X\n", timerid); /* Stop the timer */ phOsalNfc_Timer_Stop (timerid); PH_LLCNFC_PRINT("\n\nLLC : STOP ALL TIMERS END \n\n"); } #endif /* #ifdef LLC_TIMER_ENABLE */ } void phLlcNfc_DeleteTimer (void) { uint8_t index = 0; while (index < PH_LLCNFC_MAX_TIMER_USED) { #ifdef LLC_TIMER_ENABLE phOsalNfc_Timer_Delete( gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt->s_timerinfo.timer_id[index]); gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt->s_timerinfo.timer_id[index] = PH_OSALNFC_INVALID_TIMER_ID; #endif /* #ifdef LLC_TIMER_ENABLE */ index++; } } #ifdef LLC_TIMER_ENABLE #define LLC_GUARD_TIMER_RETRIES (0x03U) static void phLlcNfc_GuardTimeoutCb ( uint32_t TimerId, void *pContext ) { NFCSTATUS result = NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS; phLlcNfc_Timerinfo_t *ps_timer_info = NULL; phLlcNfc_Frame_t *ps_frame_info = NULL; phLlcNfc_LlcPacket_t s_packet_info; uint8_t index = 0; /* zero_to_index = Time out index has become 0 */ uint8_t zero_to_index = 0; #if defined (GUARD_TO_ERROR) phNfc_sCompletionInfo_t notifyinfo = {0,0,0}; #endif /* #if defined (GUARD_TO_ERROR) */ PH_LLCNFC_PRINT("\n\nLLC : GUARD TIMEOUT CB CALLED \n\n"); if ((NULL != gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt) && (TimerId == gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt->s_timerinfo.timer_id[PH_LLCNFC_GUARDTIMER]) && (PH_LLCNFC_GUARD_TO_BIT_VAL == (gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt->s_timerinfo.timer_flag & PH_LLCNFC_GUARD_TO_BIT_VAL))) { uint8_t timer_expired = FALSE; ps_frame_info = &(gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt->s_frameinfo); ps_timer_info = &(gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt->s_timerinfo); #if !defined (CYCLIC_TIMER) phOsalNfc_Timer_Stop( ps_timer_info->timer_id[PH_LLCNFC_GUARDTIMER]); #endif PH_LLCNFC_DEBUG("NO OF TIMEOUT COUNT : 0x%02X\n", ps_timer_info->guard_to_count); /* Loop is completely depending on the number of different LLC send called */ while (index < ps_timer_info->guard_to_count) { /* This loop runs for all the timer present in the data structure. This means if there are 2 I frame has been sent and response is not received for the I frames sent then the each time this timer expires, the time out value is decremented by the PH_LLCNFC_RESOLUTION value */ if (0 != ps_timer_info->guard_to_value[index]) { /* If timer value is not zero then enter, this means that the value is not zero */ if (ps_timer_info->guard_to_value[index] > 0) { if (ps_timer_info->guard_to_value[index] >= PH_LLCNFC_RESOLUTION) { ps_timer_info->guard_to_value[index] = (uint16_t) (ps_timer_info->guard_to_value[index] - PH_LLCNFC_RESOLUTION); } else { ps_timer_info->guard_to_value[index] = 0; } } if (0 == ps_timer_info->guard_to_value[index]) { /* Timer value has expired, so resend has to be done Timer value is 0 */ ps_timer_info->frame_type[index] = (uint8_t)resend_i_frame; if (FALSE == timer_expired) { /* As the statement is in the loop, so there are possibilities of more than 1 timer value can be 0, so if previous timer value has already been 0, then again dont change the index */ zero_to_index = index; timer_expired = TRUE; } } } index = (uint8_t)(index + 1); } #if !defined (CYCLIC_TIMER) /* Start the timer again */ phOsalNfc_Timer_Start( ps_timer_info->timer_id[PH_LLCNFC_GUARDTIMER], PH_LLCNFC_RESOLUTION, phLlcNfc_GuardTimeoutCb, NULL); #endif PH_LLCNFC_DEBUG("TIMER EXPIRED : 0x%02X\n", timer_expired); if (TRUE == timer_expired) { PH_LLCNFC_DEBUG("TIMER EXPIRED INDEX: 0x%02X\n", zero_to_index); PH_LLCNFC_DEBUG("TIMER EXPIRED NS INDEX: 0x%02X\n", ps_timer_info->timer_ns_value[zero_to_index]); PH_LLCNFC_DEBUG("TIMER EXPIRED RETRIES : 0x%02X\n", ps_timer_info->iframe_send_count[zero_to_index]); PH_LLCNFC_DEBUG("TIMER EXPIRED GUARD TIME-OUT COUNT: 0x%02X\n", ps_timer_info->guard_to_value[zero_to_index]); if ((0 == ps_timer_info->guard_to_value[zero_to_index]) && (ps_timer_info->iframe_send_count[zero_to_index] < LLC_GUARD_TIMER_RETRIES)) { if (ps_frame_info->s_send_store.winsize_cnt > 0) { uint8_t start_index = 0; uint8_t timer_count = 0; uint8_t while_exit = FALSE; timer_count = ps_timer_info->guard_to_count; /* Check before changing the index to resend, if index already exist then dont set the index */ while ((FALSE == while_exit) && (start_index < timer_count)) { if (resend_i_frame == ps_timer_info->frame_type[start_index]) { while_exit = TRUE; } else { start_index = (uint8_t)(start_index + 1); } } if (FALSE == while_exit) { /* This " ps_timer_info->index_to_send " member is useful, when 2 time out values are 0, then only first timed out value has to be resent and other has to wait until the the first timed out I frame is resent This statement is executed only if, none of the timer has expires previously, this is the first timer in the list that has time out value has 0 */ ps_timer_info->index_to_send = zero_to_index; } else { /* This statement is executed only if, any one of the time out value was 0 previously, so first resend has to be done for the previous I frame, so the index is set to the previous I frame */ ps_timer_info->index_to_send = start_index; } /* Now resend the frame stored */ result = phLlcNfc_H_SendTimedOutIFrame (gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt, &(ps_frame_info->s_send_store), 0); } } else { if ((LLC_GUARD_TIMER_RETRIES == ps_timer_info->iframe_send_count[zero_to_index]) && (NULL != gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt->cb_for_if.notify)) { phLlcNfc_StopAllTimers (); #if defined (GUARD_TO_ERROR) notifyinfo.status = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_LLC, NFCSTATUS_BOARD_COMMUNICATION_ERROR); #if 0 phOsalNfc_RaiseException(phOsalNfc_e_UnrecovFirmwareErr,1); #endif /* #if 0 */ /* Resend done, no answer from the device */ gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt->cb_for_if.notify ( gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt->cb_for_if.pif_ctxt, gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt->phwinfo, NFC_NOTIFY_DEVICE_ERROR, ¬ifyinfo); #endif /* #if defined (GUARD_TO_ERROR) */ #if (!defined (GUARD_TO_ERROR) && defined (GUARD_TO_URSET)) PH_LLCNFC_PRINT("U-RSET IS SENT \n"); result = phLlcNfc_H_CreateUFramePayload(gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt, &(s_packet_info), &(s_packet_info.llcbuf_len), phLlcNfc_e_rset); result = phLlcNfc_Interface_Write(gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt, (uint8_t*)&(s_packet_info.s_llcbuf), (uint32_t)s_packet_info.llcbuf_len); ps_frame_info->write_status = result; if (NFCSTATUS_PENDING == result) { /* Start the timer */ result = phLlcNfc_StartTimers (PH_LLCNFC_CONNECTIONTIMER, 0); if (NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS == result) { ps_frame_info->retry_cnt = 0; gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt->s_frameinfo.sent_frame_type = u_rset_frame; result = NFCSTATUS_PENDING; } } else { if (NFCSTATUS_BUSY == PHNFCSTATUS (result)) { ps_frame_info->write_wait_call = u_rset_frame; } } #endif /* #if defined (GUARD_TO_ERROR) */ } } } } PH_LLCNFC_PRINT("\n\nLLC : GUARD TIMEOUT CB END\n\n"); } #ifdef PIGGY_BACK static void phLlcNfc_AckTimeoutCb ( uint32_t TimerId ) { NFCSTATUS result = NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS; phLlcNfc_Frame_t *ps_frame_info = NULL; phLlcNfc_Timerinfo_t *ps_timer_info = NULL; phLlcNfc_LlcPacket_t s_packet_info; PH_LLCNFC_PRINT("\n\nLLC : ACK TIMEOUT CB CALLED\n\n"); if ((NULL != gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt) && (TimerId == gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt->s_timerinfo.timer_id[PH_LLCNFC_ACKTIMER]) && (PH_LLCNFC_ACK_TO_BIT_VAL == (gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt->s_timerinfo.timer_flag & PH_LLCNFC_ACK_TO_BIT_VAL))) { ps_frame_info = &(gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt->s_frameinfo); ps_timer_info = &(gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt->s_timerinfo); phLlcNfc_StopTimers (PH_LLCNFC_ACKTIMER, 0); if (NFCSTATUS_BUSY == PHNFCSTATUS (ps_frame_info->write_status)) { /* Any how write cannot be done and some frame is ready to be sent so this frame will act as the ACK */ result = phLlcNfc_H_WriteWaitCall (gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt); } else { /* Create S frame */ (void)phLlcNfc_H_CreateSFramePayload (ps_frame_info, &(s_packet_info), phLlcNfc_e_rr); result = phLlcNfc_Interface_Write(gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt, (uint8_t *)&(s_packet_info.s_llcbuf), (uint32_t)(s_packet_info.llcbuf_len)); if (NFCSTATUS_PENDING == result) { if (0 == ps_frame_info->send_error_count) { ps_frame_info->write_wait_call = invalid_frame; } ps_frame_info->sent_frame_type = s_frame; } else { if (invalid_frame == ps_frame_info->write_wait_call) { ps_frame_info->write_wait_call = s_frame; } } } } /* ACK is sent, so reset the response received count */ gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt->s_frameinfo.resp_recvd_count = 0; PH_LLCNFC_PRINT("\n\nLLC : ACK TIMEOUT CB END\n\n"); } #endif /* #ifdef PIGGY_BACK */ static void phLlcNfc_ConnectionTimeoutCb ( uint32_t TimerId, void *pContext ) { NFCSTATUS result = NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS; phNfc_sCompletionInfo_t notifyinfo = {0,0,0}; pphNfcIF_Notification_CB_t notifyul = NULL; void *p_upperctxt = NULL; phLlcNfc_Frame_t *ps_frame_info = NULL; phLlcNfc_Timerinfo_t *ps_timer_info = NULL; phLlcNfc_LlcPacket_t s_packet_info; PH_LLCNFC_PRINT("\n\nLLC : CONNECTION TIMEOUT CB CALLED\n\n"); if ((NULL != gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt) && (TimerId == gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt->s_timerinfo.timer_id[PH_LLCNFC_CONNECTIONTIMER]) && (PH_LLCNFC_CON_TO_BIT_VAL == (gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt->s_timerinfo.timer_flag & PH_LLCNFC_CON_TO_BIT_VAL))) { ps_frame_info = &(gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt->s_frameinfo); ps_timer_info = &(gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt->s_timerinfo); if (ps_timer_info->con_to_value > 0) { #if !defined (CYCLIC_TIMER) phOsalNfc_Timer_Stop( ps_timer_info->timer_id[PH_LLCNFC_CONNECTIONTIMER]); /* phLlcNfc_StopTimers(PH_LLCNFC_CONNECTIONTIMER, 0); */ #endif ps_timer_info->con_to_value = 0; if (0 == ps_timer_info->con_to_value) { PH_LLCNFC_DEBUG("TIMER EXPIRED RETRY COUNT : %02X\n", ps_frame_info->retry_cnt); phLlcNfc_StopTimers (PH_LLCNFC_CONNECTIONTIMER, 0); if (ps_frame_info->retry_cnt < PH_LLCNFC_MAX_RETRY_COUNT) { /* Create a U frame */ result = phLlcNfc_H_CreateUFramePayload(gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt, &(s_packet_info), &(s_packet_info.llcbuf_len), phLlcNfc_e_rset); if (NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS == result) { /* Call DAL write */ result = phLlcNfc_Interface_Write (gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt, (uint8_t*)&(s_packet_info.s_llcbuf), (uint32_t)(s_packet_info.llcbuf_len)); } if (NFCSTATUS_PENDING == result) { /* Start the timer */ result = phLlcNfc_StartTimers(PH_LLCNFC_CONNECTIONTIMER, 0); if (NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS == result) { ps_frame_info->retry_cnt++; result = NFCSTATUS_PENDING; } } else { if (NFCSTATUS_BUSY == PHNFCSTATUS(result)) { result = NFCSTATUS_PENDING; } } } else { PH_LLCNFC_PRINT("RETRY COUNT LIMIT REACHED \n"); if ((ps_frame_info->retry_cnt == PH_LLCNFC_MAX_RETRY_COUNT) && (NULL != gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt->cb_for_if.notify)) { void *p_hw_info = NULL; uint8_t type = 0; p_hw_info = gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt->phwinfo; notifyinfo.status = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_LLC, NFCSTATUS_BOARD_COMMUNICATION_ERROR); notifyul = gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt->cb_for_if.notify; p_upperctxt = gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt->cb_for_if.pif_ctxt; type = NFC_NOTIFY_ERROR; if (init_u_rset_frame == ps_frame_info->sent_frame_type) { type = NFC_NOTIFY_INIT_FAILED; /* Release if, the initialisation is not complete */ result = phLlcNfc_Release(gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt, p_hw_info); gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt = NULL; } else { type = NFC_NOTIFY_DEVICE_ERROR; notifyinfo.status = PHNFCSTVAL(CID_NFC_LLC, NFCSTATUS_BOARD_COMMUNICATION_ERROR); #if 0 phOsalNfc_RaiseException(phOsalNfc_e_UnrecovFirmwareErr,1); #endif /* #if 0 */ } /* Notify the upper layer */ notifyul(p_upperctxt, p_hw_info, type, ¬ifyinfo); } } } #if !defined (CYCLIC_TIMER) else { /* Start the timer again */ phOsalNfc_Timer_Start( ps_timer_info->timer_id[PH_LLCNFC_CONNECTIONTIMER], ps_timer_info->con_to_value, phLlcNfc_ConnectionTimeoutCb, NULL); } #endif } } PH_LLCNFC_PRINT("\n\nLLC : CONNECTION TIMEOUT CB END\n\n"); } #endif /* #ifdef LLC_TIMER_ENABLE */ #ifdef LLC_URSET_NO_DELAY /* NO definition required */ #else /* #ifdef LLC_URSET_NO_DELAY */ void phLlcNfc_URSET_Delay_Notify ( uint32_t delay_id, void *pContext) { phLlcNfc_Frame_t *ps_frame_info = NULL; phNfc_sCompletionInfo_t notifyinfo = {0,0,0}; if (NULL != gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt) { ps_frame_info = &(gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt->s_frameinfo); phOsalNfc_Timer_Stop (delay_id); phOsalNfc_Timer_Delete (delay_id); if (ps_frame_info->s_send_store.winsize_cnt > 0) { #if 0 /* Resend I frame */ (void)phLlcNfc_H_SendTimedOutIFrame (gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt, &(ps_frame_info->s_send_store), 0); #else (void)phLlcNfc_H_SendUserIFrame (gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt, &(ps_frame_info->s_send_store)); #endif /* #if 0 */ gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt->state = phLlcNfc_Resend_State; } else { if ((init_u_rset_frame == ps_frame_info->sent_frame_type) && (NULL != gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt->cb_for_if.notify)) { ps_frame_info->sent_frame_type = write_resp_received; notifyinfo.status = NFCSTATUS_SUCCESS; /* Send the notification to the upper layer */ gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt->cb_for_if.notify ( gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt->cb_for_if.pif_ctxt, gpphLlcNfc_Ctxt->phwinfo, NFC_NOTIFY_INIT_COMPLETED, ¬ifyinfo); } } } } #endif /* #ifdef LLC_URSET_NO_DELAY */